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56376303 No.56376303 [Reply] [Original]

>study in Europe for medical degree basically for free
>transfer European license into American
>go to red state with low taxes

Can this be done? Or am I missing something?

>> No.56376341

>transfer European license into American
doesn't work like that. you need to re-do your entire residency and international medical graduates are at the bottom of the list when it comes to the match process, even if they are US citizens and do not require any sort of visa. there's a ~0% chance you'll ever re-train as a dermatologist as it's one of the most competitive medical specialties around.

you're also too low IQ for any of this if you're falling for "da heggin baste red states" memes.

>> No.56376395

The US med exam is supposedly fucking horrible, then you're bottom of the pile for residency sorting so will get sent to some nigger neighborhood.

Also you need to have an internship performed with a hospital, so need contacts.

>> No.56376499

There's probably like one dermatologist in all of Montana and he specializes in asshole sunning for celebrities. If you move to Montana you'll have zero access to minorities and their vibrant culture.

>> No.56376549


I was thinking more of a finishing med school in Europe, then doing exams both in Europe and USA, but doing residency only in USA.

As I understand residency is basically a job since you get payed for it and very much.

An alternative is doing Bachelor in Europe, then maybe go to med school in some leftist state like Washington that supposedly gives aid to legal and illegal aliens. Or even doing Bachelor in blue state too if whole aid thing is real.

>> No.56376587

I heard the reason US salary for medical doctors is so fucking high is because of shortage and absense of medicare.

That true?

Surely US exams can’t be much harder than EU exams

>> No.56377180

Euro medstudent here:
Most efficient way to do this is studying in Europe and then doing internship and residency in the US. You'll have to do some step exams though.
If you're talented you can also do your internship and residency in Europe, do research and become great in your field. You'll have an easy time going over there then. Also if you're in private practice the pay isn't considerably worse than in the US. This is especially true for non live saving procedures - breast augmentation is about the same price on both sides of the pond

>> No.56377282
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Markets are efficient. If there was an easy arbitrage opportunity it would have already been filled.
Since salaries are still extremely high it's probably insane barrier of entry for doctors from other places.

>> No.56377379


Yeah that looks like smth I described here: >>56376549

Btw what do you think about the alternative I described (with blue state aids)?

Now I actually think there is a second alternative and that is doing military in USA before Bachelor or Medical College which would give way to a citizenship, which in turn would fix the whole financial problem (via federal aid).

Maybe even service in US army would increase chances of admission

>> No.56377413

Firstly are you an EU citizen to get the free education?

Anyways, I'm I'm Canada and I had a friend who went to Med school in the Caribbean, did residency in Canada then got a GC sponsorship and works and lives in Florida and loves it.

>> No.56377437

>323k for memorizing a few text books and doing exactly what you are told without question

>> No.56377456

>>go to red state
lol imagine falling for the 90% nigger spic meme

>> No.56377473

Canadians do this.
Canadian govt subsidizes medical degrees because they have shortage of workers in the medical field but students just take advantage of the subsidy and move to the US after their studies because it pays better in the US.

>> No.56377486

Literally this lmfao, its not even something that requires creativity, you just look at symptoms and make most plausible and logically valid diagnosis.

At least surgeons have to have 100% control over their hand movements but jobs like radiologist, cardiologist or dermatologist seems not harder than average other job that requires higher education

>> No.56377530

if its so easy why havent you done it

>> No.56377563

i dropped out of med school because it was gay and i hated it. anyways, one of the easier exams covered 3000 powerpoint slides delivered over a 5 week period. keep in mind that preclinical years are "easy" and it only gets harder.

>> No.56377590

Please look at a map of Montana some time. It's huge and sparsely populated. You as a European have no context for how spread out even the cities in Montana are.

>> No.56377592


Sounds like low t low iq coping. Hundreds of thousands of people learn that every day and yall cry because of power point. Plus every degree has some shi like that

>> No.56377598

my undergrad was in math and i scored 95th percentile on the physical sciences portion of the mcat.

>> No.56377610

So people with worse grades than you finished it but you dropped out? Make it make sense

Usually med students take life science as an undergrad, not math

>> No.56377677

if you hate memorizing things or aren't good at it, you're going to have a bad time. and international/european medical school is a scam because IMGs face a massive uphill battle when trying to match. DYOR.

