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56448616 No.56448616 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you started a Youtube channel? There are people you haven't even heard of making 6 figures on Youtube. Some of them don't even need to show their face

>> No.56448628
File: 94 KB, 1080x897, Screenshot_20231023-203440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This had netted me a solid 0 Dollars and 0 Cents.

>> No.56448669

I did. Not with the expectation of making money. It was kind of fun, but I ended up spending a huge amount of time and effort to get literally minutes of not-shit content. Since I've got a real job etc. I couldn't really put aside the time to do it with a regular schedule. And of course I'm a novice with editing and autismally bad at general design stuff, so they ended up looking a bit shite.

>> No.56448811

I don't have many good ideas and the ones I do have wouldn't make for popular content.

>> No.56448836

retards these day will watch other retards eat food on Youtube. NGMI

>> No.56448940

seems stressful as fuck and a ton of extra work when I already earn enough from my job

>> No.56449394

> creates content with AI, regurgitating trending topics on twitter
> short form for cross pollination to tiktok
> sock accounts to increase subscription numbers
> gets that sweet sweet sponsored mid-roll ad rev
> normies start subscribing cause it's a high frequency account with digestible news

no human has to put their fat face on camera

>> No.56449409

I already make 6 figures and don't have to behave like a clown for it.

>> No.56449466

I tried, once. I didn't get many views and decided to stop wasting time. maybe I wasn't patient enough, maybe I was right. who knows?

I should have started a blog, though. it would have helped me a lot in my career.

>> No.56449472

>Just make brain rot bro

>> No.56449511

What’s the best topics/trends for making money?

Crypto? Financial based? Sports? Marijuana or Shroom cultivation? Conspiracies? Home brewing?

>> No.56449515

exactly. shovel their shit in for them.

>> No.56449544

you want it to be on the up and up so advertisers want to be associated with your content. then consider your audience. who is going to actually watch the ads and buy the shit from the ads? that is how you get the best ad money. tip: one of the best ones is shit like kid toy reviews

>> No.56450166

Marijuana cultivation YouTubers get good revenue from sponsors but demonetized by YouTube

>> No.56450212

It's hard to break out with Youtube. It's flooded with AI content, if your voice is shit you're fucked. Every single genre is saturated as shit.

>> No.56450929

I have my daily eating YouTube making me $500 a month
I have my weekly forex channel making me $750 month
My prank cam show on YouTube makes $1000 a month
My esoteric celebrity channel makes me $10k a month

>> No.56451006

There are people who just react to shows and make 6-7 figs

>> No.56452467

> My esoteric celebrity channel makes me $10k a month
what is that exactly?

>> No.56452860

Post stats. I ain't believing you.

>> No.56452881

I started a youtube channel and so far I got 100 views, what am I in for?

>> No.56452908

Probably shit like

>> No.56453005

I upload overwatch and apex gameplay straight from my ps5. No editing. No voice over. Eat my shit algorithm.

>> No.56453051

So cdan and the other queer gossip hangouts.
You bathhouse enthusiasts fucking disgust me. I hope you choke on the next dick you suck down. Geiboi

>> No.56453095

And those people just stare at the screen with no reaction.

>> No.56453909

Appealing to the algorithm and shitting out content is easy. Staying consistent with it over several months with weekly, if not daily uploads, is a Herculean task for even a NEET.

That being said, knowing the few simple tricks that help get boosted (appealing thumbnails, proper tags, using other platforms, etc.) can go a long way.

>> No.56453934

Too much work and not fun. I'd rather be poor and make shitty games.

>> No.56453986
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Too stressful. Even a tough guy like Babish had a mental breakdown after posting 2 videos every week about eating krabby patties. He was molested in the mental hospital and then his wife left him. Does that sound like a smart career choice to you?

>> No.56454050

>It's real
lol lmao even

>> No.56454141

I have but my high effort videos do very bad and some random videos got me 40k views. Very unpredictable.

