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56410552 No.56410552 [Reply] [Original]

>seeing more and more of my linkedin connections getting laid off
>the newer ones asking for work, the ones from earlier in the year getting desperate
>houses more expensive than ever
>Biden says the economy is the best its ever been

Someone explain this to me like I'm retarded.

>> No.56410573

Laughing at ameriturds

>> No.56410583

Kikes are dumping their bags on you but the guy they picked to run interference for them has Alzheimers.

>> No.56410590

>Politicians lies
Jokes aside here is the same, everyone is unemployed, job market suck dick, 4 years of exp for intern salary
The world is FUCKED

>> No.56410591
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>Someone explain this to me like I'm retarded.

politicians are liars

printing money and giving it to diversity hire nigger companies, as well as niggers on welfare was a terrible idea

inflation is barely contained and likely to explode

this will result it a massive, worldwide race war.

>> No.56410594

>Someone explain this to me like I'm retarded.
people in power lie to maintain power

>> No.56410609

The American people have an abusive relationship with their government. A large portion of them, probably north of 90%, believe blatant unreality and have functional Stockholm syndrome.

>> No.56410659
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whites are the biggest drain on the earth resources, work fake jobs, paid to sit on their ass while their economies rely on actual productivity of the global south. The western economy is financilaized. Doubling down, relying on immigrants to maintain your shit. Fake money, fake jobs, fake social contributions sans deteriorating the fabric and minds of society. You are the parasite boy and your effeminate projection suggest its inherent to being an actual bitch.

>> No.56410688
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Oligarchs aren't competent evil genius masterminds, they're just thieves, fiat allows them to steal by pumping their asset bags preferentially, but this also causes massive drag on the economy as effective economic calculation can no longer take place, this can't go on forever, but it can go on for a long ass time

>> No.56410704


lol triggered bugman

enjoy being replaced with 3d printers run by white people :>

>> No.56410758

lmao this is such delicious cope.
the global south is a science experiment that White people maintain via food subsidies and infrastructure we built over a century ago. melanoids will never recover after empire of dust. not even china will put up with you anymore.

>> No.56410764
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lol naive npc

your gift to the world was the dark ages, youre shit out of luck if you think you're capable of anything beyond that, your race is a metaphsycial golem of Kali Yuga, you have no positive end

>> No.56410766
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>> No.56410793

>your gift to the world was the dark ages, youre shit out of luck if you think you're capable of anything beyond that
capable of what? everything that happened directly after?

>> No.56410794

>Someone explain this to me like I'm retarded.

You're paying for another war in the middle east, and to try to establish a tax barrier around cheyna via tiawan* (won't work, you lost against guys with ak47s and rpgs in gulf war 2.0) and you're already engaged in a proxy war with Russia.

Downsizing. Seethe it.

*interesting fact, cheyna won't deal with anywhere that acknowledges tiawan as nation state. Which as far as I'm aware, America doesn't. Yet it
>has a dooty
apparently to defend it. Even though it blatantly just to build airfields on there.


>> No.56410796

your inferiority complex is showing. decadence aside, everything you think is worth attaining you can thank europeans for. if you're chinese, that's literally true as your entire economy is built on stolen IP

>> No.56410797
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the primary purpose of intelligence is to destabilize these countries to siphon they productivity and stifle their growth so western powers can retain hegemony and false living standards since they are defined by their dependency. The bullshit projects you mentioned are debt traps meant to serve western interest. The government initiated a coup in Bolivia a couple years ago to mine lithium so Tesla can create their meme vehicles, revealing the true nature of corporate and governments uniformity.