>> No.56377692

No it's high due to mal practice insurance and to compensate for the $1m of debt the average MD graduate has accrued
I planned to become a Dr but life went differently
Now I WfH and bought my own house at 24yo
Way better than being Dr. Cuck

>> No.56377707

Every above 50k a year job requires you to memorize stuff so might as well accept it and either hone this skill if you are bad at it and start liking it

>> No.56377739


Its 8k a year for premium malpractice insurance

”1m in debt” is a real problem however thats literally why I made this thread

>> No.56377750

>Its 8k a year for premium malpractice insurance
depends on the specialty
I bet Derm has pretty low premiums because risk of lawsuit is tiny

>> No.56377787

t. has never practiced medicine

>> No.56377804

Bro tries to gatekeep to keep that salary above 300k

>> No.56377873

seething doctor cuck npcs

doctors are the worst, the pretend to be good people spposedly 'healing' others
when in reality they are money grifting jews only there for the status of being called doctor so some whore golddigger will finally jump on their dick
on top of it the whole medical profession is jewd to the maximum amount literally only poisoning the population with toxic meds making illness chronic if anything

anyone doing this is morally questionable or literally just a naive retard

>> No.56377882

>gets sick
>begs dr. shekelstein to save his life

>> No.56377960

exactly. i dont

>> No.56378032
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Just open up your own buccal clinic in Mexico, no degree required

>> No.56378044

40% of all people in the US will develop cancer in their lifetime.

>> No.56378085

lessons are in local language, exams are in local language, internships are in local hospitals with local patients who speak local dialects. you as a burger will be totally lost without speaking the local language.

+ cheap dorms arent a norm in euro countries, often students have to pay for normal apartments until the waiting list clears and they get a place in a dorm, which then costs 400-500 eur per month.

>> No.56378153
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germany has literally 50% more doctors per capita than the usa, of course this has an impact on doctors wages.

>> No.56378158
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>"you are seething" followed by impotent drivel full of stupidity and hatred
I'm a MD, I'm paid well, my job is meaningful, people respect me and some are even very grateful. I have no reason to seethe.

By the way we both know who you're going to call the moment it's aching somewhere, see you in consultation ;)

>> No.56378486
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That’s not even close. I unironically have a derm friend in rural Iowa that makes $550,000 base along with an insane 401k match and a yearly bonus structure based on RVUs. TC close to 800k for the last few years. 4 day work week as well, not on call.

Not trolling, I don’t think deems get offers for less than 400k base and if you’re willing to go rural it’ll be 500k. Skin is a goldmine, it’s just a really really competitive specialty to get into.

>> No.56378524

If it was competitive the average wages would be lower no? You must mean its hard to get a license but then is this really true? You don’t even need to do surgery

>> No.56379254

Most derms pulling these numbers do aesthetic and there are very few residency spots available.
You have to study like a nolife (even by med students standards) for a decade in order to match and not even really practice medicine at the end too.
Besides you're also paid dirt or straight up nothing until you're 30 and you have the loans to pay back.
I made the calculation when I ended fellowship and I basically made less money than if I started being a McDonald cashier at 18 (not even going into the hourly rates...). It's finally starting to pay back but it took some time.

If you're so hellbent on making money and work as much you're better off going into finance, CS or build a business than entering med school.
You also have much more opportunities to branch out, when you're a doctor you have some flexibility depending on your specialization but it always ends with you in front of a patient.

The pros are the job security and being your own boss, it also depends on what you want to do all day. I would be depressed if I had to spend my day filling excel sheets and playing corporate games while I enjoy spending time with my patients, even if there is already way too much paperwork.

>> No.56379263

I lived in Montana. That number is flagrant bullshit, you are probably making half that. I had a friend who was a doctor there, he was making $35/hr.

>> No.56379476

Wait, can you show the math here?

Average price for 4 yeads of med school is like 300k in USA. Even with 300k salary (the guy you are responding to said it can easily go much bigger than that with dermatologists) you can pay loan back in 3 years max.

Yes, you have to study like 12.5 years (which includes bachelor). But if we compare it with all other people that want to get PhD in any other discipline its like only 2 years longer.

