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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 75 KB, 300x300, This-is-Fine-300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56430930 No.56430930 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.56431035

I could have bought toad instead but all I saw on /biz/ was endless spam about how I was being eth farmed by tg jannies and that they were distancing themselves from the project and never going to mention it again.

No one ever said shit like that about fine. Not only am I going to lose everything, but I missed out on a 100-1000x. My life is basically over because of the shitbags on this board.

>> No.56431038

Didn't it dump pretty hard?

>> No.56431045

Isnt that shit also fucking down? What are you talking about you fucking maggot

>> No.56431067

DYOR you piece of shit. I'm done with you faggots. You fud good projects, suck the cocks of fucking scams, and to top it off sometimes special individuals such as yourself barge in here to rudely beg ME to spoonfeed you. As if I know fucking anything, if I did I wouldn't have made this thread bitching about listening to you fucking faggots now would I? Pull the charts up yourself you fucking nigger.

>> No.56431086

Farmed by fine

>> No.56431410

so...buy the dip? or no?

>> No.56431426

very pathetic attempt at shilling toad

>> No.56431473

I heard lordkek abandoned the project.

>> No.56431524

Not true, talked to him yesterday

>> No.56431585


>> No.56431679

I don't know, didn't this guy aizen say this was a tax farm? Who knows if lordkek loaded up many wallets and is selling in small increments? He's a retarded Arab
That being said, he has sworn on multiple occasions that this is his coin, that he is taking this far and is dedicated to doing so
There are several things pointing to him being the pepe dev
I went in with 4k at 6m market cap but I'm prepared for this to go to zero, it's just money after all

>> No.56432079
File: 104 KB, 441x680, F8ml_dUXgAA4qPy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see you faggots at the 2 mil market cap cause this token is being farmed to death by slant drilling arabs lmao

smoke up

>> No.56432272

I had 2 trillion toad then fomo'd for fine and i'm down 63% fuck this sandnigger scam
>muh connections
>muh pepe devs

then why the fuck is this shit taking so long to pump/flip pepe?

>> No.56432328


yeah lord kek abandoned the project. He thought he could pull another pepe on his own but failed miserably. He's just all talk no action

He hypes you up by telling you so much is in the works behind the scenes only to find out the whole time he is in another project he created called APU

he's about to shill it on 4chan so don't even bother with it

>> No.56432719


>> No.56432741

It wasn't the lord kek
the founder of fine has NEVER used the pepe deployer wallet to prove he is the real lord kek
It was some arab who compromised the real lordkek's telegram account
That's it.
Didn't compromise anything but a telegram account and he made it this far. It's kind-of impressive isn't it?
The entire mod staff for FINE was laid off, supposedly they were the same mods as PEPE. But if you check PEPE chat history, even those mods weren't mods there in August.

Nothing adds up. If he wanted to prove he deployed PEPE, a message on-chain would've been an easy way to do it. He's a fraud.

>> No.56432842
File: 956 KB, 1441x1084, dKFekfAlmMYHLK20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't be surprised


Some sauce in pic. You can also go into the Apu tg. The dev of Apu ( Aka kek in Fine) literally types the same way as kek, same layout and everything.

>Uses the word soon all the time
>False promises
>Big things in store but cant say much
>OG btc/eth whales
>OKX wallet integration on site just like FINE recently did
>Twitter account follows only the same exchanges like FINE twitter account to make it seem like they're working behind the scenes with them

Same bullshit, same layout, as fine. Kek is just another jeet that fooled many. The price of fine is already dropping as everyone is finding out. That shit will be going down another 50% by tonight.

He abandoned fine and will come in to type gm and leave for another week to use more people as exit liquidity.

