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File: 396 KB, 431x560, 1629423226266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56397809 No.56397809 [Reply] [Original]

Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Ongoing hiring of specialists of e-commerce, UI, UX, blockchain and supply chain operations
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $1.195 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory
>NFT marketplace beta launched

DRS & Computershare
>~75.4 (18.85) million shares 25% total held by Aug. 31, 2023, ~76.6 (19.15) by Jun. 1, ~76.0 (19.0) by Mar. 22 Vs Cede & Co
>Previously 71.8 (17.95) M shares DRS'd by end of Oct. 29, 2022, 71.3 (17.825) Jul. 30 22, 50.8 (12.7) Apr. 30 22, 35.6 (8.9) by Jan. 29 22
>and 20.8 (5.2) by Oct. 30, 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Tuesday RRP: 1,082.399, 95P = 11.514B per (roughly)
Wednesday RRP: 1,150.781, 95P = 10.655B per (roughly)

>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%
>HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence
>SEC GME/meme stocks report
>4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. on 21st AH)
>2023 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp are issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.
>Q2 2023 Earnings 8-K/10-Q

>100 page comparison DD

>[GS Wallet users prepare for its removal by Nov]

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.

>> No.56397813
File: 447 KB, 1119x1527, df179636da90fa5eaebc9d5d1adefbe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report FY22
>GameStop Investor, & NFT Sites

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP:

DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:
>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>56393933

As always:
>sneed hedgies

>> No.56397851
File: 119 KB, 1256x1083, F8u0I0WWsAAgUfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine me, a self made actual millionaire that timed both TSLA and GME, and business owner, gives you the DD for free. I told $BBBYQ holders it was going to zero. But they chose to listen to literal losers that never accomplished anything. Idiots! $GME will rocket and everyone that could’ve bought more will regret it.

>> No.56397928
File: 34 KB, 152x147, essex sneed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sneed hedgechucks

>> No.56397931
File: 572 KB, 1125x1738, 1697662531054108[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting this hilarity

>> No.56397934

Extremely bullish

>> No.56397950


>> No.56397970
File: 86 KB, 1231x1063, IMG_2008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s the current flat range bros?

>> No.56397992

I honestly can’t stop laughing at this.

>> No.56398024
File: 97 KB, 612x491, 1546986314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people keep baking threads way before the bump limit of the previous ones?

>> No.56398029

$13-$1 is the new flat range

>> No.56398032

A witness at the scene reported that the employee said the words "Buckle up" just moments before firing at the escaping thief.

>> No.56398034

There’s war between autists and glowniggers. The glowniggers insist that it’s about the logo but no one really cares about the logo and really it’s so they can sneak searchable terms into the op and op image filename.

>> No.56398042
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>> No.56398047
File: 108 KB, 940x1268, Dog groomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They glow so hard it isn't funny. Ken went to Ukraine to have some money laundered because he knows it's almost over. The faggot Zelinkiiiey gave him the Ukraine IT army to help with his anti-GME campaign as Indians just aren't getting it done.. These are coordinated NAFO trannys and Ukrainians pretending to be GME holders. They coordinated it with the BBBaggie bankruptcy and the massive short attack to push the price down $2 while they control the sub.

>nb4 we are just really concerned with the logo
Yeah they didn't give a shit about the logo until an entire shill force showed up at the same time and started taking over bakes.

>> No.56398064

This thread is good

>> No.56398069
File: 1.12 MB, 1170x2202, IMG_7569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56398088

I’m neither. I’m a shareholder who likes to see our logo, and can’t help noticing others seem to be repulsed by it, but pretend they like the stock.

>> No.56398094

WAGMI and sneed hedgies

>> No.56398102

Explain why Logo Bakers put in SMG, AMC, and BBBY keywords in the OP?

>> No.56398112

Ok cool. Good for you bud. I don’t really care. I just don’t want anything snuck into the op. Every thread could use the same exact logo as long as the French man doesn’t do that. After he got called out he even changed the file name to include even more searchable terms. I don’t think what I and many others are saying is unreasonable. Surely you can see the nuance there.

>> No.56398121

Same reason people reposted >>56397931 on /v/ to recruit new bagholders

>> No.56398134

I missed our regular baker, I know you're out there somewhere

>> No.56398141

Kek. If that headline convinces people to buy the stock when nothing else did that would actually be incredibly fucking based.

>> No.56398173


>> No.56398185
File: 64 KB, 860x253, gotta catch em all logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he's an hero Gamestop deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll kek him. Because he can take it. Because he's an hero.

>> No.56398187

im hoping to time the end, I dont have many shares, but its all about coming to peace with the here and now.

>> No.56398191

>no Ken Griffin, you may not see the manager

>> No.56398205
File: 316 KB, 1572x823, ken vs gamestop police for ROBBERY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek Kennies

>> No.56398206
File: 47 KB, 800x800, 1668377370808528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't see this dragging until November. Things are too flat as of late.
I'm optimistic Jiemi will run Late September/October
MSM will attribute this to Dumb Money release in September
I'm saying this is misdirection because how tf will JIEMI reach a gorillion dollars based on the movie alone
MY speculation is this is the result of the algo sperging out but MSM will have to point at something, anything to explain the run up, most likely throwing normie FOMO in the mix

>> No.56398267
File: 482 KB, 1196x594, 1697143390406968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The RRP saga is starting to remind me of the beginning of the Chernobyl incident. Levels are dropping, a safety test is executed, levels keep dropping, people are being forced to ignore or cover up odd data... Core-chan (Jiemi) wants to run free and green.

>> No.56398273


Bot post

French nigger

>> No.56398284

Also another bot nigger post

>> No.56398286

Interesting I didn’t know the bot started pasting 45isms. I swear I thought that was just him.

>> No.56398289
File: 7 KB, 259x194, 1696184260924123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are people being told a crash is imminent for so long they will laugh it off at first. It's going to be such an epic pie to the face of billions of people, the seethe.. the gnashing of teeth... the line of tight tummies...

>> No.56398298

kill yourself

>> No.56398310
File: 176 KB, 436x361, 1697670472255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been posted verbatim mote than once today at least
>t. Autistic memory

>> No.56398320
File: 33 KB, 480x359, 1695397559934986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, it's a common image but the text is original. Search warosu if you don't believe me.

>> No.56398321

Yes non holders will kill themselves

>> No.56398327
File: 1.76 MB, 480x270, 1694231076558489.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's officially over for the BBBY holders. Shorters are being allowed to close out their positions.

>> No.56398349
File: 1.09 MB, 3024x4032, mwornep718791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm absolutely sure baggies here """""""""""""""diversify""""""""""""""" into other shitstocks
Can you check your BBBYQ stock for me baggies, please?

>> No.56398351
File: 73 KB, 620x703, 1695946605853712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one is repulsed by it you fucking goddamn retard, its the fact that out of nowhere you faggots came and decided it was a massive issue which made everyone who has been posting in these threads since they began question your nefarious glowie cunt intentions. Why dont you make yourself useful and jump off a skyscraper, the rats need to bulk up before winter

>> No.56398358

As the price gets lower, there is the truth that GME is getting closer to territory where older shorts can close. People can’t buy the dip if it gets to $5 or even lower because then the shorts can be exited. I don’t see the price going that low, but what do I know. I visualize this scenario as a tug of war, and the lower the price goes, the closer to crossing the line and losing the game long investors are. A nerve wracking position to be in, for me at least. Nothing to do but hold, I suppose. I still believe in my investment.

>> No.56398359
File: 109 KB, 914x678, F8W83RMWUAAHocC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The term "distraction stock" exists for a reason. There is only one idiosyncratic risk to the system.