Ofc residents are not paid like real doctors but if we simply count that as part of education then its actually very sweet. You get paid like 70k for first year and it only gets bigger after that. And its just 4.5 years. Personally, I think it just sounds depressive if you look at residency as education (this way you spend 12 years of your life just on education) but if you look it as a junior job then its much more attractive

Computer science and finance is the biggest meme I have seen, every portal says they make what average fckn marketing manager makes.

Also the pros you listed are very important for me personally.

>> No.56379508

montana is the best state in the nation but you're gay so of course you wouldn't see that.

>> No.56379511
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>you get paid this much to pop sebaceous cysts and accutane to teenagers with acne
life isnt fair.

>> No.56379543
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>> No.56379633

>”I’m not seething you’re seething!”

>> No.56379695

Show me one dermatologist job posting in Montana, there's likely 5 in the whole state based on how even those quartiles are.

>> No.56379760

>go to indian doctor
>die of fecal matter inflammation

>> No.56379789

This is correct, just become a general doctor like all of the Indians and Pakis that have ran this same scam. Seriously my state is 2% Indian and like 30% of the non-competitive doctors here are Indian now. The drop in quality has been very swift and noticeable.

>> No.56379837

PhDs are a meme, you either do them because you genuinely love academia or you have nothing else to worry about. I've never met anyone doing a PhD that did it for the pay. Shit I worked in a lab under a guy with a PhD who was teaching at the university while going to medical school so he could get a degree where he would make more money and get more access to some super specific field he was interested in that I can't remember. He slept on the floor in the lab in 2 hour bursts. I'm surprised he lived through it. Btw my residency paid me like $34k my first year lmao

>> No.56379969

It was basically 3 years for the bachelor, 4 years of med school, 4 years of residency, 3 years of fellowship.
Overall 7 years without being paid a cent (and a 200k loan), 7 years being paid on average 60k a year, that's basically 420k - 180k with the loans. So 240k over 14 years, a McWagie made around 300k in the same interval.

> You get paid like 70k for first year
I wish, I never made 70k in 4 years of residency, more like 55k and it was with an average of 60-70 hours weeks. 70k was closer to fellowship salary.

> PhD in any other discipline its like only 2 years longer.
A PhD is almost never worth it unless you want to be an academic. Most doctors have to write a thesis because... They just have ok!
Besides I challenge you to find a PhD program where you have to do shit like staying 70 hours at the hospital and not spend a single hour working your thesis.

>Computer science and finance is the biggest meme I have seen, every portal says they make what average fckn marketing manager makes.
Well maybe the grass is always greener on the other side. My brother was a VP at 29, granted he had to live in a high COL city but now he moved to consulting he basically makes the same money in some middle-sized city with far lower costs. He already outearns the peak years of my specialty.

>> No.56380012

If or when that happens you’re long gone either way. It’s better to just die instead of prolonging the suffering by a bit to make Jews like you richer.

>> No.56380030

Maybe med school in Germany is easier

>> No.56380076

nothing what you said refuted my post you retarded nigger

>> No.56380096

>my job is meaningful,
in what way? by inflating your ego and giving you money you dont deserve for poisoning people and making gullible retards think you helped them in any measure?
youre nothing but a pharma drug dealer literally, a holymade cuck

>> No.56380100

it's to keep them turning in the hamster wheel, high medical debt and a great salary mean no one is going to question the bullshit they get fed by the pharma industry, which dictates medical care in this country. Do so and boom, you're out of a career.

>> No.56380119
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Well with that logic McWagie can make more than MIT/Harvard graduate too (if we compare the years that the latter was a student)


Maybe yall were unlucky with the residency.

Isn’t the large amount of hours residents work at a hospital compensated by the fact they don’t have to do *real* work all that time? Since like half the time they just observe the doctor, do they not?

>> No.56380128

being a jew whos attracted to high earing scamming professions seems to run in the family
>consulting lol

>> No.56380138

I found like 1 or 2 but the salary is hidden. Gotta admit you are right, shi seems dry specifically in Montana. Curious why, because its not like Montanoids don’t need skin care

>> No.56380230

Healthcare is expensive as fuck in the US even with insurance and not everyone is a rich doctor here. Most people avoid going to the doctor altogether unless there’s large quantities of blood involved.