>> No.56454220

I've tried off and on but never got anything to stick. I was really into 3D modelling and game dev but could never get any traction on those. The most I got was a couple thousand on some fan made music videos and meme shitpost stuff.

>> No.56454245

They tell you all this horseshit about make good content but in reality its just insiders at Youtube/Google putting their thumb on the scale for their friends.

>> No.56454334

wtf really???

>> No.56454340
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Cuz it's pure bullshit, you need to do a lot, put a lot of effort into that to get close to 5 figs lmao, so no, I don't think so, I'll keep perp trading on Kinetix even tho I know I have a 73% chances of losing everything

>> No.56454362

>go to med school
>guaranteed to make 6 figures
>lose interest because day trading your student loan is more profitable
>still guaranteed employment in every country on Earth if you lose it all
It's so easy...

>> No.56454379

Cringing with Babish

>> No.56454381

I've got a good microphone and camera, the adobe suite and a lot of time while my industry is on strike. What are some topics that are easy to engineer popularity in? I was thinking those truecrime videos or re-telling stories because it's literally just finding footage/images and making a scripts

>> No.56454407

You underestimate the sheer cattle brains that exist nowadays. Clownworld made them panic mode and double down in their npcdom

>> No.56454420

This is why chefs are the biggest fags in the world


They act like a job anyone can do is some high achieving “art” because they deconstructed a cheeseburger

>> No.56454426

post your channels, lads

>> No.56454430

wait what the fuck lol

>> No.56454441

Only channel I could make would be about /out/ activities near me, I'm not blowing up my spot to faggot ass normies.

>> No.56454451

I don't know who he is but is this true? That story alone could get you a lot of views, damn

>> No.56454483

He posted it to his reddit page after people saw his dwindling view count. He posted more in it but here's the gist:
>2022 was, by a wide margin, the worst year of my life. After New Years, my wonderful friends saw fit to give me a ‘work intervention’, as I had been producing 2 episodes per week in the 18 months since COVID lockdowns, and it was destroying me. I finally believed them upon experiencing a mental health crisis in February when, after not sleeping for 4 days, I found myself ranting combatively and nonsensically to Sawyer and Brad. During a moment of (relative) clarity, I checked myself into a hospital - my thinking was that they would sedate me. There, I was instead admitted to the mental health ward, where I was attacked and sexually assaulted by another patient. When I checked myself out in the morning, between the borderline manic episode and newfound trauma, I hardly knew what was real anymore. I decided to enter a rehab facility, where I spent the month of March undergoing therapy and slowly coming to terms with what had happened (this is why I disappeared for a month last year).

>Jess and I broke up that summer. I will not go into any details out of respect for her privacy. We are on good terms and I wish her every happiness. Needless to say, however, this compounded my depression and PTSD.

>> No.56454591

Agreed, but not with that last part

>> No.56454597

Fucking kek, I hate your kind

>> No.56454601

Do not disrespect Kermit that way

>> No.56454607
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You're gonna lose all your money faggot

>> No.56454612

I don't know that a "work intervention" will fix not sleeping for 4 days, guy had some kind of manic episode at that point.
>maybe some kind of bipolar disorder
>wife leaves him at the worst point in his life
brutal, he needs to pivot to something anger-based

>> No.56454627

God damn being a liberal must be constantly shooting yourself in the foot.

>> No.56454643


>> No.56454684

Not surprised his gf broke up with him. Imagine seeing your whiny YouTube BF openly talk about his “mental health” then check himself into a hospital where he gets raped. Then he comes home to cry about it

No matter how liberal the girl is she instantly loss all respect for him

>> No.56454797

Being a psychiatrist is so fucking based. Imagine some famous Millionaire bipolar YouTuber with a manic episode comes to your hospital so you decide to hospitalize him against his will and put him in a room with a rapist.

>> No.56454808

how old is your channel?

