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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 103 KB, 950x1033, F5glX5nXsAA1VQe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56418117 No.56418117 [Reply] [Original]

i dont mean to be a party pooper but that looks like a double top at the 30k major resistance. i hope you're strapped in bois

>> No.56418145
File: 1.43 MB, 450x338, drill.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to make that some CHEESY GARLIC BREAD!

>> No.56418153

girl on the left is much more pretty but yeah can't pass up the other ones titays, unless girl on left has amazing ass

>> No.56418159

Tetsuo the Ironman?

>> No.56418169

the one on the left could potentially be a wife if the culture wasn't against her the one on the right... godspeed to whomever brother.

>> No.56418178

Such a boring cope. Right is clearly even facially much more beautiful but every photo like this leads to competition averse anons making a post justifying the less desired one actually being better. Just say "i prefer girls who won't obviously reject me".

>> No.56418206

whut, no I just think her face is more beautiful and my type (I am way more into brunettes). It's not the most flattering photo for the one on the right though

>> No.56418214

>. Just say "i prefer girls who won't obviously reject me".
lmfao ikr. its the internet, you would think people would be more honest about this shit. right is better, regardless of tits.

>> No.56418260


>> No.56418332
File: 120 KB, 1080x988, IMG_9956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does that mean I’m gay?

>> No.56418358

Cover both of them from the neck down and the right one would still be objectively hotter.

>> No.56418381

Depends. Does the thought of a woman larger, stinkier and stronger than you, holding you down and then penetrating you forcefully with an actual dick sound hot to you?

>> No.56418394

Holy fuck, go back to >>>/lgbt/ you stupid faggot. No straight man would even think to post something this retarded and gay. Kill yourself.

>> No.56418409


>> No.56418420

>"i prefer girls who won't obviously reject me"
What alternate universe do faggots like this come from where they think that either of those women aren't on top of Mount Everest in terms of unapproachability to genuine incels?

>> No.56418482

>3/10s rating 8/10s, the THREAD
>inb4 YoU think ThIs Is A 8/10!!?! from the seething neets

>> No.56418588

Kek truth

>> No.56418598

I hate whores who wear the cross

>> No.56418775







The absolute delusions you can hear you of pajeets and then they wonder why we need to nuke them all from orbit just to be sure they don't spread.

>> No.56419196

Pro-tip: It doesn't matter what you think.
You will die alone and unhappy

>> No.56419200

Nah, the girl on the tights . The right has the high testosterone slut face, the left has the feminine

>> No.56419211

Fucking auto posted before I was done fucking nigger 5chinz

Right has the high testosterone face ** left has the estrogenic feminine farm girl look. Someone post that image on why men shouldn't watch porn and masturbate that shows the high test female face

>> No.56419719
File: 45 KB, 597x592, 1678116857439237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Right is clearly even facially much more beautiful
Are you guys the kind of people who fall for shit like pic related.

>> No.56419732

OOF! The incels are triggered by this one :^)

>> No.56419893

I've learned that if you want to have a discussion about a double top at the 30k resistance on /biz that you shouldn't post a picture of a girl with a slightly darker shade of skin, or cleavage, or multiple girls next to each other, or a girl with a tattoo or a girl engaged in physical activity.

>> No.56419900

holy fuck it's amazing how almost imperceptible differences can make someone attractive or ugly. She looks the same and yet entirely different.

>> No.56419992

right is a whore with quadruple digit body count, I'll take the pure trad wife on the left thank you

>> No.56420008
File: 1.73 MB, 406x720, 1688690487837950.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56420113

This is why lads, always look at the arm. Look at the size of the arm on the left. Stay away from fatties boys, they lack self control and are bat shit insane. They ruin lives, not just their own but yours too if you let them.

>> No.56420335

they hated him because he spoke the truth
the most nonsensical about this internet attitude is 80% of man value of woman is contextual and inspired by that very man
so the belief you're not worth the woman on the right turns a self-fulfilling prophecy. you end up cockblocking yourself
god have mercy on maxicope like >>56419992 or >>56419719 or >>56419211
once you're that involved building excuses to aim low, your destiny is loneliness or butterfaces
not to mention those analysis are completely wrong anyway and show no understanding of physiognomy, context, or female psychology
to spoonfeed you brainlets, here's 101: women just want to have fun. those who display fun outwardly get their fill that way. those who aren't so open, are finding their fun somewhere else
i guarantee you left has been with more men than right, and high chance of at least 1 abusive relationship

>> No.56420496

You're preaching to the choir and someone who had a major sex addiction in the past. Weird how I agree with you about just needing to be fun and having a good time, but disagree about the psychoanalysis shit for these two females. The woman on the right is absurdly sexually attractive, with a 0.1% quality rack to encounter, nobody here would deny that. But the testosterone face >>56419211 is a legitimate physiognomy whether you like it or not. I don't know as a fact that the woman on the right had a very high partner count, but this shit had been analyzed, and hormone profiles play huge roles in mate selection. Again, both girls are very plappable. But the people choosing left isn't because they feel less worthy. You can go on an escort site and probably buy a quality woman like on the right for a few hundred bucks. If anything you accusing the people of preferring left as viewing themselves unworthy have it backwards. Some people select for long term traits in a mate, not just mega cannons

>> No.56420561
File: 2.59 MB, 6390x3015, 1693104030578184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top left

>> No.56420587
File: 824 KB, 660x767, Hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a girl at work once complimented my eyebrows
>tell her i don't think they're that nice
>she doubles down and says i'm very lucky as most women barely have eyebrows
>later i go to visit my cousins and one of them walks out of her room without eyebrows
>i ask her what happened to her eyebrows
>she looks at me confused and says 'why would i wear them now, it's almost bed time'
>turns out most women with nice eyebrows were just wearing fake ones