>> No.56380254

It's sunny 3 months out of the year here when it's not wildfire season. There isn't really a beach/pool culture like other states. Also the population is barely over a million people, there's 3 or 4 clusters of a hundred thousand people living near a small city that likely has one or two dermatologists for the whole area.

>> No.56380638
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That's far below what actual US dermatologists make, especially in Montana. I make 550k as a general anesthesiologist in an Ivy League academic hospital in the Northeast (which generally pays quite a bit lower than private practice). GPs can make more than that in the US. Average salaries for GP is low 200s to upper 300s. There are jobs in rural America that pay through the nose, offers for over 500 for a GP in Alaska for example.

The reality is you are far too stupid to ever become a physician in the US by virtue of how half baked and poorly thought out you plan is. The pakis who do come here are the absolute cream of the crop from their respective countries, usually very highly published working directly with world famous doctors in their home country y and a genius to scores in the top 99th percentile they can get a residency spot in the US. But the doompill for foreign medical students and doctors is we have now done away with scores for the infamous USMLE Step1, it is simply pass fail. Which now means there is essentially zero chance any residency would risk one of their very few and sacred spots on a foreign graduate, as an insanely high USMLE Step1 score was the only really way for foreign docs and students to differentiate themselves. IT was a way to level the playing field as no amount of nepotism can get you to score good on the god-forsaken test.

Only chance you have of becoming a physician in the US is to grind it out for years in a US medical school. Everyone want these heavy paychecks but no one wants to lift these heavy books

Despite all the doomsayers though, becoming a physician in the US was an amazing decision. I am 32 and have only recently started finally earning but I work low 40 hours a week, make 550k, 8 weeks of vacation, but most importantly is I actually have a ton of fun at my job, but thats because anesthesia is a blast of a specialty

>> No.56380672

Also having insanely deep medical education lets you realize just how pants-on-head retarded most people, and especially /biz/tards are about anything related to health. I imagine the loathing I feel for normal people and their absolute stupidity when it comes to health is similar to what car mechanics or economists feel towards me when I have a question of "opinion" about cars of the economy.

>> No.56380715

Residents are not observing shit hardly, they are the backbone of most level 1 trauma center hospitals. Observing is what you do in university before med school, by the time you finish premed and then 4 years of med school, you are working and doing 99% of the time as a resident. Our neurosurgery resident operate far more than our neurosurgery attendings so for example. In anesthesia residency you are along in the room keeping the patient alive after like 2 weeks of having 1 on 1 supervision. THe difficulty ramps up very fast and the very real possibility you can get someone killed very easily if you fuck up makes residency extremely stressful

>> No.56381014

>muh residents don't make anything
>doctors are poor-fags because of that
residents make as much as engineers and specialists make almost as much as top silicon valley software engineers and vice presidents of companies.

>you can just become a CEO of a billion dollar company to outearn a dermatologist
yeah all the dermatologist has to do is calmly work his way to the age of 30 and then he'll make 300k a year.
The CEO has to be 150 IQ and have connections and rich parents and of course be paid billions by investors as seed funding.

>> No.56381034

Dermatologists have to spend a significant portion of their time using nitrogen to burn off warts from gay men’s dicks and assholes. Be glad you are not one of them for that reason alone.

>> No.56381468


>The pakis who do come here are the absolute cream of the crop from their respective countries, usually very highly published working directly with world famous doctors in their home country y and a genius to scores in the top 99th percentile they can get a residency spot in the US. But the doompill for foreign medical students and doctors is we have now done away with scores for the infamous USMLE Step1, it is simply pass fail.

I don’t think IMGs from Pakistan = IMGs from EU and I don’t think only way fro IMGs to get these spots in residency is to score more than 280 or smth. From what I have read it depends on exact specialty

>The reality is you are far too stupid to ever become a physician in the US by virtue of how half baked and poorly thought out you plan is.

Only doing residency in US is just one of the option, there are two alternatives that presumably may fix the whole financial problem you highlighted. For aliens big problem with finances is not even the price but the fact we can’t even take loans to pay for it.

