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56455255 No.56455255 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people continue to call it the 9-5 and why do we continue to let them get away with it?
Nearly any serious job nowadays is 8-5. Yes, you technically have an hour long unpaid lunch. In practice, at least at my internship company, people work through that lunch all the time. Whether you're lowest on the foodchain or a manger, people will just schedule meetings in your lunch slot without so much as asking permission.
So it's 8-5, at the very least (so many people work overtime because in America and thirdies they don't care about your life). Please be honest and call our lives what they are.

>> No.56455281

Lol most big boy city jobs are like 7:30-6:30 for commuters

>> No.56455300

My job is 7:40 to 3 with a 1 hour shower/lunch break in the middle

>> No.56455344

This was even worse in the army because I had 6:30am pt. So I woke up around 5:40, worked out, showered the went to work at 9:00. Got home a little after 5

>> No.56455346

Protip: eat while working then use your lunch break at the end of your shift and get out of there. Or just get a WFH job if you arent worthless.

>> No.56455372
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I work from home. I do probably about 40 minutes of actual work every day and during my lunch break my wife gives me deepthroat.

Sorry about whatever you were saying though that sounds hard.

>> No.56455378
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For me it's 9:00 to 17:30 door-to-door. Could be a lot worse.

>> No.56455379


>be eurocuck
>earn 70k a year (about 74k usd)
>work from home
>work 10 hours a week
>save about 2k a month
>never worry about health care

It's funny how you guys think being a workaholic makes you a better person. You literally slave away 90% of your life just so your C-suite/board members can buy a new boats.

>> No.56455386

I work 8-4, sometimes 4:30 or 5. I am salaried, and nobody ever sat me down and really established my hours....so I just finish at 4

>> No.56455507

Salary here. I probably put in one hour of real work a week for about $65k USD after taxes. Rest of the time I spend shitposting and buying/selling shit-tier stocks and keeping it in the green.

>> No.56455519

What is it with Europoors and flaunting their 'free' healthcare. Kek.

Though the rest of your point is well taken.

>> No.56455788

What u do for work please? Thanks

>> No.56457734

That actually sounds nice.o usually work from 7:45 - 04:30, but woek through my breaks. What area do you work in?

>> No.56457769

>eat while working then use your lunch break at the end of your shift and get out of there
Most employers won't let you do that bro
I'm really curious what all of these work from home, no work and high pay jobs are but I think most of them are larps.

>> No.56457797

just come in at 8:30, take an hour lunch, and leave at 4:30
that's what i do, i'm salaried and no one says anything
most of them do 7-3 or 7:30-4, so all they know is i'm still there when they leave

>> No.56457810
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>I think most of them are larps.
stop being poor, the greater the pay the easier the job. but you do you boss

>> No.56457872

I do WFH for 20/hr north of Nebraska. Rent is 850. And a plane ticket to Chicago or Portland for a weekend is 300.

>> No.56457921

at this point, i just teach my classes and get the fuck out. i don't even go to work when i don't have any class.

>> No.56457922
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>Get in at 9:15
>Watch YouTube videos and eat breakfast until 10:30
>Prep for daily meeting at 11:00
>Hour long lunch at 12
>Back in time for another meeting at 1:30
>Push some code
>Attend a last meeting at 3
>Head home
>Log off but am still available for slack messages
>Completely checked out at 4:45
>Pepper in a few 20 minute shit breaks in the day
>Hybrid SWE 250k total comp
Sounds like you need a better job.

>> No.56458112

You understand that any American you'd classify as a workaholic probably gets better healthcare than you as part of their employment right? Lower taxes, better salary, better healthcare.

>> No.56458183

At my last two jobs, everyone came in for 8 like good little cucks. I came in at 9 every day, zero fucks given no one said anything. It's that easy.

>> No.56458185

You know you are in the top 1 percent of your country. Every europoor I have talked to makes like 35k a year

>> No.56458191

9 to 5 is 24/7, good job getting liquidated by the boomer real estate scam

>> No.56458211

I start my WFH job at 9:00, take paid lunch at 12:00 and leave at 4:01 then bill until 5:00pm

>> No.56458528

9 to 5? More like
9:00am-9:30am -- make breakfast, sip coffee
9:30am-10:00am -- attend morning standup
10:00am-12:00pm -- watch random videos on Youtube while answering Slack messages
12:00pm-1:00pm -- attend project meeting (I'm the lead engineer)
1:00pm-3:00pm -- go for a walk, have lunch, browse 4chan
3:00pm-5:00pm -- do all the work for the day
5:00pm -- done with work

My boss gives me stellar performance reviews and I'm expected to get another promotion after bonuses next February.

