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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56453175 No.56453175 [Reply] [Original]

What can I do with $5,000?

>> No.56453212

1 month rent in jew york or jew francisco

>> No.56453438

two chicks at the same time

>> No.56454162

Give 500 people $10 each, or alternatively, give 5000 people $1 each.

>> No.56454353

sell it

>> No.56454365
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Soon you will be able to buy 1 whole bitcoin :)

>> No.56454378

Wait for the inevitable BTC crash to $10k and then buy

>> No.56454416

Buy $5,000 worth of weed and sell it for $10,000 or alternatively smoke it all and have a good time.

>> No.56454421

100x bitcoin leverage calls now

>> No.56454435

It will be biblical. Trust the plan.

>> No.56454436

Put it on black at the roulette table

>> No.56454471

have your dick sucked by biz 5000 times

>> No.56454474

Better dd than 90% of the basement brokies here

>> No.56454751
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playing the alt market is appropiate for you. too little to actually do much with btc. ltc, kava, kas. those are my picks, i have 8k at the moment. should grow that three times by eoy if whales keep inflating btc till then. if we dump it's joever.

alternatively get two whores like some people here already suggested, its your call really

>> No.56454755

>Autistic cringe bobo posts unfunny meme about autism
Checks out

>> No.56454762

Few will actually understand what that folio even means but you are doing good anon. Best of luck and may god bless us all.

>> No.56454764
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This is you.

>> No.56454773

Down payment in an RV van to live in and finally move out of your parents' house/give up on the indomitable housing market.

>> No.56454788
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How does a nikka go about selling weed where it's illegal I feel like feds would be everywhere
>Networking at clubs
I don't want to get stabbed by some gang whose main income is weed and lsd or something like that

>> No.56454794

Add BNB and you got a fantastic selection right there.

>> No.56454814
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>> No.56454823

Buy a 1998 Mustang 5.0 v8. White or red. Thank me later

>> No.56456632
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Buy 100 shares of a popular stock valued under $50, then sell covered call options; you'll either sell the shares for a profit, or keep the shares and pocket the fee you charged some fool out there in the market for the *OPTION* to buy your 100 shares of stock for a certain strike price....

Anon, you really need to get on this; it's free money!