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56419056 No.56419056 [Reply] [Original]

What are the red flags when joining a project or company?

>> No.56419167

If it's run by a woman. Guaranteed to go nowhere.

>> No.56419186

if your coworkers are talking about hard work and being a family like HR. The best jobs are small teams where everyone agrees to do just enough and not work a second more than needed.

>> No.56419202

The biggest red flag is if they have a gong in the office.

>> No.56419205

work hard, play hard
free dinner... served at 6:00pm.. (you're required to stay late)
unlimited vacation
stacks of water bottles near the beak room
anyone in the office with a standing desk

>> No.56419208

Hearing stories about the project, how it's fucked, overcomplicated, confusing, and hearing some developers literally working every weekend for the past few months.

>> No.56419221

heavy use of corporate buzzwords.
it means they are full of shit and are trying to cover up the fact that they have no plan.

>> No.56419231
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A lot of turnover. If no one has been there more than a couple of months, run. Also if they say some shit like "Work hard, play hard!" get the fuck out of there. They will just overwork you and then pressure you to socialize with them and ostracize you if you don't.
You can ask questions when you're getting hired somewhere. Ask whoever is interviewing you what they like about working at the company and judge their answer. You'll be able to tell if it's a real answer or bullshit.

>> No.56419781

"It will shill itself" massive redflag if you ever hear that even once let alone multiple times.
"The product speaks for itself"
"If we build it then adoption will come"

>> No.56419822

>High turnover
This is a big one. I started working at my company about a year ago, and pretty much everyone I’ve met in my department is gone. Not to mention those who’ve started after me and left after a few months.

>> No.56419859

Exciting fast-paced environment

>> No.56419884

Went on an interview last week and the guy didn't even try to play games, just straight up asked me "How do you feel about working 55 hours a week?"
Needless to say, I was not a good fit but they thank me for my interest and will keep my information file for future potential opportunities!

>> No.56420033
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the part when the boss starts acting like a disney villain unironically, or when they use emotional blackmail to get you to work overtime, for that I go right back to playing duck race

>> No.56420046
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If there's blood all over the conference room walls.

>> No.56420096

Micromanaging. Also, there are too many assholes there that are retirement age that won't fucking leave, causing younger execs to not give a fuck since they cant move up. Scout out the workers under 40 and ask them how they feel about their future with the company.

>> No.56421557

Prioritizing accomplishment over sustainability and maintainability.
Offshore team.

>> No.56421601

why the fuck does disney have to make all the women in these movies hot? whats their fucking goal?

>> No.56421625


>> No.56421640


>> No.56422706
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>private equity owned
>billable hours
>mandatory overtime
>transitioning ERP systems
>recently merged
>woman or jeet manager

>> No.56423325

I worked at a company where the top female manager knows my parents well and it was the opposite. I got fast tracked promotions and flirted with her a lot, she definitely treated me differently.
If you work for a company where the female boss doesn't know you then it's absolute shit.

>> No.56423346

if they rape you on the first day you need to start looking for something else

>> No.56423379

>ANYTHING involving being a family
>calling employees by other, vapidly meaningless positive terms like team member, associate, etc.
>open office plan
>no coordination whatsoever
>buzzwords on top of buzzwords
>cheap gimmicks to try and entice your fellow wage slave to not go postal instead of just coughing up some more pay or something
>you hear something like “we’ve had a really hard time finding someone and having them keep your spot!”
>it has the designated vet who was likely there for over 20+ years, probably a woman, doing everything by themselves for more than half of that time, getting paid for the work of one person
>constant hiring/staffing freezes
>one or more departments being completely neglected and shafted, running off of duct tape, expired glue, and frustration, usually IT
Unironically considering getting a wastewater certification and just working at a wastewater plant or some shit.
I think it depends on who you are. I’m not anything special, and am a manlet at that, but I still always got on well with whatever women managers/bosses/etc. I’ve met. That said any time in the workforce will quickly make you realize how retarded/apathetic people in general in those positions are.