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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5643529 No.5643529 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking of committing sucide

>> No.5643562

Hey, 4chan here. Sorry for your loss OP.

>> No.5643573

Do you just buy whatever gets posted on /biz/ lmfao at that portfolio

>> No.5643588

How the fuck did you get so much money in the crypto game without knowing what a bitcoin crash does?

>> No.5643619

I never even heard of some of those shitcoins.
By the way, you'll regret commiting suicide at the end of next year.

>> No.5643630

tomorrow is a new day. don't sweat the small stuff. next big market push we'll see green. fucking green everywhere

>> No.5643635

>that portfolio
wow you literally just threw a significant amount of money in the trash

>> No.5643638

10k loss, shut the fuck up bitch boy.

>> No.5643644


You're an arab
You have enough oil money

>> No.5643648

My dad works at 4chan and he said OP is a faggot.

>> No.5643651

at least you have 70+k man, I earn 200$ a month. Just chill, it will rise again as it always did. Take a walk and free your mind

>> No.5643666

booo hooooo I only have 77 grand, humble brag fagot

>> No.5643687

>invest in shitcoins
>expecting to get rich ever

>> No.5643694

Is that all you've lost?

>> No.5643712


How appropriate

>> No.5643734

77k bragging? sure if he had 7 figures maybe

>> No.5643739

op faggot detector: *beep*

>> No.5643758

Charge your phone, goddamn

>> No.5643792

Op here, Whoever does not understand that I’m being sarcastic needs to get a racooon forced up there ass. For the people asking how I made my money, xrb lmao. Getting justed hard

>> No.5643797

Yeah this is the range that is a tease. Can't really change your future like paying off a mortgage but your immediate needs are no longer a worry.

>> No.5643814

You seriously thought campus coin was a good idea? Just use any other crypto.

>> No.5643830
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>yfw the LARP is high quality

>> No.5643846

Never heard of campuscoin, but HAT looks solid. Just hodl OP

>> No.5643851

It's down today, but it'll be green again real soon

Trust me I feel like shit too. Half my portfolio is BTC

>> No.5643877

MEH whatever I lost 20k today. It’ll bounce back. It’s why cost basis is the most important thing really. Prevents you from being a weak handed fag

>> No.5643917


>> No.5643947
File: 56 KB, 596x576, ebolaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think i had forget you Anon?

>> No.5644449

dude wtf? your whole portolio are just regular pajeet pump and dump coins, how did you even manage to accumulate $70k with that bad foresight?

>> No.5644710

Get on QLC now and get comfy. It's at all time low right now. Can't go wrong with it.

>> No.5644882

>Not looking at the BTC value

You'll never make it.

>> No.5645186

Where the fuck are you even getting these coins?

>> No.5645227

Nothin to brag about kiddo

>> No.5645313

Why would you buy Sharia.Today?

>> No.5645362

humble brag and kill yourself
waste of money piece of shit

>> No.5645379

What the fuck are those shitcoins anon? Jeeeeez, be more careful. One ir two might get a moon someday but shiiiieeeeeeet that’s the bottom line of shitcoins there. But do not panic. Wait untill profit, see witch one of those might have a future then get rid of the others. Meanwhile think about what you did!

>> No.5645392

The dips are fucking insignificant in the long term.

You have two great holdings, PRL and BNTY. They'll explode in due time.

Don't be an emo faggot and hold these motherfucker tight.

>> No.5645423

Just how? This is fake right?
You could have bought the new mustang with this money....

>> No.5645459


Stop buying pajeetcoins retard

>> No.5645470
File: 179 KB, 415x477, 4y6efz4jb3dz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>up 15% in a day

business as usual, ho-hum

>down 15% in a day


>> No.5645500


>> No.5645660

buy moar BNTY so cheap right now

got another 10K for the moon mission

thanks /biz/

>> No.5645732 [DELETED] 

who tf invests 70K in crypto lmao

>> No.5645753
File: 27 KB, 738x446, 172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sell everything and get in XLM

>> No.5645755


my man join the discord so you know non pajeet coins to buy.

>> No.5645979

Depends on what people put in. Having cash =/= good investor. He could be an electrical engineer or something making three figures. He could've started around 75k initial.

>> No.5646287

that kind of money should be spread among top 10-15 coins

>> No.5646327

thats one of the worst portfolios Ive ever seen posted on biz


>> No.5646365

jesus this is an actual legit shitcoin portfolio

this stuff makes scam weed penny stocks look like Boeing

>> No.5646377

campus coin...good lord wtf are you doing

>> No.5646462

77k all in risky questionable shit. Come on now

>> No.5646487

Kek yeah. He bought the worst coins ever, and then a crash happened. Wtf did he expect.

OP you're an idiot.

>> No.5646492

I invest in memes, but holy shit these are memes squared.

Also, charge your phone

>> No.5646605

You deserve to loose all your money.