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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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56462894 No.56462894 [Reply] [Original]

Any ideas?

>> No.56462918

Buy and raise chickens.

>> No.56462935

>free gibs welfare phenotype

>> No.56462938
File: 118 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this has to be some kind of psyop
no one is that stupid, not even a woman

>> No.56462957

You go to your nearest welfare commissar and ask for the retarded black woman standard issue package

>Section 8

>> No.56463001
File: 157 KB, 1170x1121, ttx83suf34va1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>cuck pays of debt
>good for nothing wife leaves him for someone else

Yeah he never should have gotten serious with her. Holy fuck.

>> No.56463016

This reads like an onion headline

>> No.56463028

that's an expensive stay-at-home-wife course

>> No.56463060

Her name is Danielle Epstein, who would have thought?

>> No.56463069

Can't she suck just 2000 dicks and be done with it?

>> No.56463076

That's his wife lmao

>> No.56463085

Also Men:

>> No.56463104
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Get life insurance on that bitch. She is worth multiple times more dead than alive.

>> No.56463113
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I kinda just stopped caring about debts and taxes, what are they gonna do? kill me? dying has been on my to do list for years anyways

>> No.56463125

It not that, it the fact she $200k in the red. At that point it more economical to go abroad and get a wife.

>> No.56463144


More like

>she didn't do either, she chose the worst of both worlds in mega student debt and "ok now I'm ready to sit at home and be lazy"

>> No.56463150

>it's real

>> No.56463152
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My ex signed her school papers a month before we got married.
Enjoy, bitch.

>> No.56463168

I bet he told her that she and her husband need to just get a higher paying job or get 2 jobs, cut back on spending and eat rice and beans, and then pay back debt. After that all into mutual funds

>> No.56463175

She wanted to go to university to find a husband who would be making a lot of money, but then that didn't work out and she ended up with some guy making barely anything. That's why she has this problem

>> No.56463247
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Why are husbands expected to pay for their wifes debt? Average student loan is $20k…

That a very expensive bride price in the rest of the world.

>> No.56463267


Positively grim. They should literally have never left the house.

>> No.56463281

sometimes he'll even encourage people to get married before paying off the debt, as if that somehow improves the situation. It would make the situation far worse by increasing your household income for federal loans and exposing your assets/income to her debt.

>> No.56463298
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Easy, buy 2 sets of shrimp farming pools and set up in your home. 3 of you can haggle. Easy 33k a year for beginners

>> No.56463330
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What a confounding state of affairs.

>> No.56463334

Getting married gets you subsidized into alot of thing and if you’re spouse pays more you are in a lower tax bracket.

>> No.56463343

Stay at home moms are a meme

It’s not that fucking hard to clean a house, you don’t need to vacuum every day, you don’t need to mop the floor or dust every day. Dishwasher and laundry takes care of the most arduous remaining work so you’re basically sitting on your ass for 6 hours while the kids are in school and then you make everyone dinner

If men want stay at home wives they should be foreign because they at least know that their inherent value is sex, breeding and pampering their men. Which is a guaranteed unless you marry a Russian or Taiwanese that’ll get uppity the second they have their green card

I mean what % of stay at home wives actually do 100% of house chores? They probably still leave the man with all maintenance and hard labour, they make the kids clean up after themselves and the husband is gone 10 hours of the day at the least, 12 if he goes t the gym 14 if he has a hobby. How many of these women offer blowjobs to their husbands? Or sex whatsoever?

>> No.56463351

Are all Americucks just fucked?
>College was free for me

>> No.56463356

If you didn’t know the new form of gold diggers are stay at home wives who don’t have kids.

Look it up, they act lovely and sweet but they don’t want kids.

>> No.56463435

>gets a higher education that most people take so they can build a career
>gets six figures in debt to do it
>six figures from tax payer money
>decides she wants to be a stay at home mom instead

She borrowed hundreds of thousands of tax payer dollars so she could have a dick sucking spree and now she wants to be a traditional stay at home wife who's husband pays for her dick sucking spree.

>> No.56463447

Daily reminder that everyone gets free healthcare EXCEPT working men.

All of the following have special programs

- illegal jmmigrants
- women
- children
- native Americans
- veterans
- retirees
- students
- gov employees

>> No.56463454


Kids are actually a good deal of work. And with the cost of daycare sometimes you're coming out ahead. If you're a "stay at home mom" without kids though that's retarded.