1. Doing Bachelor and Med School in some blue state like Washington that presumably gives financial aid to aliens (both legal and illegal). By the time you finish the Bachelor you may already be a citizen.

2. 2 (or maybe 4, I am not sure) years of military which would both allow a quick way to become a citizen + pay for education and housing. May be frustrating that its another 2 years adeed to already 12.5 years course but can be very beneficial in the long run (no loans)

>> No.56381493

The best part is you don’t need to live in California to earn these salaries like all these top software engineers and CEOs.

>> No.56381574

I sit on the admissions board for an anesthesia residency program right now, since I did residency here and was a chief last year. Programs do not care if you went to Poland or India for med school, an IMG is an IMG; the only exception is people who go to medical school in Canada since they are considered somewhat similar in training to US. Many IMGs are actually Americans who went to Caribbean med schools (because they could not get into med schools in the continental US). Regardless of where you went to med school, if you are an IMG your chances are extremely small. They are essentially zero if you want to do a competitive residency like derm. Anesthesia is a lot less competitive than derm but still much more competitive than the bread and butter specialties and we admit 0 IMGs at my program though that is not the case everywhere. Your only real chances as an IMG are family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, and maybe Neurology and pathology. Usually the less desiarblae and the less prestigious the program the better chances of getting in as an IMG are.

Regarding point 2 yeah there are a few ways to get into US med school if not a citizen but the biggest hurdle as you mention is not being able to access the federal loans to pay for it. If you go to a US med school then you are set.

>> No.56381585

If you cannot get into US med school the pro move is to do med school in home country that is very prestigious, publish a lot, kill the US USML boards get letters etc then try and get into an internal medicine program in the US, from there you can do a fellowship in cardiology, oncology, GI, and pulmonary medicine etc for very good salaries ( yopu can make over a million a year in cardiology or GI if you are willing to work hard and live in more rural areas), and internal medicine is a very easy residency to get into compared to the hyper competitive ones or the ROAD specialties (radiology, ophthalmology anesthesiology dermatology, all of which are know for high salaries and comparatively easy lifestyles compared to say neruosurgery, orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery ENT and so on, which all pay more but work much harder

>> No.56381591

Any retard who says being a doctor is shit in a country like america where every doctor can make 300k 4-5 years out of college is a subhuman kike rat.

>> No.56381607

we dont make that much until 8 to 11 years after college lol. Med school is 4 years AFTER college, and then residency is 3 to 7 years AFTER med school and then there is fellowship if you choose to do that, another 1 to 5 years

I did anesthesia which is one of the shortest way to make money where I did 4 years med school and 4 years of residency and no fellowship to make 550k, but that is mostly because the market for anesthesia is red hot now and there aren't enough of us, usually you have to be in training a bit longer to see salaries this high. Emergency medicine used to be a good one, only 3 year long residency adn they can make 300k pretty easily, but their job market sucks right now

>> No.56381715

It’s competitive to “match”. The way medical school works is you declare a specialty in your last year (or some time before that, I don’t remember), then you do 3 (or more?) rotations in that specialty, you’ll then receive an offer from one of them to become a medical resident (this is called matching). If you don’t get an offer you don’t match into your specialty and have to try again next year or do something else.

The program is extremely competitive for derms because they’re one of the few specialties with good work life balance and obscene pay.

>Besides you're also paid dirt or straight up nothing until you're 30 and you have the loans to pay back. I made the calculation when I ended fellowship and I basically made less money than if I started being a McDonald cashier at 18

This is extremely short sighted, derms will be top 1% income earners at 31-33 years old for the rest of their working life. There’s no one on the planet that compares the life of a dermatologist to a McDonald’s cashier in a serious way, my friend lives in a fucking mansion as a 35 year old. Most McDonald’s cashiers will never have enough disposable income after their life expenses are paid to even save for a basic emergency.

>> No.56381761

I think that literally what he described (“college” = medical school”). After 4 years of medical college/school you earn 500k. Interesting how much you would earn after fellowship if you did that too

>> No.56381775

>then you do 3 (or more?) rotations in that specialty

Didn’t know about that, everywhere I have read it aays residency begins right after medical school

>> No.56381792

It’s the third year of medical school. Med school is like two years of hard studying, nobody tells you that.

