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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 368 KB, 2434x797, pathetic_volume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56464555 No.56464555 [Reply] [Original]

>Where's the volume of a legit pump?
>Where's the money coming from?

THERE'S NONE! the order books are just slowly shifting upwards, AFTER AN ETF TWEET THAT WAS DELETED BULLS !!! ARE YOU OKAY IN YOUR HEADS ??

This is a fake pump.

>> No.56464566

BTC going to 0 soon.

>> No.56464591

checked. we know it's all fake but you can still make money off it. don't be retarded by trying to apply logic to crypto markets.

>> No.56464630
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I want to get in, but I am afraid of getting caught in the dump. I am also already caught in the pump.

>> No.56464659

I feel like the ETF will get "delisted" somehow next month

>> No.56464681

We don't need volume to establish higher highs because prices are so depressed and volume has been low so long. If we get actual volume back we'll be at 50k in 3 days.

>> No.56464696

There’s hype in the normie sphere. I’m already getting texts from fellow normies excited about their new found wealth.

>> No.56464783

I keep reading that increasingly in various shady prophecies. And I'm not even sure it can't get close if the whole market does the rugpull of a century in a few weeks/months. I'm so damn suspicious of this rally. What is your statement based on?

>> No.56464806

dont buy then lol

>> No.56464836

Retailers became hodlers. Only 2M Bitcoin on exchanges. You are a fucking retard, please kill yourself.

>> No.56464845
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I don't think it will go to 0, Ponzies usually are one shot. This is the best of them all and an infinite one, that resets every 4 years.

>> No.56464851


>> No.56464863
File: 51 KB, 630x630, 532135017212214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is a fake pump
he doesn't know

>> No.56464866

If retail hodl, and they are not buying then who?
Just read gain what you have written.

>> No.56465184

and yes
orderbooks represent supply and demand
currently supply is going down
and sergey's dumps aren't doing enough

>> No.56465255

Absolut retard take, 90% of BTC were not traded for months because no one is stupid enough to sell at these prices.

Supressing price only works until the last retard sold. Everyone still in now knows the real value of BTC

>> No.56465274

>dumps from 67k to 15k on equally low volume
Cry more nerd

>> No.56465293

So you're saying we haven't even started yet

>> No.56465331


The problem that you fail to see, is that no one buying, that's what pic rel is showing.

It was dumped against retail well, you retard. They are doing the same.

>> No.56465354

Doesn't matter. At some random day some fat-stacked fuck institution will suddenly dump a bajillion dollars, another few billion tether will get printed and viola - the volume will magically re-appear.

>> No.56465408

because there is much less btc on exchanges than before.

>> No.56465447

>It was dumped against retail well, you retard. They are doing the same.
So what is the point of this thread? Just ride the waves dumbass.

>> No.56465472

Price going up says otherwise

>> No.56465488

> Just ride the waves dumbass.
I can't ride what I can't predict, I am riding what makes sense for me. I just have to weather the pump and ride the slide down. Once I make enough money I will leave crypto and study finance, and trade my money like professionals in the real economy.

>> No.56465495
File: 55 KB, 890x696, 1683388209483625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Initiate Operation Pain

>> No.56465519

You're looking at volume for a single exchange that no one uses anymore genius

>> No.56465552

op is retarded

>> No.56465575
File: 430 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot from 2023-10-25 18-47-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic rel is from Binance. same.
Have you ever heard about arbitrage?
Volume is almost the same on exchanges proportional to the size of the exchange.

>> No.56465654

Look at this retard, lmao

>the real economy
>like professionals

>> No.56465664

Yes I have heard of arbitrage. Have you heard of USDT? People seem to forget that USDT grew to a multibillion dollar market cap and is where most of the volume takes place.

>> No.56465718

LMAO, listen to yourself you delusional retard. You are late to crypto. And you will never make money without proper education in the real economy.
In the crypto no education is needed, just become an early adopter or an exchange. Otherwise you will be pumped and dumped.

>> No.56465750

It's not we got more buyers. We just ran out of sellers. It means the bottom was in we just need to wait for money for the pump to start (hunt it hasn't started yet)

>> No.56466154
File: 24 KB, 580x259, 1329857448045365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once I make enough money I will leave crypto and study finance, and trade my money like professionals in the real economy.

>> No.56466216

That's something you are incapable of. Reflecting upon your life choices. you need at least 3 digits IQ to think like this.

