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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 73 KB, 1183x756, 1697276490471843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56362945 No.56362945 [Reply] [Original]

You should unironically start a YouTube channel. Ad revenue is about to skyrocket

>> No.56362956

it won't because ad spend isn't going to increase just be diluted
anyone who can't get their adblocker working again is also the demographic that won't buy anything in an ad in the first place

>> No.56362964

Never watching ads. Period. I'll go outside and fondle grass all day instead.

>> No.56362965

buy BAT retards

>> No.56362972


>> No.56362975
File: 36 KB, 900x507, brave browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wonder if Brave browser will keep on blocking youtube ads

>> No.56362981

i will just stop using youtube

>> No.56363070 [DELETED] 
File: 470 KB, 628x731, 1654740864130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you use the private window function Brave still blocks Youtube ads and that 1,2,3 warning ad.

>> No.56363076

is there seriously not any other revenue stream that these companies can use
why does it have to be ads specifically

>> No.56363086

Lots of users will drop usage significantly

>> No.56363095

I've been using Brave and haven't gotten a single notification yet

>> No.56363113

still plenty of youtube downloaders so there is that
especially useful if you use playlists from there

>> No.56363127
File: 94 KB, 751x698, IMG_20231014_220922_633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't Brave making users cash out to a KYC account? Lmao.
Use these retards

>> No.56363133
File: 76 KB, 680x736, IMG_20231014_061827_983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah they are starting next update hahaha - https://brave.com/rewards-changes/

>> No.56363136

youtube does not make money.
google is doing this just to keep the service up.

>> No.56363174

i have never seen a youtube ad* and i have never seen op's message either

*save for sponsored content youtubers insert themselves within their video. which is how ads should be t b h, put some effort into making it fit into the flow rather than literal 20th century tier tv interruption

>> No.56363175

Literally just use the adblocker to block the notification...retard

>> No.56364121

ublock origin still works and bypasses this completely. This is a non-issue

>> No.56364702

I literally scream with anger when an ad pops up shoving a hideous black face into mine. Fuck them.

>> No.56364714

You can get an extension called Sponsorblock which skips past those sections.

>> No.56366695

this. i used to like the BAT idea until they cucked and did that nonsense.

>> No.56366984

just watch in incognito
>botnet can't track you
>no ads

>> No.56367068

They make an insane amount of money from selling your data. It's all bullshit to try and kike extra shekels out of you. Plus, somebody will just figure out a way around this.

>> No.56367076

their "solution" lasted 5 minutes
>update all lists
>anti-adblock gone
they will have to encode the ads into the video itself, otherwise it will never work

>> No.56367105

Fuck you nigger I'm never buying a ridge wallet

>> No.56367190

It took a pajeet several months to run the company into the ground kek.

>> No.56367218

>ads make a ton of money
>people hate ads and start to block them
>ads no longer make a ton of money
>instead of trying to innovate and create a better way of showing ads let's just try to get around the ad blockers
classic capitalism

>> No.56367225

ad blocker still works for me, git gub scrub

>> No.56367230

honestly i used to feel tech-inclined but as I grow older I have become more boomerish in my ways. im in my 30s and im at the point where ill just pay the 15 bucks a month, i use youtube enough that it justifies it and i dont really give a fuck.

>> No.56367236

fuck that

>> No.56367255

That's zoomerish not boomerish.

>> No.56367275

>get farmed for 180 a year
>or blow hours of your life being advertised at
Life of the lazy and low-IQ is like one long drawn out tragedy

>> No.56367291

ok chad niggers, let me know what works once youtube puts the smackdown on you, i'll let you tinker nigs work out the kinks

>> No.56367303
File: 40 KB, 872x323, Capturea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Block the popup


>> No.56367305

>doesn't used piped-video
ur welcum fagot

>> No.56367322


How come I don't see this message? Is it only in US or what?

>> No.56367326

you just stop watching it. which is why this is just a bluff by the goog. 27% of americans use ad blockers, they aren't going alienate 27% of their market just to drive a little bit of ad revenue. that's not their MO, I wish they were that short-sighted...sadly they are vastly more patient and insidious.

>> No.56367333

I would never consider paying youtube money after they politically purged everything outside of zionist gay shit. They should pay me to have access to my person to propagandize.

