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56385752 No.56385752 [Reply] [Original]

Spent the last 6 years of my life scrimping and saving whatever I could and putting it into crypto. No vacations, no fancy meals, wearing sneakers with holes in them, etc.

I'm not even a fucking millionaire. I have $400k in crypto and thankfully had "bought" (down payment) a house in 2018 where I now have an additional $400k in equity.

I feel like my life is just passing me by, I've enjoyed nothing for 6 fucking years with the hope that eventually I'll have enough to stop and finally smell the roses. Was that foolish? Should I have been traveling, meeting people, driving a nice car, buying myself new "toys"?

What the fuck is the point? I feel like I'll be emotionally dead by the time I have "enough" IF I ever even get there.

Anyone else do the same to themself?

>> No.56385954

depends how old are you
I'm 26 with a good career but no way in hell I'm throwing these next 4 years only waging just to get money
gotta make good connections, meet new people and find a normal women to have kids with

>> No.56385981

A $400k stack right now would make you a millionaire next bull run, just remember to take profits lol.

>> No.56386061
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Your parents probably didn't come to you when you cried as an infant.

>> No.56386101

move to a 3rd world country and you'll have a great life

>> No.56386213

yup prioritize income but make time for events, build relationships, meet girls, enjoy hobbies, travel sometimes. 400k is enough to make it if we have another bull run within a decade. Just enjoy yourself until then and still live below your means

>> No.56386243

I wish I had this kind of optimism

>> No.56386326

I'm 37. I am married with kids. I do spend on my kids btw, they have plenty of nice toys and go to good schools. Just don't treat myself or my wife to fuck all.

Everyone thinks there will be a "next bull run" but there are no guarantees. The world is in shambles right now.

I'm considering it. I wish I did it years ago.

>> No.56386375

>Everyone thinks there will be a "next bull run"
I dont... its over

>> No.56386399

>putting it into crypto
you need to put into bitcoin. every sat counts

>> No.56386449

I think Bitcoin is here to stay but having been through the last couple of "cycles" simply staying in BTC is neutering your gains. Everything outpumps it in bull markets, even dead shitcoins. REQ did a fucking 35x last run which I would have never expected.

Anyway, needless to say I am staying in my shitty alts. If I ever do make it I will definitely cash out a portion into BTC and just sit on that.