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56382554 No.56382554 [Reply] [Original]

>Going through a divorce (kids are 6 & 7 )
>Have to move back in with my parents
>Career in the toilet

This wasn't the future I envision. Financially speaking, how do I fix it so I can retire

>> No.56382561

>he fell for the marriage/family meme
Kek, play silly games, win silly prizes

>> No.56382570


>> No.56382594
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>he actually got married
>he unironically had kids
>literally a single dad now


>> No.56382633

Sorry you married a shitty person (or you were a shitty person)
Why has this ruined your career? Or your career was always shit?

>> No.56382637

Live your best life. It's all you can do. Male lemonade from lemons.

>> No.56382649

>Going through a divorce
why'd you ever get married? the benfits are worth the risks. You can still have kids and everything. just don't live in a common law garbagestate

>> No.56382650

tl;dr become a salesman. selling what don't matter. it's not about what u know its about who u know and sales is the ez apprenticeship for that path.
also do us all a favor and never trust women.

>> No.56382656

the worst is yet to come

>> No.56382660

We told you not to get married retard. If you wanted kids could’ve just impregnated her anyway

>> No.56382937


People get married for the tax breaks & you know to start a family
Child support for 10 years and he's clear

>> No.56382989

How do people make it through dating, marriage and having kids together before breaking up?

>> No.56382997

Should've never gotten married. You deserve it

>> No.56383003

the real answer is having crisis management skills, particularly skills needed to manage people caught in fight or flight hysterics.
which is basically women all the time.
in practice that basically looks like being a tactful version of red foreman

>> No.56383145


We met at work. She was a client. We clicked and I asked her out. We were together for 8 years

>> No.56383222

But what I’m asking is how can you go through all that together to solidify your relationship and then just divorce? How do you from having and raising kids together to breaking up? Were there no warning signs?

>> No.56383236

>People get married for the tax breaks
Again the benefits don't outweigh the risk
>you know to start a family
Do you think you need the states permission to have a kid? Kek

>> No.56383242

Maybe there was and I didn't see it. We got very comfortable around each other that it's hard to see where I went wrong. If you've ever had a LTR you'd know it.

>> No.56383246

Getting married in muttmerica is pretty stupid but in a split you still pay everything (child support) to the kids regardless if you're married or not. The state will make sure of it.

>> No.56383251

It’s ok anon. You had kids, that was your main purpose in life and you succeed. Just try to give them a good childhood.

>> No.56383252

women and bloodline aren't worth it.
YOLO, live life for yourself

>> No.56383258

yeah but having a child is good and you should want to have money for your child anyway. If you have your shit together you will get dual custody too. None of that has to do with marriage

>> No.56383286

You played a 50-50 game and lost, sorry anon. Marriage is a horrible decision, not even the tax benefits are worth it.

>> No.56383669

I have 16 more years of getting child support raped. they dont make enough lube

>> No.56383689

>have kids
>free to fuck anyone with no impact
>no deprecating wife
what's not to like?

>> No.56383735

>Financially speaking, how do I fix it so I can retire
Save/invest 25-33% of your income consistently for at least 4.5 years staring now. Even if you stop saving/investing after 4.5 years, this will compound and in 30 years you will be OK. Not super-happy but you will survive.

>> No.56383754

This OP.

Life is hard for everyone at some point.

Take care of your children, take a job you like somehow and grind from there. At least you can have an impact in the company or anything.

In my triathlon club the coach / director is 45yo divorced with no kids and he's a really good guy. He takes care of the club, events and people there. His kindness is widely recognized and he's widely appreciated.
I'm not saying it's perfect but at least he's contributing to something. Also he's really good and make good races so he's busy enjoying sport and getting outside.

It might not be easy for him everyday but at the same time half married couples want to rope everyday so
It's a matter of perspective and friendship nothing more.

>> No.56384490

Kids put a ton of stress on a marriage. You are constantly exhausted and no longer have time to nurture your relationship. You start only to see the things about your partner you dislike. It’s an incredible test of willpower to stay in it, which many parents succeed at purely because they want their children to grow up with two parents.

Then what happens next is you either divorce when they’re old enough or you take the time to figure shit out and appreciate each other again, but people change a lot in 20 years. You may find it’s simply too late.

People who divorce with young kids I think are pretty immature though. They statistically are handicapping their kids for their own selfish desires.

Unless of course there is violence in the house or something putting the kids at physical or emotional harm, that’s a different story.

>> No.56384498

i have hidden my funds in crypto
i purposefully live in a small house so if divorce comes then it's not the end of the world to lose the house
i run my own business and can run it from anywhere, so i can easily leave the country and not pay child support bullshit
the only downside is i wouldn't get to see my kid if it all fell apart
that's how i get around the divorce problem

>> No.56384521

having just had a babby that's very accurate and insightful.
i can tell it comes from someone who has experienced it.

>> No.56384535

He has two children it wasn't a fruitless marriage. I guess they didn't do much spiritual growth but atleast they did bear fruit.


>> No.56384543

Time for you to liquidate your assets into crypto and take the SEApill.

