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56410812 No.56410812 [Reply] [Original]

Why dont NPCs have any financial literacy?

>> No.56410842

How do you know they didn't move all of their money from their bank account into a brokerage where they've got their money into things like stocks?

Never thought about that, did you?

>> No.56410848

>making excuses for women

>> No.56410865

What they did was they put all of the rest of the money they did not spend into nice growth ETF's, like SCHD. These women are nurses, they are future oriented.

>> No.56410874


>> No.56410899

Are nurses all fat goblinas?

>> No.56410917

My boss is 57 years old. Never invested.
My colleagues are all living paycheck to paycheck
I live frugal as fuck because I don't need to eat expensive steaks and burgers every day. I dont need coffee or tea. I dont need netflix. I dont need anything. I just trade and shitpost. Im living the life. As are you guys too im sure.

>> No.56410918

All the normies I've met who either have no money or are in deep overdraft always deny any sort of irresponsibility on their part because they 'never buy anything big'

>> No.56410930

No they spent it on Starbucks and Uber eats you stupid fuck

>> No.56410932

These, these are the perfect citizens that USA strive to produce.
Zero saving, spend all you get.
Why have cbdb with expiration date money when you can just condition your people to spend all they got and never save?

>> No.56410935


>Claims to not have money
>Obviously has money to spend $100 on food everyday

why are American women such liers?

>> No.56410941

She doesn’t have money for a second $100 dinner dumbass
Secret is that it’s never “enough”

>> No.56410949

My mom always told me never to save on food and to enjoy life. I told her to fuck off. I always save on shit I have to buy daily. Its one time purchases that I splurge on like buying computers. Saving on food saves me hundreds a month. Women are braindead when it comes to personal finances, generally speaking.

>> No.56410955

Scratch that. Thought about it for an extra second. Women are braindead in general.

>> No.56410989

women had it extremely easy, they fucked over the labor force by going to work. men used to make 80k but with women in the labor force it's 40k.

>> No.56410999

most people fear investing because on their mind is always line go down and red, so they rather spend the money on something else I know because I have always mentiones friends and aquiantances if they invest, even in the most basic of forms like trusts on a bank, but no they dont, really strange behaviour

>> No.56411000

Computer, man I just spent 4000 on a new pc. State of art everything including a 14900k cpu.
I am like you as well, not spending money on much else. So why on pc?
Because I believe a good pc can provide endless entertainment and productivity modules.
That’s one thing that I spend money on and I am glad to change it every 5 years or so.

>> No.56411059
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npc's are just there to make our life more entertaining, no different than talking to an AI
I once tried to ask one for advice, and now I'm riding a gold duck from duck race

>> No.56411065

>5 years
Ignoring leap years thats like $2.20. Women spend way more than 2 bucks on dumb fucking shit like make up and food. Its not that you're like me, its just that you're not a retarded woman.

>> No.56411127

I said we are alike because we value of good pc.
And we understand that the pleasure from food won’t last long.
It’s not even women, it’s retarded men too.

>> No.56411132

Ah then fair enough.
>It’s not even women, it’s retarded men too.
Not wrong. But a greater percentage of women are financially retarded compared to men seeing as men are natural savers compared to women who splurge on every inane thing.

>> No.56411135

Why are Americans so fucking fat and ugly?

>> No.56411148

desu, I'm a man and I buy good quality food, because I enjoy it and it makes my life so much more fun. I cook mostly myself though, eat out about once a week. Also, since I don't game I don't see any point in upgrading my pc, so I just use the same one as long as it's kicking for web browsing basically.
My point is, is that different people have different areas to be frugal in and different ones where they allow themselves to spend on. The important thing is balancing your income with your expenses, savings and investments, basically living within your means

>> No.56411182

Ye fair enough.
Doing something you enjoy is good, but the problem is that most people don’t spend to enjoy, they spend to mask the sadness. And that’s why they never can have enough l.