>> No.56454975

>Women leaving someone at their worst, but begging them not to leave at their own worst

many such cases

>> No.56455014

The good part of this is most mental institutions are co-ed. So I'm hoping it was some hot crazy chick that raped him and not some big bubba prison type shit.

>> No.56455040

It's unironically alot of work, I dont' like any of the meta stuff e.g. hastags, video editing, being a star, and while sure you can offshore it its a time zombie.

It works to push forth a lifestyle that you live for free, but for a majority of the influencers, it's the opposite of a cash cow.

I would rather whore out weak women.

>> No.56455269
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Well, I hope he saved and invested enough money from his Youtube fortune because it looks like it's been going downhill as well.

>> No.56455297
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Nice try Babish. We all know it was a dude that was trying to teach you the recipe for a prison creampie from the TV show Oz.

>> No.56455301

It’s the same thing as watching people game, you’re too poor/too fit/too lazy to make the food, but you want the dopamine of eating it, so you watch somebody eat it instead

>> No.56455332


>> No.56455398

I notice it's much easier to build an audience on TikTok and then funnel them into a Youtube channel. A lot of food youtubers have been blowing up this way.

Never really wanted to run a channel but I will say that I have gotten pretty damn good at editing over the last couple of years. I was thinking about maybe trying my luck at editing for youtubers but how much can one realistically make doing that? There has to be some editors out there making bank

>> No.56455453

I have a few youtube channels. Struck gold with a random, shitty, low-effort video that got 7.5 million views. And some others with a few hundred thousand views each. But it's not something I do, or would do, seriously. I don't have time. I just make some shit once in a while if I feel like it, with no expectations.

>> No.56455465

jesus, back in 2013/4 200k views was an easy 300/500 dollars for gaming content.

>> No.56455487

I'm under 1000 subs so not monetized unfortunately. I can have a store and donations though

>> No.56455620

Posting stuff like this is disingenuous. React tubers are largely from previous genres that migrated once they achieved make-it status and they realized they don’t need to hustle to generate original content anymore

>> No.56455687

what kind of videos did you make? live action or animated?

>> No.56455696

How do tags work besides the obvious? I started a gaming channel recently and just put a couple basic tags like solo, boss, class name, etc

>> No.56455710

Post your channel. Am interested

>> No.56455802
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$0.00 since 2006 reporting in. But I upload on average once every two or three months. Just a hobby where I do music and the occasional nature thing.

Once Youtube randomly algorithm'd once of my nature videos and it has 45,000 total views. All my music stuff tops out at around 120, haha

>> No.56455895
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Last 48 hours
Haven't posted for awhile but it's fun to check what random views you're still getting

>> No.56455938
File: 70 KB, 1080x908, Screenshot_20231024-124441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice anon, I do nature stuff sometimes too
>Once Youtube randomly algorithm'd once of my nature videos and it has 45,000 total views.
Same. mlMost my videos have under 2k views(besides Shorts) but one randomly got like 95k views because of that algo

>> No.56456017

>wife leaves him at the worst point in his life
Many such cases.

>> No.56456198

I was thinking that too. 99.999% of women are whores that will leave you at your low point when you need support most or when you show weaknesses.

>> No.56456237


>> No.56456426

because I started an onlyfans with my 26 year old unemployed girlfriend and take 50% of the profit.

>> No.56456540

Do not brag about earning $30 a month whoring out your gf

>> No.56457450

How much did it make you?

>> No.56458008
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Youtube and google a shit.

>> No.56458030

Dont bother unless you believe youre the very best at something, or at least possibly one of the best in the world at what you do

>> No.56458044

Because I havent the slightest idea how to film or edit video. But I do have a couple silly ideas for content

>> No.56458098

filming and editing is the easiest part
read an article on white balance, exposure, shutter speed, iso, aperture. understand these terms and their relation to each other and how to adjust them manually in your camera or on your phone for the best picture. learn lighting, like a classic 3 point lighting setup. shouldn't take more then 20 minutes to learn the material then just make a few practice videos dialing it in till you get it right. framing a composition as well, think rule of thirds, that sort of thing.

as for editing just watch some tutorials on youtube for whatever editing software you chose. davinci has a free version i've heard is good, could also pirate premiere. the interface seems overwhelming at first but you don't need to learn what every button does, just follow the tutorials to do what you want.

