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File: 466 KB, 1163x801, cuphandle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5643763 No.5643763 [Reply] [Original]

Why does nobody see this?
Everyday cup and handles that formed within 12 hours are posted on this pajeet piece of cancer. But real TA takes time.

Happy new year to all Linkies. We're all going to make it.

>> No.5643876
File: 145 KB, 645x681, 1513579520611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy happy lalalalala stinky linky. Here poem for you: https://iotapoetry.com/view.html?q=FXOUVVIGCPQTWCBLQMGKJ9LHJBASMLJVGYUGPNO9KNAKDWRNLZSVETOSLHHNEG9PBZFCZPAHCILYEQQF9EHLIIKAKC

>> No.5643887

There is another name for that formation, called a double top.

>> No.5643892
File: 115 KB, 1024x1024, 1511534988705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did chainlinkers become to pathetic

surely, there must be a root to their deluded vision

was that tranny anime-chan's shilling really so effective?

are you a bunch of beta orbiters ?

>> No.5643928

They got a lot really cheap so now will do anything to increase its price

>> No.5644001

250k linkies. I know it hurts but its true. Now carry on.

>> No.5644014

That's not a cup formation. At all.

>> No.5644077

That argument makes no sense. If you made a large profit on a dead coin it's easy to take it out and chase the next low valued coin. No reason to keep it in something that wont do anything unless you truly believe in the tech

>> No.5644106

I love linkies you guys are adorable

>> No.5644124
File: 56 KB, 892x751, 1514414091945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a textbook definition of a cup and handle. The bowl doesn't have to be perfect fag.

>> No.5644131

its pretty much textbook

>> No.5644350

Are you guys slow? You're missing half of the fucking formation.

>> No.5644441
File: 350 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20171230-125515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No we're not

>> No.5644652

Yeah, notice the way either side of the cup is relatively equal in that picture? Now notice the way you have one grossly disproportionate side? That means it's not a cup.

>> No.5645004

>Being retarded AND a liar

Linkies really are the most cancerous holders on this board. It's objectively not a cup and handle, stop lying to pump your coin.

>> No.5645050
File: 378 KB, 640x656, 1479108033566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-It'll go back up!
Slow bleed back to .18

>> No.5645138

feel so stinky right now

>> No.5645181

the jews manipulate the price and paint pictures to taunt you. stop throwing your chicken bones on the sidewalk. linkedchains will moon when they want it too just a wee bit before the testing nets are released in a month or two.

>> No.5645642

Notice how it's ok if the top of the cup is breached at the end of the cup formation? All that it means is the resistance point at the top of the cup is a weak resistance point.

>> No.5645902

No, retard, that means it's not a fucking cup. Cups have to have two equal sides. If one breaches then the formation is gone.

>> No.5645937
File: 707 KB, 1024x1024, stinky linky at the doctors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5646284
File: 309 KB, 1080x2220, 20171230_134726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we can agree to disagree