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56462553 No.56462553 [Reply] [Original]

Every time I rent a new place I find a new reason to never own real estate. Theres always something unexpected

>roaches crawling out from behind the oven
>ant infestation crawling in through foundation cracks in a hillside property
>water coming up from under the floor when it rains
>Entire lawn dies in the hot sun without monthly sprinklers

It seems like property owners just own a big headache.

>> No.56462567

Dumb post

>> No.56462568
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yeah? and what you gonna do about it

>> No.56462572

not really the only people who idolize home ownership are those who don’t own one. especially with the costs of everything increasing through the roof.

>> No.56462574
File: 438 KB, 2000x2288, Doh Nutkinson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these avax holders are annoying, indeed!

>> No.56462579

>if I don’t water for a month in the summer, my lawn dies
Chill out zoomer

>> No.56462584

You own thousands of acres of land divided in different continents and live on a shed

>> No.56462586

Renting is cheaper than buying in 2023. Where I live rent is like 500€ a month while buying is 200k. Also you’ll have landlord fix shit for you. If you have a wife and kids buying a house in a quiet city is worth it to raise the kids. If you’re in a big city just rent and buy once you have kids.

>> No.56462592

No such thing as property ownership when you pay property taxes every month like a Spotify subscription.

>> No.56462624

Yeah it’s a dumb post. Everything OP is crying about takes a slight bit of time to fix. ie weed and feed the lawn in spring to keep it healthy throughout the summer while watering maybe once or twice a week with a sprinkler. OPs just a fat lazy pussy

>> No.56462651

You have to live somewhere. I would rather own a house and deal with the issues than have to rent and deal with the owner so he deals with the issues.

>> No.56462663

Only if you own it outright. If you have to have a mortgage anyway (especially in countries with adjustable rates) ownership is often overrated.

>> No.56462676

It’s 90% a cope because HOOMERS don’t want to feel like retards that got swindled into buying huge bags of real estate instead of investing in crypto. Sure if you timed the market correctly it can be a great deal, if not? Well you see how many people are house poor these days. Go clean the gutters and mow your lawn and spend your free time doing up keeping cuck. Your wife wants the windows redone too that will be 20k.

>> No.56462685

Cool it with the anti Robert kiyosaki

>> No.56463276

Many mortgages are in the $1000s/mo range. Do you think you couldn't solve any problem that you run into with your home within $1-2k/mo extra income?

>> No.56463370
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Not even surprised that you have AVAX baggies squatting your rentals.

>> No.56463559

>Renting is cheaper than buying in 2023
renting has never been cheaper than buying almost ever, ever
at the end of renting you're left with nothing
at any point in buying you're at least building equity (might not be great, but still there)
if your rent is only $500 a month and you're like HELL YEAH IM WINNING
but someone else is spending $1000 a month in mortgage throughout the decades they more or less get that money back when they sell it

>> No.56463588

>Entire lawn dies in the hot sun without monthly sprinklers
Just don't cut the grass and it's more resisant to heat

>> No.56463630

Lived in a biker gang owned building, former retirement home converted into individual units after retirement homes were deemed shit with covid. Went great for a while, anyone who fucked around got their head kicked through a wall by the super, you could feel safe knowing cokeheads got handled appropriately. Local leader took the super for granted, disrespected him so he walked off the job. Now its a biker slum with no super, leader lets a paranoid schizophrenic in who needs a nurse to come and force inject him with meds every day so he doesnt stab the whole building to death, almost stabs someone to death anyways. I liked him more than the nigger they let in though, who cooked meth in his car and yes if youre wondering the relevancy brought cockroaches in. The cockroaches eventually spread to everyones rooms and required exterminators. They sprayed bug posion and it probably contributed to killing my father who had an already weak liver. So nigger cockroaches killed my father TLDR. If you allow yourself to live around niggers thats what you deserve, I deserve that. He also looked into womens rooms at 3am like he was thinking about raping them, smashed a bong over an old guys head and was charged with another case of assault before he was arrested and removed from the building. Bikers let him stay after all that. Bikers are cucks.

>> No.56463633

What if the rentie invests those 500 that the mortgaged one can't?
What if the neighborhood is full of niggers after you are done with paying the mortgage?

>> No.56463697

Renting is objectively bad, owning is how you keep niggers out generally or moving farther and farther away from society. If theres a fast food place in 30 minutes drive youre too close. Thats the problem is they keep fucking spreading like a disease, you almost cant avoid them now. Im living in a French area and I actually love it, its like a barrier to most the niggers.