>i don't have the time i have to wage
sure but most of this stuff can be learned in an afternoon.

also most people don't bother learning any of this shit and just hit record in auto mode on their smartphone and it often works out for them.

>> No.56458123

yeah video editing is a grind. i've dumped days of effort into 2 minute videos. that's the time consuming part

>> No.56458155

really you have to post constantly, the algorithms have favoured quantity over quality for years now. you need to post multiple videos every week for years and then maybe, just maybe, you'll win the algorithmic lottery and get promoted by the algos, but until then you'll only get a few thousand views at most on any video and you will be ineligible for monetization until you have enough subscribers.

>> No.56458192

I have 17k subscribers as a F4M audio roleplay channel. I found some random Argentinian girl on fiverr 2 years ago and we split the profits from the youtube channel/patreon. Currently making 2k month, but I have to split that with her...

I wouldn't try getting into the game now because artificial voices are getting really close to being usable and chatgpt scripts are also almost there. Soon the market is gonna be flooded with low grade slop.

>> No.56458217

Ok google

>> No.56458342

If I was photogenic, I would literally just stream stuff like eating weird burgers and walking around my home city. But I am intensely ugly so it would just be humiliation, though I might try faceless videos.

>> No.56458490

Imagine if you posted videos of yourself playing vidya games and eating a different fast food meal everyday on YouTube in 2005
Just a little dedication would make you a billionaire today

>> No.56458724

Influencers have caught YouTube and social media accounts lying about views before
It’s all fugazi

>> No.56459442

Why would Babish lie about getting raped in a mental health ward? What does he have to gain from admitting that publicly?

>> No.56459537
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youtube is a lot of work desu
been doing it about 10 months now, i make between 400-700$ a week depending on views from ad revenue

i make another 500$/wk from sponsors (i.e. shilling garbage to my viewers)

>> No.56459573

this week was pretty low, but i've had weeks over 1k

if you can grind to 1M++ subs its a real cash cow.
I think you can realistically make 1$/sub/year off a youtube channel

>> No.56459681

What’s your channel? Or what’s your genre if you don’t wanna post it

>> No.56459776

i make videos about a niche sport
i have no competition, my videos are the only videos on youtube about this sport

sports have a high RPM (revenue per 1k views) compared to other niches like gaming, AI, etc.

my demo is young men 18-35 who are into sports... young dudes are down to spend $$ on sports

>> No.56460422

So sports seating and betting app sponsors?

>> No.56461477

im doing the youtube thing but its basically just my crypto diary as all i do is screen record my weekly trades and update a spreadsheet with my wagie earnings vs money invested.
i have like no viewers beyond a small group of autists who buy the same coin i do.
channel is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WY-jx2MVIY4

>> No.56461545

haha, a genuine /biz/tard youtube show
i'll watch it

>> No.56461588

No it’s not even fucking close lol
Watching a video, you at least get the visual stimulation (which is exactly the same as if you were playing the game) but watching someone eat? It literally give you ZERO reward lol

>> No.56461724

I'm working for a youtuber but they can't pay that much. I wish I had my own channel and the success that he has so far but cant come up with good ideas and stories. I can make the same quality of videos just need ideas.

>> No.56462264

What is the current meta for content creation? Just make AI voiced goyslop? E-Guru content funnels?

>> No.56462606

I'd rather just make furry porn

>> No.56462638

Just reading his statement on it makes me want throw up. "I wish her all the happiness bla bla bla" Fucking absolute faggot. Imagine being at your lowest and abandoned by the bitch whose supposed to stay by your side. I see things from her perspective. He can't even defend himself, let alone her. She's right to leave, he's a pathetic punk (prison punk). But even if shes' right he should still say Man....FUCK THAT BITCH. Embarrassing.

