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56396157 No.56396157 [Reply] [Original]

>Median inheritance is $12,000


Sorry zoom zoom you’re not getting off that easy

>> No.56396174

My dad got $0 plus some knick knacks

>> No.56396189

Baby Boomers are the only generation to intentionally make life for their descendants worse so they (boomers) can spend the last decade or two of their lives watching television. They are insidious and corrupt, deserving no respect or care.

>> No.56396196

medicaid estate recover will take everything they can get. there's a way around this (if you transfer assets 5 years before taking medicaid) but arrogant boomerniggers are too concerned with their shekels to ever consider this, so the state ends up taking 99.999% of it in death.

>> No.56396373

my mom already told us not to expect anything but equal shares in her house
she said all the rest is for
>more travel
my dad is permanently broke, had a boomer midlife crisis in the 90s and self-destructed

meanwhile i have stepsiblings who each inherited $100k from their working class GRANDparents

you put it into an irrevocable trust with your kids listed as beneficiaries
anyone who doesnt do this simply doesnt want their kids to have their assets, end of story
costs around $2k-$3k in legal fees

>> No.56396384

This and the nursing home took every penny my grandparents had.

>> No.56396395

My parents are leaving me their house. Of course I'm not dead weight, I've been improving the house for some time already. I've installed solar panels, built and attachement to the house providing it with better utilities, painted it, fixed the roof etc.

Basically, you get what you deserve. If your parents wont leave you anything, odds are that you both have issues since the fruit doesnt fall far from the tree.

>> No.56396441

as long as you can't inherit debt i don't care. money can be printed out of thin air and property taxed to death based on the whims of whoever rules over us anyway.

>> No.56396457

Millennials the kids of boomers? It's the GenX who have zoomer kids and they were fucked over by boomers too

>> No.56396519

True. My dad left me $1,200. Grandfather, who was far richer in comparison (built a mansion) left me nothing as well. It's ok though. I didn't talk to them for decades, so I understand the sentiment. No one loves me, I have no children, so I'm planning to do the same. Every last dime. Or it could just be the boomer mindset.

If I had children I'd give them everything though.

>> No.56396531

My dad's business partner signed up for medicaid right after they sold their business (my and his son's inheritance) and he's paying 5k a month for medicaid coverage right now.

It's basically because he decided to retire right after selling the company, which means his last 5 years of earnings were millions of dollars.
Luckily, my dad stay on for 5 years after the buyout so his last 5 years of income has been like 150k.
Meanwhile, he's got 7 million in a trust that will go to me and my brother when our parents pass away.
It's nice not having parents that aren't total fucking imbeciles.

>> No.56396589

This only happens if you're in long-term care on the government's bill but realistically so many old fucks are just going to liquidate everything to pay the hilarious $100k/year to live in an assisted living facility staffed by negros that make $11/hour. What a fucking scam, but it's exactly what the boomers fought for repeatedly so I guess they can die alone and broke and their kids can end up broke too. Working as intended.

>> No.56396720
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End social security

>> No.56396806

I watched my buddy pump his abusive boomer mother full of fucking drugs like two years ago (legally speaking she was already dead) and it was quite funny honestly if boomers can't give what they took then they deserve to be killed and eaten by the very same spawn they gave birth to.

>> No.56396824

My boomer parents are decades away from dying

>> No.56396847

You never know where life will land you, anon.

>> No.56396848

Yes, this is a sign of a degenerate society, hurtling headlong towards its own destruction. No one wants to build a dynasty, a family to last a 1000 years because no one can even imagine humans living in this fucking hellhole for another 1000 years without nuking ourselves. We have seen the finest days of the human race, and everybody knows it.

>> No.56396924

I'm glad my parents are traditional.

Shame these hoes aren't.

>> No.56397038

Boomers overwhelmingly sided with Zionism over their own kin and legacy to their progeny. It's a wonder people are still surprised from stories like this.

>> No.56397052

>trust fund kiddies
yeah, because those end up well.

there are ways to leave your kids inheritance without turning them into *those* kinds of people.

>> No.56397140
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Only think I will inherit my offspring is my pond bags and condemn them to be baggies too kek

>> No.56397153

Fucking kek, nothing like cursing your entire bloodline like that

>> No.56397181

I already got enough from my grandpa to retire in Southeast Asia right now. My dad is probably loaded too but I'll be fine even if I somehow don't get anything from him. Not my problem, poorfags.