>> No.56398374

You mean Phil? Who trust me bro his broker totally let him close but won't post a position even though he's posted positions before, who is totally trust worthy right? That short? Cos there isn't any others who have been able to

>> No.56398465

>manslaughter charges
Wtf? Are you not allowed to shoot people who rob you?

>> No.56398481

>people can't buy the dip if it gets to $5 or even lower because then shorts can be exited.
How does people buying more equate to shorts exiting? if anything it would cause more short positions to open.

>> No.56398482
File: 20 KB, 500x500, 1686482595902863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're missing a space, it should be Mans Laughter charges, because it's funny as fuck

>> No.56398484
File: 1.34 MB, 498x280, bing-bingo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not just Phil, that other guy last year with the swimming pool.

>> No.56398490
File: 202 KB, 1000x1000, 1689290289286769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u, fucking nigger

>> No.56398494

If you’re actually this retarded and hold the stock congratulations consider me fudded for now knowing that I hold with you. Yngmi.

>> No.56398500

He didn’t even rob him lmao
He robbed his billionaire ((master))
Imagine going to prison for saving your company a few bucks kek

>> No.56398558

Total Baggie Death

>> No.56398562

kek dumbfuck baggies

>> No.56398597
File: 292 KB, 474x457, a bit anxious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hurts. It hurts so much. Everyday it hurts. I’ve invested 100% of everything I have in GameStop stock. With the recent drs book unveiling, I get the feeling we are going to have to wait until next earnings to “try again” with igniting the MOASS. But TPTB weasel their way around shit every time.
We have the lowest in volume in history, and on earnings we had 60 million. GME is REAL. The fuckery is REAL. But I can’t do anything but try to make it throw another miserable day of my worthless, loser life, while I wait for MOASS. And it hurts bros.
The man who I was when I bought GME is dead. The man who will MOASS is not the man who not all in. This entire experience has changed me. The waiting has sapped me of my spirit. When MOASS finally, finally, finally happens, im going to buy land on the northern coast of Alaska and never interact with humanity ever again.
Just let the MOASS happen so I can get off this ride. Every day is bullshit with a fake market and it hurts to watch this boring shit continue

>> No.56398641
File: 250 KB, 1119x615, slaughter is the best medicine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's like a bad comedy joke

>> No.56398684

based AF, gun holding employees.

>> No.56398696

yeah threads are mostly fucked for now but it can't be stopped.

>> No.56398720
File: 283 KB, 560x420, 1697607114797976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a loser and GME is my only hope of any quality of life. I open the chart up and the stock is down my fellow GameStop investors. The only reason I don’t kill myself is because I don’t want to explain to Jesus why I gave up before I had the chance to use MOASS money to further His Kingdom. I’m so fucking tired of waiting. Every single hype day is a possible chance for Wall Street to fail to keep things under control, yet every single time they pull something from their ass and we have to wait another month or two months or quarter.
At this point I really am holding GME just to see what the fuck happens if I don’t sell. Wall Street broke international finance law to see what would happen to me, it’s fair for me to not sell GME for $20,000 a piece to see what happens to Wall Street I suppose.
Don’t forget to pray today everybody. God wants our desires to come true. He is our Father in heaven and like any good dad he wants to spoil us and make us happy with gifts and good times and successful pursuits. Thank you Jesus for loving us

>> No.56398748
File: 1.73 MB, 1024x1024, 1695959759848039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek dead past-selfies

>> No.56398829

How was your day today fellas? I just got done with church. Bought more at $13.97 this morning

>> No.56398835

Yes so will crypto baggies

>> No.56398846

I hate your namefagging

>> No.56398851

I’m just happy to be here with my first shares at $14.71. Feels comfy being green after being a crypto baggie after all this time.

>> No.56398868


>> No.56398899
File: 86 KB, 699x768, IMG_1636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Florida has one of the most generous homestead exemptions in the entire country. If you have equity in your home (your home is worth more than you owe on it) the homestead exemption can allow you to keep the home if you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, and may come into play under Chapter 13 bankruptcy as well. Under Florida bankruptcy laws you are allowed to exempt an unlimited amount of value in your home or any other property which is covered by the homestead exemption. The only restrictions include: the property may not be bigger than half an acre in a municipality, or 160 acres elsewhere. You must have owned the property in question for a minimum of 1,215 days before you file for your Florida bankruptcy.

>> No.56398924

Total Hedgie Death
Total Pajeet Death
Total Kenny Death

>> No.56398937
File: 282 KB, 593x563, 1668425828709417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s no way hedgies could have predicted a retail stock movement to drive forward with the zealous power of a crusade. Now it’s here and not going away, and they’re exposed. They could’ve used their tricks to put us back in line before, but now? Now this is something they can’t gaslight their way out of. They call gme holders cultists. Maybe that’s not as much of a smear as it is them unknowingly voicing their greatest fear. A coalition of schizos, autists, idiots, lurkers, redditers, discontents, and genuinely intelligent people have been connected by the closest thing to a god the internet has ever produced - an algorithm designed to capture the interest of the people most likely to commit to its premise of a MOASS. The problem for them is that it’s actually true, and virtually impossible to refute at this point. There’s no stopping it. They must have realized it by now. And every day it gets worse for them. They can’t hope to obscure it forever. Another profitable quarter or two and even normies will figure it out. They might even catch in just by having a random gme meme catches hold of the mainstream. Holy fuck. There’s nothing they can do except send in shills, and we all know how ineffective they’ve been; their presence just validates the premise even more.

>> No.56398942
File: 183 KB, 528x438, 1694642861807238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My average is $180, pre split. Is this WAGMI-ing?

>> No.56398957
File: 203 KB, 1558x1072, icant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, what's the correlation between Icahn's IEP tanking, and the GME/BBBY/KOSS ETF tanking? Thx.

>> No.56398971

He's bleeding out because he can't close his shorts.

>> No.56398975
File: 1.83 MB, 500x639, 1525564140793.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck is it possible for anyone to be red holding this stock? The shills love to scream this but the only way I could imagine anyone being red is if they literally only bought ath and the pumps. Did you not buy the the dips? None at $40 pre splivvy?

>> No.56399019

>Ken griffin building worlds most expensive home
>gme went from $400 to $10
You sure showed him!

>> No.56399040
File: 880 KB, 740x896, maniac psycho kenneth griffin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god I hate ken griffin so fucking much
he seriously deserves a fierce kick in the balls

>> No.56399046

What if my cousin uses her homestead exemption to buy more GME?

>> No.56399049
File: 98 KB, 666x588, hedge fungus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enter Icahn? Is it really a crazy idea to think two billionaires would make a deal between themselves to get what they wanted. Icahn gets a massively discounted retailer to merge with his successful retailer, Ryan gets BABY in exchange for cash and gme equity so Icahn can close his short on Gme without needing to go to market.

>> No.56399089

I'm glad shillies and hodlers have finally found common ground: laughing at anyone who is red hodling this stock. How could that possibly be the case? Did you not buy the dips? None at $40 pre splivvy? Did you miss the congressional hearing? kek red baggies

>> No.56399112

I’m laughing every day at the 97.6% of crypto holders that are currently red. Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies

>> No.56399142

I wonder if steel toed boot anon is still here.

>> No.56399150

What's the newest November 2023 copium baggie bros?

>> No.56399162
File: 148 KB, 1746x1067, 1692720400236843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are days away from moass, I dont think anyone has really understood this. They weren't going to do this months ago because that would've gave us plenty of time to get loud and throw a wrench in it. They have undoubtedly been planning this for well over a year. They did this last minute knowing they were going under in the very near future.

