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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56384318 No.56384318 [Reply] [Original]

How are we going to fix this?

Banks are losing 100s of billions.

>> No.56384356

>Banks are losing 100s of billions.
I care, poor banks!
papaer dollar is free you mongol!

>> No.56384683

>bank's money
how do you lose something that didnt exist in the first place?

>> No.56384712

>move money to small asset sized credit union with no real estate on books
not my problem

>> No.56384779

there's a secret about bonds that apparently you retards don't know, you can hold them to maturity and then you don't lose a dime, the only thing the banks are losing are valuations on those bonds, they aren't actually losing anything, Bank of America just reported their best quarter ever.

>> No.56384836
File: 2.09 MB, 498x202, herewego.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its literally over. there is a reason they are priming us for this fake and gay war. everything is locked and loaded ready. nobody quite grasps what is coming.

>> No.56384939

you dont lose a dime, if you ignore inflation; and further dont bet on a country that loses a war; not sure how well nazi war bonds did after ww2, can you tell me?

>> No.56385043
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>US debt, denominated in the global reserve currency USD, is just like nazi war bonds

>> No.56385059


>> No.56385087

*Makes a run on your bank*

>> No.56385096

>Banks are losing 100s of billions.
Who is getting the money then?

>> No.56385238
File: 291 KB, 2012x854, F8GczvNXUAA6epj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Fed forced the banks to buy treasuries as "zero risk" and now they're holding the bags for 25+ years at 1%.

With rates at 5% and inflation even higher the banks are holding toxic assets.
Even worse is that they're able to use these toxic assets as collateral for loans.

The only people winning are new bond holders and the niggas getting the free money.

Banks and boomer pensions are in rough shape.
Boomers are already calling for TARP 2.0


>> No.56385304
File: 512 KB, 1080x1406, Screenshot_20231017-104237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say it with me TARP 2.0


It's not the bankers fault.
The Fed made them do it!

>> No.56385344

*FED backstops them with interest free loans for the duration*

>> No.56385458

>broooo just buy crypto as muh inflation hedge
>inflation roars
>crypto dips 70%

>> No.56385484

>>inflation roars
>>crypto dips 70%
it's funny, because the same thing happened to precious metals miners too, apparently all the "inflation proof" hedges were wrong, not even sure what to buy to save on inflation, real estate maybe?

>> No.56385559

inflation isnt even that bad yet when you compare it to venezuela

if this is an actual bottom then we're only 54% down. inflation doesnt mean bitcoin is going to go up in a straight line with zero drawdowns. and actually we significantly outperformed the last major 2018 drawdown if indeed we've found a bottom.

>> No.56385591

The best inflation hedges are good stocks because if a company can't beat inflation it goes bankrupt. Only retards hoard crypto and metals.

>> No.56385622

Houses are losing value, prices drop up to 30% in some areas.

>> No.56385638

This is actually happening right now. Banks can send the Fed their shitty bonds and Fed will pay par.

>> No.56385643

>if a company can't beat inflation it goes bankrupt
And then get a bail out.

>> No.56385677

I now sexually identify as a bank

>> No.56385678

>he thinks america will go under in his lifetime
LMAOing @ you're life.

>> No.56386232
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Can't lose what you never had.

>> No.56386507

>line must always go up

there are times when all assets lose value

in summer 2008 everything you bought would have lost you money in the short term

the least shit option was to sit in cash and take 6% inflation and start buying when the panic hit
because the private sector was overleveraged and nobody had free cash to buy there were great opportunities in 2009

this time the households are healthy and companies and governments are overleveraged so I don't really know how this will play out

>> No.56386830
File: 1.14 MB, 799x901, concern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I lost $100k on boomer bonds

>> No.56386871
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>but this time wasn't different

>> No.56386901

That's your opinion. Different people have different investment strategies based on their risk tolerance and beliefs.

>> No.56386908

the crash of the century is coming should be fun to see people crying on /biz/

>> No.56386910

It's not as simple as the money going to someone else, but rather a complex system involving debt, government intervention, and economic factors that contribute to the losses faced by banks.

>> No.56386943

households aren't healthy, they're broke, but not overleveraged (proportionally) to the same extent as 2008

>> No.56388359

Nice try, the consumer spending data came in hot people are spending more today than they ever have before.

>> No.56388458

The best inflation hedges are with practical results; my own hedge is by leveraging my stable coins for yields on Defi.

>> No.56388499

I don't understand what this means
Dumb this down for me?

>> No.56388580
File: 55 KB, 594x452, inflation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stocks are good at beating inflation over many years, but not in the short term. Commodities seem to be better at that.

You can also look into inflation-linked bonds, like Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities in the US. Series I Savings Bonds might be interesting too.

>> No.56388638

Dont worry, Biden is asking for 100 billion more for Ukraine and Israel

>> No.56388704

Wrong thread chud. The Fed already gave banks a mulligan on the bond market collapse.

>> No.56388732

Are the yields worth it? Don't get caught up in hopium ser.

>> No.56388783

I love centrally planned economies!

>> No.56388960

If households were broke the housing market would be a lot cooler than it is given where rates are

>> No.56389088

Yup! Getting around 15-25% for leveraging USDC/DAI across several SpoolFi smart vaults sounds like they're totally worth it IMHO; plus I've been doing this for almost a year now with no hassles; so longevity isn't a problem.