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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56416930 No.56416930 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck…

Why can’t they pay down their debt?

>> No.56416971

It's called the wage gap you sexist freak. If women weren't making $0.70 cents on the fucking dollar maybe we'd be able to pay that back.

>> No.56416990

lol it's because you can't stop consuming and falling for instagram ads

>> No.56417006

Most women are forever children, they don't think that far ahead into the future. There are exceptions to the rule, but they're so few they're not worth counting.

>> No.56417012

incel thread

>> No.56417014

1. Women receive a majority of graduate degrees.
2. Graduate degree loans begin accumulating interest as soon as they are disbursed (there are no "subsidized" loans which receive interest forbearance while in school).
3. Graduate degree loans have higher interest rates.
4. Women are in school longer, accumulating more debt while not working full time salaried jobs.
5. When these women do get into the work force, they will get lower paying jobs compared to peers, because their useless liberal arts graduate degree means nothing.
6. When it comes to paying, women will opt for minimum payments, because they don't understand how interest accumulates. This means that a larger proportion of their monthly payments go towards interest and not principal, making them pay more for longer. This is compounded by their higher balances and higher interest rates.

>> No.56417058

because its so easy to get a useless degree which wont make you money. and not every women ears a lot on onlyfans to be able to pay their debts back.
also notice how in 2020 a lot of women hopped on onlyfans for income. and the line tipped from 110% to 100%.

>> No.56417146

0 source, mind posting the original incel?>>56416971
MEGA INCEL, imagine typing all that out jesus christ go have sex dude

>> No.56417173
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>> No.56417188

i'm sorry your onlyfans is doing poorly, don't cry.

>> No.56417218

>Why can’t they pay down their debt?
Their husband will do it, silly!

>> No.56417225

That's not true dude you quiz any 30yo roastie and she will tell you that her future husband will pay it off.

It's why they only want chad doctors with 500k a year income and why they get so fucking PISSED when they hear about men marrying foreing women (passport bros) and say it's grooming if a 39yo dude dates a 29yo.

>> No.56417374

29 is aged out dating overseas. 27 is the final stop, but typically it 25.

>> No.56417387

heloo sir, show bobs and vagene

>> No.56417535

Women in colleges keep increasing and they do fluffy majors. Men in college keeps decreasing especially if they aren't doing stem or biz because they realized society is a scam.

>> No.56417545

Hey can you lower the price for seeing your butthole to 0.69c might buy.

Can you consider a bbl as well? Thx honeyy

>> No.56417578

As an alphachad gigaultramegadickovic allow me to explain: all Women are whores.

>> No.56417895

kek imagine getting a college degree to tend to the home and kitchen

>> No.56418023

Honestly, 15 years and still 70% left isn't good either but at least they're on track.
But that seems like women are failing in the workforce.

>> No.56418473
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West0id waaahmen were already useless subhuman parasites. Degenerated and fucked up hoes. Not worth any relationship let alone marriage.

NOW imagine those dogshit tier subhuman AND ON TOP OF THAT around 100.000$ debt!!! xD

>> No.56418498

>the majority of people with massive student loan debt who are crying for daddy government to save them are women
i dont know why this possibility never occurred to me before
i should have known

>> No.56418528
File: 31 KB, 360x260, small-eu-flag-placed-dogs-260nw-600950759_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel is basically a West0id waaahman.

Totally useless like dogshit. They were hoes by choice and fucked around but with debt they will be hoes by need and fuck anyone for a meal, their monthly rent or a bunch of dollars.

Value of pussy will drop dramatically for 30, 40, 50 year old roasties. Everyone will fuck them cheap and noone is left retarded enough to marry them.

>> No.56418541

if you give the average guy a 50,000 in cash they'd save some, spend some and invest some. if you gave the average woman cash it'd all be spend in the next few months on bullshit that lost 70 to 90% of its value the second they walked out of the store. over long periods of time those seemingly small differences make big impacts.

>> No.56418544

t. chudgpt

>> No.56418630
File: 560 KB, 1360x1275, 09c5a61da0e94b808c00f84cf114526c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEVER EVER help a woman financially!!!

They are retards that will go broke and be in debt sooner or later! Then fuck them hard for a meal or a McDonald's Burger (NO expensive meals, travel or presents!!!!). That's how to treat those hoes right! Plus it's better sex for you knowing you got to fuck her dirtcheap. I guess that also makes them more wet to be degraded.

Until the 50s women chose to be mothers and have a family. Now 95% chose to be hoes and fuck around. Treat them like dirt cheap hoes! NO MERCY! They will drag you down into their debt and problems ridden shitlives!