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56449653 No.56449653 [Reply] [Original]

>bull market officially begins with all coins pumping 20-30%
>LINK is the only top 100 coin that dumps


>> No.56449656

you will miss another bullrun and you will be happy

>> No.56449674

Kek it's literally happening again holy shit, why are linkies always blowing all their liquidity before the bullrun and then are sidelines for the entire new paradigm wave LMAO

>> No.56449682

Holy shit chainlink is over 10$? That seems like a serious bullish divergence, what are you laughing about OP? Pls inform, I held off buying because of the FUD on here

>> No.56449689
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>this guy sits there all day making threads and replying to himself in these threads to try and keep them on life support
>this hour's thread is about how link is "losing" or something despite holding over $10 and being up 7 mcap rankings
you're a fuckin loser lmao

>> No.56449690

wow yeah almost like it went from rank 19 to 14 after pumping from $7 to $10 ahead of market
to r edditors reading this and >>56449682, op owns more link than you can imagine

>> No.56449703

>to r edditors reading this
Why help the people who ruined this board?

>> No.56449707

Kek baggies
Poor Linkcels
Millions must lose another bullrun

>> No.56449708

Why would he talk shit about his own investment? Also still confused about why he's mocking what is clearly an very bullish divergence. LINK was stuck in that range for ages? I'm confused... But × guess I'm going to buy now when I should have at 6$

>> No.56449724

if we hadn't fudded them out of this in 2018 and 2019 we would have gone to $150 last bull
what killed the board was link not performing in the late bull after it lead the market for two years
a few possibilites
1) to fuck with r eddiors
2) he's swung
3) he swung at $8 and is trying to get his trade back

>> No.56449740

You will NEVER buy back at $5 dollars fuddie. Bite the bullet now and maybe you'll board the train.

>> No.56449753

Hmm.. maybe it's the guy who posted that he was shorting when it was approaching the previous resistance a couple of days ago. I thought that another fakeout was plausible but a short seemed risky. He mentioned a liquidation price at 11 or so which LINK would have gotten awful close to so I can see why he'd be desperate. Not sure how much posting on this board could actually effect the price of the token though... That seems deranged.

>> No.56449765
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>That seems deranged
this community fudded any mention of chainlink on r eddit for years in order to suppress the price so we could fill our bags
you have no idea the type of people you're dealing with here

>> No.56449771

he's just a narcissist who holds spot bags and believes that his investment will fail like everything else he values in his life. look up repetition compulsion and cluster b personality disorders, it's the psychology behind most link fud

>> No.56449814

Interesting. Thanks for the info. It does make sense considering the childish posting style and detachment from reality. Still can't wrap my head around why OP would think LINK being over 10$ after that crab period would be a good time to mock or garner a reaction, but if it's some sort of genuine mental derangement then it's understandable. Kind of sad. Anyway, just bought a bag of chainlink, cheers!

>> No.56449826

I can't even lie this was way too accurate. Yeah I admit I have 13k+ I'm just bored out of my mind and want to keep euphoria about LINK low to stop unnecessary manias and corrections because I believe we will make it anyways

>> No.56451227
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You don’t belong here boy

>> No.56451298
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Link is a joke man, dumped that shit a long time ago and am now focused on payment solutions tokens after seeing the advancements coming into projects like CryptMi and Utrust.

>> No.56451310
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>crabs between $6 and $7 for two years
>finally break out
>crabs between $10 and $11

>> No.56451329

I've held link for 6 years and I only fud and meme

>> No.56451491
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>a good time to mock or garner a reaction
There hasn't been a bad time for this in over 3 years.

>> No.56451562


>> No.56451592

Pumps the most. Dumps the most.