>> No.56463713

>spewing a bunch of polchud bullshit fed to them by glowies to demoralize them into disappearing and ending your bloodline in some rotting wood shack in the middle of no where to own le libs

>> No.56463734

they aren't roaches they're palmetto bugs

>> No.56463739

I can tell you grew up in a city and just exist among niggers because you dont know what its like to have spent your first 20 years in an all White town and to visibly see the stages of occupation, like a single nigger being the odd case, to a daily appearance, to multiple niggers all around town at almost all times. Selling drugs in the parking lots, mutt children around. All it took was some old "good" niggers moving in and it was their GRANDCHILDREN that started fucking burglarizing everyones homes shortly after. Fuck you, youre a tumor. Youre a fucking cancerous tumor living under a rock and you only show up to whine about other people who have a brain.

>> No.56463755

lmao dude get a grip you have no idea what you are talking about and making shit up in your head. I literally live in the most expensive area in the nation and saw my town turn into mexico, that doesn't mean I'm going to go kill myself in the woods like some demoralized faggot. It just means I will never mix and my kids will be even that much further ahead of the subhumans. all the whiteflight faggots abandoned all of their ancestors wealth to subhumans, now are poor in the poorest parts of the country dying on fentynal. all part of the plan, but you know that right glownigger?

>> No.56463763

have you tried not living in trailer parks?

>> No.56463767

meanwhile all the areas the chuds claim to flee / are disastrous shitholes are the most expensive places and the most desired. you can fall for psyops like a good chud and go hide but no i will keep my family homes.

>> No.56463776

Your son will be a faggot and your daughter will birth a mutt. You are tainted by capitalism, pol pot had the right idea.
>I literally live in the most expensive area in the nation
Exactly, youre the problem.
>Im rich lol lmao even like imagine having a problem with being made a minority in your own country by jews
Reparations soon bitch, its paid for with a knife in your ass.

>> No.56463778

again with your chuddoid fantasy projection. really shows what your brain obsesses over.

>> No.56463794

It's also capital that you have locked up for 30 years, the rent cuck in the meantime could be investing his paychecks more aggressively instead of dumping them into a 30 yr security

>> No.56463806
File: 83 KB, 640x764, op.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your son will be a faggot and your daughter will birth a mutt. You are tainted by capitalism, pol pot had the right idea.
>>I literally live in the most expensive area in the nation
>Exactly, youre the problem.
>>Im rich lol lmao even like imagine having a problem with being made a minority in your own country by jews
>Reparations soon bitch, its paid for with a knife in your ass.

>> No.56463808

>roaches crawling out from behind the oven
>ant infestation crawling in through foundation cracks in a hillside property
>water coming up from under the floor when it rains
>>Entire lawn dies in the hot sun without monthly sprinklers
You deal with the same shit renting, though

>> No.56463900

Oh yeah spending the first 10 years paying down just the interest at a much higher rate than rent is a great financial decision when we have parabolic options available. Holy shit. Fuck off back to the yahoo finance comment sections you stupid ass boomer.

>> No.56463940

You didn't answer any of my questions.
Detroit was great a long time ago, full of white people, all of them owners of their homes. Then one day, it wasn't.

>> No.56464007
File: 313 KB, 1026x806, detroit-fixed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So your question is this meme

>> No.56464022

What changed was around that time jews switched from things like selling liquor to dominating media and brainwashing goyim. A few decades later jews let niggers and muds in and here we are today. They stuck bayonets in boomers backs and forced them to accept mixed schools and now we have videos of like 10 year old White kids getting their jaw smashed by 8 niggers boots in the washroom, regularly.

>> No.56464117

>spreading CIA/Chink/Russhit propaganda from 4trans... for free

>> No.56464169

Waukesha happened and jews paid Darrell Brooks bail, suckstart a shotgun shill.

>> No.56464188
File: 10 KB, 378x374, c33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Waukesha happened and jews paid Darrell Brooks bail, suckstart a shotgun shill.

>> No.56464190

And jews are still doing it, so what makes you think that they won't destroy your neighborhood of choice with dindus just like they did with Detroit turning your "investment" into nothing?
My two initial points that have not been addressed still stand.

>> No.56464192

This the /AVAX/ general?

>> No.56464280

Lol, stay in your closet