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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56383294 No.56383294 [Reply] [Original]


>pic related as fuck

>> No.56383303
File: 60 KB, 1003x249, Screenshot_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why did you make a post this way anon?
>/biz/ has fallen, millions must short

Look nigga not my fault ok?

>pic is again very related

And by the way I do not spam. Spamming is for plebbitors.

>> No.56383319

Money is simply an agreement that X=X
There are many ways to compute this
The best perhaps is via some sort of protocol that gathers all the world's information
Deciphers who did what and when
And automatically executes a transfer of value upon two mutual parties have agreed to via specific conditions
Money is the message
And the best way to secure that message is cryptographically
Dollars not sneeded

>> No.56383331

>muh USD collapse
People under the age of 25 really should not be allowed to post here and people from brics countries too.

>> No.56383333
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That sounds cool.

I heard the BRICS cant agree on whose currency to use so adopting crypto as perhaps some world reserve currency instead makes far more sense in the end.

>> No.56383337
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Read it again you retard.

I said it in a scenario of phasing out from the USD as a World Reserve Currency.

It doesn't implies collapse at all.
The British Pound is still here despite not being a World Reserve Currency anymore.

Illiterate mongrel

>> No.56383347

>United States Dollar eventually either collapses
Retarded child.

>> No.56383831

title of your post should be: Crypto after USDT

>> No.56383838

Holy digits. I meant Chainlink btw.

>> No.56383852

>My crypto will finally be valuable after a black swan even destroys the global economy.
You really are too fargone.
In material terms your crypto holdings have the value of a hole in the ground.

>> No.56383909

it's just a misunderstanding of how the collapse happens
even in Rome, daily life went on. People slowly moved away to places like byzantium, engineers stopped maintaining the aquaducts for debased money
eventually they stopped teaching too.

It will be a slow debasement of the dollar in cycles, contractions and expansions. And crypto will slowly moon until it's all everyone uses. Incidentally, it will save the american empire if they don't overregulate it. Wages will be paid in crypto. Wagies will resume being productive as buying power returns.
Even in war crypto will be a reliable means of transaction as fiat gets further debased. It's here to stay.

>> No.56383958

after USD comes the collateral/ soft liquidation scheme used for crvUSD
but instead of using it for the fiat currency, people will just default to a different unit of account, maybe a virtual one
but the soft liquidation engine will be the same, with multiple types of collateral
bitcoin, ethereum, gold, silver, platinum, uranium, water, oil
whatever you want

>> No.56383963

the usd being abandoned does jack fuck all for the global economy, it's not a black swan

>> No.56384003
File: 48 KB, 720x729, lHAl1NOyUrb1S6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

short answer is price of btc will continue to climb long term so long as the world reserve currency is fiat

>> No.56384046

retard alert
also if you're from the us your opinion doesn't matter

>> No.56384263

checked and this, >>56383838
chainlink is tokenized trust and liquidity.
if LINK isn't the answer then im thinking we will have a very sucessful run for commodities (gold and silver)
but crypto will do well too.
there are so many people now onboarded on to the crypto ecosystem (probably like 1-5% of the world population in some form actually using self custodial or similar, lightning like wallets)
people aren't going to want to release control of their funds.
only an a totally orwelian world will crypto go away.
even then it wont
i just interviewed with a giant fund for a digital assets position after getting laid off from my crypto company.

>> No.56384368

Checked, I think BRICS goes with gold over crypto and I'm generally bullish on crypto.

>> No.56384709

Based bean collector

>> No.56385089

btc will take the share that the usd loses. therefore it will go up in value. the people who are in charge by then will be millenials or zoomers, both favor crypto. most often it depends on single personalities how fast that process goes forward

>> No.56385119

2 more weeks!

>> No.56385200

why do you write like that. you come across as a giant insufferable faggot

>> No.56387138
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>So I just would like to ask how the end of the USD hegemony would impact crypto markets

There is no collapse written anywhere whatsoever you dumb cunt

>> No.56387151
File: 54 KB, 828x727, Smiling_Patrick_Bates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's another great point!

Imma screencap this shit and save it for later.

>> No.56387184
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It could be Chainlink, but realistically speaking I think it would be a select group of highly trustworthy, maintained and transparent crypto currencies

>LMAO no coin is going to replace the USD

True! But hundreds of smaller yet better tokenomic coins could easily become a better solution.

Not to mention that embargoes on countries would become impossible basically.


>> No.56387212
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How so?

>> No.56387243
File: 746 KB, 1391x900, 1633622450910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok then why is the FED destroying and halting the world economy as of right now?

>I am not discussing whether or not it's needed

You just cannot deny the immense tethering (and current) power of the USD in basically all economies right now.