>> No.56458635

Wouldn't it be awesome if work was 5-9?
>5:00am - 9:00am = 4 hours
>5:00am - 9:00pm = 16 hours
ngl breddy baste either way

I think that there should be a 21 hour work week, divided into 7 hour shifts on 3 consecutive days, giving you 4 contiguous days off (a "double-weekend") every week, and that, on this schedule, you should be able to afford a house and a car and a housewife who doesn't work for anyone but you and a car for her and kids and a vacation property and a sailboat... y'know, like folks in the generation of OP's pic were able to afford just by working a normal job.

This is entirely doable with excess luxury for everyone... but only if we violently remove the "parasite class" (a.k.a. DA JOOZ). Seriously: fully HALF of the paid hours "we" work does not contribute to anything other than some parasite's bottom line.

>t. anti-communist

>> No.56458645

I work rotating shift work 12 hours a day/night in oil and gas. I'm going back to school for computer science.

>> No.56458679

You just work a shitty job, my son. My job is a literal 8 hours from the minute I walk in the door to the minute I leave, including a paid lunch.

>> No.56458682

They still have those? Are you selling coupons?

>> No.56459536
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I show up half an hour late and take long lunches

>> No.56459559

7 to 3 here with paid breaks

>> No.56459589

>practically 9-3
>mostly mental work, so constant breaks effectively half the time thrown away
>300k+year job
fuck I want some real work once the god damn hiring picks up again

>> No.56459611

My wageslave manager requires us all to take an unpaid 1hr lunch each day, making it 8-5.

>> No.56459923

Mine is 8:30 to 5 but I make sure to take both breaks and my full lunch every day, plus I reduce my productivity so they don't give me more work (it's in person)

>> No.56460301
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>Go to work
>Come back home to wife and kids
>Relax and paint
>2 hr investment side hustle using the xora card
It's not that bad as you make it sound

>> No.56460645

Is Work From Home, 1st world life on easy mode?
I've almost never heard stories of WFH people tearing their hair out with stress and working long hours.
Instead it seems like your boss gives you a workload, you perform that work in the time it takes and then just relax the rest of the week.
But how is WFH workload expectations consistently much lighter than in office?
Or is it that office jobs have a similar workload on paper but you can't goof off in the same ways in the office, so you end up getting more work to fill that time and look busy?
I've been job searching for 5 months after graduating and I *might* be just about to land a hybrid analyst job. It only needs two days in the office per month and it's basically all Excel work. I'm curious what my work week will end up looking like. The hiring manager made it out like you basically get deliverables and then you turn them in by the deadline and there's no serious oversight or micromanagement.

>> No.56461019

>you get no pay to shower at work

>> No.56461218

Its the same amount of workload, the only difference is how you slack off, in the office you either have to pretend that youre busy even though you arent doing anything or have endless chitchat with your coworkers, the latter is what low IQ NPCs opt for, with WFH you just do whatever you want with your free time.

>> No.56462237

>But how is WFH workload expectations consistently much lighter than in office?
It's the same as in the office but in the office nobody likes to see you not working. So you pretend to be busy a lot of the time to fill time. If you're wfh you can just do what is expected and then take a nap.

>> No.56462280

8-4 wfhchad

>> No.56462313

>people will just schedule meetings in your lunch slot without so much as asking permission.
Schedule your lunch hour in your calendar then cuck.

>> No.56462901

Thats because most people on4chan that claim to WFH on are grossly overplaying how easy it is to make others feel shitty. Always remember that people on here will do anything to make you feel like shit to make themselves feel better about their life.

>> No.56462947

Bankers hours are a real thing, my office is cleared out by 2-3pm every day

>> No.56462995
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office work(wfh even moreso) is about hiding your power level
if you can do some task in a couple hours, do it in a couple days and gauge reaction. if your manager doesn't seem to care, do not work faster than this, ever.
all you gain by being ostensibly productive is more workload.
if more money is what you're after, start kissing ass and playing office politics.

>> No.56463791

For me:
05:15 - Alarm goes off
06:00 - in office
12:00 - 13:00 - Lunch
15:00 - Done and back home in 12 minutes.

It's not bad, you still have time to do things after work.
I work construction and people love starting early.

