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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56462877 No.56462877 [Reply] [Original]

> Binance projects the ecosystem grows to $30T by 2030
> Major VCs seems to be investing heavily into this narrative
> Majority of the tokens in the ecosystem have recorder significant increase in the last few days

Could this be the narrative that pumps the most when the bull market starts?

>> No.56462943

Lol... there are a lot of trends that are coming into web3.
yes, this is one, but we can't call it next.

>> No.56462971

Yup, RIO will be the main beneficiary of it and will go to 10$.

>> No.56463004

STFU faggot, nobody's gon listen to your scam ass.

>> No.56463050

>but we can't call it next.
Binance called it one of the biggest trends to keep an eye on over the next bullrun so i think it's safe to call it the next.

>> No.56463062
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>> No.56463179
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Centrifuge (CFG) and Curio (CGT) are the forefront of RWA. fucking bullish, look at the charts last weeks

>> No.56463205

what Binance says doesn't matter, what matters is the advancements that coming into the industry, and a lot of areas are being worked on at the moment.

>> No.56463240

The binance research on RWAs really highlighted how huge the ecosystem can grow while highlighting some major players in the ecosystem.

>> No.56463242
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You must have missed something, because there's no way you're lacing these ahead of Arkefi and AllianceBlock.

>> No.56463263

Lol, check the team credentials, check their Sec compliance, check their integrations. It’s all done by the book and out of all coins they have the best shot at bringing this to reality. Others are scams and they have no connections and legal knowledge to actually do it. They’ll get fucked by the SEC, RIO won’t since it did everything right from day 1.

>> No.56463282

KEK no thx, i keep my chad rwa projects

>> No.56463296

Talking about other guys getting fucked, I'm sure you have no idea what these projects have under their hood.

>> No.56463333

CG and CGT like I'm on some scam P2E shit... I can smell your dirty ass being smoked already.

>> No.56463398


also get fucked, im up x20 already on CGT alone, and x2 on CFG.

>> No.56463446
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The Federal Reserve named Centrifuge in their recent paper btw, you utter faggot


>> No.56463519
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with the way you defend this nonsense, it's obvious you're a paid Shiller and I'm never taking you seriously.

>> No.56463555
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i give a flying fuck homie. i keep on drowning in profits while you keep seething

>> No.56463615

Idiots like this are what the janitors should be targeting. can't wait for a time when 4chan is clean from these numbwits.

>> No.56463632
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Idiots? Just stating facts monsieur

>> No.56463638
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>> No.56463673
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Lol... facts you're paid to say or the lies you tell yourself.

>> No.56463688

>8,779,314 CRDT 2.93% Circulating supply

>300,000,000 CRDT Total supply

>300,000,000 CRDT Max. supply

Explain yourself Sir

>> No.56463721
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keep changing your IP faggot. i aint getting paid, i just posted a link of fucking Federal Reserve naming Centrifuge in their paper. wtf is your problem. keep seething

>> No.56463738

Interesting thing is, coming phases of the Nexera exchange will fucking support the trading of the tokenized RWA... KEK, It's game over Y'all

>> No.56463750

What in the fuck are RWAs?

>> No.56463756
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tokenized real world assets


>> No.56463758

>Tokenized crypto bonds
>Tokenized fiat bonds
>Tokenized real world assets
it's happening

>> No.56463779

reminder that those rwa threads are made by one guy shilling rio cfg cgt allianceblock

>> No.56463792

Bskhdbn eued gw... That's how you fucking sound pajeet.
my network uses a dynamic ip, I understand your dumb brain won't know that

>> No.56463795

i dont know the OP, im just shamelessly hijacking this thread

>> No.56463801

you're looking at the wrong token

>> No.56463803
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>> No.56464264

Can the janitors kick retards like this out of biz?They contribute nothing other than shilling retarded projects that have nothing to offfer.

>> No.56464517

Stfu bozo, cfg actually one of the few legit shits out there and never had any shilling cause only chads knew. Now tards like you, know.Go buy a bag or get rekt by rwascams

>> No.56464619

Your legit shit couldn't make it to top of the list among RWAs pick on CG, any sane person knows you are full of shit!

>> No.56465266

>Could this be the narrative that pumps the most when the bull market starts?
The only narratives that have the potential to influence a bullrun now are still Defi and privacy. ETH,XMR,RAIL and any other privacy alts should be your only focus.

