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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56414829 No.56414829 [Reply] [Original]

BSV bros... Has our time finally come?
5 year chart looks insane

>> No.56414848
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Its crazy that you can buy the real bitcoin for $50 right now.
It doesnt make sense not to grab a 21 stack for $1000, the risk to reward ratio heavily favors the upside

>> No.56416243

It's a no brainer to purchase unsplit Bitcoin – BTC, BCH and BSV in a 1:1:1 ratio. You get flippening insurance and total peace of mind for a mere extra 1% per BTC buy.

>> No.56416256

Your chance to get out was when the guy who actually owned the wallets he claimed in court signed saying hes a fraud.

>> No.56418574

Lol dump coming . Whenever you asshats are pro BSV it dumps

>> No.56418581

>creg kills himself

>> No.56418636

prepare for rolling 51% hashrate icebergs. It's going to go like this:
>deposit BSV
>20 confirmations pass
>sell the BSV
>withdraw the proceeds of this sale
>re-org the chain for $300
>you now have your BSV AND the proceeds

>> No.56420533
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145 of craigs claimed addresses publicly signing AGAINST him mere days after the addresses turned up in craigs court filings was the end of the line for anyone watching things with clear eyes.
if craig actually signing the genesis block would settle the matter with finality (which he never has), then those 145 signatures against him were like the anti-signing, with a similar level of settling the matter and finality.
but then we had the hopeless baggies who were like 'he signed against himself to keep mastercard off balance, just more 5d chess from creg heh heh wait and see'
theres a solid fuckin reason SV baggies are called the qanons of crypto