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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56458785 No.56458785 [Reply] [Original]

It’s over for tech, particularly in the cybersecurity industry.

I’m selling my bags.

>> No.56458795

Fuck yeah, we literally just entered the golden timeline like 2 weeks ago. Shalom!

>> No.56458804

>particularly in the cybersecurity industry
Thank fucking god.
Hopefully we can actually get things done again.

>> No.56458816

Oh, I forgot
The start up bubble will pop because of this

>> No.56458839

the tables have turned

>> No.56458867

Damn it's a veritable hall of cost.

>> No.56458893


can you explain me whats going to happen? Is stock market gonna crash harder?

>> No.56458895

Anti-semite bros? I thought Jews controlled global finance? I don't think this fits into my world-view...

>> No.56458912

Can’t even tell who’s Jew-ing who
unless it’s orchestrated even higher up

>> No.56459025

Finance, porn, malware.

>> No.56459030
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mashallah brothers

>> No.56459200

Pasting this from marketwatch:

"The debt ratings agency forecast the Israeli economy to contract by 5% in the fourth quarter, as compared with the third quarter, before rebounding in early 2024. “The contraction will stem from security-related disruptions and reduced business activity,” as well as the drafting of large numbers of reservists, a shutdown in the tourism sector, and “a broader confidence shock.”

>> No.56459208


>> No.56459879

B-but my masturbating incels told me le juice run le world. How can the richest country in the world where each jew owns 70 goyim slave and one million dollar a month per Jew by usury dividents get its credit downgraded?

>> No.56459917

Checked WHAT you absolute fuckface?

>> No.56459940

It means I'm fact checking the thread you dumb shit.

>> No.56459990
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The financial system is just Jews jewing Jews, all the way down.

>> No.56460030

The Jewish ethnostate was a zionist Christian idea. Maybe jews are realizing they've been bamboozled.

>> No.56460044

I'm dying kek

>> No.56460224

They are killing all of the non Jews in their country and are temporarily being classified as a high risk investment due to the temporary risk of counterattacks.

>> No.56460249
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Israel has no right to exist.

>> No.56460254

you can be assured the jews behind this one will be making money off it somehow

>> No.56460333

Is there turmoil in the world of the Hebrews? Is there a Jew-coup? One hand strikes another (and cries out in pain twice).

>> No.56460372

This happened because the chuds won the culture war. The prime evils have been defeated and the world is now once again controlled by white racist men.

>> No.56460470
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>country is called Israel
>isn't real

>> No.56460494

Total chud victory

>> No.56460631


Did you miss the part where we are sending them 100 billion dollars?

>> No.56460745

the goldman sergey timeline*

>> No.56460820
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unironically evangelicals. they're worse than jews because their entire theology is about triggering the apocalypse by building the 3rd temple and zionism is a part of that. they are also in very high places in the government, picrel related.
most of that will go to iron dome missiles or someone's pocket.

>> No.56460827

I went to the Tool concert in Seattle 4 days ago and that night the timeline shifted to the redemption timeline

>> No.56461065


>> No.56461150

>halted ufo research
Why? I mean what would be a better testament to an all powerful god and hell and heaven than identifying ACTUAL demons?!?

>> No.56461165


What do they care? They will be fed free US tax payer money for all times.

>> No.56461170

Quite honestly they jewed so hard they're now jewing themselves

>> No.56461210
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They've jewed so hard they're beginning to jew themselves

>> No.56461567

That article caused virtually no outrage compared to what it should have, especially if the news cyle was quiet. Puritans, Evangelicals, and Baptists are the absolute worse when put into positions of power. Literal boostraps, greatest ally, boomers.

>> No.56461591

no shut up just be confused and scared

>> No.56461657 [DELETED] 

only way i even found the article was some anon posting it on /x/. full article btw:

some blurbs:
>Leading UFO researcher Ron James says senior figures in the US government fear aliens are in fact demons. Ron, who is Director of Media Relations for UFO research group MUFON, claims there is “a very large contingent of people” within the Pentagon who opposed the work of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program [AATIP] because they think the UAPs regularly reported by US military sources are piloted by creatures from Hell.
>He says he was told by Luis Elizondo, who has gone on record as being the boss of AATIP, it “was not just a little voice in The Pentagon…but a huge group of people thought the phenomenon that was being witnessed was demons”.
>This fundamentalist Christian lobby within the US defence establishment “actually affected Elizondo’s ability to get funding, “ Ron says. Belief in both UFOs and the literal truth of the Bible is not entirely incompatible, he adds.
>But the strong arm of religious fundamentalism within US political circles has actively hindered research into UFOs – and science generally, Ron says.

unironically how did this story not gain traction.

>> No.56461665

only way i even found the article was some anon posting it on /x/. full article btw:

some blurbs:
>Leading UFO researcher Ron James says senior figures in the US government fear aliens are in fact demons. Ron, who is Director of Media Relations for UFO research group MUFON, claims there is “a very large contingent of people” within the Pentagon who opposed the work of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program [AATIP] because they think the UAPs regularly reported by US military sources are piloted by creatures from Hell.
>He says he was told by Luis Elizondo, who has gone on record as being the boss of AATIP, it “was not just a little voice in The Pentagon…but a huge group of people thought the phenomenon that was being witnessed was demons”.
>This fundamentalist Christian lobby within the US defence establishment “actually affected Elizondo’s ability to get funding, “ Ron says. Belief in both UFOs and the literal truth of the Bible is not entirely incompatible, he adds.
>But the strong arm of religious fundamentalism within US political circles has actively hindered research into UFOs – and science generally, Ron says.

unironically how did this story not gain traction.

>> No.56461746


>> No.56461869

>Morshu beatboxing why this still means the Jews control everything

>> No.56461888

you've been warned

>> No.56461919

yea jews are gonna collapse the roof gl. hitler was right

>> No.56461951
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More like overturned.

>> No.56462069

I think it's just bs and a psyop

>> No.56462223

They read too much WH40K

>> No.56462262


>> No.56462759

How was it? I'm going to one in November

>> No.56462797

Go fuck yourself newfag

>> No.56462809

Three things I enjoy on the regular

>> No.56462913

This. Most UFOs are indeed US drones and prototypes.

>> No.56462917

This. Convenient excuse.

>> No.56462936

the two weeks are finally over