>> No.56463799

Cool it with the antisemitism

>> No.56463804

This doesn’t happen

>> No.56463843

Shit I don’t even work. I just watch the wagyu cows eat grass, and when they get big and fat, call the butcher. That’s 20k/wagyu cow. Bitches need to step up, and that’s just one stream of passive income out of 20 that I have. Bitches talk about work from home. I fucks from home.

>> No.56463929

hows your body holding up? age?
i dont know how people do construction

>> No.56463938

one time bad sleep and id be fucked

i wanted to type this in one message but was marked for spam for whatever reason

>> No.56464056

i'm an autismo neet, noticing patterns is my only useful skill

the stories i read on 4chan about overworked wagies don't match my experience, they all seem underworked and appropriately paid for the amount of actual work they do, not time on the clock, work
the stories i read on 4chan about underworked WFH/salarygoyim perfectly match my experience, they all seem drastically underworked and dramatically overpaid - most of the people i talk to are WFH and i honestly don't understand how they're even getting paid when they're clearly not working 90% of the time

the only people who seem to work for real are surgeons and some tradies/manual laborers

>> No.56464084

>this nigga shower at work
What are you like some kind of monster that works with his hands or something??

>> No.56464600

A lot of employers, especially retail and other wagie employers, are legally mandated to give you a lunch break after 4-5 hours of work.

>> No.56465165

I don't know and frankly don't care because there is 0 chance and I mean ZERO chance my ass is ever waking up early enough to be at work by 8 in the morning unless my job is getting my dick sucked for a million dollars an hour.

>> No.56466725

its the same, he is referring to he before taxes amount and those others their after taxes amount
just deduct half for any skilled job in general

>> No.56466751

I'm 2 to 10 PM. I don't get out bed till around 5 or 6 though

>> No.56467794

Imagine not having flexitime. Like actually imagine having to be in the office at 8 am sharp like some kind of school boy. I'm an adult so I can start at 6:30 or I can start at 9:30 whenever I feel like it.

>> No.56467943

The problem is that salaried work paired with "we're a family" jargon is a scam. You get weaseled into insane responsibilities and schedules because the job description is free to change as the employer sees fit. Salaried work with no union is a mistake and it's probably better to contract if we as a society are committing to the capitalism thing.

>> No.56468799

I’m actually underpaid for my position, the policy is Sundays and Mondays you WFH and the rest is in your cubicle. I’ve been WFH for the past 6 months and I told them I’ll be in the office consistently by next tax season so I can get reliable transportation.

It’s really easy to WFH anon. I’m putting a customer on hold as we speak while I reply and while I’m taking a shit right now.

Different ID but I’m the WFH Nebraska guy

>> No.56468918

My 9-5 was more like 9:15-2:30 with a 90 minute paid lunch out of the office and also eating real lunch on the clock in the office, and that was way too much work with to hectic a schedule. Driving to and from work with only one WFH day per week was total bullshit too.

>> No.56469454


I’m jealous of the deepthroat.

Not jealous of the 40 mins of work. I’m more like 10.

>> No.56469990

No, they're larping. As someone who has held numerous WFH roles before covid popularized it, it's the exact same shit you do in the office but with less watercooler talk and less distractions.

>> No.56470151

You forgot to mention unhealthier. But with better healthcare, you get to squeeze out a few more years to toil for schlomo before you gracelessly expire.

>> No.56470423

You also understand that being fat is a low class thing right? Fat Americans are the poor ones because all they can afford is slop from fast food. When you make more money you can afford good food that's good for you. Stay mad eurocuck. I make 3 times what you do for the same amount of work.

>> No.56470652

Fast food isn't cheap retard. Total bullshit myth. Broccoli is cheap as fuck.

>> No.56470677
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You think I know how much goy slop costs? I eat food grown in my garden because I make enough to have a home with a yard. If we eat out it's at nice restaurants.

>> No.56470832

You just have a giant garden in a place with little snow? You're a vegan?

>> No.56470865

for me it's 8-5 as well, 9-5 would be 10x better

>> No.56470877

It doesn't snow here and we buy high quality local farmed meat. You really don't need a "giant" garden to feed two people. That's just some shit (((they))) want you to believe.

>> No.56470920

Not enough people to annoy with garden talk irl so you go on 4chan with it. Go enjoy ur partner

>> No.56470950
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I will

>> No.56470952

Today I worked from 545am till 815pm

>> No.56470964

Ur still here posting anime