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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56436172 No.56436172 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56436204

These "people" are the ultimate subhumans.

>> No.56436209
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Ultimate cope

>> No.56436214

World war 3 is breaking out and magical internet money is pumping? You have to be the dumbest cunt on earth to not see this for what it is - a final exit pump for the elites and institutions to dump their bags.

>> No.56436220


These people and /pol/ tards.

>> No.56436225

Man that is some intense fucking cope

>> No.56436250

I'm to sorry to inform you but you will be jumping off of a bridge in about a year

>> No.56436293

They're right though. Bitcoin has no intrinsic value. It's price is irrelevant

>> No.56436333

Monetary medium does not have to have an intrinsic value. In fact it is counter intuitive for a monetary medium to have any sort of intrinsic value

>> No.56436347

i wonder when that sub will die. i feel like in 10 years there will still be people seething there.

>> No.56436355


>> No.56436361

why would the die when they are correct?

>> No.56436364

its not exitbump its last stand for economy.
crypto and metals will gain all value of the world.
90% of people loses everything and 10% gains everything.

>> No.56436381

but belief is intrinsic to human experience. silly retardditor

>> No.56436391

they're literally wrong about everything. that sub is the perfect example of confirmation bias.

>> No.56436401

eh people said the same thing in july "scam pump, 12k remains the target" still possible, but its getting increasingly unlikely each day that passes and we're not below 25k

>> No.56436413

crypto is a scam with no intrinsic value. They are correct

>> No.56436420

Is there really dedicated board to fud a coin they don't own? For what purpose?

>> No.56436432

yes crypto is a scam that's why every financial institution is researching tokenization and digital assets. you and your r/buttcoin friends are smarter than citi, jpm, anz, swift, and the entirety of hong kong. if only they consulted you guys before they wasted all that money.

>> No.56436449

>yes crypto is a scam that's why every financial institution
every financial institution is looking for ways to scam people. they are full of jews

>> No.56436450

Kek. Nocoiners will be calling crypto a scam until the day they die. Meanwhile, crypto will permeate into every aspect of their life. They’ll be using blockchains 100 times a day in every aspect of their life without ever realizing it. Nocoiners will still be saying, no use case

>> No.56436997

A year from today btc will be 100k and jewjew cum consoooomers like you won't even remember the HAPPOOOOONING supposedly going on right now.

>> No.56437070

Kek, they are feeling it. :D

>> No.56437134

nobody is dying for dirty brown countries, sorry.

>> No.56437178

crypto is bitcoin plus thousands of other long-term worthless assets. there's a reason why bitcoin won and it has nothing to do with whatever value it has.

>> No.56437313

>crypto is a scam
I see this statement made by midwits a lot. I’m frankly not even sure what they mean by it. The coins/tokens exist, can be transferred and spent, and can be sold for dollars, so how is crypto broadly a scam? Does it just mean they find the markets too confusing, and so just call it a scam as a cope? Truly baffling to me that that is the word the choose to criticize it

>> No.56437655

Its not a scam but fiat is a scam.
These people deserve to become destitute and have stories told about them for the next 500 years.
That is the purpose of their lives.
To be smug pricks, die penniless and be an example of what not to do.
That's it. That's their whole lives.

>> No.56437663


>> No.56438328

Alright /biz/coin, I’m more of a stocks and shares guy.
I understand how Bitcoin is valued as it is. It’s an established asset that people have more or less assigned a value to, just like any other asset. The popularity of it in of itself is part of its price and it more or less relies on the idea of being the top dog.
ETH personally seems like a total failure on the philosophical side, but I won’t deny it’s the stem from which a lot of cryptocurrency projects rely upon, even if a majority of the projects are shitty or scams. There’s reasons in which I can see people holding it.

It’s obvious that Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are mainly held as an asset, so outside of those 2 (maybe Monero if you wanna avoid taxes), how does any other coin prove its worth? ETH feels like the only bitcoin project that works as a project but morally it has no standing since the hack.
I don’t see the applications for it.

