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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56455498 No.56455498 [Reply] [Original]

Was 35K the top, bros? I don't wanna feel like I missed out on the chance to long BTC and get some decent profits... plus my kava bags still haven't pumped yet despite all the supposedly good news they've had recently

>> No.56455522

Alt rally has not begun yet despite what 5%+ bros might think or tell you. These faggots are the kind of moron that will make entire threads just because their shitcoins pumped a pitiful amount for the first time in a month.

>> No.56455524

that's what you get for falling for all those demoralization posts. you never buy back in and then miss out on substantial market pumps so you're a brainlet

>> No.56455537

>pumping a mere 5% after months of continuous dumping

>> No.56455540

>bags still haven't pumped yet despite all the supposedly good news
why are you holding then

>> No.56455551
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Yes, it's over now. Go home. Or short. Whatever. Do what you gotta do till we go back to 25000 by November.

>> No.56455561

this. bobos are the most obnoxious faggots on this board. and in this planet in general.

>> No.56455575

This whole board in general. Capo is a niggerfaggot who almost never gets his predictions right but his opinion is somehow valid.

>> No.56455584

why would you hold anything other than BTC during a bear market when altcoins cannot outperform the king

>> No.56455625

this. short with leverage. kinetix is good for dat.

>> No.56455634
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>this time i boughted
Is it time to solded what I have and cash out?

>> No.56455645
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>first bump on the road to 40k

>> No.56455655

>They still haven't learnt to do the complete opposite of what the plebs of biz tell them to do or consider

>> No.56455661

>get liquidated for trying to play a game that has the odds stacked against you
the house always wins faggot

>> No.56455668

that is what op is talking about. bitcoin. obsessed retard.
yes. buy back later if the pump is real. moments like these make everyone panic sell nowadays. i dont think ath is possible anymore because of this shitty gay mentality most people adopted.

>> No.56455676

unironically, yes. All this ETF hype is creating so much artificial bullshit it's insane honestly

>> No.56455682


>> No.56455683
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Linkies are so fucking hilarious literally celebrating over finally barely breaking 10 dollars a token. Idiocracy at its best.

>> No.56455688

glad this nigger has finally shut the fuck up and moved on to telegram instead of filling twitter with his shitty opinions

>> No.56455698

because he must be a low IQ brainlet who can't tell when his designated shitcoin can't pump to save its pathetic life

>> No.56455700

OP should get permabanned.