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56440796 No.56440796 [Reply] [Original]

>Go to do work at PC
>Can't read 3+ lines of text
>Body starts wiggling in chair
>Start murmuring "no no no"
>Close all tabs and shake head
>Get out of chair and walk a few laps around room
>Sit back down
>Repeat previous steps
Does this happen to anyone else? I don't want to take any drugs to "help focus"

>> No.56440818

what's your diet. do you drink water constantly and consistently? do you get much sun? do you walk anywhere that isn't your room?

>> No.56440842

>Body starts wiggling in chair
>Start murmuring "no no no"
What’s going on here? Are you having a mini stroke or are you hearing voices?

>> No.56440851

least autistic frogposter

>> No.56440877

I eat mac and cheese a lot. Yesterday I had pizza, pasta, and meatballs.
Yes I drink at least 4 glasses
No the sunlight hurts my skin too much
>do you walk anywhere that isn't you room
Yes sometimes I walk up and down the stairs
>Are you having a mini stroke or are you hearing voices?
It's more like vocal tics that come from nowhere like tourettes or smth

>> No.56440884

you might have unrecognized PTSD. did some serious shit happen to you that you never resolved? because this sounds like nervous system damage. i have this. you cant ignore it you have to face it. are you just eating exclusively sour worms and drinking coke or something?

>> No.56440905

you need to change ALL of that. you are overloaded on carbohydrates. 4 glasses is literally nothing your body needs so much more, keep a 2 liter (half gallon) bottle on your desk at all times. start taking vitamin D3 1000 everyday and force yourself to go on longish walks on sunny days. nigga what you wrote is a terrifying example of self indulgence and neglect. what do you weigh?

>> No.56440963

Possible? I don't think I've had any trauma that's on par with soldiers
>overloaded on carbohydrates
I see. ok I'll drink a HGOWAD and go on more walks. I still do go on walks outside to the gas station to buy milk and stuff
and I am 120 lbs.

>> No.56440982

>. i have this. you cant ignore it you have to face it
sorry to hear that anon. can you elaborate on your situation? i want to see if it's worth looking into more

>> No.56440983

regular ass people often find that completely removing carbs from they're diet results in better noticeably better brain cognition. and i can concur. look into the keto diet, but dont hurt yourself or unintentionally clog your arteries with fat.

>> No.56440989

You either need a complete reset in terms of location and mindset or visit a psych hospital and get evaluated and maybe get on meds. I know how you feel OP because that was literally me a month ago. I was stuck like that for months and I finally decided to get therapy and it actually helped no meme. Like even just rambling at someone who is forced to listen and be nice you is nice. I hit on my therapist as a joke and she laughs its validating

>> No.56441001

The only time I'm not like this is after doing a prolonged dopamine fast. When you immerse yourself in pleasant stimuli constantly, anything neutral becomes unbearably boring. If you set neutral as your baseline, neutral and unpleasant things become tolerable.

>> No.56441033

i had no idea. i've been eating carbs a lot my whole life and just assumed i was stupid
Location is stressing me out a bit. can't really afford to move though. and i can't get on meds, i really don't want to be dependent on something like that.
congrats on having a hot therapist btw
i did dopamine fasting back when i was 18-20 and it was a total meme. maybe it works for some people but when i do my imagination just goes buck wild and then i pass out

>> No.56441108

PTSD isn't just specific to war experience or anything. for the most part research finds that PTSD occurs when someone is faced with an unexpected malevolence. women and girls who get beat or raped live with PTSD nervous system damage for the rest of they're lives. Its also shown that committing acts of malevolence on others can trigger you to develop PTSD. It can be caused by literally anything that is overwhelming for the nervous system. For example. the month of graduation in high school i was brutally beaten by 10 irish/aboriginal MMA fighters for accidentally dropping a name to police, the police were also threatening me physically for this information. I was beaten to a pulp in broad daylight, in a park that i had fond childhood family memories of. I kept getting back up on my feet as a means of self respect. But they kept pummeling me all at once, all aboriginal, all on steroids, all criminals, all relentless. It fucked me up for life, they filmed it and showed everyone who knew me. they showed my longtime girlfriend, she switched on me. i sleep 3 hours if im lucky. i have severe nervous system damage and live in a constant panic attack state. my heart and chest always hurts, and my life has been significantly fucked irreparably. I was out in the streets chasing fast money to bring home to my immigrant parents who slaved they're whole lives just so i could have the bare minimum. i was desperate for a break, and these guys broke me for sport. as a result i dont trust irish people or aboriginal people. as im convinced they are prone to psychopathy and lack the divine spark theorized by Helena Blavatsky. (arguably a hack but her theories on race and intelligence affirm most of my life experiences). There is no medication for PTSD. you just live defective and strive just to feel "okay" "sometimes". A reason i am giving you this diet advice is because if i just ate and indulged in shit food i would literally be an overly aggressive man in a psych ward

>> No.56441121

never take ssri's i watched them destroy my girlfriends and my best friend. they became husks of people and its almost like they are dead, i miss them very much even though they are alive.

