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56450319 No.56450319 [Reply] [Original]

Free gibs from the govt and easy life as everything is cheaper
Work life balance is amazing
Millions of tourists who travel to have sex with you

>> No.56450322

We dont, we just like to meme to mess with Americans

>> No.56450327
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>> No.56450340

> free gibs
Barely, public transport costs as much as anywhere. Health service is shit, I've been waiting for 3 weeks for an xray for a probable stress fracture of my leg, been hobbling around the entire time as i can't afford to stop working.

> Work life balance
Doesn't exist due to tiny wages and cost of living. I work 60 hour week averages including occasional nights and weekends for £34k. Average house in the country is £300k.

>> No.56450344

I moved to Spain from the US back in 2017 and my quality of life went up enormously without me having to be filthy rich.

>> No.56450366

I get full gibs for being a schizo.
>19k a year cash
>free car
>rent paid
>free road tax
>free insurance
>free travel passes on trains
>discounts on most events
>arts etc
you need to work smarter not harder anon. The UK is great for neets.

>> No.56450376

>I've been waiting for 3 weeks for an xray for a probable stress fracture of my leg, been hobbling around the entire time as i can't afford to stop working.

this is American not European

>> No.56450382

>I've been waiting for 3 weeks for an xray for a probable stress fracture of my leg

Don't you guys have an Emergency Room or Urgent Care for immediate health problems?

>> No.56450399

All mutts i know get health insurance through work and can get MRIs same week.

In fairness in the UK it's basically universal now that companies get private insurance because the NHS is so shit but i work for the NHS lmao so I can't get that. Basic investigations take weeks, speciality appointments take several months. More and more people just go to A&E to get seen but you will be waiting 10+ hours no exaggeration now.

A few years ago I was having a rough time with an illness that occasionally would have an emergency presentation where guidelines say you have a 'golden period' of two hours to treat before you risk serious mortality outcomes. I would regularly be sitting projectile vomiting curled on the floor of the waiting room for 5+ hours. Usually at best they'd move me to a side room to wait so that I wasn't messing up the image but i still wouldn't get seen.

>> No.56450411


I could go to A&E but I'd be there for at least 10 hours which I can't afford to do with work. If it gets worse ill have to but i think it was just caused by pushing too hard on leg day then doing 12 hour constant walking shifts with 4 hours sleep for a couple of weeks. I can still get around but there's just an obvious sore dent on my shin now.

>> No.56450418

emergency rooms are filled with muslims who are on the dole and can afford to be there 24/7
doctors are not paid banker level salaries like in burgerica either, so there's not enough doctors and hospitals to meet actual needs
if you're native european, getting gibs is VERY hard. so you need a job. and you can't just go in the middle of the day

>> No.56450426

yeah spain is really good quality of life. i've been there too.

>> No.56450428

dude in my country if you are sick you are sick and get paid salary

you are full of shit or from 3rd world europe

>> No.56450438

Britain is a first world country with a third world health care service.

>> No.56450445

even in central europe like Poland and Czech, life is now so much better than in west eu or usa, people here live really good now, girls are 10/10 and mostly blonde with blue eyes, life is good when there is no war or communism here :)

>> No.56450447

Im only allowed 20 sick days per year with my position. Already had 2 with a cold and with covid season i don't want to use any unnecessarily.

>> No.56450555

The problem is, in the eu, there is no incentive to work with gibs that high (can only talk of germany but i think its similar for our neighbors)

Service industry are in a huge problrm getting worker because none wants to work if gibs are 80% of what you would get working there, and dont get me started on long term jobless or shitskins gaming that system

The system needs to be completely remodelled

>> No.56450558

This. I was in a long-distance relationship with an American woman for a while. When I fell ill she started asking me to go and see a doctor, get scans, etc, 'just to be sure'. I told her it would be a three-week wait just to get a phone call with a confused African. She didn't understand that we can't do things 'just to be sure', at least not without a month or two of waiting.

>> No.56450563

>Millions of tourists who travel to have sex with you
nobody wants to have sex with me, man. that's how this european suffers.

>> No.56450567

We are taxed to hell and live in immigrant-polluted hellholes
Thank god I’m not on the European mainland or on the Shitish Isles with no escape.

>> No.56450574

europoor here is just a plot from americans to make you believe you have a better life than us

>> No.56450705

We dont theres a reason eu in pretty much all metrics is considered the best place to live.

>> No.56450939

Loneliness, I feel so lonely

>> No.56450960

You guys somehow fumbled the entire free healthcare + good salaries + easy life situation. You fumbled it badly. Maybe a doctor would care about seeing you sooner if they made more than an illegal immigrant in Texas picking fruit.

>> No.56450993

It's fun. British-trained doctors emigrate, primarily to Australia, and we replace them with the third-world doctors who arent good enough to get into the USA. Definitely a well-thought-out and sustainable system.

>> No.56451043

No it’s needs to crash and burn
T. Your neighbour