>> No.56438392

you're lost tourist

>> No.56438607

>World war 3 is breaking out
No it isn't you doomer retard.

>> No.56438686

Why do these people even exist? Who the fuck spends their time observing and talking about people who are part of a community about something they dislike?

>> No.56438702

You do realize the US dollar has lost about 80% of its value in purchasing power and that means the peg lost 80% of its value against BTC right.

>> No.56438703

Stop including your stupid gambling shitcoins in this conversation

>> No.56438713

Jealous people who got priced out and wish bad things on people who prosper. Its what dumb people always do, like blacks.

>> No.56438793

Bitcoin is associated very loosely with anti-establishment beliefs in particular anti-fed anti-fiat anti-jewish financial control. These buttcoiners are really hostile to the fact that there are people out there trying to undermine the financial system. It's more ideological than anything. I'm pretty confident there's a huge overlap between buttcoin posters and people who shilled for vaccines and ukraine because it was for exactly the same reason; they are utterly loyal to the ruling regime. Bitcoin just represents political dissent in the context of finance.

>> No.56438876

it's mostly late adopters that missed bitcoin and tried and failed with altcoins or just rejected them entirely. most of them think of themselves as "technologists", but missed the most obvious progression from p2p data because they don't understand money (but to be fair most people don't)

>> No.56438955

>tried and failed with altcoins

Bro.... altcoins are what have made everyone rich in the last 5 years of crypto lol, the only people bitcoin has made rich was those who bought at least 8+ years ago

>> No.56438957

Pretty much every crypto
>print yourself a bunch of worthless tokens
>pitch you plan to VCs
>spend the money they gave you on a marketing campaign telling retards your shitcoin will moon
>dump on retarded baggies
Crypto IS a scam. Bitcoin =/= crypto.

>> No.56439059
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>crypto is...LE SCAM

>> No.56439068

most people who move to alts because they missed bitcoin failed because they treated alts like they were bitcoin and held onto them.

>> No.56439332

>Bitcoin has no intrinsic value
your opinion has no intrinsic value

>> No.56439405

/pol/ is the less reddit friendly board of all 4chan retard

>> No.56439414


>> No.56440506

As long as there are commies and other seething losers it will be around.

>> No.56440522

i always wonder what type of person posts in those hate subs.
many of them have been at it for years, just hating on something they don't even use.
did they lose money selling low? jealous because someone they know made it?

>> No.56440555

Trannies, unironically.

>> No.56440564

>/pol/ isn't stuffed with reddit rejects

>> No.56440576

WW3 was “breaking out” last bull run too. Along with “civil war” and “the end of the world”

>> No.56440605

Lmao these fucking "people"

>> No.56440622

>Ww3 is starting soon
How soon? Please give answer in terms of weeks

>> No.56442011

2 more weeks

>> No.56442432

>>Bro.... altcoins are what have made everyone rich in the last 5 years of crypto lol,

of course poojeet, especially those coins:


>> No.56442479

I want to see them when Bitcoin dumps back to 20k after the ETF is rejected again.

And then when bitcoin is at 100k this time year because the seethe will be palpable.

>> No.56442506


>> No.56442534

>1 post by this ID
Looks like it's time to start investing more

>> No.56442665

>ITT: coiner cope
Keep holding, you'll be rich at any moment! This isn't just gambling at all! You've made a sound financial decision and did your due diligence! This is real Business and Finance /biz/ and certainly not Shilling and Shitcoins /shl/!

>> No.56442742
File: 44 KB, 757x259, Screenshot 2023-10-23 202131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ha ha they just can't help themselves.

>> No.56442809


you also want sex, but you won't get either :(


butthurt about missing out again?

>> No.56442975

>he doesn't know Bitcoin was born out of the 2008 economic crisis
>didn't saw the last pump after the covid depression
Haven't you learned anything yet? When the world is in shambles, a major bull is coming to pump BTC

>> No.56443043

How is the weather in Punjab pajeet ? I donated bitcoin to blow up russians in ukraine, best money spend so far.