>> No.56441293
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Jesus that's brutal. No I haven't experienced anything that bad. That's really fucking sad man. I hope good things come your way

>> No.56441357

you know whats fucked up. for some reason i expect literally every other person to have something on par with this kind of trauma happen to them. its super isolating to hear that what happened to me is considerably worse than what regular people go through. this makes me look at people as generally naïve and idk how to put it. not really alive. like how do people get by without knowing pain. idk. joker moment. sometimes i wish i was an unaffected well to do anybody.

>> No.56441402

>I am 120 lbs
An adult male weighs 200 lbs.

>> No.56441445

OP look up a BMI chart/calculator and see a doctor if you know a good one. i weigh 200 lbs but thats pushing it for my height. you kinda gotta get on top of everything at once. even the nerves in your feet communicate to your brain, everything is connected.

>> No.56441509
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>Body starts wiggling in chair
>Start murmuring "no no no"

>> No.56441564

Some people literally need meds temporarily to motivate them to get up and shower and get a haircut and get a job. Like OP freaking out over nothing in his head he probably cant just "snap out of it" by himself.

>> No.56441591

Thats an average skewed heavily by obese men. If you are over 200 pounds and are not 6’2” you’re just a fat piece of shit. Just to preempt you, timestamped body or shut up.

>> No.56441613

This website has harnessed and evolved the most advanced forms of mental illness known to man.

>> No.56441614

I’m 6’ 3 and 260 lbs heheheheheheheehheehehehhe

>> No.56441622


Retarded faggot

>> No.56441649

Women and girls who get raped get penile traction suction disorder? Good to know anon kek

>> No.56441654

I'm confused. Are you for our against spastic sucking of pregnant mommy milkers?

Personally, I'm just trying to keep an open mind. He makes a pretty convincing argument.

>> No.56441664

Bwhahahaah you seem like some ethnic snitch faggot I’m glad those retarded abos beat you up you sentimental sss chang

>> No.56441722

What do you think, faggot?

>> No.56441742

prone to psychopathy and lacking the divine spark i see. you are not human.

>> No.56441762

Divine sparks and god doesn’t exist browncel

>> No.56441790

Idk, but you sure are posting alot. Are you having another episode?

>> No.56441841

you are so fucking retarded lol.

>> No.56441882

Tell us your story anon, i am genuinely curious.

What happened to make you who you are? Or is your entire existence completely meaningless compared to mine?

>> No.56441901
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Woke moralism

>> No.56441913

ahaha this. this nigga is probably an australian guy named leeton who lives in the central coast and thinks hes a hot shot cocaine dealer when really his dad is an abusive bikie who never loved him. am i spot on leeton? you fat rapist divine spark lacking drug fucked retard?

>> No.56441926

Is he in a movie you like or something?

>> No.56441989

I’m an Armenian in America you stereotyping fairy tale obsessed brown retard. You are the one that got pummeled by a bunch of ugly shit colored abo monkeys here KEK

That’s Christopher Hitchens you philistine

>> No.56442016

How do you not realize this sentimental bullshit is akin to some crybaby rape victim talking about “my rapist” kek. Back to plebbit you rape victim

>> No.56442075

I'm an Armenian in Australia you assumptive fuck face, funny how you just insisted another Armenian was a browncel you Rabiz certified Super Sako cunt. We are both literally as white as it gets. Your the one that is hot glued to your fucking keyboard topkeking and insulting strangers life struggles anonymously on a 20 year old message board for tranny obsessed faggots, you fucking Armenian tranny obsessed faggot. I'm Armenian, God exists retard. Shad lav che you fucking GYOT

>> No.56442129

you obviously hold no sentiment for your own life because you are cursed to live in America where no ones life matters. you fucking hate yourself bro, your fucking insufferable even from the way you type you AIDS afflicted GYOTTTTTTT

>> No.56442172

what a turn of fucking events huh? faggot.