>> No.56463274

Youtube really centralized who gets money and who doesn't. It's so they have tighter control on the creators getting paid. Before, anyone could make money

>> No.56463349

where's that burp anon who posts videos of himself burping and slapping his fat belly on Onlyfans for like a couple hundred per month?

>> No.56463383

>it’s actually true
Oh God. Loving my boring office work now

>> No.56463890

I'd be good at it I know for sure but I'm not up for brainrotting content that (actually would make money), or making quality videos for niches, I simply don't have the fucking patience for this gay Google crap
Imagine butting heads with other gay ass nu-tubers, fucking god my lord
I have a good enough creative voice and opinions always get (you)'s but seriously can you see yourself playing the gay YT grinding game? I'm not a sociopath like Mr.Beast

>> No.56463891

No matter what happens we all know whats true in this world. Women will leave you if you ever show signs of weakness. Dont ever believe their bullshit of opening up to them. All you need to do is open her pussy up with your cock.

>> No.56463909

Yeah they’re gatekeeping who the next big stars are

>> No.56463921

Holy fucking kek, redditards are so funny
>t. psychiatrist

>> No.56463935 [DELETED] 

nah you are just uninformed. Don't come at me again

>> No.56464127

> low grade slop
Cope, it’ll write and voice act better than you could ever dream of.

>> No.56464288

>gf leaves him at the worst moment in life
bloody typical

>> No.56465613

Mostly live action, how-to stuff and random tech showcasing, but also a random one-off animated shitpost which actually got half a million views despite being on a different channel without any established audience.

I didn't really keep count, I think like $5-10k grand total over the years. By now I make nothing, because my youtube partner status got revoked for not having enough views after it dried up.

>> No.56465652

Lol the intro was cool. What do you use to edit?

>> No.56467084
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It was his wife.

>> No.56467282

fucking hell

>> No.56467305
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i have one. my wife do. i share some in pic. enjoy

>> No.56467322

Maybe he wants to diversify and break into the motivational convict and rape victim markets

>> No.56467624

The guy(?) on the left looks like he was grown as a botched science experiment

>> No.56467713

me? yes i took a little weight since she started reviewing fast food. I m still lucky to have such a nice hot wife

>> No.56467765

Imagine checking into a psyche ward and getting butt fucked by a crazy. I bet he didn't even fight it, probably enjoyed it, and probably masturbates to it.

>> No.56467811
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don t have to "masturbates to it" you will come naturaly when you get "butt fucked". source: i read it online

>> No.56468212
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unironically drawing furry porn commissions for ~70$ a week with 1 year of drawing practice, crying that I didn't start drawing back in 2017 when I got my Ipad, for drawing...

and doing YouTube for $0 with about 2-3 videos a week, just started and the subs and comments are so wholesome.

>> No.56469577

Just regurgitate the latest stories from mainstream media but do "deep dives" covering every possible angle and throw your own spin on it

>> No.56469607


Im not saying this can't be real but we defiantly need to see some analytics or something to verify that you aren't lapping

>> No.56469622
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I have no idea how to make a youtube besides playing games and even that barely netted me 800 views.

>> No.56469633


>> No.56469647

You would so be a prison bitch and so would 90 percent of 4chan users.

>> No.56470234

>You would so be a prison bitch and so would 90 percent of 4chan users.
Fuck you bitch, Im smarter, stronger, and faster than anyone in any prison. I'd be running the joint by the 2nd day. I'd be eating macks, getting my feet rubbed by my bunkmate, playing cards and throwing dice, and the guards would thank me so much for running the place and making the jobs easy they'd be bringing me smokes and beer from the outside. No way I'd end up getting fucked missionary style by my celly like that YouTube chef.

