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56410189 No.56410189 [Reply] [Original]

It appears that the Wyckoff Phase D spring is in effect, amidst a a confluence of technical indicators suggesting a veritable tapestry of five distinct technical analysis movements crescendoing simultaneously: Elliott Waves, Stochastic RSI, the Golden Double Cross, Fibonacci retracements, and the Phase D Wyckoff Spring.

>As we enter in November we will see a price of $15-$25 per ChainLink.

>All time high is reached by Christmas achieving a zenith of $73 per Link. In this period we will be in awe finding it just keeps going up and up with no suggestion of even a hint of a pullback.

>Link will return down to previous levels of around $35 per coin until February 2024.

>Around springtime 2024 we reach a high of $125 per Link.

>A captivating subplot emerges: the Bitcoin bull run.

>Link's trajectory becomes entwined with this seismic event, propelling it to stratospheric heights of $5,000 per coin in the peak of the bullmarket.

>> No.56410209

ya, just 2 more weeks until we pump

>> No.56410212

You have been posting this for two years now advoshits, you suck

>> No.56410218

2 weeks trust the plan, linkschizos

>> No.56410231

Are you joking? ChainLink TA is only beginning to take off now. Previous indicators were not technically sound. Anons who preached those were being dishonest because the TA was not sound.

>> No.56410246

>Wyckoff phase Q series 17 pre-consolidation to the preliminary first of sixteen micro springs before the double bottom ahead of the inevitable triple triangle on the sixth quadrilateral recombobulated turnpike

Shut the fuck up for the billionth time

>> No.56410250

I hate advocates

>> No.56410254

based LPL chads how you doing kiddo?

>> No.56410258

I do technical analysis for a living for fortune 500 companies, my TA is sound. You are mistaking me for someone else.

>> No.56410264

are you based king 42 from twitter?

>> No.56410268


>> No.56410274

Yeah okay bro and I'm the king of tanzania
Get off the channel, stop playing vidya, and go outside

>> No.56410275

are you based king 42 from twitter?

>> No.56410280

are you based king 42 from twitter?

>> No.56410286

Stfu nigger

Your bot is malfunctioning retard

>> No.56410294

thats a bunch of bullshit bro, you need help, really bro

>> No.56410296


>> No.56410301
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I'm a permabull and believe you but you should really be breaking this down chart by chart. Draw the lines and share them here.

>> No.56410302

are you based king 42 from twitter?

>> No.56410322

are you based king 42 from twitter?

>> No.56410342
File: 199 KB, 749x889, IMG_7982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you this same insider? why do you kee lying? go back to india pajeet stop scamming

>> No.56410343

>LINKtards not being able to cope and therefore having to seethe
I literally feel sorry for y'all for not being able to do a simple task, you just had to sell the top and didn't kek, but well, I'll pray for Kinetix to add your shitcoin so you can short it to death and at least make your monies back

>> No.56410350

You will be jumped like a white kid carrying a PS5 on NYC nowadays

>> No.56410352

He needs jesus, but apparently jesus doesn't want him

>> No.56410361
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Op is right
Parabolic SAR Is about to pop off

>> No.56410365

Kek, your shitty nigger perp trading "platform" has just 3 coins to trade, you really think?

>> No.56410367

Some of that anon's TA was sound, it was just poorly timed with the conflict in the middle east. What they didn't realize is that war is extremely bullish for crypto.

>> No.56410370

>COSMongoloid coping
KEK, you're something

>> No.56410371

It's literally mooning and there's nothing you can say or do to prevent it. Cope moar and seethe some

>> No.56410412

>It's literally mooning

Dumb advocates are so dumb. They’re so dumb man. Why are they so dumb? I can’t understand.

>> No.56410434
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jew confirmed

>> No.56410442

fucking die kike

>> No.56410454

DISCLAIMER: this is a Chainlink labs community advocates program sponsored thread.
This advocate has been making this same whackoff hopium thread since 2022

>> No.56410457
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I hope this is true, would change my life for sure. Keeping my hopes up dudes.

>> No.56410503

This image awakens teenage horniness.
v based

>> No.56410542

>community advocates program sponsored thread.
Nigga I don't know what any of that is. All I know is that we will be trading around $12 by sunday

>> No.56410596

N-word detected

>> No.56410597

Pretty big jump in 2 days brother. Hope you are right

>> No.56410987
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I can't keep doing this

>> No.56411021

Look I like hopium as much as the next guy but these posts are getting a bit phony Rajneesh.

t. 2017 oldfag

>> No.56411047

Big, if true.

>> No.56411061


>> No.56411478

anons idk about you but a dude named Wyckoff just told me to buy LINK

>inb4 a Wyckoff flew over my house

>> No.56411746

it's happening right now, i'm so happy

>> No.56411959
File: 3.95 MB, 2561x1836, 877636598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is right. Link is ready. There will be so much coping and seething on this board very soon. Link to hundreds of dollars per token in 2024 - nothing will stop it. It will be done. Have a good day everyone.

>> No.56411982

TA expert here.
Based on my detailed analysis, I believe with high confidence that it's happening, tonight!

>> No.56411996
File: 55 KB, 555x492, 08970789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ID Omg0noLt
>Oh my god, Oh no, Link Time
Link golden bull run confirmed. Checkem.

>> No.56412073

based. so this is what wagmi-ing felt like all along

>> No.56412186

I'm so excited for you crazy kids!

>> No.56412236

>so dumb
HAHAHAHA your post didn't age well did it

>> No.56412307

ok scammer

>> No.56412431
File: 224 KB, 2048x1748, zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time has significantly sped up since 2/22/2022.
And it's only going to get stranger as the economy goes into full meltdown, housing pops, food becomes less stable, more accidents, violence, homicides, suicides, and anger from society.
It's all culminating into a major event to take place in ~2025.
I am almost certain elements of the future are trying to stop this from happening but they can't stop it.
All you can do is brace your anus for the ride.

>> No.56413425
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>> No.56413509
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k keep me posted

>> No.56414262

Trust the plan marines, patriots are in control of the blockchain.
Think cubes

>> No.56415194


>> No.56415327

I can't wait until we're too rich to waste our time on biz

>> No.56415460

Will Link be average this bullrun again? Look at SOL pumped 25% last day.

>> No.56415981
File: 617 KB, 480x600, 1682705423152298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i believe it

>> No.56416450

based LPL chad how you doing kiddo?

>> No.56417018

>SOL pumped 25% last day
In English we would say "pumped 25% in the last 24 hours", or "pumped 25% today".

>> No.56417163

which is wild considering it just came out in the court case how they can just turn it on or off to liquidate people lol. this fucking world.

>> No.56417316

based LPL chad how you doing kiddo?

>> No.56418406

based LPL chad how you doing kiddo?

>> No.56418823

based LPL chad how you doing kiddo?

>> No.56418839

let’s fucking go!

>> No.56418844

mental illness....

>> No.56418947

this and checked

>> No.56420082
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>> No.56420301

Pools closed. Based and redpilled king

>> No.56420340

GM based LPL chad Chaincucks seething because they just figured out pool's closed

you had seven years. pools closed.

>> No.56420430
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