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56455423 No.56455423 [Reply] [Original]

>he thinks making low six figs makes him hot shit.

Most girls now a days are expecting $300k+ for boyfriend material.

>> No.56455434

why would they seek anything less? so that they can experience the wonders of wagecucking for 8 hours a day and struggling to pay bills?

>> No.56455440
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>daily demoralization incel thread
Kys, kike. Aren't you busy enough with justifying the brutal murder of innocent Palestinian children?

>> No.56455446

>Most girls now a days are expecting $300k+ for boyfriend material.
But anon nobody would be dating if that were true

>> No.56455457

Dont care i will just rape LOL. Sorry darling what did you say? My 200k a year isnt enougg?? You're in for a good RAPING LOL

>> No.56455458

OP said boyfriend material. Poorfag chads are still pumping her every weekend. But to play the betabuxx provider game, you need $300k+

>> No.56455463

if youre not useful, why would anyone want you around?

women can make their own average salary. unless youre hot or a high earner, youre out of luck thats just natural selection

>> No.56455481

Sure roasties can set their ask at $300k, but nobody will bid at the price.

>> No.56455505

Based and FBI-pilled.

>> No.56455515

I'm 33, 6'4, take good care of myself, and make $106,000 a year and literally fuck stacies that wouldn't give me the time of day 5 years ago.

Don't fall for this demoralization shit anons, most americans dont have $500 saved for emergencies do you really think roasties are turning up their noses at a guy making six figures?

The only area that this is remotely true in would probably be either New York or Silicon Valley but if you make six figures in the midwest, southwest, etc. you're good. Don't let some bitter incel ruin your day

>> No.56455527

How can people be this un self aware

>> No.56455565

They'll say they want a laundry list of things, but what they usually go for is always different. They want the good guy ivy league accountant making CEO money but end up getting their back blown out by the high school drop out bad boy with a drinking problem.

>> No.56455590
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>They'll say they want a laundry list of things, but what they usually go for is always different. They want the good guy ivy league accountant making CEO money but end up getting their back blown out by the high school drop out bad boy with a drinking problem.

>> No.56455604

so how do you get them to fuck you?
what were you doing wrong?

>> No.56455606

Had sex this morning, but I've seen it happen too many times. My example might be extreme, but if you know any women in your life I'm sure you've seen this in some form or another.

>> No.56455626

why settle down for anything less than a multi-billionaire then?

>> No.56455648

hahaha he's not.
he's just trolling you anon.
less then a week ago was the billionaire chinese guy banging 5's.
but even more humorous because $106k is 'I work at taco bell' money.

>> No.56455665


Dressing nicer, having an exciting career that they can tell im passionate about, living in a nicer place, having the money to take them on fun dates.

>> No.56455671

With age comes more realistic expectations of what one can get out of life. I'm not saying this in "SHE'S GONNA HIT THE WALL" incel way, but this is true for everyone male or female. You can't be 30+ years old still thinking your rap career is gonna take off any moment if you haven't even dabbled in getting a record deal or anything. The competition never lets up, and it's a spot that only very very few people can succesfully get and keep.

>> No.56455679

just being 6'4 and over 100k probably puts you beyond the top 1% of men your age. Much further than that among all men.

>> No.56455686

stop the cope, ranjeet. not even 300k will make want white women want your shitskin ass.
anglo chad makes 60k and fucks her pussy raw every other day. you cant compete

>> No.56455701

The cute tomboy at the gelato shop gave me a free one for my mom the other day. I think she has a crush on me.

>> No.56455708

You gonna make a move anon? The sooner you do, the better.

>> No.56455712

that's because they are unhappy if they can't have it all, not because it's what they truly want.

>> No.56455730

That's probably true, everyone does it to some extent, set expectations high and then work backwards from what's available from there.

>> No.56455733

I am shorting women and longing sex robots which will make me a billion gigillion dollars

>> No.56455736

Nah, I’m just working on myself right now. If she makes it overly obvious I’ll take her out but right now it’s just a pleasant self esteem boost.

>> No.56455765

Ah that's cool, you can continue to work on yourself but still take the shot anyway.
>Best case scenario
You can practice your game on this girl and maybe get up in there, maybe even make a friend and get opened up to new stuff
>Worst case scenario
She says no, you can still feel proud you tried and got the experience, maybe try another gelato shop or keep going to the same one and act like nothing happened.
Keep working on yourself, but hitting on this random girl could be part of that work on yourself, becuase knowing how manuever convos and Rizz (for lack of a better term) chicks is important for a man to be able to do

>> No.56455772

You're wrong if you're trying to imply >>56455565
is incorrect.

>> No.56455794

because you don't need to be a multi-billionaire to enjoy a luxurious life and there are far more young and single millionaires available

>> No.56455796

I just chat with everybody where I shop regularly. Ask them about their day, what’s going on in their life, water cooler stuff. But that’s enough, I get free shit and discounts everywhere.

>> No.56455805

Based and charismatic pilled. Good luck out there anon.

>> No.56455809

there was some survey done by a female dating author, it asked if men would be happy if they got 80% of what they wanted in a women and almost all men said they would. When the roles are reversed, most women flat out rejected only getting 80% of what they wanted. Sums up modern dating.

