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56418763 No.56418763 [Reply] [Original]

We are so early (again)

>> No.56418767
File: 3 KB, 125x124, 1602513326630s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most people poorfolios are about to be 300k+ this run

>> No.56418783

Check these digital roll numbers for a big bang new bull frog market

>> No.56418784

What coins?

>> No.56418794


What is it?

>> No.56418828

only if you're buying new alts, or just btc/eth.
buying old alts just makes you permanently late.

>> No.56418831

spill the beans op

>> No.56418835

Bitcoin and the big alts will let you there if you've been buying this past year

>> No.56418866

Yep I got that ICP>>56418831

>> No.56418872

You can still expect 10x on almost any alt from here tho

>> No.56418895

you guys are so clueless. the market of 2020 is nothing like now. it had half a dozen or more strong market wide narratives it could lean into(defi, nfts, billionaires buying, companies buying, institutions buying, etcetera). it had massive amounts of overleveraged fraud going on(celsius, ftx, luna, etcetera).

the market cant be fooled twice, it has learned that a) all narratives were a scam, just a thinly veiled ponzi b) all future narratives are almost certainly the same thing

the good times are over, sub 10k btc is inevitable. consider buying once miners start capitulating en masse

>> No.56418904

My dick only got harder as your post went on

>> No.56418920

If they print, money will flow into crypto due to inflation (we saw this in covid). If they cut rates suddenly to zero, unemployment will be high… desperation sets in and people turn to crypto as their “last shot” at making it.

>> No.56418927

>300k+ this run
I got that high last run. I have over 4 BTC, what else should I stack

>> No.56418930

wrong, the new narrative will be web2 connecting to all blockchains.. the chainlink narrative

>> No.56418933

I literally have no idea what chainlink does to this day.

>> No.56418939

AI, privacy, rwa, verification etc.

>> No.56418943

This man is accumulating btc, btw

>> No.56418979

Nope, need big companies to manually dig through models atm.
> Privacy
We have monero already.
Yea, how
> Verification

>> No.56418985

You should go learn what Chainlink does

>> No.56418993

>consider buying once miners start capitulating en masse
like this hasnt already happened lmfao

>> No.56419009
File: 31 KB, 720x748, 1618967179845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I truly hope bulls resume and take over, cuz I don't think I can withstand another couple of years with pond not being at least .2 lmao

>> No.56419010

I tried, I don't get it. For example, with ICP and Algorand, there is at least some coherent narrative, even if complete naive bullshit that can be summed up.

> lol we are making software that can run on standardized hardware
> lol web assembly
> lol this will be distributed on many small computers and replace the cloud providers
> lol it will be super private, but we don't know how

Clear enough. Not so much with link. Like if I tried to pretend to shill link, I wouldn't know what to say.

>> No.56419014

Uh, anon, that's literally impossible by now, you should probably rope

>> No.56419015

fucking neck yourself kek

>> No.56419016

bullish for LINK

>> No.56419017

My cock in your ass, perhaps

>> No.56419018

Stop being a little bitch and get into any other garbage faggot

>> No.56419019

blah blah blah shut the fuck up. im sorry you missed the bottom

>> No.56419023


>> No.56419026

> If they cut rates suddenly to zero, unemployment will be high… desperation sets in and people turn to crypto as their “last shot” at making it.
Ahhhh yes. Who could forget the stock market soaring to new highs in the 1930s.

>> No.56419028

>85% LINK (staking)
>7% SDL (4 yr lock)
>7% ARB (from airdrop)
Feels comfy bros

>> No.56419037

Go to chainlink youtube and watch the short videos of sergey. It's not hard to understand what chainlink does and how important it is.

>> No.56419045
File: 96 KB, 1024x800, 1690877844300143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope you're just pretending to be stupid

>> No.56419047

People literally thought they were going to die from the fucking flu. They had no reason to buy bitcoin. Quit pretending like life was peachy during that period.

>> No.56419065


>> No.56419088

Delusional, lol!

>> No.56419112
File: 40 KB, 641x530, bobby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should learn who Richard Heart is

>> No.56419157

>two more years

>> No.56419310

yes just 2 more decades and we will all make it then our real lives can start

>> No.56419317
File: 79 KB, 1000x1000, 1547543038545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the market cant be fooled twice

>> No.56419563
File: 2 KB, 108x125, 1687629667660132s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't get much returns with bitcoin bros. I will be gunning for alts like QANX, which just dropped two mega launches in the past three weeks. Librescan and a private blockchain—that's absolute gold.

>> No.56420202
File: 64 KB, 659x1032, my cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only got lucky once and that was with duck race.
then the other attempts were simply chaotic, I don't even have hope in myself anymore

>> No.56420214

careful bro you will get attacked for saying this

>> No.56420246

>b) all future narratives are almost certainly the same thing
so why not invest again?

>> No.56420261

People forget everyone was sitting at home without work getting free money so they invested in niche shit like bitcoin.

That shit aint never happening again

>> No.56420303

I've only got 30K. If I somehow hit house ownership money (I'll settle for 300K and do the rest in a mortgage) I'm cashing out.
If I never hit that amount, I worry I won't have the slightest clue what the top looks like and miss it again.
This is my take. New narratives will form based on a snowball effect of morons like me making some money and others wanting a piece. Ponzis never went out of style.

>> No.56420351

TCP/IP wasn't easy to understand in 1980 either. We didn't have tech built on it which was considered anything but a toy. If you explained it to most people, they'd lose track at the concept of a packet, and start asking about what it's useful for. Not easy to answer before the internet even existed. Now most people still don't know how it works, but a technical person can at least hand wave through a basic understanding, and a regular person can understand "it's part of what the web runs on".

Chainlink is not comparable to earlier tech, so making an elevator pitch isn't easy. It's not the x of y like so many things in tech. It's the z. You have to change the way you think about the world to understand. Chainlink makes the flow of traditionally contentious information inexpensive and open enough to make previously infeasible solutions possible. Universal KYC is possible. Truly automatic real world contracts are possible. And of course, we've seen that fully automated defi is possible with Chainlink price feeds. There's a lot more; the full scope of impact is yet to be discovered. When Vint and Bob were making TCP there's no doubt they knew they were doing something big, but could they imagine Twitter or Netflix? People guessed at such things, but only ever barely made it inside the ballpark of what was actually made. We don't really know where link will go, and that's a big reason why the price isn't in the hundreds.

>> No.56420432

>every thread devolves into chainlink shilling
they are truly desperate aren't they

>> No.56420450

It's a /link/ board sweetie.

>> No.56420458

>Chainlink makes
Chainlink is about to make a bunch of autistic retards extremely rich.

>> No.56420484

>it's a /shitcoin/ board
yeah no shit sweaty

>> No.56420494

>Chainlink is about to make a bunch of autistic retards poor bags holders

>> No.56420566

Kek fuddies

>> No.56420579

Also, do you think there will be an ATH in this chart? I don't think so because everyone already came here in 2021 and they may go to other websites

>> No.56420580

I'm so tired of being early. I just want to be right on time.

>> No.56420597

>If they cut rates suddenly to zero, unemployment will be high
why does unemployment goes high if they cut rates?

>> No.56420601

name some alts for verification

>> No.56420610

Once link moons, it will then ATH as the seethe from no linkers and other boards becomes extremely appreciated.

>> No.56420632

I have no clues but I would guess that with all the military expenses, the US debt will progress faster as expected, the need to keep a good dollar will force the continuation of the rate hike. I don't think that the war damages are behind us.

>> No.56420646

most portfolios are already six figs if you have been around for a bullrun or two