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56391411 No.56391411 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone from this forum going ?

And do you think is Elrond gaining traction or falling behind ?

>> No.56391466

>hey let’s compare how many nigger can we put in our AI ads
I think that’s the only thing we gonna see out of this

>> No.56391513

wdyt that dude ?

Are you part of ADA cult ?

I'm generaly interested to see how many ppl like elrond or what part of it they like

>> No.56391538

>falling behind ?
It's still lacking behind, good tech thou

>> No.56391557

what's your take on their future ?
They were on a roll, but for the last year, after rebranding, I haven't seen a lot except their community being an arse (for the most part)

>> No.56391582

They claim to focus on metaverse and entertainment…but I don't see it

>> No.56391628

We're an image board sir.

>> No.56391733

how did their hackathon go?

>> No.56391754

They had one with Google cloud, right?

>> No.56391798

How much was raised? What's the Mincu brothers building for blockchain trilemma

>> No.56391943

I heard 1BN, now those google peeps coming for XDay Romania too, could be something cooking y'all be sleeping on.

>> No.56391951

Elrond's validators be like: 'We're securing the future of finance while you're still trying to figure out your Wi-Fi password.

>> No.56391983

Ain't going, multiversX is another crap

>> No.56392001

And you are?

>> No.56392013

Spit out your acclaimed gems, every token is called craps by the least normies because this isn't the "ponzi" they signed up for.
Fast forward to bull, and they be all here wagging tails searching for gems to make multiples with, isn't that concerning?

>> No.56392190
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>> No.56392245

What bridge can a token migrate to that has low fees.

>> No.56392314

>but I don't see it
You need to look more, it'sarchitecture supports applications that require fast and secure transactions, crucial for immersive experiences within the metaverse.

>> No.56392629

ETH is always fucked when it comes to fees

>> No.56392675

This is why l2s will always be needed

>> No.56392841

Omg! I don't want to imagine a sane person typed this shit

>> No.56393396

Polygon maybe

>> No.56393853
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what's happening with this chain lately?
been pretty quiet I worry it might end up as algorand or tezos
i don't see much juice apart from few of the projects building on it

>> No.56393984

Watch L2s get blow up if they manage to handle the kind of volume ETH gets on a normal day

>> No.56394004

Polygon isn't a bridge, you can use orbiter or the native bridge of the chain you're moving to

>> No.56394029

They've been all fucked there fag.

>> No.56394090

We're in a fucking bear market and just like everything else, it got affected

Isn't that what the motoverse is about?, cars, entertainment and the metaverse combined

>> No.56394315

Fucked heavily kek
Had high hopes for tezos at some point with all the big moves they were making, not sure what happened

>> No.56394348

>Isn't that what the motoverse is about

It's just another way to paint the metaverse to make it sound different and exciting to bobos, wait until Lizard boy Zuck learns about it

>> No.56394448

The only reason why I'd go to Romania is to meet with Andrew Tate

>> No.56394458

They are not completely, Fag. The likes of QoWatt the 1st EV green charging station network built there and Holoride which is changing the future of in-car entertainment are still fucking building and gaining more traction.

>> No.56394477

Sure they only coming cos of how it could benefit them

>> No.56394552
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Joke's on you because Meta and BMW partnered up a couple of months back
They're far ahead hahahah

>> No.56394674

I don't see it ending up like algorand anon. One of the projects building on it introduced the Motorverse to users at the IAA mobility, its likely that there would be more at the Xday conference, things are just getting started.

>> No.56394797

You're one of those faggots he manages to brainwash aren't you?

Interestingly, they're both partners, get your retrofit ready audi to the QoWatt charging station to power it up

>> No.56394880

But these peeps are pricey, you see a price on the Metamask notification and they price you 4x of it, nah not again

>> No.56394893

Tezos is pure shit, imagine their domains couldn't make it through, Terra Name Service fucking gave a thousand grand and the former claim to be what they not.

