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56453737 No.56453737 [Reply] [Original]

>inherit $20k
>collect $19k (atty: "lol unforseen extra expenses" ;^P -- srsly how *kiked* is that?)
>estate dissolved afaik
>year passes
>uncle tells me lawyer wants info
>"because the value of the house changed" or something like that
>estate attorney wants my ssn
>this was last week
>still haven't called

So, I'm guessing that -- yet again -- I am being misinformed (intentionally or unintentionally), and that the estate attorney simply wants to report my $19k to the filthy tax kikes.

There's no way there's a "takesy-backsy" kind of thing, where (surprise) the estate is worth MORE money all of a sudden a YEAR after everything seems to have closed (this is not yet confirmed, merely speculated by myself), right? They don't need my Social Security Number in order to give me MORE inheritance money from the (suddenly more valuable) estate?

Talk to me, anon; how should I go about this? Let's talk about these things in general while we've got the thread up anyway.

>tl;dr: inheritance and estate attorney stuff is business related

>> No.56454046

...are my posts here, uh, "shadowbanned?"

>> No.56454057

No. It's just most of the chuds that lurk and post here only care about crypto. Just call your attorney and talk to him.

>> No.56454092


>> No.56454138

Just don't give it to him anon. Whether or not you pay your taxes is none of his fkn business. Tell him you report things yourself tyvm.

>> No.56454179

Easy, have him send a formal written request explaining exactly why he needs it, then use ai to write a response where you explain you're not required to give him that information.

>> No.56454247

You are a retarded and ignorant anon. There are many reasons as to why.

>> No.56454641

That amount of inheritance isnt even taxable in the US, what shithole country is taxing a $20k inheritance?

>> No.56455003


Based; you guys are the most correct posters replying to this thread right now.

>many reasons
...such as?

Actually, I'm an American, living here in the United States of America, where -- according to what I just read a few minutes ago -- any inheritance valued at or above a measly $5k is taxable.

USA taxes every inheritance not less than FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS.

>post yfw you realized that modern-day taxes in america are not for the purpose of funding anything, they merely exist in order to take money away from (You)

>> No.56455064

Verify identity and see if maybe you were benefactor to other life insurance or to have proof that you are related - its also needed to exempt you from real estate taxes as a heir.

Inheritance over 5k isn't taxable per se also. Thats why you need a fucking lawyer because if you trust google you'll lose money/pay out more taxes then needed and wouldn't even know how to claw it back from the IRS.

This board sucks so much now.

>> No.56455089

kys zoomer.

>> No.56455138

Thanks, and you're right, but I already know that it's really him.

I'll have you know that I'm nearly half a century old, but I like to keep up with the hip new lingo cuz it gets me a (You) just about every time.

>> No.56455145

o.k, that's pretty based.

>> No.56456145

This link appears to confirm the validity of my statement that -- at least in the State of Connecticut -- $5,000 or more inherited is taxable.


I'm pretty sure that the Estate Attorney simply wants my SSN for tax filing... but it's kind of silly that they wouldn't have this information, which I'm pretty sure they already did.

Well, is there *ANY* chance that it's something OTHER than TAX-RELATED (e.g.: extra windfall due to increased property value)? I'll probably call tomorrow.

>> No.56456195

you know you can talk too them on the phone and ask them to explain why they need your ssn, and that you don't have to give it to them, right?

>> No.56456292
File: 55 KB, 473x389, 1694275964055150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tell him no. SSN is NOT an identity number. If he wants your tax id then give him that, but he really has no business with your SSN, especially if he can't explain himself to YOUR satisfaction. Even if you're retarded, it's on HIM to explain it so YOU understand it. It's not on you to go the extra mile to understand him.

Also why the fuck is the lawyer going through your uncle? Tell your uncle to stop playing middle man and have the lawyer contact you directly. Then block your uncle's number for a month.

t. paranoid schizo (but never scammed)

>> No.56456324

Tell him to SSN deez nuts lmao.

>> No.56456345
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>Well, is there *ANY* chance that it's something OTHER than TAX-RELATED
Sure, but there's several red flags already
>lawyer should already have your ssn anyway
>why is your uncle playing middle man on this
>why didn't your uncle say what the ssn was needed for
>why didn't the lawyer contact you directly
>why didn't the lawyer say why he needs the ssn up front
One red flag like these merits contacting the lawyer to find out what's going on. Two or more screams scam to me. I already said what I would do.

>> No.56456466

I've said here before that federal taxes don't actually pay for anything and are just a form of QT at this point, and every time some fucking idiots scoff at the idea because they don't actually understand the consequences of fractional reserve.

>> No.56456490

Anon that's common knowledge to everyone but NPCs.

>> No.56456535

Yeah; I'll do that tomorrow, but first, I figured that I'd make this thread...

Based justifiably suspicious anon.

Lmao, this is actually good advice.

Again, your analysis & advice are sound; however, to clarify:

>uncle is sorta the hub for our entire family when it comes to matters such as this
>yeah it's a bit odd, you might suppose, but my phone number changes and my address is unfixed despite having lived here for years and having had mail sent here by the lawyer... but not one single thing has come through the mail from the lawyer since the check, and my last phone call from him on my current telephone number was about a month before that, so he knows my phone number and address, sorry for blogposting

Checked & truthpilled.

>common knowledge to everyone
>everyone but npcs
...and *that* is how the scam keeps running: the billions & billions of literal non-persons pretending to be people capable of probity & purpose beyond simply sussing out how to be a good little goy from other goyim. "Common" knowledge is woefully rare.

>> No.56456671

>>uncle is sorta the hub for our entire family when it comes to matters such as this
Okay, fair, sometimes it be like that, but tell him to have the lawyer call you directly if he needs information from you. Just be mentally prepared to tell the lawyer no if his explanation for why he needs that information doesn't satisfy you 100%. Even if he did want to report you to the IRS, he doesn't need your SSN to do that.

>> No.56457697

Thanks; I'm looking forward to an interesting phone call tomorrow morning.
>note to self: do not wake & bake tomorrow morning

>> No.56458181

>collect $19k (atty: "lol unforseen extra expenses" ;^P -- srsly how *kiked* is that?)

jewish protip: the executor of the will, the guy who reads it out and makes sure everyone gets what they are suppose to get, ALSO gets a cut thats independent of anything they were suppose to get.

>> No.56459063

Thanks -- yeah; I know: he's supposed to get a cut... but that was supposed to be factored in already (and I assume he double-dipped or took just a bit more), and I find it insulting that he would be like "each of you are getting exactly $X," then later tell us "oops, actually, each of you are getting exactly $X minus $1k." There were about thirty of us on the will, and this shylock helps himself to an extra $30,000. Whatever, he's pretty cool, I guess, and has a non-Jewish surname, but that's common enough.

Thanks for keeping this thread alive.