>> No.56397186

I didn't know my parents

>> No.56397196

There's a bit of a difference between a trust fund baby and a beneficiary to a living trust.

One has a dedicated trust the offspring may or may not have direct access to the funds of, set up for them when they become an adult. The other is basically an entity for generational estate transfers without being subject to inheritance tax and such, or being handed over to the state to distribute to survivors on someone's death (taking a huge cut for itself in the process).

With that said, contrary to the stereotype, a lot of us trust fund babies end up fine, thriving professionally/financially even and living pretty modest lives. We just don't have student loan debt, and funding for down payments is likely readily available at the very least.

It's all about upbringing - it helps to raise kids where they believe they're poor, but while teaching them financial pragmatism all the while, so you can blow their minds when they turn 18.

>> No.56397201

Don't do that, you'll create a whole cycle of hatred in your family affecting the karma of your descendants

>> No.56397203


>> No.56397219


I'm sorry.

>> No.56397354

>55.8 million Americans over 65, about 17% of the population, hold half of America's wealth

>> No.56397375

It isn't a surprise, pretty well all zoomers and millennials know they're not inheriting shit except crumbling ruins that were once functional nations.

>> No.56397386
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i will be over 60 by the time i get my inheritance, it's completely over.

>> No.56397487

You should be elated to know your parents will live that long or more.

>> No.56397512

I bet you trust fund babies end up doing far better with far less criminality than the general population. Inheritances were normal for thousands of years, there is absolutely nothing wrong with passing your land and wealth to your bloodline. The boomer bootstraps mindset is the actual cancer.

>> No.56397553

luv me parents but if it's between that and retiring tomorrow myself i wouldn't mind if covid or something took them

>> No.56397605

This sum total of everything I ever inherited was $5 and an accordion.
I have a 92 year old grandmother still around. While my step-grandfather was still alive but in memory care, grandma fucked with the will to ensure that about $2 million in assets got transferred to their one biological child while the rest of their (step)children get virtually nothing. The most retarded member of the family, with no less than 4 DUIs and whose ex-wife was a stripper, is now insanely rich and living in a palace on 80 acres.

>> No.56399199
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I would trade all my money and most of my organs to get my parents back

>> No.56399221

I skimmed the article and a big problem about inheritance is, surprise surprise, wealth inequality.
If you're already wealthy you can expect a big inheritance, if you're not then you'll get a pittance.
In a non-degenerate society inheritance wouldn't even be a thing, everything would be organized in such a way that you can build wealth to make it and then some while you're still young instead of having to wait until your parents croak to live the good life, and since everyone would start on a level playing field how far you get in life would be entirely determined by individual merit rather than winning the family lottery.

>> No.56399252

The entire generation is in the fucking clouds. The matrix has been turned off and in response, they just decided to close their eyes. The worst generation.

>> No.56399262

>she said all the rest is for
>>more travel

i dont get this. I spent a couple years going places and now i never want to leave the states. other places suck. I think some boomers have lived their life working without a break and have no idea how they really want to spend retirement

>> No.56399276

I'm in my mid 30's, childless and poor (I do want kids badly, I'm just not in a financial position to provide yet) and I can't imagine having this kind of "fuck you, I got mine" boomer mindset when I'm older

if anything I feel like I'll only get more willing to give everything up for my kids/grandkids as I approach death, especially if they're clearly worse off than me. I don't know how boomers are so dedicated to this "just work harder!" mindset when life is blatantly not the same (i.e. much worse) than when they earned their money

>> No.56399311

My dad grew up in extreme poverty, worked his way up to be a boomer c-level exec at a company in town, and made a shit load in the last few years before he retired. He gave my sister and I each like $180k when we turned 30 years old. IMO this was a good move, because we both had established careers, financial savviness, and weren't really expecting anything. This was just an awesome bonus on top that we weren't expecting.

I think i'll do the same with my kids - give them a bit to help them as adults obviously, but when they turn 25 or 30 dump a big load on em.

>> No.56399367

We need to start practicing the old and true tradition of poisoning your grandfather for the inheritance money.

