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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56373360 No.56373360 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so hard to get a job right now?

>> No.56373371

Jews enabling open border scab factory for low skill jobs and unlimited work visas for high skill jobs

>> No.56373372

The credit cycle. But you got the vibrant negro community and a lot of dead Middle Easterners out of the deficit spending so you should feel grateful.
It's going to get 5-10x worse around 6 months from now and won't get better for a year or two at least.
That's assuming the US doesn't enter a secular decline.

>> No.56373380

Unemployment is low tho?

>> No.56373382

Did they open the border even more this year?
Does that mean now is a good time to go into debt because of inflation?

>> No.56373386

be woman

>> No.56373392

There are a lot of part time jobs that pay minimum wage.

>> No.56373397

I will never be a woman though

>> No.56373403

Labor participation is very low so there's a huge pool of people to hire from even if you ignore the mass immigration. Also >>56373392 it's a bunch of people working multiple wagie jobs. The situation is pretty bleak and going to get way way worse.

>> No.56373407

sounds like its not hard to get a job then

>> No.56373412

Let me rephrase it then:
Why is it so hard to get a full time job that pays above minimum wage?

>> No.56373426

Those don't pay enough to live; they're organized hobbies, not jobs.

>> No.56373451

Have you seen the GHC shit show this year? That’s your competition in software engineering industry
And that’s only one of many competitions of high skills
The fact that shit is so bad that even Biden want a wall now tell you everything you need to know about the fucked up border situation we are in
Meanwhile Israel was next to Syria when it all went to hell and didn’t accepted one person and no one called them racist
And right now they are literally genociding Palestinians and no one saying shit either
Taking control of your nation is pretty easy, but whites are infested by a parasite called white guilt and are actively killing their own nations and themselves
It remind me of AOT when they were compelled to not fight and let Marley killed them all because of that curse

>> No.56373458

The job market has been dying since atleast the 70s barring the tech industry, globalism killed it
On the other hand, Americans with degrees are actually desirable in other countries if you're willing to relocate

>> No.56373514

why are zoomers so lazy and entitled? you gotta start somewhere kids

>> No.56373523

It's not you just over value yourself

>> No.56373537

>Does that mean now is a good time to go into debt because of inflation?
What the fuck? No. Now is the worst time you could possibly pick to be holding debt.

>> No.56373541

This. I myself started out with minimum wage and now I have 2 houses and a family of 5. Fucking kids these days got a degree and still cant get their life together

>> No.56373554

Both sides are hoarding. One is hoarding assets and the other is hoarding labor.
You killed the goose and now you're wondering where the golden eggs went.

>> No.56373555

I started out working for free and have 3 houses and 2 families. Fucking people like you are just lazy and ungrateful for the opportunities I guess.

>> No.56373628

too many people seeking for a degree, now having one, two, three degrees is nothing special desu unlike pre 2010

>> No.56373975

because the economy is in shambles? because automation is taking over? because people really haven't needed to work for quite a few generations and they need to push consumer spending on non essentials that are literally so unpopular they have to devalue your money every year just to prevent a total consumption collapse?

>> No.56374974
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The price has gone up 200% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

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