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File: 580 KB, 800x1127, draftdodging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56370899 No.56370899 [Reply] [Original]

How will you avoid the DRAFT?

>> No.56370908

I got a bad bunion can’t march

>> No.56370912

We truly live in end times when this is starting to make sense. Poop on, brother. Poop on.

>> No.56370958

I won't avoid it. If there's anything I'm really looking forward to, it's a draft.
I'll go along and train and the first chance I get to do some good sabotage I'll take it.
I won't win the war for the "enemy", but I'll leave this world with pride in my heart. That's all I need.
If they just hand me a gun and immediately ship me off to the middle east, then I'll just shoot at a couple of zogbots, hopefully kill one or two, then myself.

>> No.56371022

Probably "accidently" drop a 45 lb plate on my foot if I cant convince them Im too mentally fucked to be recruited
No fucking chance Im dying for Israel and niggers no sir

>> No.56371035

I was considering losing a couple fingers in an “accident”

>> No.56371037

There won't be an official draft. They will just raise the cost of living and crush the job market with rate hikes until the military is the only way to pay your bills

>> No.56371038

I'm 32 so i'm safe right guys? I'm also 266lbs at 6'1 so I'm too fat.

>> No.56371089
File: 21 KB, 406x596, wt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56371100

the selective service says its only from
18-25 but its probably going to get raised to 18-40 something similar to ww2

>> No.56371105

>How will you avoid the DRAFT?

>> No.56371114

why do you think the average 4channer would be useful in a draft

>> No.56371117

By being an old fuck.

>> No.56371124

>I'll go along and train and the first chance I get to do some good sabotage I'll take it.

Oh sweet summer child. Here's how it will really play out:

>anon boards plane for another 'training exercise'
>typical jump, done many times before
>doors open
>beneath you is a warzone

This is how most military fags experience their first (and last) battle, btw. You go into it, never knowing when you are actually going into a training exercise or a real thing. Hopefully your training will kick in, but either way you will be forced to kill your way out (for ZOG) if you ever want to return home.

>Thinking you have a choice

Sweet summer child... I've spoken to people at the NSA who were ex military. This is how they told me it plays out.

>> No.56371125


>> No.56371129

Minimum wage burger flippers make more than service members.

>> No.56371132

>get raised to 18-40
If it gets raised like this then the war is already lost.

>> No.56371133

Did you not read what anon said. Seems like you lack reading comprehension skills glowie

>> No.56371135

At last, the eschaton will FIANNLY be immanentized!! :D

>> No.56371136
File: 78 KB, 547x626, 1681850084103253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56371146


>pushes anon out of the plane during "training exercise" to go fight for ZOG, before his situation even dawns on him

Good luck trying to be a turncoat when you are more likely to rely on your fellow Zogbots to simply survive that situation.

>> No.56371179

well we'll be fighting on multiple fronts its going to take ALOT of people to run this logistical nightmare personally i think the best way to avoid fighting is to go join border patrol or some other law enforcement agency