>> No.56411190

Fun part of being a hobby cook: better food for less money. You're just saving money while having better health when not shoveling expensive processed trash into your facehole . Once you learn how to make things tasty without artificial shit it's even better. I'm 38, 5 years off trash food and enjoying making my own food while being literally more fit, healthy and attractive, especially the facial features and jawline are better for some reason, than in my 20s. It's my only advice for the young generation: take the cooking pill.

>> No.56411296

Why do these thots have a banking app on their phone? Don't they think of the security of getting watched or robbed?

>> No.56411401

Holy autismo

>> No.56411424

they're needed to boost the consumption index and economy

>> No.56411465

It's just keeping up with the jones. People want to keep up the image of material abundance, of wealth, so they blow their entire paycheck on useless junk.
To such people they would rather be broke but have all the cool junk to signal status.
It's funny i live like a semi-hobo but know for a fact I've more savings and am mire secure than either my roommates

>> No.56411476

>Women are braindead when it comes to personal finances, generally speaking.
Guys are even more braindead they'll blow all their money on women.
I'll give that to women they know how to manipulate men and be parasites

>> No.56411493
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>> No.56411495


You are probably not getting enough vitamins, if you are not eating enough meat.

>> No.56411516

but the entire global economy is propped up by these retards. if they were to gain financial literacy, it would literally cause a GFC.

>> No.56411520

Some of the folks who are about to get tortured are named Obama.

>> No.56411696

I eat meat. I just don't eat "branded" meat.

>> No.56411883

They save lives and make less money than bankers, the real tragedy is that this clown world doesn’t reward usefulness.

But yeah, «wOmEn BaD» !

>> No.56411907

>they save lives
Unless they are in the ICU or work in a trauma center they don't do shit except push pain killers. The only people in the hospital saving shit are RTs and MDs

>> No.56412701

>autistic combination of health supplements and products
>buy high quality food (to cook for myself) and good quality clothes
>gym membership
>blow money on the train and tube to go to my wageslavery twice a week
>do still go out with coworkers and friends here and there
>still saving a lot whilst coworkers on the same salary as me or more moan about how they've run out of money before payday
I don't understand it

>> No.56412735

If you are an NPC, you don't think any further ahead than the next week. Therefore you spend. Most people are very simple. Reason, foresight, are rare traits, and these are the nation builders. Everybody else just follows the lead.

>> No.56412743

People are fucking retarded. People who even entertain the idea that “financial literacy” is a skill are fucking retarded.
>save $10k
>consider $10k to be zero
>if you go under $10k consider it like being in debt to yourself
>avoid debt like the plague
>literally never struggle with paying for anything ever
Its that easy

>> No.56413017

My wife has the opposite problem. We were poor as fuck during our early adulthood in 2007-2009 and she will still fight with Wal Mart employees about being able to use coupons even though we’ve got like $2 mill and pull in $200k + a year.

Never met a bigger miser in my life.

>> No.56413034

Yeah they're all gross goblinas or bimbo megawhores in my experience

>> No.56413059


>avoid debt like the plague

Common midwit trap. Good debt is how you get rich. 99% of the self made rich leveraged debt to accelerate their pace of wealth generation.

CC debt? Yes terrible. Home financing? Powerful tool. Business financing? Powerful tool.

>> No.56413095

Yeah it’s also a great way to go bankrupt if your risk doesn’t pay off.

>> No.56413110


>Don't play the game at all because you might lose


>> No.56413287

My ex gf was unemployed and then employed part time as a bar waitress.
She was on financial support from her parents and grandparents to afford her 1 bedroom apartment, ounce a month weed habit, and organic food from Fresh Market and Whole Foods.

I watched her impulse buy a $120 jacket in TJ Maxx, on a credit card, because "wow it's almost 50% off...this (designer/brand whatever the fuck) is never discounted...I mean I'll definitely wear it a lot...I'm gonna get it." I think she was trying to signal that I should get it for her, but I'd only had one gf before and I still wore shirts from high school so spending over $100 on a jacket for someone else didn't even cross my mind. I just said "well it's your decision" and thought to myself that it was a really bad idea. And it was a really bad idea, I don't think I ever saw her wear it. Women are just like that.