>> No.56384553

rape ur kids it will make you feel better

>> No.56384559

spoken like a true big nose

>> No.56384571

you have 2 beautiful kids and you can fuck any girl you want know
life's good, all you need is more (undeclared) money

>> No.56384597


>> No.56384606
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>divorced from an unfaithful cunt I spent 15 years with
>she can't bear kids so no kids
>taking care of my 70+yo mom
>landed a job fixing forklifts
>lost 80lbs
>spend all of my time playing Stalker and TF2, working, taking mom to appointments and doctors visits, cookouts and hangouts with my cousins, getting flirted with in bars
>throw all of my expendable income in investments and crypto
>made about 15% thusfar
>even if my mom dies, my pay btfo's the fuck out of a one bedroom apartment where I live so I'm not worried about the future.
There are worse fates.
It's not that a change wouldn't be beneficial, I'm just glad I'm not my ex. She's a fat, impulsive idiot and will be alone for the rest of her life.

>> No.56384613

buy kaspa, that'll help

>> No.56384626

Thanks for playing. Next time, don't marry and have kids at 40 after buying (in full) a house.

>> No.56384650

>I'm just glad I'm not my ex. She's a fat, impulsive idiot
there's a saying: like attracts like

>> No.56384655
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>> No.56384691

-Learn a trade (I chose TIG welding it's easy pays decent and i sit in a chair all day and weld and it's usually in high demand I get unlimited overtime and I spent no money going to school they trained me)

-Put money in an account that lets your money sit in a money market fund I chose fidelity (It's liquid and gets 5% interest for sitting for now).

-Put 20 % into securities effected by rate raises. TLT it's an ETF that tracks the 20 year bond. Bond prices will rise when rates are cut next year. Value stocks that pay dividend are getting hit by rate rises right now because bond yields are safer and can lock in longer so think KO, GIS, MKC you know good companies

-JEPI pays a 10% dividend

-Sell Covered calls on all of them to increase income return

-Work grind invest and dont be doom and gloom keep your chin up and dont spend all your remaining money on stupid shit like drugs and alcohol. Good luck fucker

>> No.56385833

He has descendants now. His genes live on, unlike yours.

>> No.56385850
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In the last 4 years things went from bad to horrible.

>> No.56385852

never understood this low IQ nigger obsession with having kids. your name """lives on""" up until your offspring dwindles into nothingness, like it has for the vast majority of people across time. starvation, infertility, economic concerns, inceldom, etc.

>> No.56385862

>why'd you ever get married?
10 years ago every dude on 4chan was all gung ho "oh I'D never get married!" but then they always say "but I thought people were just joking...." and then get divorced raped. Most people here are ACTUALLY stupid and think that people telling them not to do financially ruinous things jews advocate for are just 'meming' (sic).

>> No.56385868

has tf2 solved its bot problem?
I want to play but the last times I tried it was impossible

>> No.56385875

all of the shitter telling op he fell for the kids meme are fat neckbeards jerking off to porn on a daily basis

>> No.56385877

You will become old, then you will have no one to look after you. That's if you don't kill yourself before then.

>> No.56385879

Your first mistake was getting married.

>> No.56385890

because you are low iq thats why you dont get it, do the world a favor and not breed like you intend too

>> No.56385917

Based, fpbp

Extreme cope. Why would you WANT to leave your loved ones behind to fend for themselves in this world as you age and die?
Literal soulless NPCs if you think you’ve done something good by bringing a child into this world.

>> No.56385928

>russian agitprop
Greetings, comrade!

>> No.56386103

At least you got two kids out of the marriage

>> No.56386126

your life goal (having a dozen children) has considerable overlap with literal mentally retarded sub saharan niggers. what does that say about you?

>> No.56386215

Why does a spouse get entitlement to their former partners money and at times half its assets?

>> No.56386245

/pol/ larping bitches seething.
No men in the past gave a fuck about children, vikings killed their sons even.

>> No.56386272

because you were low IQ and chose to enter a legal agreement (marriage) that bets half of your assets and earnings on your wife "loving" you for life.

>> No.56386283

No one cares about anyones genes, faggot. OPs genes arent worth shit anyways. Hardly anyones is.

>> No.56386295

You're debating with an ape, there is no getting through to people who view their biological programming as their greatest accomplishment in life.

>> No.56386386

what does this statment even mean. I dont know how to respond to it. you must be a jew or something.
>going against your biological programing
you are both kikes

>> No.56386414

Congrats, anon. Best of luck on the journey. Having a child is a blessed thing, even despite the ways it destroys your former live.

>> No.56386429

>child support for 10 years and clear
Lol no. Try she takes house, car, investments and your pension too.

>> No.56386447

thank you for ridding the world of your shit tier genes. darwinism at work!

>> No.56386652

>”everything I don’t like is Russian”

>> No.56386679

Children are literally free slaves to profit off of, Jews taught my father that at least...

>> No.56386692

This is now a monero thread.

>> No.56386698

Get rid of all your wealth into a trust that she cannot touch.
Learn how to monerop

>> No.56386703

your name lives on, through your 65 IQ children. future forklift operators and great clips hair stylists.