>Email leads were faked
>Car giveaway didnt happen
> "On business calls 24/7 for 2 months"

all of it is bullshit LOL

>> No.56432999

Well i'm glad i exited/ dumped after a 3x so i'm sitting with dinner money just in case.
Btw i remember some "apu" that was shilled here on april and was a paki/russian scam
I lost $500 not much in the grand scheme of things but yeah

>> No.56433035

Why are you still following projects by Lord Kek? He's a known scammer. He was also doxxed on twitter if y'all are curious of knowing who he really is. All I can recall was that he's an ASU grad and he looks like a stereotypical psychopathic "Kyle". You NEVER trust those types, you'll remember them from high school.

>> No.56433206

Ranto Basado

>> No.56433388

What the fuck man?? Deerhunter was probably in on it too. He conveniently just went on a “2 week” hunting trip. Faggots probably hunting for houses in the Caribbean using the money he raked in from this. This is dbi 3.0 and I should’ve seen it coming but I was so desperate for a break. Well, I promised myself this was my final play in crypto. Once the little bit I have left is gone, I’m fucking out for real. Fuck.this.shit

>> No.56433433

You were told over and over again to buy toad instead.

>> No.56433783

Nigger, I have toad and fine and I’m still fucked

>> No.56433803

Reported for n word

>> No.56433864

>he was doxxed on twitter
That wasn’t lordkek, that was degen harambe.

>> No.56434322
File: 791 KB, 1024x1024, 1695665896799409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I could have bought toad
Nice try OP but I know this whole thread is a psyop by toad tranny's, everything is FINE.

>> No.56434495

What happened?

>> No.56434509
File: 47 KB, 356x593, BSQTQAPIPZBGPEPECIGN7BY23Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56434554

Badai is going to dump all the way back down to 10m mc or lower lul. From 120m to 20 right now. Even if toad pumps that'll be it's fate.

>> No.56434735

I don't know

>> No.56434873
File: 49 KB, 455x655, 1661199154572363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mods are on damage control, they arent just deleting any fud they're banning accounts on the telegram

>> No.56434986

I got in early with 5 eth worth, been playing with the house's money, managed to farm an eth from the action, since this has been an easy one, considering the price has been up and down and relatively decent action on the token.

Not riding this to zero and fuck this Lord Kek guy, glad he burned his reputation on a shit token.

>> No.56435033


mods in fine are wanker moonbois lmao. They will miss out on the bull run because they have to much faith in Jeet Kek.

Kek 100% ruined his reputation after this one. fucking clown.

Honestly i think kek is pissed he didnt have access to team wallet when Degen harambe dumpd.

He probably salty he missed out on millions so he creates his own coin thinking he can pump it. Then realizes he cant do what pepe did cause pepe was pure luck.
So im sure he just started dumping on people in fine.

>> No.56435050

Some guy said "Apu going to zero" and got misteriously banned
Lordkek is a sandnigger scammer

>> No.56435228
File: 157 KB, 1355x1219, lolwut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Lord Kek, why would you endorse such an obvious scam?"
I got banned in less than 5 seconds of posting this. The tg trannys are on full alert, "shut it down" type shit. One of the admins (Fein?) spazzed the fucked out yesterday about how kek and the team are free to shill other coins or whatever but he has since deleted the post. I swear these fuckers are their own worst enemies

>> No.56436270

Can't imagine myself losing money to scams at this point; not with all the info I've got handy. Why take such risks when I can just simply opt for some decent passive income like stablecoin yield farming on a Defi middleware offering decent yields with their higher risk pools? Way better than feeding some Russian/Arab trannies fat imo.

>> No.56436536

Still exposing yourself to risks then. Why settle for less?

>> No.56436646

The risks with stable coin yield farming are nothing compared to seeking quick 10x from Arab memes. On a protocol like SpoolFi, for example, their risk diversification framework is top notch and circumvents virtually all the hiccups plaguing Defi currently.

>> No.56436794

How exactly does it diversify risks?

>> No.56436943

Spool is linked with several top notch yield generators like Compound, Curve, Aave, Morpho etc; when users stake on smart vaults, they're actually staking on these protocols but through Spool in a well diversified manner(based on the users' risk appetite) and from a single entry point. Making it cost and time efficient.