>> No.56465384

Centrifuge is past cycle shitcoin. New RWA coins like Polyx will BTFO your jeet curry shit coins

>> No.56465790

DUSK mainnet should be released just in time to take advantage of this

>> No.56465808

It will definitely be one of the biggest narratives in the bull market, but it's tough choosing a good asset from that narrative because it's majorly filled with big mcap projects

>> No.56465852

The best strat is the big mcap projects. The stuff that will be the infrastructure like Chainlink, Polkadot, and MakerDAO.
Buy the haystack instead of searching for the needle in the haystack.

Although still it’s a good idea to do some bets trying to buy the needle, but it should be a lower portion compared with your haystack buys.

>> No.56465863

I think those who are working on tokenizing artworks and bonds should be the winners since the sector for real estate is filled with different shitcoins

>> No.56466017

The needle is where the life changing money is, so I'd rather go for the likes of LEOX, NXRA, and others with working products and low mcaps

>> No.56466068
File: 128 KB, 800x600, god protocol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethereum and Crypto in general are tiny compared to the Avalanche that is coming.
Tokenization of Real World Assets is the next big thing.
That's somewhere between 16 trillion to 68 trillion that is about to enter the Market in the next 7 years.
(In total we are talking about 800 trillion dollar real-world assets ready to be tokenized.)
for comparison, the current crypto market cap is 0.14% and the current TVL across all chains right now is 0.00481% of the 800 trillion RWA market.
>But why Avalanche?
Currently, you have to pay about 1.5 Million dollars minimum and waste 12 Months to deploy a custom Blockchain Solution, and that's just the barebones stuff.
technically it's a massive pain in the ass and requires you to hire all kinds of highly specialized autists to make it "maybe" work.
so the entry barrier for Blockchains is high but Avalanche Subnets and Services like Ava Cloud completely change that game, with Ava Cloud anyone can nocode deploy a custom Blockchain VM in less than a minute all hooked up to every Chainlink oracle service that exists for a tiny fraction of these original costs.
Avalanche also happens to be the only network that can do this and it's the only one that has the fastest time to finality, also it's the only one that scales.
AVAX is also hardcapped and deflationary and literally everyone who has RWA to tokenize will stake AVAX directly or indirectly in some way.
AVAX (and LINK) will be on every balance sheet in the world and act as the backbone of the entire world economy.
If AVAX reaches a price of $3,000 per token the market capitalization would be 2.16 trillion USD, thats 3.18% of 68 trillion and 13.5% of the 16 trillion in the "highly conservative forecast".
>thats only 0.27% of 800 trillion.

>> No.56466092

It was a thing in the last bull market, but it came late and faded away quickly, but now I think it should do some great numbers

>> No.56466429

Anything other than the top 5 on CG at the moment, I'm not thinking of considering it

>> No.56466493

I know Arkefi that's tokenizing artworks and with as little as $100 anyone can invest in it

>> No.56466617

Several projects are building on the AVAX subnet at the moment and I that's why I'm also paying attention to it and the solid projects on it

>> No.56466701

It's tokenized real world asset and currently the hottest trend

>> No.56467156

What about Brikken anon, have you looked into them?

>> No.56468021

There will be no RWAs without oracles. Best bet now is LINK,DIA and SUPRA.

>> No.56468466

Bought a bag of NXRA if it does

>> No.56468482

You're never going to be able to cash out

>> No.56469014
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Kek, Anon's a fucking joke, he should be called JOKER.

>> No.56469077

Brag gently bout Polyx, CFG is fucking shit though.

>> No.56469215
File: 561 KB, 680x1069, 4454588787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kekkkk, get a load of those faggots. Centrifuge is basically the safest 10x you will find, and fuck off with your imaginary 50x of jeetcoins before you open your mouth now. CFG is LITERALLY a safe 10x minimum, no risk involved here. it just prints profits every fucking day since weeks.
its still only at 120mil mc and will prolly hit like 5bn, so you have a no-risk 10x, with 50x potential right here in front of you, and you still find ways to cope around it.
literally get fucked

>> No.56469465

>Centrifuge is past cycle shitcoin.

Only retards will consider buying shit like this when they can go for altcoins which offer better returns.

>> No.56469591

yeah buy your heavily diluting, 5m circ of 100m max supply "new cycle coins" and get your ass blasted by team and VC dumpings instead.
only retards around here as expected