>> No.56470486

I'd fuck your ass in front of everyone for using a "so" like that in sentence. You stink of weakness. Split your wig at the very least.

>> No.56470742
File: 67 KB, 621x682, pinnacle kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew lad

>> No.56470882


>> No.56471793

Congrats on the YouTube success. I just wish I could find a girl that loved fast food as much as I did that wasn't morbidly obese. I can't stand going to "real" restaurants when 2 double cheese burgers can be had using the McApp for $3.50 that blows the pants off a 40 dollar steak. Eventually I'll find a 9/10 slop enjoyer.

>> No.56471872

I can talk in a colosseum in front of 2000 people no problems.
As soon as you put a camera in front of me, I completely freeze. it is so unnatural. I tried literally hundreds of times to record myself and it wouldn't work unless I do 2 jump cuts per second

>> No.56472948

>unless I do 2 jump cuts per second
I wanted to do some joke about how that would be perfect for youtube but now that I think about it I don't even know if this is a thing anymore. But there was defiently a time where "Vlogs" consistet of 3 million jumpcuts in a 5 minute video

>> No.56474003

He could always pull a 2012-2015 era move and just cover everything up in modern warfare 2 hit markers and air horns.

>> No.56474858

Most people don’t understand business isn’t as easy.
Ran the shopify meme back in 2017 with $90k revenue and even after pinching every penny and not hiring a single person to help, I still ended up with like $4k in profits.

>> No.56474948
File: 48 KB, 1280x720, Michael_Rosen_meme_banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a YTP channel

>> No.56475019

I've been sleeping on making a gaming channel doing 15-25 no minutes game reviews that include full story break down but I can't think of games I want to review.

>> No.56475187

Don't worry. Nobody would watch it anyway.

>> No.56476047

>He was molested in the mental hospital and then his wife left him
LMAO. I used to watch his videos but ended up unsubscribing because he was getting too annoying. He always had a very insecure aura to him which he tried to hide under copious amounts of pretentiousness. Bet his friends and wife got tired of him too.

>> No.56477401

I did some digging and he was painting his nails BEFORE the molestation, so it may NOT have buck broken him, he was just always lame as hell.

>> No.56477460

someone tell me how can i build a billion dollar hedge fund
i want to be really rich

>> No.56477802

Can you give me 3k to start mine anon

>> No.56478086

i streamed on twitch for a bit and got close to hitting the subscription tier before i got burnt out. it's kind of fun but autists clinging to you and making a hobby into work sucked the fun out of it

>> No.56478210

I’ve been meaning to but having a full time sucks every ounce of creativity from your soul. Past me would be ashamed of the shell of a person I’ve become.

>> No.56478212

I have 800 subs and i feel that jewtube is targetting me and doesnt want me to grow
My last video had a 10% click-through-rate (which is massive) and capped at 4k views before it stopped getting recommended.

>> No.56478243

100% chance some crazy in the mental institution fucked his ass and his wife left him for being tuned in to someone elses woman while hospitalized.

>> No.56478416

Saying he wants the best for her is proper social behavior, he's virtue signaling, it's in his interest.
Beside, it's also mentally healthier to keep a good image of past relationship and not to blame women for acting like women.

>> No.56478780

While it is possible to force ejaculation with prostate stimulation, buttfucking doesn't necessarily do that.
Anal fisting is sometimes used to forcibly extract semen from animals for breeding and conservation programs.

>> No.56478937
File: 36 KB, 992x544, it'sover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My most recent vid. Made $0.00
Don't be a youtuber retard.

>> No.56479126

What does one need to do in order to use YouTube for tax write-offs? Do you have to have a certain amount of views or videos?

>> No.56480071

You'd want to talk to a lawyer on that one. The key is that you need to to document it and put out a shitload of content so it doesn't look like your dicking around.

>> No.56480087
File: 1.39 MB, 2208x1945, CALL IT FRIENDO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]