RC tweeted a 20/40 week old baby exactly 20 weeks ago, tomorrow is labor day...

In the Gmerica NFTs there are subtle hints at moass like a countdown timer showing T-00, rockets launching, and 3rd quarter moon phases

News about Arnal the Bobby CFO

Chinese economy is collapsing in literally days

Fed just started dumping MBSs Friday

10Y broke out of its 40 year down trend

Fed is telling people to buckle up, and there will be casulties

Bond market is collapsing

50% of GME is DRSed and growing rapidly

Sept 1st the ISDA Phase 6 went into affect

Shitadel has been borrowing money left and right, and their lifelines are running out

Kenny moved to Florida, then leveled 3 of his homes to build 1 mansion for his mother. He did this to protect his wealth. So he knows somethings coming for him

Shitadel's bonds were just downgraded to 1 category above junk bonds

Gamestop is doing something with Gmerica

Ryan Cohen is doing something with bobby stock, and/or buy buy baby

Gamestop has yet to officially release the marketplace

IMX has yet to bring their games to the marketplace

Plus many other things, somethings brewing and we're teetering on moass any day

>> No.56399203
File: 219 KB, 608x741, What Hodling for 2 years does to a MF'r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will the hedgies finally accept defeat?
They know the clock is running out, why not die with some sort of dignity?
It's kind of pathetic.

>> No.56399243
File: 1.61 MB, 498x498, 1693855217805831.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who gets bankrupted for being so short GME they couldn't close in three years is going to be either permanently unemployable or in prison. They don't want the ride to end.

>> No.56399260
File: 72 KB, 936x1024, 1681520713671937m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How the fuck is it possible for anyone to be red holding this stock?

>> No.56399269
File: 210 KB, 220x118, buckleup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But when? When? It's been 3 years.

>> No.56399281

There is no proof Icahn is short GME.

>> No.56399289

>either permanently unemployable or in prison.
The financial apocalypse and societal reshaping that is about to happen is going to be blamed on them. If they don’t literally get dragged to guillotines I think they’re going to do a flip. They will become pariahs.

>> No.56399303

Kek imagine being a ceo poached from Amazon or chewy, paid entirely in shares at an average of 180, then three years later you're working for basically one year salary. Is that why no one wants to WORK, Ryan?

>> No.56399312
File: 518 KB, 964x1250, 1696598136035824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw in the last thread an anon was being dog piled for suggesting the basket stock theory is correct. The basket theory still holds water after all this time. To my knowledge, nothing has disproved it. Now that time has passed, Cohen's now confirmed involvement in BBBY strengthens that argument.

>the ONE stock with idiosyncratic risk

Let's think of the game theory behind this statement. If I was the SEC, GameStop has had to much public attention to ignore. Saying there is one risk, is a way to avoid people hunting for another situation like GameStop. Let me give an example. Hypothetically, you have two bodies in your house. The cops are at the door about to break in. You can either hide both bodies in the same spot or hide them in different spots. Now the cops bust in and catch you literally red handed with one body. Are you going to tell the cops that you have another body hidden somewhere in the house? Fuck no, you are going to lie and say you have only one body(one idiosyncratic risk). I find it hard to believe that only one stock has been over shorted. Considering how greedy wall street is, I wouldn't be surprised if every single stock in the market is fucked up to some degree or another.

Choosing what stocks are in the basket stock is up for debate. However, just because the SEC has said "there is one stock with idiosyncratic risk" does not make it 100% fact. Labeling a stock as a "distraction stock" is a classic divide and conquer technique. I see no issue with people holding positions in basket stock companies. Only a giga autist or shill would suggest holding a single stock. With that being said, I am pure book DRS'd and I will continue you add to my position until moass.

Finally, does anyone have actual proof that Icahn has a fucking short position in GME? I have not seen a single shred of evidence to support this claim. So until there is proof, Icahn does not have a short position in GME

>> No.56399314
File: 12 KB, 918x444, 1661663177324288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For (You)

>> No.56399332
File: 94 KB, 399x400, lk9u8yhg8ohk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to travel the world post MOASS. Now I'm going to be working in Safeway forever.

>> No.56399334

I actually think it’s Furlong and other exec selling right now and dropping the price
That explains why so many quit lately
They don’t need report their sales once they left as they’re no longer insiders

>> No.56399353
File: 45 KB, 666x666, מजीभ्रשחष्ट पתरטפיजीवी.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still hoping with all my heart that MOASS can happen before May 12 so I can quit my job and play Zelda in complete peace. If not, I can still enjoy the game and continue to hold.

>> No.56399355

WAGMI and kek dumbfuck crypto baggies. That’s all there is to it

>> No.56399361


I'm red, but I don't care. Only shills give a shit about being red.

>> No.56399366

I wish I could see the glowniggers oc and copy pasta folders.

>> No.56399380
File: 1.68 MB, 1162x1440, Jared-Leto-Joker-Suicide-Squad-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BE ME IN 2021

>> No.56399385
File: 210 KB, 480x401, 1661629394150539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sneed hedgecucks

>> No.56399390
File: 216 KB, 366x479, 1523233648676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw the price action after getting off work and pumped my fist...
Only to realize what a weird bunch we are. I am legitimately happy the price is going down. It means the end is nearer. We're going to lock the float because it's so cheap, or they're going to actually get margin called -- and eventually, their illegal pumps won't save them.

Hallelujah, apes! The dawn approaches

>> No.56399407

To be honest I'm thinking the anon who kept insisting if BBBY was successfully cellar-boxed then they'd have unlimited funds to tank GME was right

>> No.56399419
File: 28 KB, 414x450, PinkWojackKenny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retards don't understand that if BBBY gets successfully cellar boxed then hedgies will have infinite ammo to continue shorting the f*ck out of GME. That's why Ryan Cohen stepped in and tried to turn that company around too, but it failed and now he can barely keep GameStop alive

>> No.56399437

You’re a fucking retard.

>> No.56399447

Well what the hell is happening? BBBY got bbboxed and now the price of GME is in the shitter

>> No.56399458

>and now the price of GME is in the shitter
Unless it's dropped to 50 cents, they won't be able to close.

>> No.56399469

The price doesn’t matter you dumb nigger. Stop feigning ignorance to spread your fud.

>> No.56399474

We're getting there pretty fucking quickly it seems

>> No.56399482

You do not appreciate how many niggas will go all in 2.0 if the price even drops to $10

>> No.56399493

Definitely not as many that will be slurping at $5. At $1, the float is locked.

>> No.56399499

Not if the Fed are supplying collateral, and they're just allowing the algo to sit idle in a small channel. We know the stock market is fake so why wouldn't they just fake the price of GME, no doubt the 3 letter agencies are involved, they'll just hold it in that narrow channel for 20 years.

>> No.56399529

So what's stopping them from tanking the price of gme during the crash to avoid getting margin called?

>> No.56399539
File: 148 KB, 1024x1024, 1696557725405645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out excellent video about GME: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pYeoZaoWrA

Just about 5 months ago I've actually was gearing up to buy GME, viewing the whole business and reddit /biz/ threads as a funny stock market meme, on par with pools closed raids and getting mtv rick rolled
But turns out you fags are actually straight face serious about all of this and the root of all of this following is not MEMES, but CONSPIRACY THEORIES
so I wish your magical twitter kike luck in pulling the company out of the death dive and hope you'll stay in your containment threads

>> No.56399544

The same, currently unknown, thing that's preventing them from doing it now.

>> No.56399549

Kek. Nice try.

