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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56422714 No.56422714 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else think they have life figured out and then a weekend like this one comes along and you don't know what to do in the next second, let alone the rest of your life?
I feel like I should be making money, doing some odd job for $100 or something today, but is that really what I should be doing?
Or should I be working on some project that I devote months or even years of my personal time to, unlikely to ever make any profit on it.
I don't even have the will to game anymore.
I try to tell nyself that I'm "learning" things like crypto and developing on youtube but I never made a profitable project in my life.
I feel like I'm having a midlife crisis and I'm not even 30.

>> No.56422728

why does this exist

>> No.56422730

>oy vey goyim I am sad all the time I hate having days off
Don't you have a hospital to bomb chaim?

>> No.56422739

>you don't know what to do in the next second
The opposite for me, I want to do too much things in the next second.

If only 1 day was at least 36 hours long.

>> No.56422758

>oy vey goyim i wish days were 36 hours I could consume so much more product
Hospital is over there chaim

>> No.56422774

And how are you spending your weekend chud?

>> No.56422785
File: 166 KB, 1122x1464, POV - Looking Out The Oven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crashing my oven with no survivors brother

>> No.56422792

>and then a weekend like this one comes along
Wtf are you talking about faggot? You're not the main character, no one cares about your weekend or your life dumb fag.

>> No.56422808
File: 3.95 MB, 408x744, Nice Try Chud.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon is right. I am the main character

>> No.56422816
File: 74 KB, 640x540, Wendy's_full_logo_2012.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chef at Wendy's

>> No.56422817

Well honestly i hate weekends because the markets are basically closed, including crypto.

>> No.56422833

>I feel like I should be making money, doing some odd job for $100 or something today, but is that really what I should be doing?
Pro tip, this "hustle" shit is bullshit. Yes, if you want to make money, you have to own stuff. No one gets rich waging. Even programmers or doctors who make hundreds of thousands only get rich because they invest it. You have to own a business or invest, so yeah work on your project, its better than wasting time waging. Only wage enough to sustain yourself and enable yourself to develop your own business.

>> No.56422884

similar feelings here. desu I dont care about money anymore that much, I just want to find something that gives me fulfillment, where I can use my brain.

in the meantime I play BG3, do sports, go hiking.

but sometimes I feel I should spend more time searching for that one thing that will make me ascend to the top of Maslow's pyramid

>> No.56422897
File: 44 KB, 437x280, Pepe hug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally me

>> No.56422918

You should have a family and be spending time with your wife and children. But you aren’t a man, you’re a man child.

>> No.56422925

No, Jesus Christ is the main character. Don’t you understand that all of this is for Him?

>> No.56422934

Jesus came for us though

>> No.56422990

For us for the glory of the Father

>> No.56423030

Wtf is your reading comprehension esl? What does me saying this weekend coming have to do with me being a main character in anything?
I think this is right. I should just work through the tunnel even if there isn't light.
Literally me
I did have a family, she left us. I do do things with my son but honestly I'm lost what to do today. It's also hard because I wish we were together as a family to do things.

>> No.56423065

"a weekend like this"
A weekend like what you fucking nigger? What happened this weekend that was out of the ordinary for all of us here now?

>> No.56423088

This weekend isn't special. A weekend comes like this current one that just came is what I meant, I don't understand what you're so hung up on

>> No.56423146

Is this a wind up? If you're not ESL you're either an AI bot or a brain damaged zoomer.

>> No.56423226

It's incredibly sad that you can't fathom doing anything with your life except consooming

>> No.56423446

where would you start if you were like that but wanted to change for the better?

>> No.56423939

you should have been working literally any job and dumping as much money into crypto as you possibly could in anticipation of the halvening. that is objectively what you should have been doing.

>> No.56423992

Gay thread. OP, it's time to accept that you're gay and that your purpose in life is to take dicks in your ass. Anyway, soon your gay faggot ass will be drafted to go fight in Palestine where there's a lot of cut jew dick and goatfucker cock that needs your neghole, so you're in luck.

>> No.56424235

Sorry to hear about your NPC-dom anon. Sounds like a really shitty life.

>> No.56424369

How are you spending your day?
I do have a job, actually have a long open up 50% right now. I don't know how that affects anything I'm saying

>> No.56424578

100% me
we just have have nothing to live for. I never now if i should work/learn shit or just have fun and i end up wondering and do nothing

>> No.56424701

would accountability work? we ask each other what useful did you do this week and if the other was just a useless piece of shit we insult him for being a retarded nigger

>> No.56425194

>a long open
Yeah you don't get it. It's over. If you need motivation and to be told what to do when the time is ripe to lay the seeds that will turn thousands of dollars into hundreds of thousands of dollars then I don't know what to say. The only thing that matters is positioning yourself for the next cycle and setting yourself up financially for the rest of your life while the opportunity is there. Not your gay pet project or whatever. And gambling with leverage is foolish.

>> No.56425211

So you are a lefty faggot nigger Reddit piece of shit tourist who fell for all the demoralisation posting and thought you were in good company? Go back faggot.

Thanks kikes. Can you keep these faggots locked up on Reddit or in mass spamming Hitler red pills

>> No.56425393

I tried to make a group chat of /biz/tards once, everyone's actually autistic and everyone stops talking after a day
I don't know what else you expect me to do, I already invest all of my disposable income.
kek seethe more retard nigger

>> No.56425400

I played a $300 lunchtime covers gig for some 60 yr old boomers.

Now I'm at home half drunk wondering which whore to call.

I feel empty inside.

>> No.56425412

I watch UFC and made 0.05 ETH trading BITCOIN for shits and giggles today. next ill go to the gym and then learn more about Python.

>> No.56425421

My spare time consists of working on making it with crypto, whether that be research, actual trading, market immersion
Then I have a crypto project I've wanted to develop for years now.. it's probably an unrealistic dream so that's probably the biggest demotivation to work on it.
Then I've always liked game dev. I have probably hundreds of demos but a handful of published games. I really do enjoy technical things like dynamic lighting systems than fleshing out a whole game with UI, gameplay... And I can't convince myself to spend hours and hours working on a game that probably will amount to nothing.
Thanks for visiting my blog

>> No.56425430

it's all pointless.

>> No.56425537

feeling similar thoughts anon, although perhaps I'm headed in the opposite career direction: >>56425355
i've been stacking all this bear market and I'm ready to check out

>> No.56425619

I don’t understand why anyone buys these gimmick model systems. If you already a os5 you don’t need it and if you haven’t bought a ps5 by now you likely aren’t going too.

>> No.56425626

I don't do anything besides farming some Stablecoins through SpoolFi. I fuck around and party. When the bull comes I'll start trading crypto again.

>> No.56426123

I do want to buy a ps5, can't justify the cost still.. but now they're moving to the ps5 slim and now it makes me want to wait for a ps5 pro