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File: 49 KB, 1114x630, Game Plan 2024 Bull Run.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56455588 No.56455588 [Reply] [Original]

About to go all-in tomorrow and forget about it until next year... how about this for the ultimate bull run stack? Attached is a screenshot of all my allocations.

What would you do differently?

>> No.56455607

way too diversified

>> No.56455662

Buy some I C P

>> No.56455677
File: 111 KB, 1920x1080, 1342148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've thought about adding XTZ and EOS since they're "ETH Killers" and adding more weight there.... I think the narratives are RWA, ETH Killers, DeFi, maybe gaming to a degree.

>> No.56455716
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Respectfully, I'm not sure how that's a problem. Most of the smaller ones are tokens that people have speculated could have returns anywhere from 5-50x, so I figure if the average of all of them is anything above 3x then it's pretty great, and realistically it's going to be well over 5-10x for most altcoins. Too many rugs for me to go heavy, I've been burned enough.

>> No.56455764
File: 306 KB, 976x850, 1000001326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other than BTC ETH ADA MATIC and LINK, these aren't even real projects. You aren't investing in these, you aren't even speculating, you're just exit liquidity for the founders.

>> No.56455803

25% LINK
25% SOL
25% RNDR
25% QNT

Your portfolio will be worth 3.5-4m in 2025. GG anaon

>> No.56455856

You better have atleast 273k in the following respectively:
>stocks / bonds,
>traditional saving accounts

Fuck, i'd even suggest taking the 50k out of those shitcoin allocations and putting it into gold bullion before attempting this.

>> No.56456021

>Respectfully, I'm not sure how that's a problem.
respectfully you're retarded. it looks like you have no idea which projects are better then others.
like dude, what is that, 75 different coins?
most people have a hard time keeping upto date with a couple projects.
so for example, you're gonna be watching your $500 in 'PZP', whatever that piece of shit is, know a fair price target to sell at, gonna be watching it, reading news, and you're gonna do that for another 74 coins.
if you really want to diversify, that list should be like 4 projects max.
and when you 'diversify' the investments shouldn't overlap. e.g. you're buying $500 or ARB AND $500 MATIC.
and if you believe in your $70k ETH, you shouldn't put $2k into SOL. etc.

>> No.56456090

i tried this strat last bullrun, never again. eth outperformed 99% of the coins i had

im sticking to ~5 coins MAX and go heavy with conviction in each of them. less than 10k positions are useless. getting a 10x on 1k is basically worthless and doesnt change anything.

>> No.56456228

Go in 50% wBTC and 50% ETH. Deposit on AAVE. Borrow 30% and buy LINK. Deposit LINK on AAVE. Try to sell the top.

>> No.56456272

>Not going all in one Avax

>> No.56456463

nice to see RXD in there

>> No.56456477
File: 61 KB, 587x372, 242532436576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ETH Killers

>> No.56456549

Retard strategy. Stack Eth and Btc and then reinvest 50% of it into alts when it is more clear which alts will moon next bullrun. Just as it was obvious last bullrun that layer 2s were the alts that’d moon. The narrative won’t be the same this bullrun

>> No.56456568

RWAs are going to be huge. Polyx has been mooning for me recently. MakerDao, Chainlink and Polkadot are good bluechips if you want exposure to RWAs with not too much risk

>> No.56456816


>> No.56456844

recommend $BB - It's a minirollbit thats telegram based and fully anon, at around $2M rn and its a non shitcoin team so pretty based. 500-1000. but in general diversify a bit less maybe thats a lot of things and you could have more big bags.

>> No.56457041


embarrassingly over-diversified.

>> No.56457056

Missing FUN on the list but good apart from that

>> No.56457071

wow dude are you buying every coin shilled in Xhitter?

>> No.56457107

buying in 1 lump is retarded btw. an 80% drawdown is absolutely possible. so unless you have the stomach and conviction to hold through an 80% paper-loss then you're making a huge mistake.

just buy a little every 2 weeks, or on each 10% bitcoin move. a lot of retards are max bull "100k soon" when theres a non-zero chance of massive 3-8 year bear market.

personally im all in because im willing to hold through gutwrenching dumps and my coins are all based on revenue not speculation.

rollbit will outperform every rollbit clone. they all have zero users and zero revenue, rollbit has been gaining users for 3 years

>> No.56457165


>> No.56457183
File: 10 KB, 300x300, 1624374902541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 500 dollars in link

>> No.56457670

You can realistically buy ~26k linkies with this, why would you buy anything else?

>> No.56457710

kek this nigger about to pump our bags tomorrow at 40k

>> No.56457722


This just put it in 3 btc 7000avax and 10000link

>> No.56457731

checked and this works too.

>> No.56458866
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Respectfully, go fuck yourself zoom zoom.