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File: 26 KB, 1271x361, larp_am_i_rite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56388712 No.56388712 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 36 years old. Every friend and girl screwed me over. I don't spend my money going out and i'm not a cooomsomer. Fuck FOMO. Stack your money young zoom zoom kids. Only thing in life that matters is money as you approach middle age. No one will come to your resue or cares if you die a horrible death or become homeless. Everyone around me is having money issues related, life is funny that way. Women that wouldn't look my way in their prime, now is contacting me.

>> No.56388730

>36 years old
Bro I’m 19 and have more money than you and I work a blue collar job and a white collar job

>> No.56388747

Someone gonna tell him?

>> No.56388758

He's obviously not rich, but you'd be shocked to know how many 36 year olds have little to no savings at al. 400k isn't bad

>> No.56388765

These zooms zooms aren't joking senpai: >>56388730,>>56388747

Congratulations on being a middle tier software developer that got his first job at 28.

Did you really think you were rich? Genuinely curious.

>> No.56388772
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>> No.56388814
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I call BS, post yours, little zoom zoom

>> No.56388873
File: 40 KB, 1280x413, IMG_5039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m over 10 years younger than you bro and I feel like shit for not even having 1M yet

>> No.56388880

why 3% day change

>> No.56388888

how you earn that money?

>> No.56388933

o u

Honestly, this is a fucking tragedy. I am confident OP is serious. And guess what? Most college-educated Americans with a job don't have that much at 40.

And what is that much? Enough to rent an apartment in the literal hood in Kentucky or Nebraska or something and have enough left over for rice and beans.


Oppie, tell us your life story, this is fascinating. You are enlightened in finding happiness in this.

>> No.56388940

Oh, and obviously you have to tell the quints faggot how you earn your money. Blessed thread and all.

>> No.56388956
File: 18 KB, 1426x218, propertytax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own my home

my property tax is rape

try again little zoom zoom

>> No.56388965

The key is not investing in penny stocks or altcoins. Thats how I lost all my life savings twice

>> No.56388976

I could fake the same in 2 minutes

>> No.56388994

i inherited more than what OP has when I was 18, so ten years ago

and i live in eastern europe

>> No.56388995
File: 21 KB, 1220x360, rape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oppie, tell us your life story, this is fascinating. You are enlightened in finding happiness in this.

>Honestly, this is a fucking tragedy. I am confident OP is serious. And guess what? Most college-educated Americans with a job don't have that much at 40.

The moral of my story is look after yourself, because no else will. Friends will go, Your gf will go. Your "wife" will fuck other dudes and you will get divorce rape like so many guys I know. Your job is not guranteed.

As I approach my 40s, I wanted a wife with kids and friends like a classic sitcom from the 90s. And a retirement. None of that shit is real nowadays.

>> No.56389006

he lives with mommy and daddy who got him that job

>> No.56389036
File: 2.18 MB, 320x180, JJFK9C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I fake my property taxes? I'm getting raped here. I am either moving to bumblefuck Iowa to avoid getting raped. Also I am not a white nationalist, but I don't like jeets and "mystery meats" moving in my neighborhood.

I've been investing since I was 15 since I got my friend job, wtf dude nice and steady...

without proof your post is meaningless

>> No.56389038

he inspect elements a fake number, gullible is written on the ceiling

>> No.56389041

Money makes life easier, but it will not make you happy. If you aren't happy when you are young and poor you will not be happy when you are middle age and rich UNLESS you cultivate something else in your life. Find something worthwhile to actually DO with your life and make that your adventure. Just making a bunch of money is not in itself a goal that will stand the test of time. In fact, it will grow ever more shallow and stale. Find something to do that will deepen in meaning as you grow as a person and age.

>> No.56389046

What seems to matter to you is women

>> No.56389050

Im almost 36 and am doing well because of brutally hard work but I lost a ton of money on bad investments.

Id be way way better off if I never invested.

Moral of my story: work very hard but even more importantly dont take any risks

>> No.56389069

Nice but that's nothing.
I just turned 20 and am a selfmade billionaire and own several gold mines, hotels, factories and utility companies.
I could have had more but I've built a few churches.

>> No.56389095

That's nice in theory but pratice not really. Money keeps a roof over your head and food in your tummy. Money makes sure you don't end up working til your dead. No one will gave a fuck about you. NO ONE. Everyone is having problems irl and everyone has been hitting me up. Also I had like 10+ women hit me up that rejected me in their prime in the last couple of years once people realize how good I am doing. Women love to gossip.