>> No.56399550

But the price is tanking now

>> No.56399566

And why couldn't they tank it to a price that will allow them to close? Why didn't they do that since the squazozzle?

>> No.56399572
File: 475 KB, 785x847, apu jeans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is hard for me to write but I feel like I need to get this off my chest.

I yolo'd my entire portfolio into GME and AMC at the relative bottom before they 10xd. I was up so fucking huge. I literally thought I was going to be a multi millionaire. I would have random moments where I would just scream out LETS FUCKING GOOOOOO. Thankfully I took some profits and was not a complete retard but I basically left hundreds of thousands on the table and slowly watched the value of my portfolio tank over the last two years. Literally could have sold, paid taxes on the gains, have enough money left over to buy a condo or house , AND buy back in to my core position after the price tanked.

But I was a fucking retard and listened to a bunch of larping financial detectives on reddit who were screaming BUY AND HOLD, HEDGIES ARE FUK, etc . Moass is coming hurr durr. Everyone always made it seem like the epic short squeeze was right around the corner but its been 2 years plus now and I am just fed up. I've wasted so much of my life going through amc and gme subreddits, /biz/ threads, and scrolling through twitter threads reading dd provided by people I do not know or even trust.

Honestly, at this point I am way too scared to sell. I am 99% sure that if I sold and the short squeeze did happen that I would kill myself. I have sunk way too much time into this to just sell and move on now. Sunk cost fallacy, I know. I recognize the irrationality of my actions. I hate what this stupid meme stock play turned me in to. Its like holding a lotto ticket with no expiration date and you just keep waiting and waiting for your numbers to hit.

I'm still holding but I restarted with a new account and am trying to rebuild my portfolio

>> No.56399581

It’s always circular with them you can never pin them because they just pilpul a way out.

>> No.56399591

I don't know man, we're closer to .50 cents than infinity

>> No.56399597

I like to play their games and have them eat their own anus.

>> No.56399603

So then they don't have sufficient control of the price, do they?

>> No.56399606
File: 457 KB, 894x995, 1657518654791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys Andrew Left here just reminding you that GME is going back to $20 a share, FAST!
After the split the price is going to tank and it'll be roughly $32 a share and then it's only a $12 drop back to $20!!!! I warned you guys and now it's time has come. I hope you're ready to admit that I know short interest better than you hahalololhaha enjoy baggies

>> No.56399629

Unless it drops to 50 cents and there's volume to close.

>> No.56399672
File: 59 KB, 1414x959, logic 101 for gme baggies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this incredibly easy to understand graphic for baggies.

>> No.56399685
File: 19 KB, 290x161, wonhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know who else was right? Everyone here who warned that BBBY was a distraction and that any money spent on BBBY shares would be going straight into hedgie pockets.
I wonder what else we'll be proven right about.

>> No.56399688

So you’re saying it will definitely happen? Kek shillies

>> No.56399694

We are well aware of what reasons would prevent MOASS, if GME would go bankrupt like BBBY or diluted to shit like AMC.

Neither is the case though.

>> No.56399717

>he didn’t buy at 5

>> No.56399719

Sorry I’m still not understanding this. Can you make it more clear? Do you maybe have a gif proving they closed?

>> No.56399729
File: 83 KB, 256x350, 1694574947043318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being in your twenties at a party back in 2021 in front of people talking about muh short interest on GameStop. Only to see your investment tank 2 years later. All the other people in their twenties are going to clubs, festivals, and your eating ramen whilst trying to hide your shame from that party you went to where you tried to get everyone to invest in GME. They didn’t of course, they were looking at you like you were an idiot. Now they all mention now and then “ hey do you remember Mike? That guy who told us to invest in GameStop when it was 180? What’s the price now?”

>> No.56399741

>he thinks anyone autistic or schizophrenic enough to get in this play would ever be at a party
Kek. You fundamentally don’t understand your opponent.

>> No.56399751

gme baggies won’t even get put out of their misery like bbbyq baggies did, they’ll just linger on moving the goalposts until they burn through all the cash they donated for le squizzle.

>> No.56399754

For real though I told my entire family we would be billionaires and now I'm ashamed to see them. Thanksgiving will be hell this year

>> No.56399756
File: 1.28 MB, 498x345, 1697238951906708.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This absolute trainwreck of human mechanations never stops being funny. I am going to be laughing hysterically from the momment I wake up to the momment I fall asleep for every single godamn day for the rest of my life. It will mever stop being funny to kek at almost absolutely everyone on this planet that didnt have shares DRS'd.

>> No.56399768

If it’s digits. There’s fireworks tomorrow

>> No.56399777

>Thanksgiving will be hell this year
How can they kick this until november

>> No.56399776

> doesn’t understand how naked shorting works

>> No.56399787
File: 827 KB, 2048x2048, EE6BA24E-C953-4AEF-B355-9E8B4D21F231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No dates, but remember: the MOASS is tomorrow.

>> No.56399796

Checked and kekked. We're two weeks away. If the market doesn't crash in October it won't this year. We'll continue crabbing in the $13-$1 flat channel until after elections, then we'll be lucky to get 800 followed by 800 after a split.

>> No.56399809
File: 123 KB, 441x441, 1683284087210587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two (2) more years. Just keep holding bros. Sell your belongings, DRS your kidneys if you must. Just keep holding. Don't forget now, it's always tomorrow OK? The moass can literally start any day now, hedgies are bleeding! Just don't sell! You hold the worlds most treasured resource! HOLD APE HOLD! YOU'RE FUCKING HERE FOREVER AND YOU WILL BE HAPPY. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

>> No.56399815

>We are days away from moass, I dont think anyone has really understood this.
This is cope. I have all but given up
>RC tweeted a 20/40 week old baby exactly a little over 20 weeks ago, tomorrow is labor day...
Today is labor day, and this is schizo
>In the Gmerica NFTs there are subtle hints at moass like a countdown timer showing T-00, rockets launching, and 3rd quarter moon phases
More schizo ravings
>News about Arnal the Bobby CFO
This is sus, maybe the biggest news we've had all year
>Chinese economy is collapsing in literally days
Been hearing this for months
>Fed just started dumping MBSs Friday
About time, they take a few months to show up. I think they actually started selling a few weeks ago.
>10Y broke out of its 40 year down trend
This is indicative of a recession
>Fed is telling people to buckle up, and there will be casulties
Source? I've only seen them trying to paint everything as fine
>Bond market is collapsing
>50% of GME is DRSed and growing rapidly
It's growing fairly linearly, which is good but still a long way to go
>Sept 1st the ISDA Phase 6 went into affect
Literally what?
>Shitadel has been borrowing money left and right, and their lifelines are running out
>Kenny moved to Florida, then leveled 3 of his homes to build 1 mansion for his mother. He did this to protect his wealth. So he knows somethings coming for him
>Shitadel's bonds were just downgraded to 1 category above junk bonds
These are bussin
>Gamestop is doing something with Gmerica
Believe it when ibsee it, for now it's a jpeg shop that no one cares about
>Ryan Cohen is doing something with bobby stock, and/or buy buy baby
Kek, check the price, he rugged them
>Gamestop has yet to officially release the marketplace
More jpeg hopium
>IMX has yet to bring their games to the marketplace
Indie shovelware no one cares about
>Plus many other things, somethings brewing and we're teetering on moass any day
Again, I've heard this for two years

>> No.56399821
File: 163 KB, 1024x1024, 1697527123874562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I made this incredibly easy to understand graphic for baggies.

