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File: 76 KB, 1024x686, bubbl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5639569 No.5639569 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the final bubble of trading history?

Will there ever be another bubble or will this one cause the normies to finally learn and trade differently next time?

>> No.5639606

normies will never learn, because it's not the same set of normies trading in every bubble, and because people like you who aren't normies in terms of crypto are absolutely normies in other sectors

>> No.5639655

b-but it's always the same thing regardless of sector?

>> No.5639691

Normies exiting the market as we speak. New normies come in. Invest in a coin with a funny logo. Again.
Bitcoin and the new meme coin go down. Normies exit. New normies come in. Again
Some of these normies will stay and learn every time and thus market will grow. I hope for a steady and slow growth but it's likely going to happen in bubble bursts. Like a plasma engine. Ultimate survival of the fittest.
This is a super new market.
In the exploration phase of a new market. Not yet a bubble I think.
My 2c

>> No.5639820

nigger literally every 90 year old grandma on the planet has heard of bitcoin by now and probably invested too.
the only way this could go any higher is if we are suddenly swarmed by an alien civilization and convince them to buy bitcoin

>> No.5640045

Read faggots.
Not bitcoin. I'm talking about the entire market capitalization of the cryptocurrency.
For fucks sake. Cryptocurrency market != bitcoin. Not anymore.

>> No.5640221

it still is kek, dont be delusional that bitcoin is self contained and doesnt affect everything

>> No.5640489

Bitcoin absolutely affects the market. Where did I say it d oesnt?
But its affect is shrinking.
The best case scenario is that it's market share declines slowly over time and alts have time to mature.
The worst case scenario is a decline to nothing ( not going to happen)
The scenario we are seeing now is what I described: bitcoin and the market decline in steps. Each step takes bitcoin higher - attract the normies- inflates price of bitcoin- inflates the price of random Coins- price drops- 95% of normies exit- 5%stays and trades further- total market grows. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.5640604

You're retarded.

People still don't know jack-shit about crypto currencies. A 500 billion dollar market cap is peanuts still.

>> No.5640773

>>B-but it half a trillion dollarsesss and TV said it's a bubble and its druuugs
Normies and super newfags trying to predict the market they don't understand at all.
The questions on biz/ becoming dumber each day. I kind of answer some questions so maybe it will help the smart new investor, but I think I need to stop because my words are taken as a fucking absolute truth (why DYOR if you can just trust a random stranger), or they are taken as complete untruth.

>> No.5641481

>Normies exiting the market as we speak. New normies come in
True, but not in the same quantities as the ones who entered during the november/december craze. While the potential for profits is still huge, the bull run is over

>> No.5641527

time is a flat circle

>> No.5641596

I just bought BTC, don't tell me it will fall bellow 10k

No. no. no

>> No.5641668


it's obviously going to 3000 lad

>> No.5641724

No because the next bubble will happen with the next generation. Who didn't experience past bubbles or have forgotten them.
The next bubble I guarantee people will use the same old rationalization of "It's Different This Time" TM

>> No.5642118
File: 79 KB, 1190x460, Screenshot (12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah if you think BTC is recovering from that you don't deserve your money

>> No.5642138

BTC AT 11,826 at Bitfiney


>> No.5642368
File: 39 KB, 396x382, same thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ffs this again?