>> No.56399394

What are you careers?

>> No.56399401

Are inheritances common? My boomer grandparents literally have nothing since one side is addicted to scratch cards and alcohol and the other is half way across the globe doing their own thing. My parents aren't well off either but they're not old. I feel left out but I grew up knowing I wouldn't get anything if that makes sense

>> No.56399445

It's a much healthier mindset to not expect anything and set your life up that way. If your parents / grandparents want to give you something then that's up to them, if you're not a piece of shit and neither are they, then they'll likely want to.

>> No.56399486

>he's got 7 million in a trust that will go to me and my brother when our parents pass away.
holy shit, must be nice

>> No.56399516

Turn that frown upside down

>> No.56399879

My mom's a gen exer but she's still dumb with money (not boomer selfish just not good since my dad passed). After reading all this shit I'm concerned about how I heritage works. I don't want the state to steal what she leaves
How do I avoid this fate?

>> No.56400513

jews caused this with articles and books encouraging and excusing it.

>> No.56400520

So the parents fuck the kids up both mentally and financially. Good talk, jew.

>> No.56400537


>> No.56400656

mom dead, grandparents died. fighting for my moms share. grandpa went into hospice and the boomer uncles raided the house immediately and took everything of value. funny how they didnt have the time to come to a single holiday with the grandparents.

>> No.56400833

Yeah, what the fuck is the deal with it? What do they gain from constantly traveling?

>> No.56400846

Boomers would rather have their children be perpetual slaves than not buy a brand new car.

>> No.56400880

inheritance is for losers't invest time, transfer and acquisition of skills and life lessons and instead just gave you a wad of cash, they didn't care at all.

>> No.56400930
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I have an out-of-state grandpa that I've me three times in my life (he suddenly popped into everyone's lives in his 70s), tell me that I'm going to inherit his house after he dies and that I'm in charge of his funeral. Problem is, the house is in complete disrepair and he has a 90k reverse mortgage on it. I don't think the house is worth even 70k, and it's a roach infested hoarded nightmare.

He wants to be buried instead of cremated, due to religious reasons.

My mom is on disability so she cannot inherit the house. I just know I'm going to be left with the bill and the aftermath. I want to be a decent person and respect his end of life wishes, but I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't want to be in this position.

>> No.56401501

Boomers have been given everything without ever struggling in their life. They just can't fathom it.

>> No.56401790

Time passes slower when you visit places you never visited before. I've noticed that a long time ago. When you go to a new place time passes slowly because your brain tries to "map" it. Tehn every time you visit that place again time goes faster and faster.

>> No.56402020

lol. there's nothing wrong with using a trust to do this, the kids will be adults when you die. I got rich when my grandparents died and their trust passed to my parents and I. and by rich I mean I bought a house and the trust distribution is enough to cover my mortgage.

>> No.56402832

>In a non-degenerate society inheritance wouldn't even be a thing, everything would be organized in such a way that you can build wealth to make it and then some while you're still young instead of having to wait until your parents croak to live the good life, and since everyone would start on a level playing field how far you get in life would be entirely determined by individual merit rather than winning the family lottery.

The family lottery is about a lot more than money. China completely dismantled the wealth and privilege of its elites under Mao, and they climbed right back to the top in the decades that followed due to values and social ties.

Also, so Machiavelli said, a man will sooner forgive you for murdering his own father than screwing him out of his inheritance, so your ideal world is not going to happen.

>> No.56402915

You are allowed to disclaim the house, if you believe it is not worth the repairs. Plus it’ll probably have to be sold anyway to repay the reverse mortgage loan. Your name is not on any of the loan documents or title of the home, so you won’t be liable for anything. Bank’s problem.
Maybe there’s other accounts you’ll stand to inherit, so don’t count your (lack of) chickens yet. Even if there’s nothing, you cannot inherit debt.
As for his last wishes, that’s entirely up to you. You don’t have to do anything. And he’ll be dead, not like he can complain. You also don’t have to do anything especially if you’re indifferent to him.
The fact that he suddenly appears and lives in disarray also suggests this is all word of mouth, nothing in writing. This plays to your favor

>> No.56404070

>without turning them into *those* kinds of people.
Why would you want that?