>> No.56389111

> Also I had like 10+ women hit me up that rejected me in their prime in the last couple of years once people realize how good I am doing.

What kind of trash are you hanging out with? Completely serious.

>> No.56389138

There's a lot of fake people out there.

dude I've been burnt by everyone, once I made money.. everyone did a 180 on me

>Moral of my story: work very hard but even more importantly dont take any risks

Exactly. Lots of kids are investing into crypto Lots of kids are simping over e-thots. tsk tsk

>> No.56389152

>work hard and take no risks
a perfect goyim

>> No.56389157

I miss having this much. I made a bit below what you have during the last bullrun, then made a bad trade and now I'm down to just $150,000. Hopefully there'll be another crypto bullrun next year, but with how shit the economy has been I'm starting to have doubts. But it looked just as shitty in 2019 too and we got a bullrun anyway, so it's all a guessing game.

>> No.56389184

maybe get out of crypto? when indians are running scams 24/7, maybe take the hint? my net worth grew 20% this year alone. and its not going to drop because its real

>> No.56389198

why don't you at least buy some physical PMs?

>> No.56389220

>why don't you at least buy some physical PMs?

>> No.56389389

Sure you do lol

>> No.56389451

>day change:186
>how did he earn the money
inspect element, that's how

>> No.56389526

Because precious metals are a meme.

>> No.56389568

I bought some silver and gold with Ethereum when eth was $3000. Eth is down 50% but my metal buys are down like 10%. Does that count?

>> No.56389633
File: 11 KB, 782x549, 1686416530126665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you're larping.

But I do think you're a faggot.

>> No.56389643

Whoa both blue and white? We got a baller here!

>> No.56389656

I can smell the jelly through the screen lmao

>> No.56389680

$400K is a basic savings buffer to save you from an "oh, shit" moment and still more than about 70% of normies can ever manage. So for that, good job, OP.

Regrettably it is baby money in the grand scheme of wealth, especially after two years of Bidenflation. I know guys with $4 million net feeling crunched because their $40K per month earnings are barely enough to comfortably fuck off at a top resort anymore or keep up a 4000 sq ft house.

Real baller wealth now begins at $5m and that is only entry level in major parts of North America. You need closer to $10m to be not just stable, but securely rich and living easy with funmax options available.

>> No.56389708

why would you not just stay in cash after such a huge bull market? you buy once things crash. As for crypto, obviously get out of that asset class once you're a high roller, then get back into it with fun money

>> No.56389712

> There's a lot of fake people out there.
My point is that you have to be hanging out with literal trailer trash for them to be impressed with 400k at your age. Also, you shouldn't be letting them know.

>$40,000 / month draw rate
> try 2-4% post inflation, aka $160,000 a year, aka $10,000 / month post tax

>> No.56389873

guys I'm 18.09 years old and I only have 78.2 billion dollars liquid
how can I make it it's over bros

>> No.56389881

I’m 39 and have $400 in my account and $30k credit card debt.
Don’t even get married. At least I own a $500k house.

>> No.56389929

I own nothing and have 0.1 eth to my name

>> No.56389997

Folks I’m just here to let you know $1 million is nothing.

>> No.56390008

>I have 400 dollary doos in my bank account
What the hell happened man>>56389873

>> No.56390032

The mortgage payment was due. I make $5600 a month but I have bills out of the fucking ass.

>> No.56390052
File: 11 KB, 250x250, d80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess. You own either multiple homes or a big ass home in an inflated big city.

>> No.56390057

Not really. I have a wife and three kids though.

>> No.56390176
File: 19 KB, 1002x166, kys poor fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you haven't hit $1m by 23 its frankly too late for you to make. I'm 27 with $5.8m & don't know what to do since most of my peer group irl is already +$15m. I missed the boat, have a few rentals, didn't cash out refi like a lot of my frens did to slurp more rentals.

>> No.56390189

Uhh even if you put your whole account towards a down payment your monthly mortgage will still be 4k for any decent small house in the only us parts that matter

>> No.56390208

>My point is that you have to be hanging out with literal trailer trash for them to be impressed with 400k at your age. Also, you shouldn't be letting them know.

Are you a zoomer? like 50% of Americans can't come up with a emergency $500, most people irl are strapped for cash and arguing with comcast or verizon about their internet/phone bills.

People can be rich or poor and still be trashy.

Money can't buy class.