It would be a lie to say otherwise

>> No.56387317


OP the question you are asking is something that hundreds of PhD candidates are researching in the global west currently.

Here are some possibilities how the unwinding of a global reserve (mostly USD) would look like.
(Let me know if any of the technical terminologies I use are confusing or if my points need elucidation)

1. It is most likely that a collapse of USD will be preceded by collapse of almost all national fiat currencies ( see dollar milkshake theory).

2. To prevent a runaway M1 and M2 velocities in national fiat currencies stop gaps are already being placed. For example, in EU, there is already an upper limit of 200K per day transaction limit for P2B and 10K per day paper fiat withdrawal limit. This not a big problem now but will soon be when a loaf of bread will cost 10K Yurobucks.

3. The controllers are counting on a fiat disinflationary collapse to increase the adoption of CBDCs.

4. It is more than likely, that for a short period of time, there will be a free market in currencies themselves.

5. Things will move towards the inevitable endgame very slowly but marked by a set of perception changing events.

>> No.56387371
File: 26 KB, 458x427, Love_Live_Laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realistically speaking the needs for a more viable currency for trade, agreements and embargo dodging could be accomplished far better with a mixed type of


Heck maybe they could even put a coin trust score online endorsed by a multitude of countries as to slowly replace the USD hegemony

>Both CBDCs and the USD will still be a thing
>Along with crypto currencies

Why? Because I won't touch boomer coins unless I have a gun pointed to my head.

And even then I would try to rebel

>> No.56387501
File: 81 KB, 1024x889, Coin_Rim_Against_Jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By all means, do store beans.

I see no reason why not
I got both crypto and beans

Eventually will have some silver and gold coins too

>> No.56387531

Yea, that is one of the cards that can be played.
Project Nexus[1], mBridge[2] and Aurum[3] together will suffice to roleout an international reserve currency akin to Special Drawing Rights.
But things have to get painful for countries, systems and institutions for us to get there.

[1] https://www.bis.org/publ/othp62.pdf
[2] https://www.bis.org/publ/othp59.pdf
[3] https://www.bis.org/publ/othp57.pdf

>Because I won't touch boomer coins unless I have a gun pointed to my head
Don't you think it is a little arrogant to insult gold and silver?
Anyways, precious metals, commodity money, barter, POW tokens, POS tokens, time-banks... they might all be reality soon....free market in currencies is every Austrian's wet dream.

>> No.56387567

>Crypto after USDT
Scary how true this statement will be.
Glowies created crypto so it could sponge all the hyperinflating liquidity (among other reasons) and threw a clean pass, the bankers hit it out of the ballpark with USDT and such kikery.

>> No.56387571
File: 59 KB, 352x524, Nu_Plebbitor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not, I swear

I also profoundly distaste plebbitors and whoever thinks in such cringeworthy ways

>source: total plebbitor death

>> No.56387595

Checked and sounds correct. I assume there will be a basket of commodities that are tokenized (not link). Most countries are buying gold, China has its own higher spot price.

>> No.56387606

>short answer is price of btc will continue to climb long term so long as the world reserve currency is fiat
So will the price of all commodities and services.
But will btc win the relative game?
Is btc fungible?
Will the retarded blockchain sniffing companies assign a 69 percent probability that your sats are tainted?

>> No.56387662

>I assume there will be a basket of commodities that are tokenized
Your assumption is correct.
Global South is rich in commodities, Global North is rich in Kikery.
What do?

>> No.56387665
File: 90 KB, 574x561, King_You_Dropped_This_Doge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with almost everything you said, except the collapse part

To me those fiat currencies will just become not much more than legal tender

>AKA something you have to use whether you like it or not

Thanks for showing this to the threat we need more in-depth discussions around crypto markets and coins

Not just >IM POOOMPING discussions

>> No.56387688
File: 138 KB, 1198x1197, Productivity_VS_Income.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By boomer coins I meant endlessly printed FIAT currencies such as today's USD.

Commodity-backed coins are a Great Generation era type of currency.

>Source - This

>> No.56387715

Which crypto? Btc, eth, cbdc, alts?

>> No.56387790


>I agree with almost everything you said, except the collapse part
You are kind of right to disagree.
The sound of USD’s death throes is actually an open question and is under research.

> To me those fiat currencies will just become not much more than legal tender
It is likely that taxes and other goyish things will still be denominated in state mandated fiat.

> Thanks for showing this to the threat we need more in-depth discussions around crypto markets and coins
It is my pleasure and joy to have a minded discussion about this topics. Most of those who want an active discussion are demoralized by the incessant shitcoin postings. I hope the mod who sold ad rights to that blue POS shitcoin until 2028 drowns in a lake of puss.


>Commodity-backed coins are a Great Generation era type of currency.
They are. But they will most likely be tokenised and redeemable only by countries or institutions.