>> No.56404104

its true and that's why staying on the move is great. if you always stay at the same place you'll rot

>> No.56404122

what's the deal with sitting in the house on the computer? what do they gain from constantly watching the screen in the house?

>> No.56404195

all inheritance should be 100% taxed. men are supposed to make their own destiny, not have it handed to them.

entrenched seats of power based on wealth alone is cancerous and provides no value to society

but this only works with a benevolent dictatorship. a corrupt "democracy" will just abuse the resources.

>> No.56404223

>start over your family's economic positioning from scratch with every generation, goy
>it's for the best, trust me!

>> No.56404301

My parents are Gen X but they're so bad with money I don't expect anything from them inheritence wise. If you're getting 12k or whatever just be thankful instead of being a prick about it. You're not entitled to anything especially if your parents were financial retards.

>> No.56404523

You place a generous amount of trust in the people manning the institutions that would be taxing all those inheritances.

I'm just sure they won't use part of it to line their pockets and keep their own kids wealthy and powerful through their social networks and a sympthony of byzantine legal technicalities and clandestine entities, domestic and offshore.

>> No.56404551

Day of the pillow when?

>> No.56404590

Does that include real estate I guess it does, but that seems unreal.

>> No.56404662

yup true. predicates on the assumption that we actually find some form of government thats largely beneficial and not parasitic. and has 100% of their funds on a public blockchain and auditable

a fantasy at this point, but being handed your legacy is toxic for self development. theres no value in this life beyond which you forge for yourself through challenges.

>> No.56404691
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Imagine linking to a commie rag like this on the /biz/ board. kys, red ditor. You'll never make it.

>> No.56404697


Gen X feels like a uniquely financially irresponsible generation, the culmination of American consoomerism

>> No.56404723

>*those* kinds of people.
What kind? Independently wealthy? Well educated? Low stress? Pursuing their passions? All the freedom this gay ass society can offer? Yeah sounds awful.

>> No.56404738

Gen X seems more enterprising than Millennials.

>> No.56404751

Where does all the houses and real estate go if the children aren't getting it? Is that not included, and is the article full of shit?

>> No.56404758


Enterprising and financially irresponsible aren't the same thing. They might be. But most of my millenial peers are consciously trying to build something of a nest egg/retirement savings while our early gen X parents all blew through everything and plan to work until they're 75.

>> No.56404779

You should have housed them and cared for them yourself you worthless sack of shit.

>> No.56404930
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>By what right does this forgotten future seek to deny us our birthright? None I say! Let us take what is ours, chew and eat our fill.

>> No.56404950


>Dumb nigs: GIBSMEDAT
>"Smart" nigs: GIBSMEDAT, I daresay

>> No.56404976

Yeah I don't doubt this. Boomers are fucking retarded when it comes to financial sense. All the lead in their pipes and gas probably.

My guess is all I'll get is my parents house split 3 ways with my brothers after selling it. Or they'll maybe even retard fumble that one too and sell it and blow their proceeds on cruises or something stupid

>> No.56406138

based Morganite poster.

>> No.56406196

jokes on you my parents died early and I got 500k

>> No.56406227

Remember to neglect your elderly parents.

Never visit them.
Never call them.
Never help them with anything.

They deserve it.

>> No.56406630

If a boomer dies at 75 years old, their children will be around 50 years old. If you haven't made it on your own by age 50 and are hoping for your inheritance to bail you out, you seriously should just jump in your parents' grave with them.

Bitch about them not helping you when you were young if you like, and I won't argue. But bitching about insufficient inheritance when you are a fucking grown-ass man is pathetic.

>> No.56406740

I'm excited for you to heedlessly blow your family inheritance and for your genetic line to die off

>> No.56406767

Eh, I probably will get a decent inheritance, but I hope my parents live for a long time, weird to see how many losers here drooling over their parents death in the hopes for some money.

I already got my grandmothers house, don't even use it though, not even renting it out, I just keep it around and maintain it because it's been in the family for 100 years now.