>> No.56463469
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>tfw jews reinvent black slavery
Yes Shebooniquieia, now you have a big fancy education! Just 40 more years of labor and you will pay off the debt you owe me.
>hand rubbing intensifies

>> No.56463590


Depends on the age of the kid. Kids from 1-3 years old basically need to be monitored constantly. And babies will cry you awake at least twice a night.

If you just have one kid, and no job, it's still not that much work. But if you have like 3+ young kids, you'll probably be more exhausted at the end of the day then someone doing an office job.

>> No.56463681

if you're "exhausted" from an office job you would have been a chattel slave cleaning stables at any other point in history

>> No.56463787

Just grow some micro greens, bro. I grow microgreens and make 10k/mth. It’s so easy! And that’s just one stream of income. I have 10 streams of income that met me 50k/mth. Subscribe and like for more tips!

>> No.56463835

You're obviously a virgin, they are ALL this stupid.

>> No.56465458

Divorce and still live with your husband.
Pay would be lower, so it will be easier to negotiate a better payment plan.

>> No.56465475

>most educated
Lol in bullshit useless degrees that can be outsourced in an instant
More like the most indebt

>> No.56465564

>wants to be stay-at-home mom
>has student debt
something doesn't add up here

>> No.56465724

How is it possible to have so much student debt? I paid my loan off by the time I turned 30

>> No.56465798

>most educated

It’s all so tiresome

>> No.56465848

Divorce husband. Default and take the hit to your credit alone. Remarry husband and start over, this time avoiding college if she plans to be a stay at home wife this whole time.

>> No.56465885

I could understand getting a degree and wanting to be a stay-at-home mom when you realize family>waging

192k for not being a lawyer or doctor is insane though, these niggas probably studied at NYU to be fucking social workers with a master degree

>> No.56465888

>drop all academic competency requirements.
>force affirmative action diversity placements
>endless free gibs for blacks

>> No.56465889
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What was Dave's response?

>> No.56465925

Something like 70% of college educated women are currently in this situation. They all wanted to go to college, but next to none of them actually wanted to work. Then, among those who do work, many actively dream of quitting and becoming stay at home wives after being in the workforce for just three years or so.
You can find a massive difference in mindsets between 23-25 year old working women and 25-28 year old working women. That second group is full of vets who want out of the rat race but are too prideful to admit that entering the workforce was a mistake.

>> No.56465931

Apparently a lot of old boomer women actually are getting ready to retire with this much in student debt.
You should have to get some sort of license to take out loans.

>> No.56465962

Why does she have so much debt and no way of paying it off? Why does she not feel the drive to make good on her word and honor her debt? Why should she not have to? Why can she only find a man who makes basically minimum earnings per year? Why get the degree if you don't want to work? I didn't go to college. She did. We're both in the same boat, only she is net negative.

>> No.56466020

Lmao got eeem

>> No.56466046

>I wanna be an independent womyn
>goes in debt
>save me man!!!!!!

>> No.56466076


The scale of this is massive. So many of them end up wasting the time and resources spent to train them in university. They don't have career ambitions like men do, they never did. Just tricked into taking on massive amounts of debt for literally nothing, and ignoring their real calling in motherhood and caretaking.

>> No.56466096


Prior to "women's lib" in the 60's, something like 30% of women were working full time. Post women's lib, that number crept up to 60%. I'm willing to guess that the original number of 30% is still the real amount of women who actually want to work, and the next 30% were just indoctrinated into it and should have never bothered.

>> No.56466279

>Choice between single moms and 100 body roasties with $30k in debt
Dating in your 30s as a man really sucks

>> No.56466757

Nigga, if the beta is on 33k/pa, my best advice is he starts sucking dicks too.

>> No.56466925

Getting married and having a son netted me 10k a year in taxes and write offs back that I wasn't taking as a single earner.

>> No.56466963

Restart the game, that save file is fucked.

>> No.56467006

I would come home from work after being away for 10 hours and have to watch my son while simultaneously making dinner. Then I'd take him to the park for an hour or so before dark and then come home and play with him a couple more hours before bedtime. Almost all chores were done by me other than she would do her own laundry. Basically the only reason to keep her is that she's cheaper than having a nanny since
and she will likely put more effort into her own offspring during the day than a random woman who is going to be just as lazy.

>> No.56467072

Your stay at home wife should be home educating your children.

>> No.56467094

I guaran-fucking-tee you even after all yhat debt she still didn't get a degree.

>> No.56469278
