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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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56397310 No.56397310 [Reply] [Original]

Once Kava gets like 3 high TVL projects (soon) it's all over for you faggots. This is how I win and you WILL keep staking your avax and link like good little slaves. Suck my small, feminine phimosis dick.

>> No.56397330
File: 27 KB, 404x267, 1601252875012948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon(TM) = two more weeks I'm assuming.

>> No.56397334

>hurr durr muh shitcoin is magically going to make it once it actually has any sort of adoption
that's what they all say until they get absolutely fucked

>> No.56397345

be thankful that your ghostchain handled the whole multichain shit better than ftm at the very least. FTMfags are only getting closer to roping each day these days. Lol

>> No.56397347

this is all crypto projects in a nutshell, am I right? just wait till the team actually delivers something... two more weeks, indeed.

>> No.56397348
File: 97 KB, 827x937, 164118046742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, soon as in soon.
Ermmm... Anon-kun, when did I mention "adoption" in my post...?

>> No.56397350

based. make atom great again (with shitcoins, casinos, and staking protocols for more shitcoins)

>> No.56397360
File: 11 KB, 255x256, 1641583442321860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kava handled it better because the devs are not lazy fucks barely paying attention to what's happening around them. Just like all the others that reacted pretty much in less than an hour. Sleepy Joe FTM had it coming.

>> No.56397366

i want to rape anime macro posters whenever i see one i know you are the most pathetic little white boy in the room. frail and defenseless.

>> No.56397371

Ermmmmm.... Source...!?
This is how things operate nowadays to be honest, wouldn't expect anything else.

>> No.56397379

Keep an eye on devs using 3rd party software anyways. wouldn't want your funds compromised and have your money stolen by a bunch of chinks now, would you?

>> No.56397385

You're acting like a smug retard for the sake of it. Happens with all retarded anime girl posters such as yourself

>> No.56397388
File: 52 KB, 1060x351, KAVA_1D_graph_coinmarketcap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My kava be doin a lil sum sum and I want it to stop immediately :^D

>> No.56397399

Make atom the next ETH but unironically. Filled to the brim with all sorts of retarded shitcoins that ultimately offer zero value!

>> No.56397403

Dump straight into the abyss? if that's what you mean by "sum sum" then be my guest. kek

>> No.56397426
File: 157 KB, 851x1156, 1626401053122318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not wrong about that one anon~
Rise Program!
Kava is 100% self made, their ETH bridge for interoperability built in-house. No half assed glued together garbo pajeet tech here
Buy signal!

>> No.56397430
File: 27 KB, 512x512, 1697058868795238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have both kava and avax and trust me when i tell you i am not having the best time. why cant we be frens...

>> No.56397440

>No half assed glued together garbo pajeet tech here
And yet I bet they still regret having used bridges that had such notorious vulnerabilities. lol

>> No.56397446

You will never be a cute anime girl.

>> No.56397460

I hold neither. I just love making fun of faggots who think they'll make it by marrying so-called "ETH killer" coins and get absolutely punished for it.

>> No.56397475

literally who. get the fuck outta here faggot

>> No.56397674

>their ETH bridge for interoperability built in-house
outdated useless centralized shit now that CCIP exists.