>> No.56399827
File: 45 KB, 540x540, 1657179753491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's literally 0 evidence that MOASS won't happen. There are hundreds of tomorrows that could be the start of MOASS, this means there is an almost infinite amount of possible dates. 7 4+1, post earnings, Today, all of these dates are at one point yesterday's tomorrow and more will come like water eroding a stone over time. And you still think MOASS is not gonna happen tomorrow? Kek!

>> No.56399831
File: 1.87 MB, 640x640, IMG_7651.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replying to copy pasta

>> No.56399848
File: 176 KB, 534x302, 1679462845850554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never understood the almost supernatural need for normalfags to go out to a random shithole every weekend to yell at each other over the sound of loud mumblerap music and drink overpriced piss water until they vomit and stumble out at 4AM only to wake up at 11AM with a massive headache and no recollection of the events you supposedly had so much fun doing. Then decide this is your primary form of entertainment until your mid 30s. Like just invite your friends over to your house or to a restaurant or something.

Fucking freaks the lot of 'em. Maybe I'll start a bar after moass just to sap them of the little remaining money they clearly can't be trusted with.

>> No.56399881
File: 1.61 MB, 1034x902, 1672861982971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's your take on RC's tweet "All species require adversity to survive"? he deleted it soon after. i wish we would have gotten a clearer message since some us have almost nothing left and should maybe sell to save what little is left. this guy is a billionaire who doesn't seem to understand the suffering we have gone through despite our best efforts. is he saying that we're going to survive (financially speaking), or that this particular play was a dud and we just have to suck it up, or is it about his grieving over the loss of his dog, or what. the pulte appearance on the pp show jacked my hits and I thought there's a greater than 50-50 chance that it's going to moass and it will also be like a spiritual awakening for many of us, we're going to use our gains much more altruistically than if we had wagmi in january 2021. RC called short sellers the dumb stormtroopers, he called himself warren icahn by night, it's implied that there's a greater plan in play, maybe he was going to let the expensive consultants run the company into bankruptcy but then pull a uno reverse card on the short sellers by saving the company. but now there's meltdowner DD saying that life_relationship was wrong about the 300 kept store leases, they auctioned off the good ones and rejected the rest, so there is no business left for teddy to take over. but we're blatantly on the good side while the bad guys are furiously antagonizing us like they did with GME, there could be a shitload of naked shorts still in play even if there wasn't any 4d chess done by white hats slurping up the hudson bay/b riley share offerings, for example 1 billion shares traded in 1 day in april before they filed chapter 11 which indicates fuckery.

>> No.56399894
File: 546 KB, 506x722, 1675311077056346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tuesday. It begins.

>> No.56399909

Market crash Monday
MOASS Tuesday
Hedgies on ledgies Wednesday
Trump freed from jail Thursday
GME Pizza party Friday

>> No.56399918

Trump isn't in jail, bot-kun.

>> No.56399924

Trump is going to jail. He deserves to. They're just building the public case slowly. Like MOASS, it's inevitable.

>> No.56399934

ok retard

>> No.56399944

They’re not gonna lock him up in a few days and then release him in a week you retard.

>> No.56399976

If anyone is going to jail its going to be Ryan the Lyin' Cohen, King K himself for his role in rugging BBBY and GME. Gustav Arnal is not the only suicide Ryan has on his hands

>> No.56399978

Why are you talking to copypasta guys

>> No.56399985

Crypto baggies on ledgies too

>> No.56400001

1. Reddit nazis get upset Trump loses like everyone suspected he would
2. Decide to target DA JOOZ by shorting a particular stock (GME was based on some old /v/ meme)
3. They figure Joe Biden will do something drastic like prevent normal people from trading in response
4. Fail like always
5. Safety measures put in place activate, stops GME from raising too high and collapsing the economy
6. Reddit is now down about $400 each per share
7. Desperately try to shill on /biz/ and Twitter and Discord to make people buy into their failed ponzi scheme
8. Trump's tax forms are released, chance of him going to jail is now 99%

tl;dr its like when you tell a fat retarded little boo-boo baby boy in the grocery store he can't have that toy, so he begins crying and shitting and farting as well. Wallstreetbets is that boy.

>> No.56400006

>"oo" misspelling
>plebbit spacing

>> No.56400012
File: 698 KB, 1170x1156, IMG_7654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an almost comically absurd example of “appear strong when you are weak” Fucking Kek.

>> No.56400023

He will, because we'll build our houses in SPACE! WAGMI! HODL!

>> No.56400040
File: 689 KB, 740x933, kyun griffin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the price (and rank) just dumping, if all of this is true?

You said the same thing about Trump losing and those Q larps, that they were some 5d chess, that they would appear weak when they were strong

Look how wrong you were, Trump was a joke, he lost without a question, yet you were so smug/sure about Trump winning

I think same will happen to Chainlink, you had same kind of confidence/smugness of Trump winning, yet look what happened

I think you are pathetic

>> No.56400054
File: 86 KB, 1169x1339, IMG_7655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t believe the redditors are starting to out schizo us.

>> No.56400059
File: 351 KB, 747x1018, 1697685231259424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh hedgies

>> No.56400083
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>> No.56400119

Does anyone have the link to this? I can't seem to find it in the OP anymore

>> No.56400144
File: 45 KB, 540x413, 1663067007698706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the absolute mother fuck is going on and why does the price only go down anymore?
>inb4 1pbtid
I try not to think about this fucking bullshit, I have too much to do to worry about how much money I've lost each day

>> No.56400146


>> No.56400154
File: 30 KB, 544x426, blob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if Ryan Cohen's "I have a small wee wee" tweet meant that we should be looking at all of his tweets, not backwards, but flip them on their head. 741, 147. What does that mean? I don't know, but the other ones are more telling. "GameStop store leaders <3" means he actually fucking hates the store leaders. "The best time to be alive in human history is now". Why? What an asinine statement. Clearly he means this is the worst time to be alive in human history and it's only getting worse. I just saw a post on Reddit, some dude has 1000 shares. I looked at the price, it's 11k below what I invested for my measly 800 shares. I'm more than 50% down on this fucking bullshit Ryan I'm going to kill you if we ever meet you fucking cunt

>> No.56400181
File: 51 KB, 1200x628, 1656633444904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh the retards in /GME/ will ignore this and then claim you are an asset for citadel with 27 1pbtid ID's gaslighting everyone that you are an asset but really they are retarded and likely an asset themselves

>> No.56400195
File: 1.43 MB, 320x320, 1697528017492439.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

caroline you're not off the hook, and when you leave the large digital shitprint that you easily leave through your spastic posting style it makes it that much easier to pin you down.

>> No.56400199

>and why does the price only go down anymore
It's flat you fucking retard shill. Just jump already sheesh

>> No.56400206
File: 96 KB, 700x800, lollipop .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing ever happens
>greatest irl economic anime saga unfolding right in front of your eyes for the last 2 years
>nothing ever happens
>we got bitch ass caroline stuck in here with us
>it's probably caroline
sneed. never selling. no moass? imma keep watching jojo. based anime. sponsored by the SpeedWagmi Foundation. yare yare.

>> No.56400211
File: 1.48 MB, 328x328, 1654284604988.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger I'm down $120k, it isn't fucking flat. looking for better copium than straight up delusion

>> No.56400224
File: 182 KB, 1284x1285, Flat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright you subhuman braindead retard. When people say "flat" that don't mean a literal flat line. It has been explained countless times that the price becomes "flatter" as it moves in a shrinking channel. Just looking at the chart and it should be clear, but I can't expect your 1 rotting braincell to comprehend basic things like this

>> No.56400241
File: 205 KB, 1019x562, pop goes the weasel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caroline wouldn't have been pissing all over the threads if she wasn't terrified the GME token would reveal her involvement.