>> No.56466238

>where's the volume?
At the top when the big players will dump (100+k)

>> No.56466242

You sound very neurotic. High iq + neuroticism is a curse, anon. Not a blessing.

>> No.56466254

Where will this money come from? Retail doesn't have any, does it?

>> No.56466270

listen bruv, I didn't mean to upset you. I really wish you well in your future endevours and a clear mind for your life choices.

>> No.56466277
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>High iq + neuroticism is a curse

>> No.56466298
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>> No.56466362
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It is not being upset, it's like living in the stone age trying to show people the wheel and do the right thing, but everyone is mocking you. No professional trader with a proper education would touch crypto. In order for wojak's to evolve they have to make that step, to get education and enter the real economy. I really feel sorry for you all. But nothing is easy or free in this world. You have to work towards it. Financial independence takes a lot of effort, instead of waiting to get pumped and dumped in a rigged game. At least in the real economy regulators are watching. I am sick and tired of the crypto space.

>> No.56466381

>comparing the literal bullrun a year after the halving to a small pump 5 months before the havling
You lost all your money shorting and now you seethe uncontrollably.

>> No.56466393

9/11 happening again is million times more likely than BTC going to 0

>> No.56466398
File: 454 KB, 2434x797, IMG_20231025_185201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess these pumps with similar volume didn't send it for months straight then

>> No.56466405

I am still short retard, I am a responsible 1 X shorter. Good luck getting to my liquidation at 90k

>> No.56466421

Exactly! volume less pumps always dump.

>> No.56466428
File: 82 KB, 1671x649, literallythiseasy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen here retards. I'm right and you are right as long as you agree with me, so open your ears and thank me later (or just die today for what i care).

This chart doesn't have price predictions of any kind. The only variable that's used is time, specifically the color of the line corresponds to the distance in days to the halving.
As anyone with a brain already knew, the absolute bottom of the cycle is always reached during the green days (the red circles), so there's no doubt that's behind us and it will never go under 16k again. Note that even with the pandemic in 2020 (blue days), it never went under what it reached in the green days.
So, if you have any order between 0 and 16k you are delusional and you can cancel them right now, they will never fill.
Now, we are entering the green-to-blue days (the green arrows), which are usually mostly crabbing, BUT a dump is still VERY possible, as we have seen in 2020 (remember: the news follow the cycle and not the other way around). Specifically, there's a CME gap around 20k that could get filled in a sudden wick down.
Right now the volume is also dying which can mean a dump in the short term.
If we remove the 2020 anomaly, however, for the next year we are mostly talking about crabbing until the red-to-yellow days - but most importantly you shouldn't sell before the full yellow days, which won't be until late 2025 (2 YEARS from now).
I repeat that all this is TOTALLY INDEPENDENT from price predictions of any kind, so you should sell in the yellow days NO MATTER THE PRICE (my personal prediction is 180k but that doesn't matter, you better sell in the yellow days even if you don't hit your targets).

Follow this word by word, or don't and suffer. Goodbye.

>> No.56466430

>Literally admitting a bias
What a retard. You are still losing money by not being long, brainlet.

>> No.56466452

After 18 weeks and x2

>> No.56466473

I can't be thrown around at every move, that is my conclusion after trading for 6 years. I need to chill and take profits when the price moves in my favor, and not panic follow the move like I used to do. My approach is statistically validated from 6 years of trading, starting the last peak I finally made money. I made 500% in 2023 so far.

>> No.56466491

Finally a man of culture who recognises X axis targets are far more important than Y axis

>> No.56466512
File: 2.12 MB, 1288x1786, 1648560059002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally a human I can argue with. here's a pic rel for you.
Everything you said I agree with, I think 20k is even too low. more like 22K

>> No.56466531
File: 54 KB, 994x801, Obd1V1o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My conclusion after trading for 6 years is giving conveniently manipulated images and being strongly biased with no intention of changing my narrative.
Sound like you wasted 6 years.

>> No.56466589

> Sound like you wasted 6 years

Not really, during those 6 years I learned what not to do, which is to FOMO and lower my leverage. My only bias is to make money. However, nice fancy unproper use of "bias".

>> No.56466596

In the real economy you will still get rekt, just by more sophisticated means.

>> No.56466604

>no argument
Concession accepted.