You are nothing but an impediment to progress, the world never exited the dark ages your cursed race brought onto the world and now the collective has to experience another because the parasite still requires a hearty suck

>> No.56410814

We have surpassed USSR levels of gas lighting and kike economic warfare on the populace

>> No.56410839
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precisely yes, the world being populated barbarian tribes, an npc golem of reptilians that wanted to infiltrate the known world starting with the fall of Rome and cascading into the dark ages where the world can be rebuilt in their desired image. You are a slave race

>> No.56410893


you don't understand, you are an npc, you have no influence outside of what your script requires, your race is a proxy for archons, you are nothing, you are irrelevant, a talking pig could take your place if so desired

>> No.56411017

No, I understand exactly what you mean. The same thing that makes white people "NPC"s is what makes their societies pleasant to live in. You're looking at the current decadence of the west and seething at the inferiority you feel in spite of it. As I said, your inferiority complex is showing. Accept Jesus into your heart and let go of your anger toward westerners. Jesus makes civilizations worth living in.

>> No.56411063

Alright, let me give you the rundown.
>Trillions + printed since covid
>Printed money plus spending causes inflation since 2019
>To curb inflation fed raises rates
>Now we have high inflation and high rates
>40%+ inflation over four years, wages stagnant due to globalism
>Establishment wants to support Israel on top of Ukraine despite globalism failing
Basically our government has robbed our people for the benefit of globalist ruling elite, many of which are jews. Don't like it? You voted for it, moron.

>> No.56411072

If the President said the economy is best its ever been there are no reason to doubt him. Who has more informationabout the economy - a rando schmuck from 4chins or the Leader of the Free World?

>> No.56411090

Yet you are so special

>> No.56411094
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no you don't understand
Your societies are trash and spiritually devoid filled with mental illness, communal degeneration, material blindness, and meaningless consumption. Even with the world at your helm, your peak achievement is relative stability and thats at the expense of others, the parasite would show its true colors when it isnt able to suck

>> No.56411112

I hope you at least know that Jesus was brown and he came to save his oppressed people (brown) from the evil oppressors (white). It's you who needs to accept Jesus, looks like.

>> No.56411153
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the good economy will start in 40 years when all the boomers die out
at least then we'll be more manipulable so we can handle government crap more fairly, or maybe we'll all become fans of duck race

>> No.56411157

You think Steve Jobs was white and bill Gaye’s coded Microsoft. Lol. They both stole their technology from Japan. Don’t say Japanese are honorary aryan and culturally appropriate. Your population is imploding. Your women are brainwashed. You’re stuck in a greasy room that your mom happily pays for just to keep you out of everyone’s sight. Your life is a pathetic combination of outdated philosophy, blacked.com, and cumsock. And for all your fervor of the white man, when you look in the mirror, your face says I pull weeds and air low the grass clippings. Kys, zapata.

>> No.56411162

It means never trust whites.

>> No.56411188

Jews are not white

>> No.56411195

Tech jobs are overhired and overpaid while no one wants to be in the service industry which most people you know probably aren't working in. (servers/airline staff/hotel staff/low paying shitter jobs)

>> No.56411239

you're the one obsessed with race here. God doesn't operate on our primitive level.

>> No.56411244

the government lies about almost everything and always has

>> No.56411246

you realize there are websites in your native language you can hate on whitey at right? why do you need to come to 4chan to vent your inferiority complex?

>> No.56411262

you're describing decadence and attributing it to an entire race. because you have an inferiority complex. what part of my posts confuses you? do you need a translator? HELLO. CAN YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM SAYING SIR?

>> No.56411332

>politician tells me everything is fine whilst a fire rages behind him
I can't believe that a politician would lie to the public like that. Has this ever happened before? Other countries, have any of your politicians ever done this in your history?

>> No.56411365

>muh global south
You are free to refuse the fake money, fake money investment and fake economy of west, shitskin.
But you don’t and you won’t.
Seems like you are too deep into this “fake” shit game.
You waste your life for “fake money” you pollute your nation for “fake money”, you enslave your children, and force them to work for “fake money”
You give west control of mines and forests and natural resources for “fake money”
Who is more of a bitch now?
The people who made up the “fake money” or the people who fuck up their real environment and their people for “fake money”
Shitskin, you have no standing on this.

