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56434361 No.56434361 [Reply] [Original]

I had a chance to buy link at $6. SIX FUCKING DOLLARS. I was going to go all in. Literally. But this faggot said alts we’re going to continue bleeding and BTC was going to fade dragging alts with it.


please end my life. Please.

>> No.56434367

inb4 the winter of dreams

>> No.56434372

>Can't buy Link because of others opinions
>Needs someone else to end his life

>> No.56434378

You have a chance to buy link at $10 now. Are you going to continue being a midwit or no?

>> No.56434381

why on earth would anyone ever listen to the advice of a youtuber, ESPECIALLY this serial countersignal retard

>> No.56434384

>he listened to the crypto jew

>> No.56434390

I think you need to check the BTC dominance op, sorry not sorry

>> No.56434449

I aped in at $8 and felt like an idiot. Then I aped in at $9 and felt like an idiot. Now I just aped in at $10 feeling like an idiot. All that wont matter if it goes up.

>> No.56434512

PoolTogether is just now creeping up. V5 runs smooth as fuck.

Price discovery is going to be immediate, I see a return to 50$.

>> No.56434538

This. And I say this as someone who likes Ben
I like listening to his input but I don't always follow his every step.
You have nobody to blame but yourself you fucking dumbass.
But hey who knows. It could still dump

>> No.56434609

you also had a chance to buy it at 25 cents

>> No.56435974

There are people on this board who bought in at 20 cents, held to $50, and are still holding.

>> No.56436073

He is literally a cardano shill

>> No.56436083

If u buy every two weeks it won’t matter how bad u are at investing

>> No.56436092

Day 1 Stinker here, I had a gut feeling $5 was the bottom and begged my brother and father to go in. My brother listened, bought 15k link at 5.20. He’s euphoric as fuck right now, and owes me a lambo when we hit $100.

>> No.56436097

Linkies are dumb until another new ath , then they will be visionaries

It’s all relative

>> No.56436101

Well why would you listen to the peakiest of peak midwits?

>> No.56436104
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>don't buy link because ummm durrrrrr

>> No.56436200

I bought in at ten cents and am still holding. Won't be selling at 50 next time either. The screeching at 50 will be fun.
Stake everything you can and only cash out the minimum amount ofbyour rewards you need to to survive. We're going to see the mother of bull runs with Link. And not before time.

>> No.56437541

Was this retard ever right about anything?

>> No.56437747
File: 979 KB, 1003x1201, 1609473331309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you're considering buying alts do yourself a favor, take a cold shower. thank me later and if you like the content, subscribe to my into the cryptoverse premium [where you will the same ice cold takes and bad advice]

>> No.56437760

>trusts kikes with finance
>learned nothing from FTX


>> No.56437770

lol that stupid retard acts like he's better than all us. His wife is ugly. Don't trust dudes with ugly wives

>> No.56437796

that retard is the Jimmy Kimmel of crypto

>> No.56437843

>I trust literal jews to tell me when to buy
You deserve it desu

>> No.56437855

>aped in

Be gone 2021 tourist normie

>> No.56437856

Cowen isn't a Jewish name, I thought it was Irish or Scottish? It's not the same as Cohen

>> No.56438013

Best part is that Cowen himself most probably fudded himself out of his precvous large LINK position, he is so vocal about not being in alts that he most definitely sold a good portion of his LINK at the lows kek

>> No.56438026

Because 2 years ago he was running 2 stake pools. They were handed to him in exchange for shilling.
Don't know how much he runs now but back then just from that he had guaranteed $250k a year.

>> No.56438044

Back then this fucker was preaching how BTC ETH and LINK are the only "blue chip cryptos".
When LINK started underperforming he stopped making videos about it and pretended it doesnt exist.
I can see him starting again to talk about LINK anytime now, while pretending he never gave up on it.

>> No.56438063

There are people on this board right now who bought fat link stacks at ico and continued buying up to 52 UNITED STATES DOLLARS and continued buying all the way back down to 5

they own more link than you


>> No.56438077

you're my exit liq, faggot

>> No.56438089

Did he call the top last bullrun or was he one of the BTC to 100k yelling noobs?

>> No.56438118

I got my dad to buy 10k link when it was around $6, but couldn’t convince my brother.
Oh well, at least now my skank sister in law won’t be able to get her mitts on any link gains. Still feel bad for my bro though.

>> No.56438153

He was "expecting" the top to be around $160k-170k

>> No.56438241

The skank wouldn't get her mitts on them anyway. How is she going to get a hold of the private keys?

>> No.56438272

Why do you listen to stupid youtuber faggots?
I stopped listening to anyone after 2018 and only ever listened to my instinct. Turned 1000 bucks into 500k.

>> No.56438861
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i bought link at 20 cents but was poor so could only buy like 100 dollars worth i held my stack up to like 40k and then down to like 3k

>> No.56439175

It's literally jewish disguised. Jews in scotland would change Cohen to cowen or cooper.

>> No.56440220

You really got in so early, I have a few alts i also got in early on during the last run with NXRA being one of them.

>> No.56440521

Not buying LINK now is like overlooking ETH when it was sub $80, definitely something any sane person won't want to miss.

It's also similar with other undervalued alts on m radar like CYMI

>> No.56441398

Didn't everyone long link at these prices?

>> No.56441708

Just checked his latest stance. He's now saying this is alts bleeding into bitcoin. Disregarding alts also rising and as per he's bringing up his forced cope of excluding stablecoins and eth from dominance. He's the prissiest bitch in blockchain.

>> No.56442196
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>Lost 1/4 stack of LINK swinging


>> No.56443417

This jew is a fucking disgusting creature. Look at the fangs on that thing. He sucks baby foreskin and drinks blood for breakfast.

>> No.56443640

It will be returning to $6 very soon, I don't know why anyone thinks this is the bull market or something..? Can anyone explain? I say this as Chainlink hodler since .46 cents.

>> No.56443670
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yeah i lost a tonne swinging too, i was trying to into daytrading

>> No.56443723
File: 309 KB, 1482x1010, boolish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so far it's still a lower low on the macro. also i see a bearish continuation pattern. i would not touch that junk right now.