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56397355 No.56397355 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck can’t people date within their own generation.

All Gen Z girls I know are dating millenial predators, fucking asinine.

>> No.56397365

Millennial here, I'm not dating a used up roastie sorry senpai thanks for your sacrifice.
Also it's your fault for being low t faggots

>> No.56397387

This is the single greatest thing about being single in your early 30s with some money in the bank. Zoomer girls will drool over you if you show the smallest bit of confidence.

>> No.56397400

You'll understand why when your age group reaches 30+, assuming you live that long. Your place is on the front lines drawing enemy fire while I fuck the living dogshit out of your dumb as fuck zoomer slots, get used to it faggot.

>> No.56397410

t. virgins

>> No.56397419

I'm 30 dating a 23 year old stay jelly faggot with your incel and ironically feminist mindset

>> No.56397434

im pretty sure girls now want to date a fat anime coonsumer who plays games all day instead of millenials

>> No.56398061

As a millennial myself, I’m surprised how much these gen z chicks love older guys. The older I get, the more they won’t leave me alone

>> No.56398073

Literally how it’s been for thousands of years retards

>> No.56398146
File: 768 KB, 1125x745, IMG_2191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where’s the best place to pick up on zoomerettes?

>> No.56398262

You can have the girls your age when we're done with them fren
>t. millenial

>> No.56398287

There are all vaxxed... And fornication is a grave sin.

The vax is one of the biggest deal breakers. It was hard finding a good wife before now it's even more ridiculous because of gene therapy.

>> No.56398365
File: 138 KB, 899x1024, zoomer goes to war.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for all zoomies reading this shit good luck in pissrael

>> No.56398390

Everyone was vaxxed 20 years ago too

>> No.56398401

Women are hard wired to want men who can take care of them. Its why they all want tall, older, rich, and in the case of brownettes, white men. Deal with it

>> No.56398404


>> No.56398436

Covid injection alters dna permanently and is recessive...

>> No.56398752

But anon, now you'll get to slam gen alpha pussy. Assuming you survive WW3.

>> No.56398772

Yeah and they’ve been using those injections for over a decade. The tech is nothing new. You’re just an incel making excuses for being alone

>> No.56398789

What are you doing with that old hag its time to replace that high mileage slut

>> No.56398791

Girls like the mature part

>> No.56398816

Zoomzoom must know pain.
By the time zoom zoom is in his thirty, zoom zoom women vote to make it illegal for men above 30 to date women below 30.
All pain; no reward

>> No.56398884

False. This mrna stuff is new.

>> No.56398922

They had mRNA vaccines for Ebola and rabies almost a decade before Covid dipshit

>> No.56398936

Aldo old chicks are still taking the jab too
Actually older women have more vax build up in their system so your whole argument is retarded

>> No.56398946
File: 45 KB, 300x100, 159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro look at that faggot image you have saved on your PC and think long and hard about why girls dont want to date you
Like nigger really?

>> No.56398948
File: 29 KB, 640x586, 1645013017873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 30y/o boomer
> set the lowest age in my dating profiles to 27 because I don't want to be a creep
Have I been doing it wrong all this time?

>> No.56398969

I'm a zoomzoom, been fucking older 8/10 sluts in their 30's. Honestly not bad but I lucked out. The situation for most zoomzooms is hopeless.

>> No.56398987

How’d you luck out

>> No.56398991

It's not the same at all. Have many did you take?
One is enough to alter your genes. Assuming it wasn't saline.

>> No.56399000

Yes. Many countries allow you to marry 14 yr olds. You should never go for vaxxed non virgins, provided you are not vaxxee. Honestly It wouldn't want to marry a girl over 18. No I'm not cuckmerican.

>> No.56399006

>fucking used up post wall whores
>thinks this is some kind of flex
Unless youre getting substantial money from them you are coping

>> No.56399029

Because I'm a NEET and slightly above average in the looks department, plus my grandfather taught me how to be a real dominant man. Most of the zoomers males don't have that luxury and end up completely hopeless virgin incels who troon out. I won't deny being a man is incredibly difficult, but it has to be done.

>> No.56399051

They give me free meals, but that's about it. My Chad and Tyrone friends are a different story. Johnny's wife takes good care of him, she provides him with everything he needs including Vbucks and weed money. My nigger friend has a slampig who also pays for his things. This means I'm exactly at like the 70% of men in the world. Coping, but could be much worse. Can absolutely be better.

>> No.56399053

Where do you meet your whore I need some milf mommy action

>> No.56399105

I've given up on dating completely, the prospect of even getting a match on an app intimidates me. But from what I've heard lots of 19-24 year old zoomettes are dating upwards in age. The whole "age gap" freakout is either a red herring from being online or it's a bitter reaction by women in their 30s psyopping tiktokkers into considering it a serious offense.

>> No.56399119

Gen Z males are just worthless unless they're bottoming for millennial men, even the mommydommy types would rather have a 28 y/o millennial male.

>> No.56399141
File: 2.39 MB, 2000x2000, IMG_2105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pedophile doomer poster

>> No.56399177

>Americans think fertile 14 yr olds are children
You live in a judaeo masonic hell hole. It's up to the parents to marry off their daughters young, especially in this day and age where they quickly whore themselves before 13 and become unmarrigable.

Within 10 years we are going to see spinnsters like never before.

>> No.56399811

I'm 31 and my gf is 23 kek

>> No.56399839

>it's not my fault i can't get a girlfriend!

>> No.56400220

Just wait until you reach millenial age and then date the next gen down the line, no problems here. Wait your turn basically.

>> No.56400270

So this is why zoomer men get butthurt at me and call me predatory, huh. Sucks for them

>> No.56400286

It's pretty normal actually
women have their highest dating market value in their early 20s
men have their highest dating market value in their early 30s
There are exceptions of course
Best thing you can do is get fit, even if you're broke women will smash

>> No.56400312

Listen man, look at it this way when people try to shame you okay?

An 18 year old woman can vote, drive a car, start a business, get a job, buy a house, own a gun. If you're telling me this woman has the mind of a child, why in the fuck are we giving her the rights of an adult?
Basically flip the argument on them "why are you trying to tell me grown women have minds of children, are you a misogynist?"
Because their argument truly is bullshit. If they want to treat 18 year old girls as vulnerable child-minded individuals, then tell them to get off their ass and petition to have the legal age of adulthood for WOMEN ONLY raised to 25. Let's see how far they get

>> No.56400510

Why the fuck does everyone have a qt virgin zoomer gf except me

>> No.56400567

When I was in my teens and twenties shit was bad for me too. That's just how it is for men - the curve is slower and peaks later.

Gotta say though, a lot of Zs are doing the whole broccoli hair twink ass look that makes them look like a fucking Q tip. In a time of war that's not what women are looking for. Y'all.

>> No.56400607

cus zoom zooms dont have money