>> No.56411378

>muh Asian white comparison
Lol you are an Indian, both are repulsed by you lol
How can west with his “fake money” destabilize them, unless Ofcourse shit nations are too retarded and too greedy to resist the “fake money”
Not so high and mighty after all
Past past past
What do you bring to the table now?

>> No.56413164

>>seeing more and more of my linkedin connections getting laid off
>>the newer ones asking for work, the ones from earlier in the year getting desperate
Got a job at target, a lot of seasonal workers that just came in this month used to do WFH in tech, they won't shut the fuck up about how they are worked in tech.

>> No.56414234
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exploits precede decadence, the decadence is a product of plunder. Prior you were livestock in the barren steeps, the old world understood what you were, a segregated subspecies. Bipedal swine, the only thing inferior is the shit from its asshole

only thing inferior to a swine with two legs is the shit out of its asshole.

>> No.56414287

the hundreds of thousands of monthly job additions that they brag about every month are minimum wage nigger bullshit. well-paid white collar jobs are being decimated. my big jewish employer laid off 5k workers which is only 2% of it's workforce.... and then you realize that most of its workforce are retail wagies and those 5k workers were white collar, which is probably closer to 10% of its white collar workforce.

>> No.56414357

Look at the non-seasonally-adjusted jobs data in the BLS NFP report, full-time jobs are bleeding and there is a liquidity crisis due to the highest rates in over 10 years or so. It's not good, nor is it good that the majority jewish administration is continuing its deficit spending with an additional 100 billion to support foreign Jewish interests, and this money only goes to perpetuate stupid conflicts that'll shoot oil even higher and further the inflation and rates, etc. Just ass

>> No.56414366


low iq post
coups, blackmail, false flag operations are just one of the few tactics used to undermine dissidents. This all precedes the initial method of using subversive debt traps with proposed humaniterian intentions, military invasion is the final method, false justifications fed to the public of promoting democracy or some bullshit and worthless shithead patriots like you swallow it.

Cock clobbering patriots, house niggers that can't remove their peasant genes from Europe, while they celebrate the same power structure that left them sun burned, buck broken and dead by vitamin c efficiency before the age of 23. You are a slave race

>> No.56414482
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another low iq post from a house nigger piggie, a netflix watching, twitter scrolling, meme posting, fentanyl smokin, grubhub ordering, meth pipin, debt collecting, billionaire slobbin, immigrant relyin, video game playin, tik tok wathin, peasent

whites are not a productive people, without the economic structures created by the elite. Most of you would no more sophisticated than the poor souls in wyoming that suck dick for rock to pass the time, a peasants talking with stilts in his Chinese made boots, a parasite sunburned, pathetic and buck broken in its natural environment. Don't cry about the elites they are your best friend, you are nothing in their absesne

>> No.56416716
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We let this defecating piece of shit steal the elections, now we are doomed

>> No.56416837
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>We waz kangz, but japanese

>Stole tech from japanese
When transistors were invented japan was an agrarian shithole being being rebuilt by the americans.

Chill, we get it, you feel inferior. Sperging out ain't gonna change anything.

>> No.56416871

top 10% owns 80% for the Market. Top 1% never been richer. Inflation never been higher while CPI is leaving out things like food,rent, housing. You know things that normal people use.
Inflation for the rich goes into stocks. Market is good for them. Awful for the middle class and poor.

>> No.56417102

>says the economy is best its ever been
National level interests aren't necessarily things ordinary citizens care about.
The US is in a very good position right now having reasserted dominance in chipmaking and manufacturing has moved to Mexico. Inflation is while still high is down significantly. So yes, the economy from US politicians perspective is strong.

>> No.56417270

didn't read but thats a cool mifune jpg thanks

>> No.56417286

>relying on immigrants to maintain your shit.
Oh my sweet reddit refugee.

>> No.56417336

Woah, why do you have to be so transphobic?

>> No.56417425

If a productive job payed enough to not be homeless I'd happily do it. Software engineering is crazy stressful.
But you've flooded the country with cheap labor via immigration so doing those things is a waste of time unless you don't pay taxes.