>> No.56455877
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im 35, 5'6, tastefully jacked, light skinned, and unironically a multi millionaire through business, real estate, and being an early linkie, but have been 100% invisible to women since college

if youre not at least 6'2~ and a celebrityLite on social media dont even try lol

>> No.56455892

itt: incels

>> No.56455931
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>dude, don’t put your money in a savings account. The interest accumulation is pathetic so you’ll lose money over time.
>dude, don’t put all your money in stocks. They’re too risky. Only invest what you can afford to lose. Plus you shouldn’t invest in what you don’t understand and you’ll never be able to predict what will do well if you aren’t an insider.
>dude, dude invest in crypto. It’s a scam. Plus the cost of buying bitcoin is too high.
>dude, what are you renting. You’re just paying your landlord’s mortgage.
>dude, don’t buy a house now. The cost of entry is too high. Plus with how high everything is a GFC tier crash is gonna happen…any day now…

>> No.56455959
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>> No.56455979

6' 4, 20, 300 lbs here. Do you have any idea how it feels to realize how much you'd slay if you weren't a fatass lol? My only cope is that I am no longer 350 thanks to /fast/ on /fit/ but 190 is still so far away...

>> No.56455990

>why would they seek anything less?
Because they can't get 300k+ men?

>> No.56455999

When I first started going out for walks back when I was 350 (this was back in March, have lost 50 since then) I aspergically dressed in a black tracksuit I had and roasties in my parents suburb (I'm a neet incel and live with my parents I'll move out and go to university the second I get fit) would cross the street...I was just trying to exercise, I always look up while walking as it is an easy way to completely avoid eye contact with 95% and yet people are wary of me...what have I even done lol...

>> No.56456019

Fat guys have an extra life though. Who knows what kind of chiseled dude lurks beneath the surface? For the rest of us, we already know how we look is going to be how we always look. You can do it Anon. I believe in you. :3

>> No.56456075
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>> No.56456092

I love that there was a one two punch demoralization itt. Some cyber warfare second stringer internet warrior just earned himself a promotion to hospital droner.

>> No.56456099

just do intermittent fasting and cut all goyslop (added sugars, vegetable oils, food colored, etc hyper processed products) and you will have no choice but to lose massive amounts of fat. walk around the block once in a while and youll be set within a year at most

>> No.56456105
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>getting close to breaking 7 figs again
>not fat but lost a lot of gains while traveling
>want to settle down but no real idea how to start dating (haven't dated in over a decade)
>tried catholicmatch or whatever it's called but it was literally bottom barrel women and I'm not religious anymore anyway
I think I'm going to read a bunch of PUA shit and then just hit on girls on the street. Might wear a bodycam in case of cops or false accusations. I just want a eugenic woman to bear me children at this point ;_;

>> No.56456121
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>> No.56456125

Read the second half of my post again anon, I'm already on /fast/

>> No.56456136

the one redeeming quality about females is that they value having no man better than having a low quality man

it's called having standards and men's lives would be much better if the vast majority of them weren't thirsty enough to treat insufferable lardasses as 10s just to have a warm hole available

>> No.56456151

>*Don't worry, be happy*

i cannot be the only one who laughed his ass off because of the music in the background, right?

>> No.56456162

Roasties aren’t eugenic agents if that’s what you’re implying.

>> No.56456172

I'm the same way. 6'2" with aspiecore style but skinnyfat. Better to be feared than to be loved. Even if I'm the softest pushover you know. The nice part is visiting high crime areas and being respected. I treated myself to a vacation in LA this year, rode public transit in rough areas (DTLA, West Hollywood), and everyone their moved to the side or avoided eye contact with me. Bumped into someone, said sorry, and they just kind of said nothing and walked away quickly.

>> No.56456203

The way you meet girls is through doing things. Hiking, sports, events, quiz nights, going to parties ect. Online stuff doesn’t work, it’s just a dopamine machine for girls. You have to make an extended friend group and be normal and friendly. Pua stuff doesn’t work for most guys and it doesn’t work on good girls, other than the self improvement stuff and holding frame. If you don’t have a robust social life you’ll have a hard time finding a relationship. I think that’s the part that most guys don’t get.

>> No.56456218

financially speaking, it behooves every man to marry overseas and let these hoes wither and rot in their narcissistic hubris

>> No.56456245

I apologize and thank people profusely as its a habit I've learned from my parents but even as a fatchud pushover I sometimes do feel intense. In the past 7 months I've realized the severe lack of aggression in my life till now (never been in a physical fight despite having been a brash asshole in middle school something which changed after Covid) because I've always been so large people have avoided fights with me because they think I'm particularly strong or something. Maybe I should have instigated fights. Once I get down to the low 200s I am going to be joining a boxing gym, until them I am improving my flexibility and have built up quite a bit of cardio tolerance. Going from a 350 lbs fatass who eats all day to simply tracking my calories and walking literally melted away 50 lbs. Main thing was cutting out soda and chips in my case.

>> No.56456255

I’m 5’8” and make $103k and women are visibly disgusted when I look at them.