>> No.56387854


>it's just a misunderstanding of how the collapse happens
>even in Rome, daily life went on.
Yes, but they were marked by increasingly frequent but localized violence.
For example, when Germany was hyperinflating, the communist party members wanted farmers to sell their produce at the older price. The violence was not in the civil population but between a Joe Farmer next street and Ken Kikeman from the cul de sac.

> People slowly moved away to places like byzantium, engineers stopped maintaining the aquaducts for debased money
Correct. They moved to a place where their labor had value. They worked for currencies that were fungible. How will you move to the next state to work on your new engineering project if the salary you get are usable only by someone with a digital wallet with ID from the next state?

>eventually they stopped teaching too.
This ‘Fuck it’ attitude is pre-empted. Hence the gargantuan to automatize everything and your mother with AI amd ML.

>It will be a slow debasement of the dollar in cycles, contractions and expansions. And crypto will slowly moon until it's all everyone uses.
You are correct and some countries might loose their seigniorage. Eurodollar will most likely be a larger influence on the dynamics compared to domestic dollar.

> Incidentally, it will save the american empire if they don't overregulate it.
Overregulation is a feature, not a bug. The idea is to kill the weak and swallow the strong. Crypto, in my opinion, is here to stay. SEC will relent after some years and after some Kwetching.

> Wages will be paid in crypto.
Which crypto? That is the million dollar (pre-1971 dollars) question.

> Wagies will resume being productive as buying power returns.
Buying power might not return but cheaper produce will most likely be the norm.
You can feed hundred more people if you replace food starch with chitin!

>> No.56387875
File: 94 KB, 696x721, Pus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant Pus
Nein hablo Ingles!

>> No.56388226

I stacked <redacted> XMR for exactly this reason. Shitty investment so far, but we'll see what happens if we continue our descent into the Orwellian nightmare

>> No.56388700

Crypto will never be adopted until banks figure out secure custody. Self custody is a joke and monero will never be adopted because transactions cant be traced and verified

>> No.56389045

Neat digits again

>> No.56389710
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No idea.

If I had an idea I would say here so you could brag to your normie friends and spite them.

Fuck normies

>But alas, it is beyond what I know desu

>> No.56389732
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>Caroline Ellison
>Alameda Research Group
>Gary Gensler

I think it's time people in general (including the fine froggers here) just accept the fact that self custody is the only way to go.

Heck, even gold was confiscated in the US during the FDR era.

It's not a problem even specific to crypto

>> No.56389753
File: 88 KB, 575x390, Kurt_Cobain_Bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Smells like WGMI Spirit
>By Kurt Coinbank

>> No.56391449

Of course, XMR's transactions are untraceable as fuck! We all deserve our damn privacy and freedom on the blockchain, 'cause privacy's every anon's goddamn birthright

>> No.56391455

>self custody is the only way to go.
Railway wallet says hello

>> No.56391931


>I stacked <redacted> XMR for exactly this reason.
XMR, for me, is an insurance against far end of the tail risk. If nothing happens then it simply continues doing what it does best – niche currency for technerds. If we get into real ‘Yevgeny Zamiatin’ nightmare scenario, let alone Orwell’s then XMR will help one bigly.

> Shitty investment so far, but we'll see what happens if we continue our descent into the Orwellian nightmare
Almost all assets with weak counter-party risk, XAU, XAG, Networking and Credentials are shitty investments… until they aren’t.


>Crypto will never be adopted until banks figure out secure custody.
Adopted by who? vaccinated normies?

>Self custody is a joke
Speak for yourself.

> and monero will never be adopted because transactions cant be traced and verified


> you could brag to your normie friends and spite them.
Bragging about anything, wealth or otherwise worldly is for the smoothest of brains, in my opinion.

>Fuck normies
Fuck ‘em. One should not forget there are more normies than non-normies.


>self custody is the only way to go.

>Heck, even gold was confiscated in the US during the FDR era.
Gold confiscation from private people with private storage was a meme but any unallocated gold or gold in lockers were indeed confiscated by the private banks citing federal order.

>It's not a problem even specific to crypto
As long as self-custody there is no problem of confiscation unless one goes around telling the world that he holds crypto.


>Railway wallet says hello
> Railgun
You don’t even deserve a (You)

>> No.56391947

>implying the dollar will not be the world reserve currency for longer
>implying BRICS can sustain and not turn into a bitchfight
>implying there is any world nation ready to be the new world currency
Lmao nothing will change
But buying BTC is always a good idea

>> No.56392015
File: 21 KB, 876x100, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But buying BTC is always a good idea

>> No.56393287

are you guys accumulating hegic coin

>> No.56395249

RSR bros have been discussing this for years now.
join us at www.cwecapital.club