>> No.56406855

My mother is an orphan who after paying off her parents' debts in the early 90's was at 0 and my paternal grandparents are still above soil, God willing they stay that way, however my Grandparents and Parents are boomerpilled, but they raised me and my sister well and we're succeeding thanks to our upbringing, I expect that we'll be given enough to help support my Schizo Aunt once my grandparents go, that said my prodigal uncle will try and tear whatever is "his" whenever he deigns to show himself, checking if his inherritance is ready; that said I expect little off my parents themselves and am expected to support them, but I'm going to do whatever is in my power to make sure I leave somthing to whatever children I have because I understand that historically most of a man's wealth was inherrited and the world is likely headded that way.

>> No.56407045
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anon bringing the detailed info

>> No.56407103

When I was young I hated that my father was cheapskate, now I'm the opposite. If you aint getting 6 figures and inheriting a home your parents must hate you.

>> No.56407140

Hey man, I tried. Met a girl, fell in love, talked about how we'd get married and have 2 kids together. Planned my whole life around her at one point just for her to dump me out of nowhere. 3 years later and I've never had a connection like that since. It's just not in the cards for me. I'm going to make the best out of what I actually have control over.

>> No.56407320

Quelle age as tu

>> No.56408581

based boomers pissing everything away while sending their kids to die for israel

>> No.56408622

My grandparents left behind 3.2 million dollars.
Grandkids got 120k split 7 ways. I got 17k. My cousin was smart enough to go full identity theft and scammed 284k or so over several years. I wish I had his foresight.

>> No.56408648

Md here. I appreciate you boomers being penny pinching and saving up all that money so I can lie and sell you useless surgeries and my wife can suck the rest out through assisted living. Private school and Harvard alumni don’t pay themselves! Deuce!

>> No.56408810

Lucky americans. I got high risk of prostate cancer from my great grandpa.

>> No.56409995
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>tax 100% so your family doesnt get it
>all this new money to government
>politicians give to friends and family government pork
>still goes to family, just not yours
fuck them apples

>> No.56410041

exactly this

>> No.56410279

lmfao best post today, by alot

>> No.56410303

hardcore "lefty" self-reflection

>> No.56410438

My parents each own $2 million houses and live off their superannuation (tax free).

They will take their riches to the grave.

My other siblings might be lucky to afford a one bedroom apartment when they are in their 50s. No exaggeration.

>> No.56410467

>dont care about your parents

>> No.56410526

You don't know what you had until they're gone

>> No.56410958

>all inheritance should be 100% taxed. men are supposed to make their own destiny, not have it handed to them.
so then where does the wealth go retard, go ahead and tell us

>> No.56411227
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>A good person leaves an inheritance for their children's children, but a sinner's wealth is stored up for the righteous
--Proverbs 13:22

Imagine being such a piece of selfish shit that you don't give a damn about your future descendants. WTF is wrong with you amerimutts and white people?

>> No.56411233
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>just hand it over to the state goy. Don't worry it's in good hands. It will never be pilfered and lost to corruption, t-t-t-trust me!
Based retard.

>> No.56411251

Indeed so. I recommend burning down one's house shortly before one's death for good measure. Let them inherit the ashes.

>> No.56411264
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lol, the land you're standing on is still gonna get taxed according to its value. So you either have to liquidate it in order to satisfy the tax inheritance payments or you go to prison. Sorry, goy. It's just business.

>> No.56411276

Suicide seems to be the solution for that.

>> No.56411311
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>get over 90% white countries to live in
>get wealth from previous generations passed down
>plenty of industry and emerging new technologies make any and all career paths viable
>low taxes and less of a welfare state
>can purchase a house, car and raise 2+ children on a single income
And when it came time to do the same for the next generations what happened?
>outsourced as much industry as possible so they could pay less in wages
>imported millions of immigrants
>the above causing a multitude of problems like the lowering of wages and a non-homogeneous country
>raised taxes to fund shit ideas, increase welfare, fund their pensions
>turned the real estate market into investments instead of something for your countrymen to live and raise families in
>reduced the sizes of houses and land by bringing in sub dividing of lots
>built apartments in the suburbs to further house immigrants
And the list goes on but this should paint enough of a picture.

>> No.56411373

my grandma was a millionaire, then lived in an elderly home for 10 years AAAAAAAND its gone

>> No.56411460

I've never understood this attitude. Why even have kids if you don't want what's best for them? Literally everything I do at work and with my finances is for my son's benefit. If I didn't have or want children, I'd be retired already. I'm lucky enough to have great parents and modest (low 6 figures) inheritance to look forward to, but my goal is to make sure my children have an easier life than me, not a harder one.

