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File: 21 KB, 1000x1000, ava_red.71607864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56462890 No.56462890 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck this crab dumping piece of trash coin. Going down faster than you can say double spend.

>> No.56462905

double... fuck!

>> No.56462974

Sol is already x4 from the bottom, Link x2.5.

While this shit is 10% away from ATL lmao, What a terrible hold

>> No.56463075
File: 124 KB, 712x899, 1690600018251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They call it Avalanche because it only goes down.

>> No.56463137

Avalanche had (Still has) all the tools to become an obvious winner but they fucked up so bad it'll go down in history books:
>Foundation relentlessly selling (Although it's grim, This could mean they're sitting on war chest ready to be deployed back into the market at the right timing)
>Completely lost the marketing war, In a world where people take complete garbage like Polygon or mediocre shit like Solana more seriously than Avalanche there's no other explanation then colossal failure
>Failing to play on narratives which Avalanche can easily do
>Possibly fucked up with VCs and now there's no support or max bidding in sight
>Emin and Kevin turned the whole ETH community against the project for no good reason, That wouldn't be bad had ETH community/whales didn't hold 95% of the money in crypto
>Completely retarded boomer business strategy that don't work in crypto

>> No.56463213

The big issue with price right now is that it looks like Avalabs is violently dumping their shit. Together with governance it almost looks like they're on their way out.

>> No.56463272

>Completely retarded boomer business strategy that don't work in crypto

>> No.56463327
File: 125 KB, 1125x665, 1681886423058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>create a for-profit company that builds a new blockchain
>create tokens for yourself (for free), pay marketing with tokens (for free), buy partnerships with tokens (for free)
>sell the tokens for real money and exit slowly
Looks like it worked pretty damn well. Sorry baggies.

>> No.56463400

>garbage like Polygon or mediocre shit like Solana more seriously than Avalanche there's no other explanation then colossal failure

I think they played a different game like DOT. Not pushing their shit as hard or promoting stuff way in advance because they were worried about the SEC. The thing is in the end it hasn't mattered because Gensler is completely useless. So they could've just shilled the fuck out of their shit and bribed crypto influenecers like polyjeet and jewlana.

>> No.56463412

>Emin and Kevin turned the whole ETH community against the project for no good reason, That wouldn't be bad had ETH community/whales didn't hold 95% of the money in crypto
completely agree. i wonder how detrimental it was to avax to be smug assholes on twitter. and also, what made polygon/solana more successful despite being inferior tech. for polygon it's obvious: they marketed themselves as being ethereum friendly. almost all the tokens have been minted, i think it was positive for the pump.
solana execs never went full frontal against ethereum, and it was heavily shilled and propped by sbf/alameda so the whole pump was due to that. but even now without sbf, it's outperforming. they lied with their tps bullshit metrics and probably paid more influencers on twitter.

>> No.56463457

You completely forgot that Vitalik himself shilled Söylana when it was plunging below $8 last year. I have a feeling that Söylana is the chosen alt by Effereumniggers.

>> No.56463475

what did he say? he also said avax was one of the only legit projects out there

>> No.56463494

>I have a feeling that Söylana is the chosen alt by Effereumniggers.
not really what i sense. eth maxis hate all those "eth killers"

>> No.56463516


>> No.56463533

Only because they know it's not good enough to kill their fat protocol. They despise Avalanche because it shares more or less the same philosophy with Ethereum while doing everything better

>> No.56463548

that's just vitalik being nice. eth maxis are a different breed.