>> No.56400248

Basically we're trading in a narrow $13-$1 channel as the hedgies collateral shrinks as well. We're going to trade between $13 and $1 back and forth before settling somewhere in the middle until they can no longer contain it and we moass

>> No.56400249

We’re just a lil impatient.
We want to cum inside hedgie daughters (18+).

>> No.56400278
File: 52 KB, 954x804, maximum silliness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn these shills REALLY picked up steam this January. I’m really glad they care about my investments and keep up to date on complex legal filings. Good thing they have warned me about the evils of a man who almost liquidated wallstreet (until they literally had to shut out a significant portion of the market from buying) by sending a letter to the board and buying into gme during early/mid 2020, and has been undertaking the same process with bed bath and beyond. Also good thing a $10,000 a month corporate action software suite stated the company was sold in January 2023 where shortly after Ryan Cohen tweeted how the government should stop shooting down his balloons.

Rc is nice and all but these benevolent actors who are looking out for my interests in what is ultimately a closed financial system, where one naturally becomes curious as to why these equity ordinators have such undeniable conviction for saving me from losses, as if their own livelihoods depend on it?

It’s just too bad all these stock market knights weren’t able to warn investors of bear sterns, which was followed by Lehman brothers. I heard they were busy helping others in need so it’s all ok.

I’m also really glad that the overwhelming majority of the 4th estate is completely captured by corporate interests. I think it’s truly wonderful that they are promulgating the information surrounding GME (which has clearly been set as a top priority) so that retail can be saved from further losses. This actually makes a lot of sense when you think about it, as the media has established a precedent of looking out for the interests of retail traders, along with the middle class over all.

I genuinely feel like I’m apart of a thriving community with heathy core values because of all these wonderful, organically occurring, well intentioned actors who are here to help learn the truth and convince me to sell. I have never felt so loved.

WAGMI so fucking hard.

>> No.56400285
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>> No.56400301
File: 60 KB, 2000x1420, 000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amplitude of the sine wave is decreasing. Simple as.

>> No.56400319

Are you guys fucking seeing this? Holy shit

>> No.56400326

Yes, sudden 1pbtid. I do see (You)

>> No.56400328
File: 3.00 MB, 4632x4684, FLAT LAW v4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dip before the rip. One of the tenants of flat law is that once the price breaks out of the channel, big volatility follows. The price is going to go up bigly. Just as it has done 2 times this year.
Price becomes flat, algo begins massive short attack, price goes up. Then it either becomes flat again (as it has done before) or MOASS happens (which could be next). Simple as. Without seething, actually try to prove me wrong.

Flat law is sustained pressure within a channel then a massive dump before it ignites the rocket. Look to the past.

Now shorts must close if they can't sell that swap from 2 years back. 40 days niggas. Let's goooo

>> No.56400329

Do you see me?

>> No.56400475
File: 77 KB, 650x526, coffee time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch GME movie (Dumb Money)
>enjoying it
>movie ends
>no coomcat
>no Kaiji
>no Mama Ailies
Also, I'm buying more

>> No.56400494

Why I no rich?

>> No.56400508
File: 1.40 MB, 314x288, 1697503104753907.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top of the morning x5 gamestocks
i bought 3 (Three) today
that is all

>> No.56400547
File: 256 KB, 633x630, 1694466308200847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i hope all you faggots can see ME

welcome back on all the alts looking forward to my getting them banned again on my gamestocks

>> No.56400577

Retardation was always my super power. It’s what allows me to keep buying GME when the world tells me not to. I don’t see how what I said was retarded, but maybe that’s because I’m retarded

>> No.56400789
File: 771 KB, 5097x5132, 1692117118850747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.56400854
File: 350 KB, 546x728, 1697573466719385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek lemons

>> No.56400869
File: 515 KB, 700x700, Watlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56400877

>Price is $5
>Shorts try to buy share at $5
>no one is willing to sell a gme share for $5
>Limit order sits unfulfilled
>Meanwhile they are constantly opening new shorts to give to all the retail buyers getting cheapies at $5, digging their hole ever deeper
Just because you can buy a share for $5, does not mean the people shitting these magical shares into existance can do the same. You don't close a short by opening a new short.

>> No.56400899

Checked and 73.51% of yesterday's volume was short volume on reported exchange data.

>> No.56400908
File: 48 KB, 538x382, 1696308875778174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit that’s spicy
>GME Short Volume 82.89% Off-exchange Trading 80.84%

>> No.56400955
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, 1693930613099280.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This gets extra fun when those shorted shares get DRSed and the big DTCC pool shrinks. If DRSed shares aren't counted in the free float (which they shouldn't be) and SI is calculated relative to only the free float (which it should be) then the math gets really interesting. Based on the last computershared.net estimate of 27% shares outstanding "not locked" and Yahoo's current 18% of shares outstanding shorted, that means 66% of the ACTUALLY AVAILABLE shares are shorted EVEN WITHOUT any of the bullshit we know they are doing to keep their shorts off the books.

Shorts are fucked. WAGMI

>> No.56401030
File: 310 KB, 828x814, 1674076684744831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's just round up every metric in the hedgies favor
>it's 66% shorted
>VW was shorted 12%
Legally speaking Gamestops squeeze is going to be over 5x as ridiculous as Volkswagen's. Realistically speaking? Pic related

>> No.56401044

why dumb money movie no do moass?

>> No.56401150

Checked, but no.
thanks for playing

>> No.56401157
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, 1688443127862995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56401162

Because it was about some grifter who made everyone pump his bags and sold

>> No.56401208
File: 269 KB, 462x577, I hope anon is ready for the weekend I got so many cute outfits to show off.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch the "Short Interest GME"
Currently at 151%!

>short interest is $5.51B; 71.79M shares are shorted; the short interest as a percentage of float is 139.57% and there is a 31% stock borrow fee on existing shorts and new shorts are paying over 80% fee

This is the only stock on the market that matters right now. Wall street is so overly invested in shorting GME that they are being forced to sell off their other interest. The stock market is crashing, bitcoin with it, GME is the hedgefunds way of feeding off the collapse. But we have spotted their over extended position and are fucking them back! They won't be able to afford the interest or buying back every share at these hyper-inflated prices. The billionaires are going to go belly up on this or payoff the squeeze. Buy your shares now for your % of the $20 billion redistribution. This time, the little man wins or we reset the whole fucking system.

>> No.56401210

I stopped watching the SPY for a while now but it still looks like it's on trajectory for a -90%

>> No.56401212
File: 23 KB, 718x244, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.56401220

Kek hedgies

>> No.56401267

I like how the shills come out of their bomb shelters to FUD for just a little bit during the start of a corporate action. Y'all need to think safety first. The iron dome can't last forever, and you still need to worry about the RICO case(look at crew on the dip financer side if you don't believe me) if you somehow survive. It's okay to be upset, I'd be upset too if my financial sorcerer cartel was exploding in real time in lockstep with a military action not going my way either and the whole world stopped believing my lies. Christ guides this all frens.

>> No.56401275
File: 510 KB, 873x477, TheSignIsAnUnsubtleJoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More than 5X. The VW squeeze was done by an institution that let them off the hook. This is held by vindictive spiteful anons. Even their official (trusted) sources provided by (experts) going off of self reported numbers says they're phenomenally, unimaginably giga fucked.

Ignore pink cat, embrace pink 4chan rabbit

>> No.56401287


>> No.56401340

Tesla is making a big stinky!

>> No.56401377

Digits is percent chance of moass today, we're all gonna wagmi so fucking hard it's unreal.