>> No.56411484
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You can have the land and the house under a corporation's name in order to bypass the inheritance tax. As usual, ordinary people get fucked. Laws in the United States are designed to benefit the elites, not the common man. That's why rich people in Amermutt country don't have personal property attached to their name. Instead, it's under corporations, "charities" under their names, and LLC's.

>> No.56411528

Kinda what happened to my grandparents. They never made great money, had 8 kids, then grandma came down with dementia. One of the kids still living nearby basically became a live-in nurse, the family chipped in and hired another nurse to visit, and grandma lived at home until she died. Grandpa did too until he had a stroke and lived at a home for a few years (had a great time actually, socializing after being stuck taking care of a sick wife for so long). Anyway, tldr; money still drained, aunts/uncles fought over a house worth like $60k, someone stole the guns during the funeral, and nobody got much. I expect my parents will be much the same. A lot of people have good intentions until modern medicine sucks them dry.

>> No.56411552

Well, it's all academic since we're all going to die anyway.

>> No.56411659

You'd be cynical too if you got drafted into the Vietnam war. Probably opened their eyes to the nature of society around them.

>> No.56411677

Whyd they even have kids?

>> No.56411725

biggest moneysink are nursing homes. so, either help them at home or let them rot there. i, for my part, know exactly where my papa is going. to shanuiquia and tyronious

>> No.56411745

Having great parents is cool Anon, but what you do for yourself and for your kids is more important. That's why I'm investing in future tech like Holoride as they are changing the narrative of in-car entertainment for all brands and models.

>> No.56411765

I have $1.2 million and one son. I'm in my 20s though so if I pass away from natural causes my son will probably be in like his 60s, but he'd have millions and millions by that time.

Unironically should I set up a trust or something to pay out to my son monthly when he turns 18 even if I'm only in my 40s at the time or would that spoil him or something?

>> No.56411772

I'm in the same boat as you, and I have 1 son. My parents were always there to financially support me until I graduated college and could support myself. I'm doing the same for my son, and I consider his college tuition already paid for just like my parents paid for mine.

>> No.56412253

Imagine giving up, on anything. Youre a weak man.

>> No.56412263

I've told my parents that they can sell their property / burn through all their money, I don't care.

>> No.56412264

people like this really just don't love their children or care about anything other than themselves I swear

>> No.56412491

then they're not boomers. unless you just use boomers as a word to describe anyone over the age of 50. God I Hate how the internet has caused people to just change the definitions of words because of memes baby boomers were a generation born between a set of dates.

>> No.56412549

>when I was a teenager
Mom steals from me
>in college
Mom steals from me
>in 20s
Mom steals from me and fucks up my life really badly, then covid happens
Mom is retired early and thus 'too poor to help much'. Goes on multiple vacations a year though lol.

Notably, a retiree can earn up to 56,000 without suffering any penalty to their social security- they can literally work, while getting free government money too.

>> No.56412577

>boomers tell me about poor illegals and indians
>boomers ask me why I'm not rich
>boomers rant about privilege and the new gen being lazy and entitled
>boomers are shocked when I tell them they'll probably get murdered in an old folks home
The very idea that all the evil they set upon their kids is coming back to them is something they cannot consider, ever.

>In a non-degenerate society inheritance wouldn't even be a thing, everything would be organized in such a way that you can build wealth to make it and then some while you're still young instead of having to wait until your parents croak to live the good life, and since everyone would start on a level playing field how far you get in life would be entirely determined by individual merit rather than winning the family lottery.
Because it's debt based. Historically in a labor based society people had their careers hit their stride in their 20s if they were known to be "hard working jimbo" or whatever, because the amount of labor you put into a business would actually cause it to expand. The current setup is designed to benefit the old, because their assets will inflate, so the young are perpetually in shitville trying to play catchup in a game which is fundamentally rigged against labor- the only truly valuable thing.

>> No.56412595

>not a harder one.
I guess my mom already failed this one lol.

>> No.56412713

I'm lucky, I guess. My grandparents had literally nothing because they were poor losers (rip). One side were abusive alcohics and the other abandoned their kids. My parents are better off. Dad and step mom have 2 little properties and some cash, mom doesn't have shit and will be an eternal wagie/rentie, but she lives comfortably and by retirement time (when she's 70) she'll have pension + 401k money and debts paid off to retire effectively.

