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56401276 No.56401276 [Reply] [Original]

Boomers enjoyed a golden period of economic prosperity, now they've cursed their children to be perpetual slaves of the Jewish hyper-capitalist and liberal democracy system.

Their generational wealth will be squandered on expensive $10,000 a month retirement homes, expensive new cars and the squandering of their entire life's fortune before they finally drop dead from neglect suffered from careless minimum wage African care workers.

Their children will then be perpetual debt slaves and they will be literal cattle used and abused, tracked and surveilled their entire lives, taxed to death and own nothing. The segregated communities that once divided the races through wealth disparities will be merged and a sprawling human ghetto of mystery meat will triumph as humanity's physical manifestation of the absolute corruption of the human spirit and soul, sinking humanity into a permanent dark age.

The dawn of humanity's eternal torment has finally emerged, but at least we aren't speaking German.

>> No.56401300

Boomers worked harder than you

>> No.56401313

It’s that or living in a world without Cheesecake Factory

>> No.56401314

Society wasn't nearly as complex back when the boomers made their fortunes.

>> No.56401318

with their loud mouth def

>> No.56401328

Just buy crypto and decouple yourself from the sinking ship that is the American economy. The only thing the US has going for it is it's tech sector but it's only a matter of time until China overtakes them. Retail theft, declining work ethic, overpriced shitboxes, rampant inflation, shitshow domestic politics, deficit after deficit. The US is dying in front of our eyes.

>> No.56401335


My father worked his ass off 5 days a week with nothing but a college education. He went to 3 different businesses and gave each boss a firm handshake before he finally got a manual construction labor job earning a mere $10 an hour at that time. A house which he bought himself costed $30k and it took him over 7 years to fully pay it off while also taking care of his wife and 3 children (one of them is me).

And the current generation? Wants everything for free, just sitting at home behind a computer and expect money to magicly land in their bank.

Yeah im fearing for the future.

>> No.56401362


>> No.56401364

it would be funny if they wouldnt for real be liek dis

>> No.56401366


>> No.56401517
File: 265 KB, 1125x451, IMG_2313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers are conservatives who love war you dumb shit

You idiots play this false dichotomy with this liberal vs conservative or old va young bullshit

>> No.56401561

conservatives aren't conserving anything and are just another flavor of liberalism

>> No.56401571

liberals aren't liberal about anything and are just another flavour of conservatism, forcing things onto you

>> No.56401594
File: 25 KB, 474x266, greatest boomers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Boomers won the Cold War and defeated communism
>Boomers won both wars in Iraq
>Boomers created US tech industry and made America its undisputed and permanent leader
>Boomers literally turned America into One True World Superpower the most powerful, wealthy and prosperous nation that TOTALLY DOMINATES THE ENTIRE GLOBE
>Not even romans or brits were able to achieve what American baby boomers did
>This is literally unprecedented feat in the entire history of human civilization

You're nothing without them NOTHING
You fucking bitch
Everything you have you OWE to them
They granted you YOU (You) an opportunity to live in this World Most Powerful Empire
Billions of people around the world would kill for this fortune
You won the birthright lottery and yet you have the fucking gall to complain and blame your greatest benefactors?!
Where the fuck is your gratitude?!

>> No.56401813

Boomers had to go through stagflation, vietnam war, abolition of gold standard, nuclear scare, watergate among other things. 1970s were pretty rough.

>> No.56401868


>> No.56401880

They had like 5 barely stressful years while I’ve been living in hell for 31+. Vietnam was basically a tax payer funded extended vacation to the tropics for them. Shut the absolute fuck up about “boomer suffrage”.

>> No.56402017


Boomers were literally trained how to hide under their desks in case of a nuclear attack. In schools. Imagine being a child and live under constant threat of a nuclear annihilation.
FUCK OFF with >5 barely stressful years
you know NOTHING about their struggle.

>Vietnam was basically a tax payer funded extended vacation to the tropics for them

58000 dead and 500000 WIA
nice vacation
You'd shit your pants and cry for mommy if you were in their place. Boomers (unlike faggot millennials) went through it and WON in the end. They were Real Men, chad generation. You people bitch, moan and shit yourselves the moment when someone just utters the word 'draft' or 'war with Iran'.

>> No.56402024

99% chance OP defends the existence of (jewish) billionaires

>> No.56402050

>1970s were pretty rough.
Pop some ludes, have a key party, fuck your neighbor's wife.
Boohoo yeah the 70s were hard for you

>> No.56402135


>brooo every boomer was just a playboy dope fiend adulterer

Your knowledge of that period seems to be based entirely on old Hollywood movies.

>> No.56402619

yeah because there is nothing left to fight for faggot you big babies made sure of that

>> No.56402637
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>1970s were pretty rough.
shut the fuck up

>> No.56402826


Say that to all the men and women in uniform, who make it possible for you to shitpost this demoralization propaganda from the safety of your home. Say it to them face to face. They'll kick that chink propaganda shit out of you.

>oh nooo the % of black ppl went up 1% it's literally over!

You cry babbies are pathetic. If you had to face the same shit baby boomers had to deal with in their lives you'd probably be in a perpetual panic attack mode and beg for safe space. No wonder based boomers don't want you to inherit their hard-earned money.

>> No.56402859

I can't decide if their lives were easier or harder. Yes, relatively speaking, they were in a more privileged economic age, but that was just vs. the world, not vs. now.

Of my grandparents, they were all serious alcoholics, smokers, stressed out, depressed, abusive. Crime rates were objectively higher, hours were objectively longer, the amount of soft office roles was much smaller and most people were breaking their neck in a factory.

I think we get confused when we see "The US was doing much better vs. the world back then", when in absolute terms it was still a harder life than now.

>> No.56402877

>Identity Politics propaganda thread #56
stop drinking kool aid
go outside

>> No.56402987

your witnessing the birth of feudalism 2.0 basically.

>> No.56403768


>> No.56404192

and they were paid appropriately, they were given the freedom to live a good life irresponsibly and raise dysfunctional bastards.
They all should have been sterilized.

>> No.56404273

we've been in it for a while now.
Jobs that pay a living/thriving wage are extremely gatekept by arbitrary credentials that don't relate to the complexity of the work. People typically go into debt to attain a job that will pay them enough to live only to find that they do nothing all day and contribute nothing of material value to society beyond GDP. The real contributors to material production and logistics are some of the most abused and underpaid meanwhile.
It's not what you know but who you know.

>> No.56404316
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Boomers were drafted into vietnam, suffered through a gas crisis, terrorist attacks, recessions, and the cold war. They did all this and the smart ones got wealthy by investing solidly into the market and slowly but surely increasing their wealth.
Meanwhile you could have been a billionaire just by using a bitcoin faucet when you were a teenager. You only have yourself to blame.

>> No.56404477
File: 68 KB, 1233x956, act scores.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Zoomers have the internet and can get the answer to anything instantly, but choose to rot their brains on TikTok instead.

>> No.56405153

Why do you leftists lie so much?
There's nothing capitalist about the current system.

>capitalism is when central banking and big government dude lmao

>> No.56405292

Even factory workers lived like kings back then

>> No.56408113

Lol it's fucking over

>> No.56408140

You are just a mindless drone repeating bullshit you all stroke each other with.

>> No.56408153

What a fucking clown.
There are more party drugs now than ever before, women have never been so easy.

Based off your black mode of being right now is the best time in history.