>> No.56401405
File: 194 KB, 608x434, what stage is this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where does this place us in the timeline?

the comments "free the innocent gamestop employee" holy kek

if this was manufactured, they should have tried this last year when sentiment was higher. i'm wondering how many cases such as this exist in retail in any given year. my guess is quite a few

>> No.56401417
File: 26 KB, 265x268, 1632763865470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ken, I hope they finish your house quick because if you make us wait longer I will personally pay someone to introduce you to prison-centric sexual activities

>> No.56401418
File: 12 KB, 657x527, apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can this moon already? Last year I was so excited about GME, I couldn't stop talking about it to my parents. I told them their retirement was gone and the incoming financial collapse would be worse than 2008, but it'd be ok because we'd be rich and they'd be able to retire and showing them million dollar houses I was looking at. Every week I'd share the latest news and updates. Now there's not really much to talk about, I stopped mentioning it entirely after the NFT marketplace launched. I know they check the ticker and I pray they don't bring it up because there's nothing to say anymore. Yeah, we're down -2% today but that's bullish because we can lock the float faster now, really our only catalyst left now. My dad died so it's just my mom and myself now, we were having dinner in silence last night until she asked what happened to the party sized package of Mint Oreos she bought the other night. I lied and said I didn't know, then threw the empty package in the backyard. She freaked out and thought the dog ate them, now she's on her way to get his stomach pumped. Hopefully that will distract her enough that she won't check the ticker this weekend.

>> No.56401430
File: 100 KB, 1920x1080, -1x-1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isnt going to stop

>> No.56401431


>> No.56401449

Imagine throwing your life away and going to prison just to save a billion dollar company a few bucks
Wagies are insane
Don’t know who is more stupid, he or the thief

>> No.56401471
File: 945 KB, 960x960, jhkjh899uk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if Ryan Cohen is a hedge fund manager?

>> No.56401479

What if Ryan is one of ((them))

>> No.56401490
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>> No.56401604
File: 977 KB, 1318x1539, Dik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks just solded

>> No.56401618

Fuck off bvttfag

>> No.56401630

dumb fuck BAGGIES KEK
kill yourself

>> No.56401647

He is, and the hedge fund is GME, and we're hedged against the federal reserve.

>> No.56401668
File: 233 KB, 1531x566, through the fire and flames.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe

>> No.56401669

If baggies red again today i cum again

>> No.56401673

Red today red everyday kek dumbfuck baggies

>> No.56401676

not happening baggie

>> No.56401690

Why don’t we do an apefest to celebrate 1000 days since the sneeze? Somewhere in Texas or South where I imagine most holders live
If moass happens same time would be kinda cool

>> No.56401707

But isnt it legal to shoot thieves in america?

>> No.56401714

Only if they’re stealing from you and not your jewish billionaire CEO

>> No.56401762
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>> No.56401778

They're just going to BBBY us, taint they?

>> No.56401787

Convert our shares to Teddy?

>> No.56401798
File: 2.94 MB, 1667x1420, 1672062901281934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some days i just sit back and ponder
>how many splits will have to happen before its time to sell
>will there be adventurer shops always open, but not always doing business, on the ready to redeem silver for noses?
>will those shops be pawn shops, or state building?
>does if its brown its down, only apply to doe season?
how many years am i just gonna hang out build puters and play vidya?
should be. but depends on how jewed (blue) the particular state is, florida is pretty bad all things considering. not california or europe bad, but still not good.

>> No.56401864

At what point of this saga does Cohen become persona non grata

>> No.56401878

i wonder where our hero is now, and what he is doing......giga chad RRP discussor

>> No.56401928
File: 1.14 MB, 468x480, 1685714482042140.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, for one, am ready for a surreal future

>> No.56401981

>I, for one, am ready for a surreal future
That future have already been revealed. Look no further than towel stock.

>> No.56402054
File: 21 KB, 1196x752, EsbpjPaUwAAu7hs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Savings are down for lower-end consumers, Fraser added: “They’re very low at the moment, and I think some of the excess savings from the COVID years are close to depletion.”
These "people" really did believe the crumbs we received in 2020 were an excess.
>Moynihan said that Bank of America has found similar trends. He said median-income households have lower account balances and are spending down their pandemic war chests.
Why call it a war chest? Why not a savings account?
>Higher-income households have similarly moved their money out of checking accounts, but have instead moved their fortunes into investments.
>If the so-called YOLO (you only live once) spenders have indeed run dry and the economy is inching back, as Moynihan says, to low growth—then has the Fed’s plan really paid off?
Isn't spending good for the economy? Why would the CEO of BofA Deez Nuts care about where I YOLO my money? Let's see.

>Jeremy Siegel says the US economy is being buoyed by YOLO consumers.
And there it is. What an odd thing to say. It's almost like these people feel threatened by where I'm investing my money. I wonder why that is?

>> No.56402062
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>> No.56402124
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>> No.56402140

OP means the price will never be as high as $13 per share. Kek baggies!!

>> No.56402162

you guys could try to be more incognito.
1pbtid posting digital sales again.
posted the same last thread as 1pbtid.
do you think someone who doesn't own the stock would come here day after day to post the same negative comment? for free? kek daniel wangies

>> No.56402188
File: 275 KB, 1518x1080, 1683121149767256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"90% of all sales were digital. This is a slow trend that is accelerating. Thoughts?"
sometimes I'm reminded about GME and feel bad for you guys. Then I realize how insanely adamant you were about ignoring each and every possible red flag and realize you deserve it

>> No.56402218

and you do this everyday, of course. for free. do you clock out at market close today too?

>> No.56402227

Mother fucker I havent been in this thread for easily a month. You're becoming a schizo

>> No.56402245

you posted this yesterday you dense piece of shit.
this is not reddit, are you lost?

>> No.56402259


>> No.56402266

>100% of Funko pop sales were physical

>> No.56402275
File: 1.17 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_7659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This wasn’t you yesterday? Weird. Same filename too.

>> No.56402287
File: 99 KB, 828x827, 1671569031280879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because this site does not have downvote button does not mean I'm not keeping score

>> No.56402304
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>> No.56402309
File: 361 KB, 1320x2048, 1659938267808196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize posting an anime picture with zero context to your post is an easy tell right?

>> No.56402328

I’m starting to miss the psyops. They’re back to standard fundamentals fud. I wonder what changed.

>> No.56402338
File: 971 KB, 452x250, DefenselessAlarmedGlobefish-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every single fucking time. pathetic.

>> No.56402339
File: 209 KB, 480x401, 1697603542754569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonight I realized that my entire family has no clue what is coming. The moment when everything finally collapses and GME shoots to the moon will be so cathartic, not just for the money, but to make my family understand I'm not just some loser who fell for a get rich quick scheme

>> No.56402360

There are the new guys from ukraine. They're haven't learned yet and are still on the year 1 playbook.

>> No.56402367

At about noon eastern time today, BTC will tank about -$2,200 and that’ll be hilarious

>> No.56402370

Based advice bros. I already made HORRIBLE MISTAKE #1 of talking about GME and convincing a few of my family members to buy a few shares a year ago. They probably think I'm a dumbass cringe-lord for spreading the GME gospel kek. I say good, because I've been damn near radio silent about the whole situation for months now, to the point where I'm sure my family has almost forgotten the GME situation is still ongoing. When the penny drops and the rubber hits the road, and anyone asks be about GME, I'm just gonna say "Oh is that thing still going on? Don't be stupid, I sold that a long time ago to get my shitty truck fixed and pay for classes for my operators license. Ohhhh it's actually mooning?? Ahhh jeez dood, fuggin' missed it again. Guess I'm just a loser after all. Oh well, it just the stock market, there's always next time :^)"

>> No.56402379

Moass at 800b rrp. Yesterday we had an almost end of month rrp pump. I think it’ll be under 1t today.