>> No.56442213

gn aper jan :)

>> No.56442243

pretending your parents aren't immigrants you self hating sacrilegious armo disgrace. your just a Turk in Armenian skin.

>> No.56442256

Kys god obsessed faggot. There is no god I don’t give a damn that our shithole home country was the first to convert to kikeonastickism. Bet you look like one of those darkie kardashian ass Armenians lmao stupid faggot kys

>> No.56442273

My family arrived in the LA area in the 40s lmao. Great grandpa was an industrial engineer. Turks are retarded sandniggers why would give a damn about them?

>> No.56442292
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Ok I will spoonfeed you on how to get over your depression/adhd/burnout/fogged brain or whatever you call that gay shit
>no porn
>no caffeine
>no inhaling with mouth
>no sugar, no white flour
>social interaction
>pullup bar
>having a pet
>strategy and action-rpg vidya
>reading new things, philosophy
>writing a page for the daily journal
>drumming, playing guitar, singing karaoke
>whistling, improvising, creating new music
>sketching common items in different positions
>using pictures/recalling images from memory
>drawing emotional faces, shading 3d
>empathy, teaching skills
>truth, no negativity
>water with ice
>eggs, oats, nuts
>hard cheese/fish/liver
>onions, olive oil, parsley
>potatoes, brown rice, beans
>carrot/tough apple after meal
>gelatin jello with grug berry
>long warm shower before bed
>nettle shampoo, aloes honey body cream
>deep pore cleanser/exfoilating face scrub
>herb mint facial mask, coconut conditioner
>electric toothbrush, clean tongue and floss
>not oily nivea cream on hands and feet
>cerave's night cream with retinol on face
>melatonine, eye cover mask for bedtime
>growing mother-in-law's tongue next to bed
>30 min meditation with wim hoff breathing method
>no sleeping on belly, chest or face
>7.5 hour SLEEP
>spreading toes, sun and moon salute
>hold to cold shower
>single blade shave
>sunscreen moisturizer
>less 4chan

>> No.56442317

Alright u ausfagmenian go to sleep haha I’m sorry for calling you a rape victim but the point is too not air sentimentality in public. That kind of stuff works on women and gays. Empathy for the weak is a good thing maybe but airing your weakness in public is just revolting. Roasties are the only people that get a pass on that shit

>> No.56442407

My grandfather was American CIA in the iran iraq war, he did everything in his power to make sure he escaped sandworld so that i fucking could exist. your lost as fuck and lacking the Armenian IQ and divine spark to see God in all things, let alone be a kind soul. OP asked me to elaborate on PTSD which is real as fuck and affects men everywhere. Its neurological damage, not fake depression attention seeking tranny fake shit. i will not be swayed by some fuck face on the other side of the planet who has had they're entire culture watered down by Irish American retardation. Its an anonymous board, i gain nothing in the narcissistic form neither the social from from telling OP my story. You are too hot to trot and assumed i was a jeeted sap. Even you commenting "Empathy for the weak is a good thing maybe" implies you lack pre frontal lobe activity. If you are born a psychopath, thats your fucking problem. Don't be a human flame thrower and treat the world like your playground. So far you have demonstrated a repulsive character who im glad i dont have to interact with in real life. I hope for the worlds sake you keep that shit deep down inside you so no one has to see. Hye es du, Hye em yes. So its all good this time.

>> No.56442425

lol holy shit this thread does NOT belong on biz

>> No.56442500
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Anon…you ought to relax and read some Nietzsche.

I’m 3rd Gen US mil (great grandpa volunteered in his own way I’m not going to mention but not as a soldier). Grandpa was infantry in the zipperhead war (later physician in the reserves) and dad enlisted in the 90s and was in the reserves until a couple years ago. One thing I have learned from them the true despair is being back home in this safe, neutered environment. The trauma shit you see in Hollywood is not the same thing as irl “PTSD” which oftentimes is more a failure to adjust to the boring mediocrity that is suburban living. I’m applying to mil academies in a year but the fact of the matter is you’re genuinely being too sentimental and seem to not know many genuine military people. If you’ve read your storm of steel you’ll realize many young men glamorize and even enjoy war. As do I, for war is the father or all things.

>> No.56442522

Also why bring Irish Americans into this lol? Armenian ethnics and Irish ethnic narcissism has a similar pooropean anti-WASP coper strain to it. Something that makes no sense as it’s nothing more than base ressentiment, we are better than that, I believe.