Median house income is $60k/yr FYI

>> No.56390222

that's half of my property tax

>> No.56390230

In what world do you find yourself in a situation where someone who "abandoned" you finds out that you have 400k? Like is that the first thing you advertise to people you haven't talked to in years?

And while 60k is median household income, you really should be comparing yourself to educated, able-bodied, 25-45 year olds, right?

And so should non-trash people, which is why I am questioning you having people "running back to you" or whatever over a $100k income or whatever you make.

>> No.56390322

nice to have almost 400k at 36 but cringe that you're posting this kinda drivel when I've got about double that at 33

>> No.56390326

If I had that much I'd bee NEET in SEA. You made it, OP. I'm jealous as fuck.

>> No.56390331

also the older you get the more you realize money is nice but once you have enough of a safety net the marginal value of a dollar diminishes and friendship/personal relationships are every bit as important if not more important

>> No.56390349

I have like $100k in cash sitting in t-bills and a savings account. 2 kg of silver and 2 ounces of gold was only a small portion of my selling.

>> No.56390356

i have more investments than stocks lol

>> No.56390368

I have friends who graduated at 21, 6 figure job out of school while living with mommy, and they have nearly half a million saved after 5 or so years. Job hop every 1-2 years for maximum salary and never go outside or spend your money

A lot of engineers are actually hoarders. Like these people will make 300k a year but refuse to spend $10 on any sort of luxury or comfort

>> No.56390413


the only thing that matters in life is MONEY

I'm telling you this as a broke guy that society has rejected. MONEY is the only thing that matters. anyone that tells you differently is a brain dead hippie faggot that lives off his/her/they/ze parents

MONEY should be your only goal in life.

>> No.56390459

because women, being a cooomsumer, FOMO drains your money fast.

my dad had a lawyer, when I was young, we were walking to the courthouse and the lawyer stops in the middle of a busy sidewalk to pick up loose change of mostly pennies, i didnt understand why until recently

>> No.56390556

you're going to die miserable and alone no matter how much money you have with this mindset

touch grass immediately

>> No.56390592

He's not wrong, just not internalizing it properly.

>> No.56390981

Depends on the altcoin you invest in. Lowcaps like UDO,RAIL and SOV made me a millionaire in the last bullrun. Just dyor and invest wisely.

>> No.56391018

What exactly compels subhumans like you to lie on the internet? We all know the majority of you are chudcel NEETs, who are convinced “college is a scam” and “you should be debtmaxxing”.
Nobody is paying you incels 6 figures a year and you sure as hell aren’t making that money in crypto or any other asset class.
So again, why lie when everyone knows you are lying?

>> No.56391037

college IS a scam

>> No.56391067

Just cos he's broke, doesn't mean I should give a fuck about even more broke people. 400k doesn't even let you buy a small luxury yacht these days, and this little loner faggot is trying to pass himself off as some high roller.

>> No.56391221

If you are into crypto, lowcaps are where the money at and you have to get in early. Dyor on new upcoming project like SUPRA oracles and you will be happy.

>> No.56391304

I would be jealous if you were ten years younger. But 36? This must be how most people think. That having a few hundred thousand dollars and owning a home by 40 is some accomplishment. People are pathetic. So long as you don't do fentynal and can set an alarm clock you will reach OP's current state without extra thought.

>> No.56391748
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400k at 36 is top 10%

>> No.56391775

what kind of retard posts shit like this
u inherited daddys money?

>> No.56391796
File: 82 KB, 860x860, 13242513463216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one will come to your rescue if you die a horrible death, so you better have savings
You are too poor for any hypothetical clone farm or something anyway.


>> No.56391800

I don't even have 2500 to my name

>> No.56391808




this kek

so how much do u have?

>> No.56391817

Post proof or literally shut the fuck up you faggot liar.

Grats OP.

>> No.56391833

claims he's rich. shows sub 400k Yikes, someone tell him...

>> No.56391860
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someone give me 25k

>> No.56391891

I'll coin flip U for it fagget

>> No.56391909

Based I'd probably have that or more. I saved 30k cash in a little over a year living at home rent free and even having a girlfriend/fuck toy back in 2008 making $12 an hour just not spend any money on anything in a little over a year. I'm now paycheck to paycheck with emergency savings that my retarded wife keeps trying to get me to tap into with her credit card bill that we pay in full each month. My 5 year measely bonus at my job is saving me from going into it this month. I wouldn't trade my family for a big bank account though I'm going to put her ass to work soom