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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56399889 No.56399889 [Reply] [Original]

I've been at the same company for around 7 years and tomorrow my company is allegedly laying off 2000 people. They've already laid off thousands the past year. I'm definitely not feeling safe or secure.

How do you handle being laid off? I have around 8 months of emergency savings.

>> No.56401001

Steal as much stuff from the office as you can.

>> No.56401027

Enjoy funployment

>> No.56401651
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>7 years
>I have around 8 months of emergency savings.

>> No.56401660

Unemployment the moment you get laid off every 2-3 weeks, indeed search 2 weeks into your last month (2 months)

>> No.56402132

Yeah, I have more than that in investments but as far as emergency savings go that's what I have liquid.

Just got the official email. Laying off 6% of workforce or around 2000 people today. Hoping I survive.

>> No.56402298

Put zero effort into your remaining days.
Don’t tell your co-workers or manager ti fuck off. You might need them as references.
Start looking for work immediately and treat job hunting as a full time job or your 8 months will fly by I guarantee it.
Lie about what you were earning before you were made redundant and enjoy that $20-$30k boost in salary when you do find a new job.
Worst case scenario if you’re approaching the end of the 8 months and still haven’t kind a job, just get a part time warehousing job or something to get by.

>> No.56402314

1. Stop spending as much to make what you have last
2. Apply for unemployment assistance
3. Hopefully you got severance too
4. Looking for a job is now your job, apply to many places every day and keep working on your interviewing skills, resume

>> No.56402752
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>Noooo you need a heckin 100 year emergency fund OKAY?!

>> No.56403318
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>raises and promotions frozen for months
>we have to do performance reviews for the first time ever

Not like this, wagebros. Not like this.

>> No.56403915

hey man the economy is doing great
this is just part and parcel of having money to throw around

>> No.56404173

The performance review is actually just to check if you're brown enough to remain employed.

>> No.56405237

What’s the difference between getting fired and being “laid off”?

>> No.56406625

Fired means you fucked up
Laid off means the business has no further use for you

>> No.56406813