>> No.56367479

they definitely allow the grift right through. i have to constantly say im not really interested in watch the same bullshit videos from matt walsh and ben shapiro, even if I do hate trannies.

but I guess something about the algo just keeps em coming.

>> No.56367495

Only if you want to sell your browser history for the awesome gains of $3 a month in BAT. Its dumb considering the original premise, but you can just not use that feature.

>> No.56367520

Happened to me, I just pressed the report button and said I had no adblock and it stopped after a day.

>> No.56367907


matt walsh and kike shapiro are propagandists with the task of steering any right wing dissatisfaction into boomer zionist channels. They make you feel good about OWNING the LIBS while the Jews drag you into endless wars while stealing your nation's wealth.

>> No.56367916

that $3 will be $300 in 1.3 yrs

>> No.56367920

ive never seen this message and i use adblocker for over 10 years

>> No.56367957

It’s classic parasite jeez ceo
YouTube is over

>> No.56368052

First removed the dislike button, now forces you to watch ads.
Lol they aren’t doing good in their “creativity” department

>> No.56368058
File: 99 KB, 1080x908, Screenshot_20231014-230953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$0.00 earned
Feels bad bros

>> No.56368087


>> No.56368128

are you sure its monetized?

>> No.56368131

It's not monotized. I'm a couple hundred subs short. I can sell merch though

>> No.56368140

right wing = boomers

>> No.56368155

why would I manually type those shitty links into my browser when I can just download Brave you fucking retarded turbo nigger chink

>> No.56368205

It's hilarious how much seethe this is whole YT AdBlock fiasco is causing among poorfags. Just look at the /g/ threads they are all completely losing it kek

>> No.56368259

Neither did i. But started seeing this yesterday. They roll it out slowly

>> No.56368261

Download freetube if you dont want ads on PC. Fuck jewgle

>> No.56368270

Wrong anon, it’s actually like 11%. Let’s say half those people leave and the other half capitulate and stay watching with the ads. Well now that’s an extra 5.5% that YouTube is profiting on now, they currently weren’t profiting off the previous 11% at all so any amount that stays is just extra profit for them that they didn’t previously had, it’s a win win for them all around

>> No.56368608

extremely based

>> No.56368709

Youtube is literally unusable without an adblocker

>> No.56368720

This. Black people are ugly and I hate seeing them. If I see black people in a company's adverts or website, I will avoid buying from them and I suggest everybody else does the same.

>> No.56368830

I used to watch 4/5 hours of twitch streams a day for a few years up until this last spring when they started beating the ad blockers.
Now I watch zero hours per day.
It's the pre rolled ads that make it impossible, if I'm browsing followed streams, click one, sit through 2 ads on mute, then think fuck this guy let's see what stream #2 is doing, instantly faced with the exact same 2 ads again, if I'm stupid enough to see if stream 3 is doing something I want to watch them I see the same 2 fucking adverts 3 times within 5 minutes of channel hopping.
I've had blocks of 8 ads run on twitch mid stream, once I had the same Amazon audible advert play back to back 3 times lol
If YouTube goes the same way I'll simply stop watching

>> No.56368837

no, viewership is going to tank

people will actually think more if they want to watch a video if it comes with mandatory ad watching enforcement

>> No.56368839

I already do this unconsciously, fordd niggers in any media is insta turned off

>> No.56368841

youtube will become irrelevant.
as it should

>> No.56368868

See PI token. The theory doesn't hold true. Also what if they changed to non KYC.

>> No.56370120

People have been doing this for decades with cable tv without any hesitation you fucking retard

>> No.56370140

i managed to block this popup lmao. if the newspapers can't keep me out with a paywall youtube sure as fuck isn't going to pull this off.

>> No.56370271
File: 62 KB, 1080x742, Screenshot_20231014-231218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$0.00 earned
Feels bad bros

>> No.56370373


>If YouTube goes the same way I'll simply stop watching

Pretty much. Alternate platforms already exist that aren't as kiked.

>> No.56370823

I hate the Athletic Greens I hate the Athletic Greens I hate the Athletic Greens I hate the Athletic Greens I hate the Athletic Greens

>> No.56370855

Honestly, they probably wont

>> No.56370907

Is there any way to filter them on a browser level?