>> No.56386720

>through your 65 IQ children. future forklift operators and great clips hair stylists

Somewhere between Zoomers and whatever is after generation alpha is where the riots will either happen and being change or the slide of lowering QoL continues and you're just making future slaves

>> No.56386722

To be fair, nobody like Russians

>> No.56386732
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All the more reason to just leave out the house fully loaded and slaughter a city block on exit. you laugh under the barrel

>> No.56386773

how do you get started as a welder if you have no experience?

>> No.56386800


She knows I have no money. I was making $45k when we met. She made just under that. That's why I have to move back in with my parents for a few months to get my finances in order

>> No.56386836
File: 727 KB, 3000x1687, 140417195125-01-rio-0417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

demographics predict that the QoL will degrade into third world brown niggermonkey hell. look at brazil if you want to see the future.

>> No.56386879

hey nigger, your kids won't wipe your ass

>> No.56386905

I hope you know your kids will go down the same path growing up in these conditions. At least they are healthy right?

>> No.56386916

Ok so you missed the signs.
You stopped dating, you stopped taking care of yourself and having little moments in the relationship.
Better luck next time, pal.

>> No.56387027

heres how its gonna go down op...
ur gonna get demoralized and grow ur hair out and start listening to linkin park. ur kids will grow to know ur a failure of a father and that u impregnated a whore (their mother). ur ex will get slammed by smelly bald dudes and fat guys with massive cocks for years, getting hubby favors in return (bitch aint gonna do her own maintenance). the multitude of fellow loser men ur ex will date will raise your kid in small ways. you will realize ur loosing touch with the kids. eventually kids get older have their own lives and u realize you never really raised them. then you marry in to a family with younger kids and try to be a daddy again cuz u missed out.

at least thats what happened to my family

>> No.56387167

3 milion cocks for 1$ each. its all you need to do.

>> No.56387535

So your mom was the town bicycle

>> No.56389324

How do I become the smelly bald guy with a big weenie?

>> No.56389348

you need to have another child. If you only have 2 kids you'll be a genelet and are ngmi
having 2 kids and each of your descendents having 2 or fewer kids means that your genes will fizzle out and you'll become a genetic dead end.

you and your descendents need to on average have >2 kids each in order for your genes to grow in number and not be wiped from the genepool

>> No.56389471

Lack of opportunities elsewhere or damaged personalities that make other opportunities irrelevant. Same reason people work shit Walmart jobs and other assorted failure careers. I can’t tell you how many guys I’ve known who should have women falling onto their dick off a conveyer belt end up miserable and I mean MISERABLE in multi-year long relationships with some mediocre girl who just gets noticeably worse as the years roll by.

>> No.56389558

>Same reason people work shit Walmart jobs and other assorted failure careers

Whenever I see older cute women working shit jobs, I assume they either fucked up or are insufferable

>> No.56389559

niggers breath air. you breath air. you are a nigger.

>> No.56390699

Hey, you know law enforcement monitors this site?

>> No.56391471

so many kids hate their parents and estrangement is rising. There is no guarantee your kids will care about you.

>> No.56391507

No bro you don't understand, it's super important that 0.00001% of your genes come from some guy who had sex thousands of years ago. His genes live on!

Seriously though, it seems like it mostly comes from the bitter atheists that are so common around here. Their own lives are meaningless, they don't expect anything after death, so the best they can do for a meaning to their lives and the hope of some sort of afterlife is to project this absurd significance onto being one of the literal billions of people alive today who will successfully "pass on their genes".

>> No.56391512

>middle aged broke single dad probably paying alimony
>can fuck any girl now

>> No.56391522

Damn bro is not far off the mark

>> No.56391548

Feds tongue my anus.

>> No.56391777

The fuck are you talking about. All he said is common knowledge. Marriage sucks and kids make it worse. You'll inevitably hate your life after the feel good chemicals wear off when your kid loses all the neonatal charm. We're not built like birds, we're built like rats.

Absolutely not. It's always diehard religionfags who chase having children as a means of purpose. The first step to atheism is realizing you don't matter, and accepting that. Narcissists need not apply, you'll never truly make it. Objectively smart and stable people just sorta, naturally fall into atheism that as they grow up. Religious people chase purpose nonstop through their whole life. Half the fucking stories in the bible have to do with purpose. The concept of not being important or having some heritage scares them shitless, which is why they waste years of life on mega cope like prayer, maximize child production, and try their damnedest to hook their children into being just like them. When cornered about it, they will go on about passing on genes like they're suddenly a Darwin protégé. Religion trains you to swim comfortably in inconsistency so this never bothers them.

And 4chan is not full of bitter atheists. I've never met an athiest who was "mad at god/the universe" or whatever nonsense religion copers make up to feel superior. We don't think about this shit at all until some christcuck has an existential crisis upon the suggestion that having kids isn't a great plan for financial success. An enormous tell is when they say "then don't breed, you weren't meant to" or something similar. Thing is, that doesn't bother an atheist one bit. It's actually funny, like a kid calling you a poooypants. It can only cut someone who believes in higher purpose.