>> No.56456263

>they value having no man better than having a low quality man
I don't believe this is true, that loneliness starts to kick in a night. The way guys feel ">tfw no gf" women get that too. Then you have to factor in social pressures of "When you getting married lol" and "Why can't you keep a man?" You can see tons of this on social media especially on shit like Facebook/twitter. There are definitely female loners of course, but it's not super common as it's made out to be.

>> No.56456275

What is a good girl? All women are whores and implying a used hole has anything to offer beyond the aforementioned pleasure device is utterly disgusting. I doubt that is what that anon is looking for. I hate PUAism btw.

>> No.56456313

Also, the implication that to get mere crumbs of roastie pussy you have to psychopathically friend circle game is just utterly, utterly disgusting and shows that you lack any and all sensitivity a thinking man possesses.

>> No.56456328

Based only modern men are expected to partake in this faggy humiliation ritual

>> No.56456338

they definitely can.
I know an asian 38yr old single mom who moved from texas to los angeles so she could date CEO's and small business owners.
they gift her shit like a $10k purse on the first date.
and she makes them open the car door before she gets in haha.
it's insane.
no matter how out of touch you think these women are, they're 'out of touch' for a reason, buddy.
because they go to market, and they get it, easily.
and if they get confident or give her any shit, she dumps them.
she's on like #8 super rich guy now.
she dumps rich men for other rich men.

>> No.56456365

They exist overseas but it gets 0-100 real quick. See a cute girl, go talk to her parents, then you talk to her.

At best you get coffee dates and dinner dates, but then you need to marry her.

>> No.56456371
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I'm meeting girls in hostels but I don't know how to take it to the next step, and I don't know if I want to take the next step either. Relationships are tiring. I figure PUA would help with getting from chatting pleasantly to moving onto a relationship of some kind, be it romantic or just dirty sex or whatever.

>> No.56456441
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Nah I think he's got a point it's just hard for me to maintain a social circle since the military moved me all over the place, and since getting out I've been traveling the world the last two years. I'm about ready to settle down so I need to find a decent woman and then get the relationship tied down quickly. I don't want to be raising teens in my 60s, fuck that.

>> No.56456506

What is a decent woman? Outside of my mother idk if I’ve met a roastie who I would call decent in a long time. They were a lot more innocent and full of life in high school but the ones I meet irl are literal *ghouls*. They’re only decent if they’re virgins and I doubt you’re going to find those ahah. Just impregnate some roastie and leave if it’s children you want, or save up enough to use a third world roastie surrogate and get an egg donor for a child so they’re the same race as you.

>> No.56456552
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Nah you forgot that you are ugly. Handsome manlets who have money are never alone you lying demoralizing ugly faggot. Cope and seethe more.

>> No.56456631
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>What is a decent woman?
16-25, willing to have 6+ kids and homeschool them (I'm willing to do the actual teaching, she doesn't have to if she doesn't want to), parents still together and on speaking terms with her father.

I met a 30 year old asian girl who I would have gotten serious with but she balked at having a large family pretty hard so we drifted apart. The age only really matters insofar as the risks of pregnancy increasing with age, so starting young is better.

I'm sure I'm some kind of catch, I just don't meet enough women and I don't convert the meetings I do have into potential relationships efficiently.

>> No.56456644

Keyed but I hope you have a hymen requirement as well otherwise it’s all a waste. Godspeed and I hope you find somebody

>> No.56456708
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While I'd love to make that requirement there's no way it's appropriate to court middle and high school girls (by which I mean I'd like to stay out of jail). I figure prior experience is fine as long as it's not, you know, excessive or bestiality or something.

Thanks for the well wishes. Happy holidays to you.

>> No.56457205

At least the merciful Lord gave you dubs, manlet

>> No.56457791

This is all true tho. Especially
>invest in crypto. It's a scam

>> No.56457833

fwiw, I do actually make a little more than 300k/yr, and it goes both ways. i have no intention of being a sugar daddy, i'd rather stay single than have a partner earning less than 150k/yr. beyond that, as long as they're relatively healthy i'm not very picky about looks/interests/career/etc. once you reach the upper-middle class those things tend to get homogeneous anyways.

>> No.56458139

>i'd rather stay single than have a partner earning less than 150k/yr.

Are you a homosexual? Earning high levels of income is a masculine trait. I can't see any straight man caring about this at all.

>> No.56458164

These aren't real women you fucking morons, these are the 0.01 deluded, out of touch retards that they use to make incels seethe, or AI generated by the chinks who want to further disparage the idea of marriage and relationships in the west over tiktok, while feeding their own population academic, and wholesome content.


>> No.56458229

Think about what you want. Write it down. Think about if that’s reasonable and if it’s something you can tell a girl without being real. It’s fine to not commit to some girl immediately, it’s actually weird if you do.

>> No.56458302

I'm 5' 7" and make close to $200k. I get a nervous smile from women when I look at them and smile. Just be confident, bro.

>> No.56458317
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>you gonna call the poh poh?
>go ahead. They get here in 5 minutes. I cum in 10 seconds

Financially speaking