>> No.56414097

I just live on milk + oats with some fruit/veg

>> No.56414173

Not really a woman problem as men are equally dumb if not dumber with their money. Look at all the dudes out there with their entire net worth in their stupid truck, car, gun collection, boat, etc and no savings. My mom invested her money at an early age and when she met my dad he hadn’t saved shit

>> No.56414206

Business financing can be good but many people lose shitloads trying to start a business when they have no idea wtf they’re doing.

>> No.56414225

>implying they don't all use Tinder for free meals

>> No.56414247
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Not even $1000 in savings for emergency fund, no clearly they are the fat retards they look like. Probably sluts also that fuck the doctors.

>> No.56414272
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Notice how they are all smiling. They think you are supposed to send everything down to zero the day before payday. If you have extra money left over then you are bad with money. You are supposed to consoom to zero. This is what they think is normal.

>> No.56414290

That is the way to live rested we could die at any moment

>> No.56414298

I have spends 10s of thousands to use fake fish to catch real fish to then release the real fish back into the water. Space aliens would be so fucking confused.

>> No.56414315

Only a NPC would make a thread like that

>> No.56414333

Do you spergs realize that if everyone was like you the economy wouldn't function? You need normies to actually SPEND money for things to keep working.

>> No.56414337

those are medical assistants 100% guaranteed. not that nurses are any better, but I know em when I see em.

>> No.56414388

>the economy wouldn't function if we didnt have haribo, lego and mcdonald

>> No.56414401

being a nurse is for a woman what getting a CDL is for a man. its entering the realm of minimally skilled labor, basically an associates degree level understanding of patient care and a physical trainer level understanding of medicine. NP's really are not better anymore.

do not let a nurse or NP diagnose or treat you. they will literally leave the room, google your symptoms and come with that diagnosis and what to do. I have seen it countless times, if you're gonna like an NP tell you what your problem is then might as well save your time and money and google it.

PA's are like master's level understanding of patient care and medicine and are good for about 80% of what you need. but you gotta watch out because a lot of them have spent so much time around clueless nurses and NP's that they are full of hot air and have lost sight of the difference between PA and doctor.


this advice could save your life.

>> No.56414412

That's the tail wagging the dog.

>> No.56414525

the morons on here don't have any financial literacy either

>> No.56414607

Damn that one girl putting the fuckin team on her back doe.

>> No.56414768

Why is the girl at 0:09 the only one who isn't fat?

>> No.56414807
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cus they are unironically cattle in a big human farm

>> No.56414888

Meat doesn't have many vitamins. We humans get most of our vitamins from veggies, fruits, and grains.

>> No.56415246

Dude you might be correct about nurses but you’re fucking retarded if you think doctors and PAs aren’t just giving you the same shit. All of the decent care in the US is given by specialists who will often require a referral after some basic bitch treatment has been tried and was ineffective.

>> No.56415274

>all obese women
>no self control
>spend every dollar they have
why am I not surprised?

>> No.56415724

they are nurses aka can't make it into medicine because too stoopid

>> No.56416685

Shut the fuck up you fucking faggot. Anons here have more in the bank than the stupid sluts in OPs video

>> No.56417916

Jew mentality.

>> No.56418021

Checked except also:
>The amount of water needed to metabolize 1 gram of protein can vary depending on the specific metabolic pathways and physiological conditions of the individual. However, on average, it is estimated that about 4 grams of water are required to metabolize 1 gram of protein. This means that for every gram of protein that is metabolized, 4 grams of water are used to complete the process.
It literally doesn't matter how much meat you eat if you're not drinking about 4x the weight in water.


>> No.56418062

I'll throw some extras on:
1 gram of complex carbs take ~3-4 grams of water to metabolize
1 gram of refined sugar takes ~1.5 grams of water to metabolize

Actually just take a look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metabolic_water if you want to get fatpilled. Fat+activity = ideal, the food pyramid only was redesigned because carbs are the only efficient means to feed the unwashed masses.