>> No.56381801

You guys don't get it. Medical school isn't about JUST retaining the information, it's about jumping through the dozens of hurdles from studying to rotations to residency interviews to impressing a new doctor every fuckin month for your evaluations.

I did all that shit. I will now enjoy flexibility for the next 35 years of my working life. Currently work four tens a week and enjoy three day weekends for traveling and chilling

The majority of people on this website can do the schooling but they don't have the fortitude to push through every roadblock. Simple as...go back to your pajeetscript degree

>> No.56381818

>Simple as...go back to your pajeetscript degree

Or worse…we became mechanical engineers

>> No.56381854

4 years after medical school you are earning at least 300k per year and still you retards whine and piss yourselves.
Residents earn at least 60k a year which is NOT BAD

>> No.56381867

4 years of medical school comes after 4 years of college in the US. No one considers med school "college" in the US since they are distinctly different tiers of education, college in the US is a bachelor degree and med school gives the doctorate degree. THe 6 years total that the rest of the world does instead of 4+4 that the US does is better imo

If you dont match residency the first time, your chances drop dramatically each time, if you go two years without matching you basically have 0% chance of matching. You pick what you want to do early and tailor your research etc towards it in med school, but you dont finalize your decision until early 4th year of med school when you send out your apps.

You send out application to individual programs (of whatever specialty you chose) YOu then pray to god you get some interviews. You thank make a rank list of all your interview of 1 through 12 or however many you got. Each program then makes a rank list of every med student the interviews of like 1 through 300 or so. THese lists of each applicant and the lists from every program get put into an algorithm that then optimally matches them all. This si scary because until "match day" neither you nor the programs know where you will be going nor who will be coming to their program. The MATCH algorythm was designed to keep people from just hoarding invitations and waiting to accept until they got one they like liek you would with a normal job. Mathematically it's a brilliant process, but to live through it is fucking horrifying. THe formula has no mercy, it doesnt care where your sick parents live, your significant other lives or anything, it's pure math and brutal

Im not complaining, m making over half a million a year 4 years after med school, I love it and would 100% do it all over again, but I chose a good specialty that has good hours and genuinely fun job

>> No.56381871

sounds really easy anon, why haven't you signed up for the MCAT yet? you'll be making 60k a year while working 60-80 hrs a week in only 4 years time!

>> No.56381874
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Looks like something I described in OP (med school in Europe, residency in US) with added nuances like choosing these easy to apply residencies and “publishing”. The last one seems kinda hard if I need to write research articles while studying for my degree in Europe

>> No.56381877

It’s because medical schools are a cartel that regulate the number of doctors to keep wages high. Any time you see multiple years of schooling, licensing, internships, and testing you know you’re looking at a finely tuned machine designed to only produce an exact amount of something and allow any excess to be rejected at any previous stage.

>> No.56381901

The best move is to shoot for internal medicine if you are an IMG at community programs in midwest or southern states, can always do a fellowship after for high paying specialties ir just work as a hospitalist and be done after just 3 years of residency and still make 250s to low 300s. Shoot for programs in less desirable areas, network, publish and muter the USMLE Step 2, as in definitely get a score of >250

>> No.56381921

>The majority of people on this website can do the schooling
as an adhd fag i can guarantee i would not be able to study medicine. sometimes i went to the library with my medical student friends to study. they were studying there all afternoons and nights until the library closes and i could never concentrate on my own stuff for even 5 minutes

>> No.56381962

So for IMG

1) prestige university
2) publish medical research
3) residency in internal medicine and other specialties you mentioned as relatively easy to apply and less contested
4) residencies in hospitals in low income non-White neighborhoods

>> No.56382080
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Take your faggy shit back to StudentDoctor forums. You took out a loan of 500k and now your job will be eliminated by AI and nationalized health care. Good luck paying it back.

>> No.56382102

You'd have to pay me $1m+ to put up with the shit that doctors and surgeons do. There's way easier jobs to make good money

>> No.56382107

>coping and seething Shkreli cuck

>> No.56382143

Definitely will be but I'll be long retired by then lol

>> No.56382225

so what´s at the top of the priority list to get in the United States?