>> No.56370925

Area reaction channels still viable? I was thinking just do 2-3 videos a day reacting to the most algorithm bait/viral videos and using the rest of my time to spread my content as much as possible. I mean Ive been unemployed over 9 months Im not getting a normal job soon

>> No.56370931 [DELETED] 

perfect, lmao,

>> No.56370963

switch to odysee

>> No.56372094


I block ads at the DNS level. I see no ads unless I'm outside my house. I win.

>> No.56372951

absolutely not, people stopped watching TV in droves and flocked to streaming, piracy and whatever the fuck tiktok is

>> No.56372957

doesnt work, you have to close the overlay for the video to continue, you're just bricking yourself harder by blocking it at the dns

>> No.56373001
File: 92 KB, 1000x1000, The key to success is to surround yourself with positive people who believe in you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started a youtube channel and tiktok where I interview homeless people in my city. They air out their dirty laundry for 10 dollars and I profit under the guise of warning others about the dangers of drugs and past child abuse. It's a net positive for society.

>> No.56373007

What about though?

>> No.56373034

Soft White Underbelly, that you?

>> No.56373039
File: 94 KB, 680x519, youtuber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk what vids to make

>> No.56373050

Not quite. My interviews are done outside and I don't take trannies on shopping sprees.

>> No.56373178

If you're not giving them money and just using bandwidth then they're better off without you, so it makes sense from their POV. The big failure point is that it's so easy to circumvent still.

>> No.56373685

All we need is one giga autist out of a population of 8 billion to code a adblocker. Theres nothing Google can do to force me to watch an ad. Havent seen an ad in years. This is a war google cannot win. They are like sisyphus.

>> No.56374309

Ad blockers made (and will continue to make once they get around it) YouTube think an ad has played, so YouTube paid the money out anyway, and they also got paid.

So actually the opposite is going to happen, since when they officially block ad blockers, I will stop using YouTube and so will many others.

This might actually be the thing that fucks YouTube over and makes room for an alternative. But it would need backing from major YouTubers.

>> No.56374350

The shameless dickpill advertisement of bluechew is the craziest. I listen to a podcast, when they're talking about something serious then transition to selling dickpills right after.

>> No.56374394

Hollywood and the Videogames industry pretty gave up trying to stop piracy, very few companies still do DRM because it costs a lot of money. The money still converts because of streaming platforms and Steam, trying to stop adblockers on Youtube is just senseless greed and they will never win, I was okay with banner ads back then but the unskippable ads is too far.

>> No.56374449

>alternative platforms already exist
like what? i used to actively look for them and they all had horrible management

>> No.56374500

>/g/ threads
how are there any /g/ threads about this nothingburger?
all it took was a single update for the list caches and this thing doesn't exist again

>> No.56374861

I have 500 subscribers on my channel that I used to post videos of my construction jobs on a few years ago.
I wonder if it would be worth it to start making videos again?
My first video got 150k views, but the other two only had 5k and 10k.
I really hate the whole YouTuber trope where you have to act all gay and pander to people constantly to please the algorithm.

>> No.56374876


>> No.56374881
File: 248 KB, 913x910, 2073438261009205927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The price has gone up 200% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win. LETS FUCKING GO!!1654!!

>> No.56375035
File: 256 KB, 913x910, 43968033305023510557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The price has gone up 200% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win. LETS FUCKING GO!!1654!!

>> No.56375061
File: 289 KB, 1634x913, 4611803478856974910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The price has gone up 200% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win. LETS FUCKING GO!!1654!!

>> No.56375090
File: 256 KB, 913x910, 10058686360505161710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The price has gone up 200% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win. LETS FUCKING GO!!1654!!

>> No.56375161
File: 243 KB, 913x910, 39351888665928783342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The price has gone up 200% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win. LETS FUCKING GO!!1672!!

>> No.56375197
File: 631 KB, 1080x812, Screenshot_2023-10-16-12-41-11-94_f9ee0578fe1cc94de7482bd41accb329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People love watching mundane shit like cutting grass. I would make construction videos that have clear progression from start to finish. Like building a road with asphalt or cement pavement. Stuff that triggers boomer brains.