I intend to have a nice house and will happily put mom in there with me when she gets properly old. This will both preserve her own wealth (for herself, for me) and will return the favor of her loving upbringing. I have been a nurse for a while, and have worked in home health. I'm the one sending caregivers (Shantimetrius, Queefa, etc) to wipe demented boomer asses who have been abandoned by their kids. Honestly most of the time the kids pitch in though, its not all blackpill shit out there.

If anybody reads this please: use home health services. Don't use nursing homes. HH is cheaper, and let's your loved (or not) ones live and die in their homes. Also: get ontop of power of attorney shit. Make sure that you will get medical POA and have it in writing in a legal document. You do this so that when your parents get sick, and its obvious that they are suffering snd won't get better, you can put them on palliative care. The medical system assumes FULL CODE and all life sustaining measures unless told otherwise. I will break every rib in your mithers chest doing compressions while EMS intubates her and drags her half-dead body to the hospital to get PEG'd and trach'd. All because That One Family member (or your own parent) decided they wanted everything done. Everything is expensive, it's literal torture, and it doesn't work anyway. Just put them on palliative care, you can still take meds and do small treatments on PC. Remember, this happens to all of us, eventually.

>> No.56413118

>Boomer Dad just gets 860k inheritance trust fund(His share and his siblings all got the same amount) from grandma
>Told me he plans to spend it all in the next 10 years.
>Told me he will not be leaving any inheritance just enough to cover funeral costs because he was never "handed anything".
>His siblings all tell me every job he ever got in his life was handed to him and he never had to apply
>He sold his house in one state and bought 3 others in another state for all the profit he made on selling his last house and still had money left over.
>Grandma bought his first house
>Grandma paid for his college
>Grandma paid for his first two cars
>Grandma gave him a stock portfolio when he turned 18 that she had been investing in for him since he was born.
>He made me pay for my college and first car.

>> No.56413188


>> No.56413196

I am happy that my father loves me and does everything to help me. We started a new business 3 years ago and it's making us a lot of money even if he has to work 12 hours a day. He is 66 and he planning to retire and let me deal with the business. He once told me that if I didn't get my shit together he'll just go on vacations until the day he dies and leave me penniless.

>> No.56414822

Some people have incredible self delusion, sorry anon
>actual fucking advice
from the ashes of a click bait thread arises some value, thanks anon
dad was born in 1956 mom in 1962, they’re boomers dipshit
how old is your kid? You’ve likely got years of time to develop him into a financially intelligent human, at which point you can gauge if you believe he can handle a monthly windfall at age of 18 or he needs a real world shock to appreciate it first

>> No.56415789

Not only I hope, but I know that you'll die before them.
Based and checked. Maybe this guy got shitty parents so that is why he doesn't care, prolly also the reason why he is the shitty person he is.

>> No.56415808

Please think before you post next time faggot retard

>> No.56415859

>Not only I hope, but I know that you'll die before them.
I know that too, ironically the only thing keeping me alive is the hope of an inheritance

>> No.56415898

murder him before he can spend it

>> No.56416720

>eh my family has already benefitted from generations of inheritance to the point where I have a house as a decoration piece so I'm going to proceed to speak on a high horse from a position of complete comfort to anons who didn't win the familial lottery

literally shut the fuck up. you are tone deaf.

>> No.56416779

wtf did they do with the other 3 million dollars?

>> No.56416795

so like... they're are going to give their wealth/estate to the state?

>> No.56416800

>your entire inheritance should be taken by the government and handed immediately over to other countries' oligarchs' children and rich people with old blood so they can live luxuriously in your stead
Yeah no thanks fuckhead

>> No.56417522

imagine being this retarded
how blissful your life would be, being so dumb, you literally never have to think about consequences

>> No.56417718

Unless you're way out in the mountains the land alone is probably worth 70k actually. As long as the house is structurally sound it's probably worth quite a bit more. Cleaning it up just means some poison and maybe redoing the interior.

>> No.56419388

It goes to hospitals, nursing homes, medicaid. End of Life care in general.