>> No.56402395
File: 376 KB, 512x1132, Commander_Jiemi_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well said. When this initially started I bought into the FUD easily and sold at a deep loss. After the panic washed over and I started (((noticing))) things is when I realized this really is the play of a lifetime.

What the shills, media, elites and all the rest don't realize is that rugpull a few years back basically hardened and radicalized the schizos. They could of easily let this ride to 1k and let the hodlers walk away happy none the wiser but now the manipulation is so blatant how could you not hold out of spite and morbid curiosity as to how astronomically high this will go.

The shills will come in and insult hodlers but all that tells me is I'm on the right path. What loser of a person willingly walks into a comfy GME thread to stir shit up when there have been other shitcoins come and go over the years. If the GME play was really dead the generals would of been long gone. If anything it pisses them off getting sneeded and not getting (you)'d for their shit.

They hating seeing us comfy, they hate seeing Jiemi, they hate that we'll WAGMI.

>> No.56402469

>not just for the money, but to make my family understand I'm not just some loser who fell for a get rich quick scheme
>Based advice bros.
>Well said.

it is not possible to defeat this level of autismo. kek. this is who you're losing to.

>> No.56402490

any shareholders able to get the next bake and get our logo back on top of the catalog?

>> No.56402501

fuck off

>> No.56402503
File: 90 KB, 621x1024, 1695583739443291m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, occasionally there is a day where it spikes. you see that whether its a up or downtrend. i was thinking yesterday was one of those spikes too. i doubt its a margin call at 800M though. margin calls are about having safety rails for the structure of the financial system, and these people couldent care less really what mechanism of authority they beat the world over with.

>> No.56402509
File: 252 KB, 1920x1080, 20230924190031_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You on the right

>> No.56402514

WAGMI bros

>> No.56402524

its him again

>> No.56402532

Price predictions for today?

>> No.56402531

Shouldn’t you be looking for the nearest ledge to do a flip from?

>> No.56402537

it's me, and actual shareholder who likes the logo, doesn't speak french, and is sick of the trannies who insist on controlling our bakes to keep the Gamestop logo out of the catalog. Que your retarded screeching.

>> No.56402539

Yes, but what you have to realise is the game sales have gone up. That 80% is in addition to what was previously being physically bought prior to the release of digital games technology.

>> No.56402540
File: 148 KB, 933x553, 1678722772721461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure man we will get that logo up there

here it is in case someone else bakes

>> No.56402543

Yes i will
Trannies gonna freak

>> No.56402546

Lurk more.

>> No.56402551

thank you for your service. It is very clear that there is a team tasked with baking our threads, and shareholders need to realize that it's as simple as taking back our bakes to make them about our company instead of their distraction stocks and personalities.

>> No.56402553
File: 1.45 MB, 1920x1080, IMG_7519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one too.

>> No.56402555

and why do you care this much about having the logo in a cambodian gay sex forum?

>> No.56402559
File: 37 KB, 250x176, 080101i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56402560

green in premarket

>> No.56402564

You post that every time and no one has every used it. Also, you seem to have made the company logo as small as you could but still call it a logo image. interesting.

>> No.56402565

You’re literally siding with a fudnigger because you’re so blinded by this logo nonsense. You’re either in league with him or an actual useful idiot. Either way please kys.

>> No.56402572

Threaded Frens!

>> No.56402577

and the tranny bakes at 277 because he is getting his ass chewed by Steve Cohen everytime shareholders get a bake up. It is all so obvious when you pay attention. More shareholders should be angry about our bakes being hijacked by operatives of hedge funds short our stock. Remember these are the same assholes that brought us a year of BBBY nonsense, and call this general a subreddit.

>> No.56402588

I am siding with the company I am invested in, and your constant efforts to make subjects like the logo about a personality instead of the logic that is having our logo on the bakes, tells me everything I need to know about you.

>> No.56402593

No one cares about the logo you fucking retard. The fact that you’re not asking why this fake baker is sneaking things into the op makes you glow.

>> No.56402598

Look at the posts of person whose service you’re thanking.

>> No.56402618

As hard as you try I will never succumb to making an anonymous general board be about dumb ass avatars, and personalities you name and screech about. You are willing to talk about absolutely everything unrelated, but when the company and it's logo comes up you lose your fucking mind. Then you tell other people they "glow". Fucking hilarious

>> No.56402620
File: 869 KB, 1214x933, Remember, Hedgies on ledgies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The GMEhad has only just begun. Soon the homosexual Hedgie kafirs will be thrown from Ledgies.

>> No.56402635

youre fucking late its pathetic have a you

>> No.56402643

I miss the yil poster

>> No.56402649

yil poster is crab man

for a long time he was fucking precision laser focused

hope hes doing well

>> No.56402656

I’m not telling you to fucking dumb nigger I’m just asking you to look at the id of the person who is agreeing with you.

>> No.56402681

Baked at 264
Guess (((they))) definitely don't like our gorgeous GameStop logo
kYS tranny avatar stny

>> No.56402705

Go back to your shitty thread and stay there

>> No.56402708

They also overpower all conversation about it to manufacture a fake consensus. It prob is just the tranny baker and one other person tasked with keeping us “in line”. They threw an absolute tantrum when they lost control, and it makes me smile to think of them getting their asses reamed for letting us shareholders break out of our cage. Remember they DESPISE the logo. They DESPISE the company. They want nothing more than for the company to just disappear from reality, so their bosses survive. Let’s make sure they can’t forget that GameStop is still a real company with real employees, a great balance sheet, and a gorgeous logo.

>> No.56402753
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>> No.56402767

sounds like griffen is scrambling to horde his stolen treasure

>> No.56402800
File: 82 KB, 554x496, 1657167922930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realistically? Short interest is probably over 100%. Maybe more.
We're all gonna be so fucking rich lmao.

>> No.56402837

I'm 15 minutes from palm beach :^)

>> No.56402851

it is interesting which posters immediately moved to the early bake when this one had plenty of time left. Just look at how the conversation started out and is going on that new bake...very interesting stuff.

>> No.56402868

You should go say hi :P

>> No.56402880

I just like to watch the shill meltdown. But I just kek them anyway

>> No.56402905

Yeah you guys turn on the bot for the threads you don’t bake. You’re not fooling anyone.

>> No.56402929

There's not a thing I want to say to that man :^)

>> No.56402948

interesting that there are posters monitoring both threads immediately responding when I call the posters in the new thread suspicious. So tired of all the theatrics and bullshit. I'm tired of the Gamestop threads being managed and baked by "people" who aren't even shareholders. I'm tired of those threads being about BBBY and TEDDY and ICAHN and avatars, literally everything but the company Gamestop and it's stock. It's amazing that the same "people" who were telling us to buy BBBY and mocking Gamestop shareholders who didn't, still feel entitled to lead discussions, give people names, and accuse others of "glowing" when they never even acknowledged they were completely wrong about BBBY. I am sick and tired of being a Gamestop shareholder and having no where to talk about the company or stock which isn't manipulated by assholes short the stock who need it all to just go away. I think it is hilarious all this nonsense started over the logo being in the bakes, because showing the logo is so obviously and logically inline with real shareholder values.

>> No.56403190

cope harder faggot

>> No.56406076

>any shareholders
jesus fucking christ how fluorescent can you be

>> No.56406441

It's so so surreal... a world where autistic gamers command the world using a video game company.

>> No.56406527

Any number is closer to .50 cents than infinity dumbass