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56407297 No.56407297 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything wrong with hebephilia?

>> No.56407316

kys pedo

>> No.56407366

Yes, there are various flaws to PoW blockchains.

Because proof-of-work mining requires so much computing power, it tends to consolidate miners down to the few people who can afford the equipment. It also tends to pull computing resources into locations where electricity is cheap. So we have a consolidation of miners and a geographic consolidation.

There are also security problems with PoW. What if there is a firewall around a good portion of network participants, and someone with malicious intent is running the firewall? That person might decide to turn off the firewall, partitioning the network in two different chains.

Consider the use of proof-of-work for something like a stock market, where the ordering of transactions matters. With PoW, whatever miner puts the transactions in a block can place them in any order they wish. They also could leave some out if they want – perhaps because they were bribed to leave out a rivals' transactions. This results in a lack of fairness in ordering and fairness in access.

>> No.56407486 [DELETED] 

I saw this girl, must of been about 12, wearing jean shorts she was so slightly overweight, like 2kg overweight, and it all went to her ass, and it looked like her ass was about to spill out her shorts I swear I wanted to get on my knees and lick her asshole in front of everyone

>> No.56407530

fertility is the only true age of consent, and it's no surprise women have a much earlier, and much, much shorter fertility than men.

>> No.56407581

Yes, get a woman your age, the only reason men shoot for younger women is because they think they have a better shot to manipulate them.

Now watch the seethe come in, because the truth hurts.

>> No.56408486

I mean if you’re huwhite it’s race trading, but a good pair of jewbs has tempted many great men before OP. This is more of a /pol/ discussion and while marriage to a Jew is financially beneficial, this is a bit off topic.

>> No.56408532

no, they want a woman that hasn' been manipulated. age is not the question, virginity, purity is. an 18 year old that isn't a virgin is worth less than a 23 year old virgin.
it's just that simple.

>> No.56410098

I used to be same but that was because of anime. IRL all girls/women are retarded. Not any level of physical attractiveness can overwhelm my aversion to the absolute retardation that is the modern female.

>> No.56410121

What if one is capable of manipulating both. What then?

>> No.56410148

> IRL all girls/women are retarded.
so why not choose an attractive one or are u asexual now

>> No.56410201

My dad did that and got saddled with 30 years of arguments and stupidity.

>> No.56410217

And I love my mother bless her heart but I can't help but admit she is stubborn and frustrating to converse with while being as dumb as a sack of bricks.

>> No.56410610

>is there anything wrong with being attracted to post-wall women

>> No.56410630
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never was

>> No.56410702
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I opened this thread thinking hebephilia meant being a jewlover.

>> No.56410708

that's hebrewphilia, common mistake

>> No.56410724

you know women are for fucking and telling what to do right?

>> No.56410844

Yes teenage pregnancy is correlated with developmental issues in their children, between you and a teenager any child is guaranteed to be retarded.

>> No.56410858


>> No.56410870

>t. tranny

>> No.56411096


I think youre not appreciating the number of correlating factors that aggregate around teen pregnancy situations that would lead to poor outcomes.

It's not a physical problem.

>> No.56411201

It's a way to call OP dumb.

>> No.56411208

older women are so much easier to manipulate because they're less attractive and therefore more insecure

>> No.56411209

i dont know what that is

>> No.56411278

Lol you have no fucking clue what's going on