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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56397539 No.56397539 [Reply] [Original]

If you are a zillennial who missed out on the tech market boom from 2012-2022 you basically will not only never make it, but gen alpha kids will always ask you "why didn't you just get a computer degree and make bank before the government banned computers in 2029 to stop illegal bitcoin and fake news".

You will have no answer, because you are a loser.

>> No.56397563

in 2029 I will be too busy licking robot catgirl anus to be questioned by plebs

>> No.56397571

The 50 interest rate bear market ended, we will unironically see 20% mortgage rates in our lifetimes and housing will be WAY cheaper.
Millenials weren't lucky enough to have this.

>> No.56397578

>demoralization/b8 thread
how stale

>> No.56397580

This but unironically. You dumb far faggot pieces of shit had 15 fucking years to make it during the greatest economical bullrun of human civilization; not even the boomers or greatest generation could have ever even imagined the gains made in the last 15 years, so unequivocally if you haven't made it and are retired right now, it's God and the entire universe telling you straight to your face that you didn't make it and your only role in this life is to SERVE and to be SERF CATTLE. And you all deserve nothing less.

>> No.56397608

I remember going on Silk Road in 2011 after hearing you could buy weed with Bitcoin. I was about 12. I looked at all the cool weed you could buy then I researched Bitcoin. After that I went back to playing video games without fully grasping the magnitude of what I’d just read. I don’t blame my 12 year old self for not buying Bitcoin, if I had been just 5 years older I think I would’ve understood it and bought.

>> No.56397649

This but unironically

>> No.56397679

I had bitcoin mining setup on my computer around that time(bitcoin was around $10 iirc). I started running it but then got concerned with the nonstop high gpu usage. I was worried it would brick my gpu and I'd only have maybe $100 to show for it so I stopped.

>> No.56397757
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Then why is all the wealth being created going to small groups of people

>> No.56398339

Israelis are back online now, dont question them