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File: 163 KB, 1024x1024, avax chan & me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56398183 No.56398183 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>life's been kinda shit but in the last 2 years things have started to work better for me
>recently secured a spot in a remote & comfy job
>recently got my first sui
>recently started dating the love of my life
>(soon) survived my 1st bear
How has your life been lately anon? Do you feel financially & psychologically set for the next bull?

>> No.56398197

good luck not getting cucked or divorced rape

>> No.56398208
File: 70 KB, 960x960, 1696880395455708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soon 24
>student debt
>spend hours applying for jobs
>dont want to date
I thank god but recently its been hopeless

>> No.56398218

>be me
enjoy losing your identity to some random whore
you'll only get older from now
>life's been kinda shit but in the last 2 years things have started to work better for me
they will get worse again, dw
>recently secured a spot in a remote & comfy job
enjoy while it lasts, remote wagies are getting kicked out left and right
>recently got my first sui
enjoy getting rugged
>recently started dating the love of my life
she already fucked tyrone
>(soon) survived my 1st bear
he doesn't know

>> No.56398229
File: 96 KB, 398x400, 1682989814884179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong board incel cuck
are you living in the US? If you have debt don't pay it, unironically, the government will eventually forfeit it simply because there are just too many people in-debt.
Just wait for the unavoidably crash to happen.

>> No.56398234

Congrats anon, I'm happy for you. My life sucks atm.
>26 year old
>CS grad
>Graduated in 2021 and foolishly took the first offer I got.
>Mediocre pay but at least I could work from home
>Now forced back into the office 3x a week
>Can't find a new job for obvious reasons
>Social life is dead as all my friends moved to cities that are hours away
>Single as hell. Resigned to being single for the rest of my life
I'm planning on chucking it all in and doing TEFL in South East Asia if my situation doesn't improve soon

>> No.56398255

Your picture says 'Meow' but in Arabic. I find this slightly humorous. I let out a sensible chuckle. I simply wished to inform you of this.

>> No.56398271
File: 334 KB, 524x535, 1617156399707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Norway. Not really a big worry, it's just I wanna get ris of it asap
Bless you anon, may your chuckles be everlasting

>> No.56398283

>Can't find a new job for obvious reasons
what are the obvious reasons?
I'm dating someone who was my friend for years, don't lose hope anon, you never know
Ty for the translate anon, godspeed

>> No.56398314

>what are the obvious reasons?
CS market is dead. Other sectors appear to be quite tight too
>don't lose hope anon, you never know
Thanks anon. I'm stoic about it all

>> No.56398332

>I'm stoic about it all
Yeah pretty much this. Although, I'd argue being stoic is better than bipolar and broken the whole time. So many bipolar these days, probably due to the stress but still.

>> No.56398895
File: 141 KB, 840x592, 832985265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the fuck out of this thread