>> No.56418120

You need to call Dave.

>> No.56418175

>I think she was trying to signal that I should get it for her,
>I just said "well it's your decision"
Lol dodged a bullet

>> No.56418194

>specialists who will often require a referral
I didn't think you used that system in the US. I thought you just walked into the specialist and demanded to be served
t. Australian

>> No.56418204

That's why LLCs exist

>> No.56418209
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Actually here's an even better idea anons, you read all these retarded crypto flowcharts but you probably have zero idea what's going on in your body
You have the entire breadth of human knowledge at your finger tips, you can be based use logic and reason to BTFO your nutritional needs

>> No.56418236

>meat doesnt have many vitamins

LOL average uninformed biztard meat is the most nutritious food on earth along with eggs and dairy. theres a reason people can be extremely healthy on just carnivore diet, and cure their meetabolic diseases.

>> No.56418311
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I have $70k in my chequing account and refuse to upgrade from my rtx3060. Get on top of my level.

>> No.56418427

Ye well I didn’t have a computer. My laptop hdd disk is completely ruined, to the point that it always shows at 100%.
It’s inoperable.
That’s why I went and bought a new one

>> No.56418468

enjoy 12900k++

>> No.56418488

kek i hope you're right but i don't think thats why...

>> No.56418499

they are generally right though. the only "good debt" is real estate, either where you're living or where it's profitable to rent

>> No.56418568

Lol 12900k individual core processing power is shit in comparison to 14900k
14900k is 5% better than 13900ks

>> No.56418646

you waited til you were 33 to eat well? lol you were never meant to make it

>> No.56418692

>5% better
it's 5% more power for less than 1% more perf
enjoy your mossad backdoor

>> No.56418698

They're called goym for a reason, OP.

>> No.56418712

bro you should invest in good healthy food and cook it yourself though. Don't save money and eat shit it will come back to bite you

>> No.56418714

No it’s actually 5% more cpu power and at the same time more energy efficient
Everything is mosad backdoored then

>> No.56418724

yeah literally last time I went to a NP she just pulled out her phone and said she googled my symptoms

>> No.56418752

in literally what world is any i9 energy efficient? 12900k was an improvement because rocket lake was dogshit, but they're back to their old ways of only increasing perf by a few %. fuck, RPL-R is worse increakse than Kaby Lake which got meme'd on for how dogshit it was back then.

>> No.56418803

I tell you what.
I like playing paradox game.
Paradox game are shit and I don’t have time nor the patient and stress capacity to wait 5 minutes for one turn in the game.
Since paradox games are shitty and inefficnt and usually run on 1 to 3 cores max, I need something that have single core max strength
14900k is the best I could have found and it’s good enough.
Wont change it for at least 5 years.
Beside that, ye, there is not really a difference between 12900k or 14900k

>> No.56419003

You should have $5k in your checking with a $10-15k savings for 6 months backup expenses and the rest of your money should be invested. The spending power of your $70k will be $63k in 1 year and $55k the year after you will never be able to save enough to outrun this rampant inflation
Holy shit I remember being like you looking at my account so smug with how much I had sitting in the bank being used and invested by Jews not realizing I shouldn't let Jews have a cent or access to my money

>> No.56419013

>good debt
At 8% interest rates, real estate debt is not longer "good" debt

>> No.56419540
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Thanks nigger Dave Ramsey but I'm already putting it in GICs at year end.

>> No.56420130

I eat healthy. I just dont eat garbage. I never snack. Maybe wherever you live its cheap to eat garbage. Over here, its cheaper to go to the local grocery store, buy cheap lean meat and vegetables, rice and some bread and then live off of that for a week. I spend like $75 a week. My colleagues are always drinking starbucks and eating at restaurants of eating fast food. I eat whatever the fuck I decide to cook. Im of a healthy weight and don't have any nutritional deficiencies. Cope harder.