>> No.56394940

holoride is a living proof bud, metaverse-in-car even Mark suck at what he's building, but then I gotta give him his star for Quest 3 love everything about it, when brand agnosticism for the former steps in this will be a piece of cake.

>> No.56395033

Yet to try out the quest 3 but so far I've seen good reviews

We all know they're good at one thing and that's copying other companies
how's threads doing?

>> No.56395048

Who the fuck goes to an event for nothing?

>> No.56395108

What the fuck are you talking oldfag? Meta is only with BMW while Motorverse is meant for all car brands and models which is made possible with Retrofit kit.

>> No.56395382

You can't know for sure yet until the actual product from meta rolls out, lizard boy is full of surprises

>> No.56395610

Believe it or not it is the future of road trips, not those big unnecessary screens being installed in every modern car you see now

>> No.56395618

Yeah, Meta and BMW partnership is a huge news, but can't be compared with an existing project from holoride and audi, their in-car VR games are making waves in the automobile world

>> No.56395666
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A retard that's who

>> No.56395737

He is a copy fucken cat as well.

>> No.56395743

It's the bear market so you may not see all performing there but XOXNO is partnering with another to reward NFT stakers and xSpotlight is also giving you the opportunity to own a piece of the web3 culture.

>> No.56396066

He should give it a rest already. no one is buying his bs

>> No.56396109

He's got the bucks and can fuck around as he so wishes.

>> No.56396140

You're missing a lot there. That dude is smart, fag. Most affordable VR subscription per month with top gaming experience on Quest 3

>> No.56396152

You've got to look a bit closer at MultiversX Anon. When it comes to the metaverse, I'll give it to Landboard, a metaverse dapp that is revolutionizing virtual land ownership & advertising. And for entertainment, I go with Holoride which has taken it to the next level with in-car VR cinema. You can't beat that fag.

>> No.56396198

There are better options than the quest anon. Look deeper.

>> No.56396286

But can't fags still earn yields on tezos in smart wallets

>> No.56396375

Does it beat the gaming experience on my retrofit pack HTC vive headset?

>> No.56396399

Yes he is... But what will he pumo next on X, lets wait and see

>> No.56396669
File: 4 KB, 271x182, images (32).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely, there's some good stuff out there.
If you prioritize high-end PC VR experiences, consider headsets like Valve Index or HTC Vive Pro.
Oculus Rift S is older, but still provides a good VR experience and more affordable.
HTC Vive Flow got some sweet specs and features, and can be used for holoride games and car entertainment.
Viveport boasts an extensive game library, offering a wide array of VR content.
Each got its perks and downsides, so gotta do your own digging based on what fits your vibe.

>> No.56396932
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How's his version of twitter doing by the way

>> No.56397022

Is tezos still a thing lol

>> No.56397035

Kek, based anon. Not to mention that the headsets are lightweight and can be worn for hours with epic games.

>> No.56397139
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Keeping my ears peeled

>> No.56397383

The in-car cinema is based seeing as you can binge watch blockbusters in 3d.

>> No.56397540

What other reason is there

>> No.56397698

Based chad, the Oculus and vive are the only ones I've used so far with a lot of fun on each. I recall using the latter to game Cloudbreakers and Planet ride.

>> No.56397861
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What reviews jeet?

The prices are killing

>> No.56397995

My retrofit pack has been thrilling so far anon, not to mention it is more cost effectivevand gives me access to a larger library of games.

>> No.56398155

Polygon has seen better days


>> No.56398220

It's a based partnership oldfag, users who staked the Qowatt generation NFTs were even earning rewards in RIDE.

>> No.56398345
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Tell that to sbf

>> No.56398402

how much BTC do I need to stack for futuristic glowboobs gf?

>> No.56398421

If you were at the IAA Mobility you would have seen a clear exhibition with in-car metaverse entertainment.