>> No.56466610

>this rally is fake!
>no being short does not mean I am biased!
Jesus, anon.

>> No.56466634

Not with proper education. In finance they will teach what a hedge is, for when you get rekt. Something no one ever heard of in this board.
Like I said my bias is not to lose money. My short will be closed at my target

>> No.56466681

>My short will be closed at my target
Tell us what your "target" is so that I can keep a record of all these posts for when you get liquidated at 90k without ever going back to that target of yours and post them in threads were we laugh at bears.

>> No.56466685

i looked at your chart, you are comparing two different resistances. At first it was before the resistance broke, so its normal for volume to be low. At the second the resistance broke but still no volume. I won't argue anymore after this. Please sell everything you have and join the pump. You are just not worth it.

>> No.56466716

I will probably close at 24 k.

>when you get liquidated at 90k

I can still push my liquidation higher, there's very low chance for me to get liquidated. because I am well hedged.

>> No.56466855

>you are comparing two different resistances
That's rich from the guy comparing the literal bullrun impulse a year after the halving to a small pump 5-6 months before the halving.
Literally no argument. Concession accepted.
>I will probably close at 24 k.
Thanks. Took screenshots of your different posts for future use. Looking forward to the day it hits 90k after not touching 24k and posting. Hope you are still around and see the post in the catalog when that happens.

>> No.56466874

and posting about it*

>> No.56466889

You probably started trading in the last bull run.
I accepted your concession a long time ago, since I saw your char
> took screenshots of your different posts for future use.
Good, I did to.

>> No.56466960

i also think we will be in for a dump but i don't think this rally is over yet. i think it will pump a bit more before it dumps before the havening. last time it was covid that made it dump, maybe this time it will have to do with the bs in Gaza
do you think it will pump a bit more before it dumps?

>> No.56467030

It will pump until that candle the make everyone want to sell their babies and FOMO in shows up. It can be 40k, 50k how knows, just watch out for that huge candle with volume.

>> No.56467159

yes, exactly. that's what i have been waiting for as well. i take it you will be selling once you see that candle and then waiting for a similar candle with high sell volume on the way down?
it's a good idea to plan ahead, for me im looking for 48k~ then down in the low 20ks for a buy back. i will be watching the charts for deviations, though. im going to attempt to ride the wave without getting burned. easier said than done, however

>> No.56467212

I am already have my short set up. I just have to maintain it to not get liquidated, since I don't know where it peaks.
If I were you I would divide my short position into 10 parts, and short one part every 2 percent move up, as a way to DCA and not miss the dump.

>> No.56467237

i appreciate the advice and i wish you good luck, brother

>> No.56467357

much of the volume that o.p has labelled retail pump was connected to binance trading fees.
Volume goes up when trading fees go down. It isn't just because of that but it evidently makes a big difference.

So much bitcoin is ''off'' the market, in custody, to not be touched no matter the circumstances for years. How much actually gets traded is up for debate but it's clear that with higher trading fees and less 'actual' bitcoin actually moving, the price was, and is, primed for a pump.

traders don't just buy low and sell high.
they have directions they need to push the market, narratives unfold and they aspire to make the movie that suits the story. they take the price where they've been told to take the price and along the way they buy low sell high, but paying attention to the time x-axis.

Seems like many anons on here have some type of trauma with pump and dumps and are so paranoid they are about to get dumped on again.
Anons, you aren't the big play this time. Pension funds, investment funds are coming in. Everybody with a diversified portfolio is going to have a piece of the pie. They won't get everybody in if the price never gets beyond half of its ath.

Small dumpage is likely to still occur.
The big dumpage is likely some time away.

This is a doomer board. Always has been. They've seen worst recession ever around the corner for the last 10 years. They aren't wrong to think one day it will come. But they'll spend half their life calling it wrong and then tell everybody how right they were when it eventually happens.

>> No.56467368
File: 584 KB, 3419x4096, feety feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you too <3. here's some feet.

>> No.56467424
File: 89 KB, 330x223, anon_I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will honest, I didn't read, but I plan too, if this thread isn't closed by tomorrow, I will. You are touching an important issue. You are one of the few humans in this board.

>> No.56467440


you do you anon. you seem cool just the way you are.

>> No.56467465
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1669319112314262s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't have sleep, I can't focus. I am legit retarded right now like most people in this board. I will sleep and get back to you tomorrow.
Pic rel is me right now.