>> No.56419536

im brown so i dont know that feeling

>> No.56419566

Thank you <3

>> No.56419691

>entrenched seats of power based on wealth alone is cancerous and provides no value to society
So... you solve this by handing all wealth over to the government, who is beholden to no one?

>> No.56419774
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>borderline boomer/genx dad divorced mom when I was an adult
>got a mortgage on a house that was at the upper end of his price range and lost his job
>asian prostitute gf put him in jail and now he's up to the neck in laywer fees
Yeah I'm not getting jack shit from him. He's a bit of an alcoholic sociopath and I don't particularly think he's a good person but I'll still take care of him when he's old because I hate the thought of a nigger nurse torturing him far more than I could ever hate my own father.

I agree with what some anons here are saying, living your life as if you're owed anything will make you needlessly miserable. Family might be retarded, but as long as they aren't evil, you shouldn't hate them for it.

>> No.56419786
File: 448 KB, 1024x576, boomer paris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers are The greatest goyim, the shining pet of the jew. The boomers have gleefully sold their children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren into perpetual debt slavery. That is why the boomers will live as feudal lords until death, the boomers have given the jew the eternal slave class the jew has always wanted.

For the sacrifice of their bloodlines the Jews, and their father Satan will keep their promise to the boomers of never allowing their living standard to fall, while their progeny squabble in poverty. Boomers have given their children Stockholm syndrome. Now no one can stand against the jew, as the boomers simply wont allow it, the boomers will send militarized police to kill their offspring, if said offspring threatens the jew, they will get the Ruby Ridge / Waco treatment, and the boomers will celebrate as the only God the boomers have is the jew, and the jews table scraps.

>> No.56419821

My dad had early onset dementia & was beginning to aspirate into his lungs last December. I had POA, at the ER the kike doctor said he’d be fine but would need to go on feeding tube & supplemental breathing support for rest for of his life. At this point he had been non verbal for 2-3 months months but he looked at me in the ER & croaked a very faint “i love you son” & he never spoke again. I think that was him giving me permission to enact his AMD, so I said no to the doctor & requested all life sustaining measures be withdrawn as per his written wishes from before he got sick. He died three days later with me holding his hand. I miss him so much. He left my sister & I each $800k from his IRA plus $1.4m each in irrevocable trusts.
My grandfather is 92 & given the rapid deterioration in his health I do not expect him to survive to Christmas, I usually go visit him for an hr or so after work (I work for a homebuilder) 1-2x a week but he hasn’t wanted visitors lately. He is likely worth several hundred million (grocery executive, early investor in a major life insurance company, large real estate developer & timber) & has already made me beneficiary of a $1.2m trust. I’m 27 & am fully self sufficient from my job & save a ton from frugal maxxing ($115k in 401k/Roth/trade acct plus +$125k in home equity & another $25k in crypto). I’m thinking about buy a bunch of land in Georgia using USDA loans & planting a pecan grove or apple orchard on 500 acres & raising cattle or sheep too.

>> No.56419829

How is this wrong?
Try to think about it from their perspective - you have worked your entire life, meanwhile your son is some faggot zoomer with a perm who orders rainbow stockings off amazon and moderates a BBC WHITE GENOCIDE UWU discord server.
Would you leave an inheritance to that?
I'd spend every dime too.

>> No.56419833

What a massive fool

>> No.56419901

chink claws typed this post

>> No.56419937
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Renters bring this statistic down.

>> No.56419965
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my boomer parents are inheriting about 100k I am guessing from my mom's mother who recently died.

How do I convince them to give me money for help buying a house or its pointless to ask boomer parents for this? I have a feeling they won't and will just be retards and spend it all in the next 10-20 years and drop dead and I will get nothing. though they are fat and unhealthy so I will see. they are in their early 60s.

pic unrelated

>> No.56420002
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I’m inheriting a vast sum of antiques that were acquired by my multi millionaire great grandparents in the early 1900s, purchased from auctions and “back rooms” all over the globe, the sum I have yet to estimate because getting most of this appraised is going to cost a fortune and also raise a lot of eyebrows. My grandparents squandered all the money that was inherited but kept a great deal of items, my grandpa was the coolest guy as well, loved him so much.

I’ve posted parts of the collection awhile back and was told to never post it again. Of course all of this was in Minecraft.